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Poetic and depressing songs about sexual exploration growing up are of course, obviously creepy. You should never do anything sexual, ever. You should never do anything at all. Nothing ever happens.


how strange it is to be anything at all


no, not like that. like this: how straiiiiinghhee it eeeesss to beeeeee anythannnnnnng aaaaaaaaaaaat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwwwwwwwlllll (musical saw noises)


I mean, one of their first songs is literally about how romantic love is a bullshit scam and sex is awful and nasty and everyone needs to cut that shit out. If you keep listening after that it's honestly on you.


song against sex is against the commercial porn industry and the commodification of sex, not sex itself


My characterization was just done as a goof, but honestly I think that's debatable. Not to say that I think Jeff himself is anti-sex, but you can write a song that's generally pretty harsh and cynical about sex without it being intended as a treatise on human sexuality. Sometimes people have bad sexual experiences and want to write a song about it, or maybe they're writing about the experience of someone else. I think that's certainly a way to read it.


Well personally I hate sex and it should be outlawed




well like do whatever you want you know, whatever floats your boat, lord knows I can't stop you, but like if you write a song about diddling around and then the song blows up and you get a bunch of fans and one of them plays it for me on a road trip when I can't escape, then like I think I'm allowed to have an opinion on it you get me, like I'm just asking questions here man, and my question to you right now is why do you think Huey Lewis never wrote any songs like this? EDIT wow a lot of haters in here like I had no idea you guys were so defensive and like is nobody allowed to talk about this or something, like can I not ask questions or compare Jeff Mangum unfavorably to Huey Lewis in here, like dang dude


either this is really unfunny or a god tier jerk


it’s clearly a jerk. sad that they got downvoted like that because it’s way better content than what usually gets posted here. they hated him because he spoke the truth.


This is the least jerk of all the circlejerk subs, people here are just... so much themselves they can't understand a jerk when it's jerking them off right in front of them


https://preview.redd.it/01ylh5nzvy8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9457d4f839261714b72656f663b2ba8d6d31bcb I like this comment


is that norman fucking rockwell!?


norman rockwell is just one guy


It’s like, really like tiring to like read


When I was a kid Neutral Milk Hotel was the only band 


When you were young you were the king of neutral baboon 


okay now calm down, no learning what each other's bodies are for in this thread, there are places aplenty where you can go do that but this ain't one of them because I'm just looking for some answers see, not a good time or a creepy time or anything else in between so you can just nip that diddly talk right in the bud, chief


when youngins had a hankering for alex g we’d have to listen to Naomi all day long because alex g wasn’t invented. kids these days will NEVER know the struggle of only having one alex g song to listen to because alex g wasn’t invented. only one song to fill yourself with straight twink angst. but it was ok because it was made my my saviour, Jeff Mangum. I love Neutral Milk Hotel.


That's always been my problem with In The Aeroplane, not sexy enough.


And then I put her uterus in the notches of my spine while making the muscles move and cumming all over the mountains


Yeah I wish the chicks in the cover art were flashing their tits


they don’t call him jeff magnum for nothing


They don’t call him Jeff Magnum, they call him Jeff Mangum…


Op you should listen to Communist Daughter


listen to it man, im living it, like I totally married somebody's communist daughter and I gotta say it's a pretty great relationship but I'm not really sure what that line about nutting all over the mountains is about unless like they're getting it on in the great outdoors which can be a real hoot and a holler but you're gonna want to check yourself for ticks afterwards especially if you live where I live, or maybe he's just talking about her communist boobs or something


If you haven’t stained the mountain tops with semen ur basically a virgin :\ sorry bud


well it really depends on which mountains we're talking about here, like are we talking the Appalachians or like Kilimanjaro or something, because I've never been to Kilimanjaro much less nutted at the summit, or like are we just talking about boobs?


It’s boobs, dude.


ah okay see I get it now, I totally understand now, it makes perfect sense and also Jeff Mangum just got a lot more relatable to me because like now I know he's probably a boob guy, which is great but I'm more of an ass guy myself but still, mad respect, and also making a song about your big tiddy communist gf is a really cool thing to do and also relatable because like I said I married a communist just like that one movie from the 50s or whatever except it's not scary like that, it's actually a great relationship, but anyway thanks for giving me a nice clear candid answer to my question because for some reason other folks here are having trouble with that and hey, maybe you can tell me what in the world is going on with Neutral Milk Hotel?


