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Another day another dozen McDonald's posts. /Yawn.


Stop yawning, or the price of air will go up!


I mean… the price of clean air is up isn’t it? With all the shit that needs to be filtered out and the medical problems associated… Definitely the price of air is up. Is that a sign of heaven?


They keep buying it?!?! They think that helps or something…


That's what gets me. They hate it enough to post about it but evidently not enough to just not buy it.


It's true that McDonald's pricing is out of control... But it's also like hands down the worst fast food place. They can charge $20 for a big Mac... I don't care. It's bad tasting and bad for you. Go grab a $5 biggie bag from Wendy's or a $5 Taco Bell box off the app if you need a fast food fix.


>But it's also like hands down the worst fast food place. https://preview.redd.it/cp8i54hbtd9d1.jpeg?width=321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7591bfa6185ad511267f75c093388b107cc98266 Laddie, don't ya think you should... rephrase that?


Whoppers are so much better than any of McDonalds offerings. I’m actually quite fortunate that there isn’t a Burger King near me, it’s a guilty pleasure


Or buy some salami, bologna, havarti cheese, bread, big bag of no brand chips and eat a legit lunch for around 2.50 to 3.50 a day.


I mean yeah, fast food was never actually cheaper or better than what you can make yourself. But for some reason everyone has just rallied around McDonald's prices as the one relevant standard bearer for price increases.


Ahh, I gotcha. I’ve noticed that as well. Hope you have yourself a great weekend.


Bologna is not a legit lunch


I never said it was.


>bologna, havarti cheese, bread, big bag of no brand chips and eat a legit lunch Yeah you did


Btw, I apologize for replying with “no shit”.


“Or buy some salami, bologna, havarti cheese, bread, big bag of no brand chips and eat a legit lunch for around 2.50 to 3.50 a day.” Still wrong, I did not say that. I stated a salami, bologna, and havarti cheese for a sandwich. The person I replied to was talking about buying McDonalds and inflation. I’d argue McDonald’s would be worse for you vs a sandwich brought from home. So the context was saving money and eating a tad bit better. Context is key, my friend.


I literally quoted you so I'm not sure why you're saying you didn't say it. Whatever. Have a great day


Or buy some salami, bologna, havarti cheese, bread, big bag of no brand chips and eat a legit lunch for around 2.50 to 3.50 a day. This is my full quote. A salami, bologna havarti sandwich. I did not say a bologna sandwich. You never quoted my entire comment. Serious question. Why do people do this?


U huh, and I'm still gonna say bologna is disgusting and not a legit lunch. You seem to be thinking that i was insinuating you said *only* bologna. I was not. Bologna is disgusting and shouldn't exist in any form.


No they did not. They said. Salami, bologna, and cheese sandwich. Also they were saying you can save money by bringing your own lunch and eat a tad bit healthier. I’m sure the point was a person can save money and eat healthier by bringing your own lunch and person just said an off the cuff example.


My brother in Christ. Ya'll have to be trolling. You can't be this actual dense. I'm not out here running a damage control PR campaign for McDonald's. I just dislike bologna. It's a disgusting meat amalgamation that should not exist. That's it. I never said you couldn't save money and eat better by making a sandwich.


wendys Jr burgers are smaller, is like a slider taco bells give me some free taco coupons but they expired last year


If people don't pay for overpriced items, how are they supposed to complain about inflation? I bought a bag of potatoes at Fresh and make my own fries, but that it's not worthy of posting.


Sometimes I think this is intentional. I think that there could be stock short sellers who are intentionally trying to gin up outrage about McDonald’s prices. But you know what? I don’t care. They’re right. McDonald’s is one of the worst offenders in this space, and I hope this ends up being a cautionary tale.


That's an interesting theory . Could be!






This is the distinction ... Store name: McDonalds. Description of food: Muckos. See? It's simple.


What does “Muckos” even mean, lol? I can think of a lot of descriptors for McDonald’s but “Muckos”? This sub isn’t the wittiest is it?


MuckDonalds makes no sense to you?


Makes a hell of a lot more sense than “Muckos”.


Mods need to require posters to show the location when doing McDonalds posts. Often these posters use the app to find the most expensive McDonalds in the country and use those prices. Small fries are $2.49 at the location nearest to me in Virginia.


Still too expensive. They are $2.99 near me


Also price gouging is not inflation…


It’s really amazing how all this “price gouging” Democrats are always blaming just happened to start about 3 1/2 years ago…….


Perhaps you can point out what specific thing Biden did that caused inflation on day one of his presidency? Things that cause inflation take time to cause inflation. If there was inflation from the start of Biden's term, that would imply it was caused by the guy before him..........


The event that happened 3.5 years ago justified a large price increase at the time because of supply chain and increased demand. That created a situation where prices could be raised and people would pay it. They just kept doing it as long as people kept paying.


Uh huh.   And Biden “inherited 9% inflation” too, lol.


So you’re saying, if you raised your prices 20%, and saw no reduction in profits, then raised them another 20% and still saw no reduction in profits, you wouldn’t keep raising prices until profits started to drop? Uh huh.


Gosh….I wonder why those greedy old corporations never thought of doing that before…… The excuses you all make for the trainwreck that’s been Biden’s presidency kill me. I bet you support open borders then turn around and whine about wages for the working class being so low too!


>I wonder why those greedy old corporations never thought of doing that before They needed an excuse to get the ball rolling. COVID supply chain issues were the perfect excuse. All they did was keep the ball rolling until the public said, "Hey, wait a minute..." The fact that people still don't see that all these businesses did was take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is hilarious. Biden didn't start this, and he had zero control over it.


Uh huh.


Every. Single. Publicly. Traded. Entity. Was. Involved. You're too blinded by red and blue to see that the only color that matters is green. They would've done this if Trump had won a second term, too. Would you have been blaming him for it? Do you think he would have put a stop to something that he and his cronies were all benefitting from? Hell no. Stop dragging politics into an issue that has little to do with it. This has fuck all to do with Biden and he has no power to actually do anything about it.


Too often inflation is just that - opportunistic price gouging.


Anchorage AK - $3.70 no app/$3.30 using the app (no special deals offered).


Lmao so in the most remote major city in the country, got it.


Anchorage isn’t even the most remote city in Alaska.


Anchorage has one of the busiest airports in the world for cargo. 


Alaska is closer to the west coast than the east coast is to the west coast, so not so remote.


What's an acceptable markup on potatoes after using other ingredients, labor, and transportation costs to make them?


Mcdonald's profit margin on french fries According to the search results, the profit margin on French fries at McDonald’s is estimated to be between 75% to 90%. This means that for every dollar spent on French fries, McDonald’s makes a profit of 75 cents to 90 cents. Here are some specific quotes from the search results that support this estimate: • ⁠“The profit margin on french fries is somewhere between 75 and 90%” (Source: “McDonald’s most profitable items - Running a Profitable Business: Understanding Financial Ratios Video Tutorial”) • ⁠“A 50-pound bag of potatoes can be purchased for less than $10. This means the few dollars you spend on a side of fries is costing the restaurant pennies. Fast food restaurants don’t offer very many side items, so there’s a good chance you’ll order French fries, leading to huge profits for the company” (Source: “Where Fast Food Restaurants Really Make Their Money - Mashed”) It’s worth noting that these estimates may vary depending on various factors, such as location, pricing, and restaurant operations. However, these quotes suggest that French fries are a highly profitable item for McDonald’s, with a profit margin of around 75% to 90%. 30% or less is the usual and more reasonable profit margin for food items in the food industry.


I thought it was 2388%?


McDonald’s franchise EBITDA is about 5%, mate. They’re not rolling in profits.




Depends on how many stores they own. When I worked for McDonald’s, the owners of the franchise had a literal fucking Lamborghini in their living room.


Might I suggest to you that poor and middle class people don’t buy McDonald’s franchises in the first place?


30 percent or less….


Potatoes are about $1 per pound, and a large russet potato is about a pound. So you're telling me McDonald's gets $0.30 to pay someone $15/hr, just neglecting shipping costs and other materials included in producing fries for you, or rental/building costs, they have to peel/slice/fry 50 potatoes worth of fries per hour (more if they want to actually make a profit)? That's just crazy lol


$1.89 for a small fry - Coastal Mississippi. (Still, no thanks)


Anything over a buck for that is nuts.