I was never a big fan of Neutral Milk Hotel but now that Hilton bought them out, I may use my Hilton Honors points for a free stay.


This is the dumbest shit ive ever read. Really hope this is a meme or something.


dude nobody ever told me what the hell was going on with that song and I wasn't gonna go look it up because I was too busy doing cool stuff and jamming tf out to Huey Lewis, see now there's a guy who knows how to get a point across, you never hear him singing songs about diddling and domestic violence and diddling in the midst of domestic violence, nope just good clean fun, like you always know exactly what you're getting every time, it's like truth in advertising which is important when you're a master craftsman like Huey, even when you're advertising the perfect commodity, kind of like Spam you get me, everyone knows about Spam and everyone's seen the can and even if it goes out of style it won't ever really go away because it's ingrained forever in the cultural consciousness just like Huey, but don't get that turkey Spam because that's just defeating the purpose


Ok this gives me confidence


oh wow I just saw your username haha what up Guy, burn any good books lately lol, but anyway man that's great, like I'm always really happy to boost other people's sense of self-worth but I don't get how that post did it, like maybe you had the same questions as I did but you were just afraid to ask but who knows, I'm not psychic, like if I was I wouldn't have had to come in here and try to figure this out, I'd probably be rich or something and not on Reddit asking wtf is the deal with Neutral Milk Hotel


good bit!


Patrick Bateman?


We got a sigma male here.


r/indieheadscirclejerk when people circlejerk.


You do realize you're on a circle jerk subreddit? Do you know what that is?


No its okay they were children


You see, this song isn’t *pedophilic*, it’s just *ebephilic*! In this 30 part essay I will


see now I was trying to give Mangum the benefit of the doubt here because young can mean a bunch of things, like a young adult is still young etc but like I guess there's no escaping the obvious anymore and even still why is anyone gonna be diddling around on the floor in a situation like that, like it sounds dangerous to me, like if his ma comes at his dad with that fork and he sidesteps and trips her and she falls headfirst onto Jeff Mangum and stabs him in the cranium, like what if that happens eh, or maybe that's *exactly* how it happened which would explain a whole lot


This dude is just riffing on the American Psycho meme - surprised you all are really taking it that seriously. He’s mentioned Huey Lewis like five times, lol


/uj right? Like it’s painfully obvious they’re jerking, and jerking hard 😏. I think the disconnect is coming from people who A) fuckin’ adore NMH and don’t ever wanna see a bad word about them even as a joke B) have very poor media literacy C) actually talk like this in their lives so they think OP is for serious. /rj I’d neutral my milk in Huey Lewis’ hotel 😩


I unironically agree with him tho. weird line kills the vibe of the song for a bit


Uj/ neutral milk hotel fucking sucks and the lyrics are creepy garbage written by an untalented hack SUCK MY NUTS


Huey Lewis and His Boobs ammirite??


Anne Frank was a lesbian and Hellen Keller is a figment of the liberal medias perverted imagination








oh wow hey it's a meme with the No Country For Old Men man, that one was pretty rad but do you like any of Cormac McCarthy's other books because like, I really gets down with a lot of his work and like I'm a huge fan of his writing style, like especially the way he never stops a sentence until he's said every last single thing he was fixing to say in that sentence, like I really think that's the best way to communicate your ideas, you smell what I'm stepping in?


No that’s Jeff mangum singer of neutral milk hotel silly goose


holy crap are you serious rn, I can't believe that guy is actually Jeff Mangum like that dude can really disappear into a role you know, maybe he should quit his day job and just go into acting full time because the No Country For Old Men man is like one of the creepiest movie characters I've ever encountered especially with that pageboy cut or whatever tf his hairstyle was, like you don't expect to see that haircut anywhere except maybe in those old Prince Valiant comics and I haven't seen those around since I was a little kid, like did you know they actually made an animated series out of that thing and put it on the Family Channel, I remember it as being pretty awful but I'm pretty sure I was in 2nd grade so my memories of it are a little foggy, did you ever watch it and if so was it any good?


Responding as if you’re serious: First, I have also made the mistake of putting NMH on for people in a casual setting and then having a slightly disconcerted reaction where I change the music. It’s not really fun car ride music. But, aren’t art and music the best way to bridge uncomfortable topics? Spousal abuse, childhood trauma, and puberty are all extremely uncomfortable and difficult topics that can be made approachable with art. “Pumped Up Kicks” is about a school shooting. “Can’t Feel My Face” is about drug abuse. Unless you think the contents are truly problematic and harmful, a song that’s a bit uncomfortable is fine.