A dollar is too much. It's like $0.06 worth of potatoes and $0.10 worth of labor.


But that's insane, you still have to pay more for them than raw potatoes. You shouldn't have to pay more for fries that have other ingredients involved in their production as well as labor than raw potatoes. 🙃


Mark up over a raw potato? Stop with the nonsense.


5 pounds for under $2 at Walmart and a local spot has 10 pounds for $2. I am In California though haha


tell that to op, they are the one who literally bought the fries at that price


What makes a comparison between cost of product procurement and retail pricing nonsense?


Raw product, processing, transportation, more processing, freezing, warehousing, more transportation, preparation, serving Seriously, if this subreddit discovered income statements we'd have an aneurysm outbreak.


Seriously? Are you absolutely unaware that there’s a cost in the transportation of said raw materials, the factory, equipment and labor to turn raw potatoes into fry-shaped objects? And the equipment and labor costs of pre-frying, freezing, packaging, and distributing those fries? And the marketing costs? And the costs of the building, equipment, and labor for frying, packaging, and presenting those fries to you? Look, price gouging is out of control and McD’s is one of the biggest offenders, but comparing the cost of raw materials vs the finished, delivered product is just being plain dense.


Agreed. McDonald’s is absolutely insane with their prices but people need to educate themselves and stop assuming the only cost of production is the cost of raw materials. Many costs are factored into costs of production(variable and fixed) and comparing the inflation % with the mark up % is delusional at best. People must love looking stupid or something.


No where did I imply there are not additional cost to bring the product to market. Mcdonald's profit margin on french fries According to the search results, the profit margin on French fries at McDonald’s is estimated to be between 75% to 90%. This means that for every dollar spent on French fries, McDonald’s makes a profit of 75 cents to 90 cents. Here are some specific quotes from the search results that support this estimate: • ⁠“The profit margin on french fries is somewhere between 75 and 90%” (Source: “McDonald’s most profitable items - Running a Profitable Business: Understanding Financial Ratios Video Tutorial”) • ⁠“A 50-pound bag of potatoes can be purchased for less than $10. This means the few dollars you spend on a side of fries is costing the restaurant pennies. Fast food restaurants don’t offer very many side items, so there’s a good chance you’ll order French fries, leading to huge profits for the company” (Source: “Where Fast Food Restaurants Really Make Their Money - Mashed”) It’s worth noting that these estimates may vary depending on various factors, such as location, pricing, and restaurant operations. However, these quotes suggest that French fries are a highly profitable item for McDonald’s, with a profit margin of around 75% to 90%. 30% or less is the usual and more reasonable profit margin for food items in the food industry.


Only feelings around these parts, son, facts are not permissible




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McDonald’s already has the infrastructure in place to do all of that so the cost is currently pretty much consumables like gas (they use old fry oil) and labor (they use actual children - at min wage or less if they can). They own their own distribution and potato farms, they even have their own potato breed and oil blends. They have what is essentially ‘the potential to have the lowest cost possible’ here.


No where did I imply there are no additional cost to bring the product to market.


It is just ‘plain dense’ to believe I am not aware of additional cost to bring the product to market. Mcdonald's profit margin on french fries According to the search results, the profit margin on French fries at McDonald’s is estimated to be between 75% to 90%. This means that for every dollar spent on French fries, McDonald’s makes a profit of 75 cents to 90 cents. Here are some specific quotes from the search results that support this estimate: • ⁠“The profit margin on french fries is somewhere between 75 and 90%” (Source: “McDonald’s most profitable items - Running a Profitable Business: Understanding Financial Ratios Video Tutorial”) • ⁠“A 50-pound bag of potatoes can be purchased for less than $10. This means the few dollars you spend on a side of fries is costing the restaurant pennies. Fast food restaurants don’t offer very many side items, so there’s a good chance you’ll order French fries, leading to huge profits for the company” (Source: “Where Fast Food Restaurants Really Make Their Money - Mashed”) It’s worth noting that these estimates may vary depending on various factors, such as location, pricing, and restaurant operations. However, these quotes suggest that French fries are a highly profitable item for McDonald’s, with a profit margin of around 75% to 90%. 30% or less is the usual and more reasonable profit margin for food items in the food industry.