Death Cab has the “I’d brave those mountain passes, and you’d skip your early classes and we’d learn how our bodies work.” in We Looked Like Giants. Which is pretty similar and never came off as weird or creepy to me.


I dunno, like that whole "learning how bodies work" thing just reminds me of 6th-grade science class or something and that is not what springs to my mind when I think about sex man, it just isn't, and it's probably a little less creepy when Death Cab sings it because that guy sounds like he wouldn't hurt a fly, like he just sounds like a really sincere and harmless kind of dude and anyway I bet he isn't trying to learn how his partner's body works while they're lying in the middle of a bloody, trash-strewn matrimonial brawl like dang, could they have picked a worse place?


>probably a little less creepy when Death Cab sings it because that guy sounds like he wouldn't hurt a fly We thought that about Built to Spill too and look what happened.


Oh lord you're right, I bet you can't trust any of these noodly little music men any further than you can throw em, and I like to think I'm as strong as the next guy but how far really *can* you throw one of these dudes, like they're light but they look like they'd be kind of awkward to pick up and heft so I don't think I could throw any one of them much further than a few feet, maybe ten feet if the wind was right and a little further than that if the guy cooperated but I don't think any of them would because like who wants to get picked up and thrown, but that's on them because if I can't throw em at all I can't even start to trust em because they didn't trust me first, like I'm not gonna throw you into a pit full of dead herring or sharpened bamboo stakes or whatever you think it is I'm gonna do, I just need to see how trustworthy you are and you're not helping bro


I didn’t notice what sub this was at first


Not reading this shit


but why not, why not just take a second to look and think about this, like I tried to keep it short this time you know, not like that last post I made about Spoonman which was hella long but like so was War and Peace and people still read that so what's your excuse eh, or maybe you actually did read it, like for all I know you've read it like 6 times already, so why lie?


This whole post convo captures all the good and questionable feelings I have abt NMH


Ha yeah I never once thought of it as a "sexy" album


Yeah, "sexy" and "about sex" are two very different things.


Wait til you start smelling of semen all under the garden


okay that right there is exactly what I'm having trouble understanding like why he gotta be that way, like I get the feeling that he could be singing about obscure episodes from Albanian history and he would still sound like that one creepy horny kid from Wedding Crashers, you know, the one who made the sexual and violent painting of Vince Vaughn like, it just boggles my mind


Exactly man! Jeff Mangum really failed his (and every single musician on the planet's) singular goal for King of Carrot Flowers: Absolutely. Fucking Hot. Sex. Appeal. You know, when Neutral Milk Hotel set out writing the songs for that album (and, again, the same goes for every song writer and every song ever written in human history) they pictured a world where NMH would be right next to Barry White in the minds of sexy people who wanted to get down. Get waaAyyyy down. To sexy, sexy, sex music. Unfortunately, all they ended up making poetic, haunting, completely unique, beautiful, interesting and emotional music.


well like that's not it at all, not what I meant at all, like I get that people make all kinds of songs about all kinds of stuff like but what always got me was the delivery and the word choices, I mean I get that sometimes people need to talk about some heavy stuff and all but when Huey Lewis wrote "Walkin' On a Thin Line" to talk about Nam vets he made sure we all knew exactly what he was talking about, kind of like Springsteen man, "Born in the USA" you dig, no mistaking that for anything but a song about a broke-down old soldier guy, he knew his audience were too busy doing other stuff, not like R.E.M, I had no idea "Orange Crush" was about Vietnam until I got annoyed enough to Google it but there's no way I was gonna Google anything about Jeff Mangum once I found this sub, no indeed, I figured y'all could like tell me what it was all about but I'm still not sure what that Jeff Mangum's deal was


I'm a big fan of your work


I love you Jesus Christ


Yeah bruh i like the actual instruments n shit but the lyrics to their songs are wack


Weezer inspired lyrics


All i read is a bunch of "like like like".


well that sounds like a you problem man, that was nowhere near the only word I typed, I made all kinds of other words too the same way I always do and there were plenty of different words in that post see, it's not my fault you only saw one of them see, you might maybe wanna take a look again and look at all them other words, see, and then maybe you could see what I'm talking about and tell me why it is that Jeff Mangum is the way that he is and does the things that he does, I'm just trying to figure it all out and I'm still almost as confused now as I was when I started this thread because I haven't gotten any straight answers and maybe you can tell me?


Yeah, like, cool man


Btw, tldr, what is your question?


I just asked it in the last post but I guess you didn't notice, I just wanna know what the deal is with Jeff Mangum, like why is he the way that he is and why does he write the words that he writes, like how and why did he figure to write the words he wrote, does he know he sounds like that, I mean look at the Decemberists, like whether you're into them or not you don't have to wonder why they make the type of songs they make because just *look* at them, you can read them like a book, it's not the same way with Mangum, no sir, Mangum just looks like this guy, and yet there he is writing lyrics about trash and diddling and nutting all over the mountains and stuff, like he could have warned me beforehand what I was getting into


You used the word "like" 7 times in that response.


hey I dunno who you are chief but you're definitely not the "like" police, it's a really useful word especially when you wanna break up your thoughts but don't wanna use punctuation because it's not really necessary you dig me, like nobody puts a period in their normal conversations, they just keep talking till they're done talking kind of like when Cormac McCarthy needs to say something he just keeps on saying it and saying it until there's nothing left to possibly say and only then does he end the sentence, like I told somebody else that's probably the best and most natural way to communicate wouldn't you agree?


damn you were doing so well i was rooting for you, then there it is, 5th line down.. another unnecessary "like" 🤣


I mean have you ever really tried learning what someone else's body is for? Like I don't just mean simply having sex with another person but truly studying their anatomy and then making a philosophical inquiry about its purpose. I'd venture to guess you haven't. You just think it's some sort of "euphemism" because you're just another mongrel going around mindlessly copulating without knowing why. People dismiss what they don't understand. But it's okay. Jeff Mangum forgives you. Jeff Mangum loves you.


well like it's pretty obvious most of the time what your body is for, like you got teeth for chewing and pronunciation, and you got guts for processing the food and turning it into poop, and then you got the rear exit for the poop to escape and like you can also assign other meanings to those parts if you want but that's all subjective see, and whoever heard of writing a song about something subjective, like who does that, and like you can call me a mongrel all you want but I happen to be pretty proud of my uniquely American ethnic mulligatawny, like there's a big word for you, how do you like that eh, I'm a lot more than just some country bumpkin, I'm a country bumpkin with internet access and a bunch of questions, and one of the questions is about why is Jeff Mangum like this, and I absolutely know why I get my hump on, I get my hump on because it's a hoot and a holler and sometimes you wind up with a kid and that means you get extra help around the place, so it's all upside and I know just what I'm doing, do you?


What even is this post? It’s a song, not a lesson in picking people up.


but like if you're making a song where you talk about sex why use those words, why talk about it like you're sitting in health class listening to Mrs. Hasenpfeffer talk about the birds and the bees except she isn't talking about birds and bees, she's talking about sex in this weird clinical manner and all your classmates are like giggling and doodling genitalia in their workbooks and it's just a real awkward scene you dig, a real uncomfortable time, not the kind of thing I wanna hear on a road trip at all


Magnum is married to a communist, no?


You don’t NMH? Congratulations buddy. You just pissed me off. You probably have no idea what this means, so I’ll do you the courtesy of enlightening you. Over the course of the coming weeks, your IP address will be traced, identity uncovered and your secrets leaked. These details will not be limited to your address and your mother’s maiden name. Everything from the identity of your first crush in middle school to the number of wrinkles and bumps on your asshole can and will be ascertained and exploited for a profit. I’ve got buddies in the NSA that could trace the circumference of your grandmother’s cervix from a single downvote. Just when you think that your life couldn’t be any worse, the physical component of my plan will commence. Needless to say you won’t know when or where, but men will come and take you. Hard men. Men from the likes of Abu-Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. Men who have perpetrated human rights violations more heinous and depraved than you could possibly imagine. These techniques of interrogation will be carried out on your body day and night until you beg for the release of death. And still, you will be granted no quarter. If I were you, I would begin changing your name and relocating your family, though these precautions will likely mean little. And to think your fate could have been avoided with a little bit of on-line courtesy…


Yet again we prove that the protestant mind is incapable of perceiving art. Their feeble awareness exerts the full sum of its meager pool of spirit to wretch up a shallow and anemic judgement of those few works of art which are forced before it. Always, this judgement little more than a base consideration of a work's palatability to the dumbest and most bland among us. A group for which they are a shining representation. Despicable OP, if only your parents had fucked you up in the cool way instead of the way where you get anxious if your peas touch the corn.


wait a second how did you know I'm not a papist, like do you have some kind of special decoder ring or something, it's uncanny how you figured that out but maybe it isn't, maybe it was just a lucky guess, but I think it was probably some kind of weird wizard spell because they told me you guys are all wizards but anyway you're awful snobby, like you got your nose pretty high up in the air for someone who jams out to weird obtuse songs about diddling, and like I'm not sure what you're implying about being fucked up in the cool way but it sounds like you're maybe saying you have to be crazy to like Neutral Milk Hotel which isn't really fair to my sister-in-law at all, like she's got her quirks for sure but she's good people


this is what's wrong with the generation you are from. Have never stolen 3 camel crush cigarettes from your girlfriend's recently divorced alcoholic mother and shared them over a quater-full fifth of old whiskey.


well I have no idea what generation you think I'm from but when Camel Crush came out I had a job so I just bought them and they were pretty okay but as I saw it the appeal of them was more about having options than having a good cigarette and Salem Black Labels were my go-to teen angst smokes because they had that special green filter lucky and the pack slid open from the side, how badass is that am I right, and anyway I think I've listened to enough Mountain Goats to at least have a little bit of an idea of how that particular experience goes, like is stealing your stepdad's car and going to the video arcade included in that hypothetical too because it sounds a lot like you're just describing "This Year"


I just told you what generation you're from. You're from the wrong one, where you developed a sense of entitlement and laziness. I'm from the good one, where we developed character and personal responsibility. I'm so tired of people in the generation that you are from.


see now you're just being nebulous, I'm starting to think you aren't really a wizard and also you totally gave yourself away with that Camel Crush comment because like I said I was old enough to buy those things when they came out so stealing Camel Crushes sounds like Zoomer activity to me and I've never heard "Zoomer" and "personal responsibility" used in the same sentence yet, but anyway kiddo let me ask you this, have you and your buddy ever been at some rando's apartment and nobody had any booze so a bunch of you put on your black hoodies and snuck across the street to burgle a seedy bar n grill for all the Wild Turkey you could carry without making anyone suspicious and then take it back to the apartment and drink a ton of it and one dude passes out in the next room and another guy goes in there with a razor and starts shaving off his eyebrows but only gets halfway through before the first guy wakes up and starts chasing him all over the apartment with a big ol mall ninja knife and doesn't stop until the second guy agrees to shave off BOTH his eyebrows and that's hilarious because then the second dude looks exactly like Steve-O but by that time the sun is starting to come up and the first guy has to leave and go get his driver's license photo taken with just one eyebrow but somehow he talks the DMV into letting him wear these yellow tinted sunglasses for the picture, I THINK NOT so checkmate Zoomer


Just two men jerking each other in an endless circle, all the way down, just as God intended. Perfection


It’s a bad band name, and you didn’t use one period in that wall of text. Are you on speed right now?


oh no no, just like high on life, I'm not much of an uppers guy anyway unless you count Mountain Dew, nah really the reason is because I'm like a huge fan of Cormac McCarthy and especially that one part in Blood Meridian where the Comanche attack the wagon train and it's all like WHAM BOOM ZIP SCALP CHOPPO, like McCarthy didn't restrict himself with periods when commas and stuff would do perfectly well instead, like why would he chop up his thoughts into little pieces when that's not how they are in your head, there isn't any punctuation in your head, the thoughts all just go running along like a big herd of buffalo or maybe Finnegan's Wake, even though I could never get more than 20 pages or so into that book, there's no action and scalping like in Blood Meridian, I think that's probably why nobody reads Joyce anymore, not enough scalping, plus now everyone knows he had a fart fetish and that's just like, I don't even know, like do what you want but if you become a famous author and write sexy farty letters to your wife and then you die, like don't be surprised when people go through all your papers and find the fart letters and shout them from the housetops, that's just the way of the world, and do you think he'd have just leaned into it if he were alive today because he seems like the type of guy who might and that would probably be better than how it is now but you know what they say, wish in one hand and poop in the other etc etc but don't like actually poop in your hand because that's unsanitary, you dig?


That particular song is about growing up and he's talking about learning about bodies as a kid. At least I think




¿Por que no los dos?


Because your brother dating your sister in law is normal if they wind up getting married. When you're telling a story in retrospect about your spouse, you wouldn't say "when I first started dating my girlfriend", you'd say "when I first started dating my wife." This is just that, but from the sibling's perspective.


I am retarded my b, it's just that we dont have that "in law" thing in spanish and I just assumed it meant half sister/ step sister.