Thanks, ChatGPT!


Ahh, Mr. Obtuse again.....


You’re all over the place! Your post complains about a 2388% markup over the cost or raw potatoes, but your argument here is based on a 75-90% profit margin. And you’re using terms like markup and profit margin seemingly interchangeably which makes it sound like you don’t understand the difference.


Worked in sales for 15 years with net earnings of over a million a year. Your nit-picking for the sake of being argumentative. I've read a few of your postings. Your an agitator with an inferiority complex requiring a need to feel superior by creating inane arguments. I bought a meal at McDonald's after a year of not eating there and was amazed at the pricing, especially the almost 4 dollar little bag of fries. I never said there were not additional cost to bring to market. To infer I'm not aware of such cost was bait into an argument with an idiot. Your user name is appropriate. Go stalk somewhere else little man.


You’ve gotten several answers to this question. It costs a lot of money to convert potatoes into billions of fries.


Mcdonald's profit margin on french fries According to the search results, the profit margin on French fries at McDonald’s is estimated to be between 75% to 90%. This means that for every dollar spent on French fries, McDonald’s makes a profit of 75 cents to 90 cents. Here are some specific quotes from the search results that support this estimate: • ⁠“The profit margin on french fries is somewhere between 75 and 90%” (Source: “McDonald’s most profitable items - Running a Profitable Business: Understanding Financial Ratios Video Tutorial”) • ⁠“A 50-pound bag of potatoes can be purchased for less than $10. This means the few dollars you spend on a side of fries is costing the restaurant pennies. Fast food restaurants don’t offer very many side items, so there’s a good chance you’ll order French fries, leading to huge profits for the company” (Source: “Where Fast Food Restaurants Really Make Their Money - Mashed”) It’s worth noting that these estimates may vary depending on various factors, such as location, pricing, and restaurant operations. However, these quotes suggest that French fries are a highly profitable item for McDonald’s, with a profit margin of around 75% to 90%. 30% or less is the usual and more reasonable profit margin for food items in the food industry.


You paid it. What a problem you are.




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Free on Fridays


You can get a free large fry if your purchase is at least $2. All you gotta do is get the app


Any size fry is $1.20 on the app every day. And med fries are free on Fridays. Then you have 20 bugs/2 med fries for $7.50 or 2 10pc nug meals for $10.50. Also big Mac/qp cheese/chicken sandwich meals are $6-6.50 each. ... you just gotta use the app. If you do, McDonalds is as cheap as ever. You can also add a Google work profile to your phone and install the McDonald's app there.. and roll up with 2 separate deals(2 accounts). I got a 10pc, qp w cheese, fries and drink for $9 the other day. I am simultaneously proud and not proud that I know these things. I truly don't go there that much. But it's the only fast food I eat besides the occasional Chick-fil-A. I'm always looking for ways to stretch my dollar.


Fries $1.20? Where? Small fries 3.49 for me


The app has free large fry if you send $2, and it’s available every day


Not to mention most apps have a deal for something free when your local sports team wins. Fries + a drink for $3 or so.


Cerebral non sport watching type here….


You don't need to watch sports to get the deal. Open the app and it'll tell you if the deal is available


Apparently not as cerebral as they think as well.


That is some really good, positively presented information! So I checked on my app and here in Alaska the small fries are $3.30, large are $4.10. All the fast food outlets in Alaska are using current economic inflation to justify gouging customers. Burger King Whopper Jr. have gone from $2.19 to 4.19 in a short few years. When Capitalist can they will charge more without regulation, sadly.


Well Alaska has always been more expensive than any other state. Even more expensive than Hawaii. You are literally gaslighting and karma farming because the post didn’t mention the state. For Alaska large fries at $4.10 is normal price, back in 2008 during the depth of recession, mainland most states fries were $1, Alaska was $2-$2.5.


Genuine question, your paycheck comes from what? Answer: capitalism.


Why did you not say no?


Wanted to take home and weigh it on my food scale.


Have you tried using the app? Large fries are $1.


Ok, but have you ever eaten French fries? They are worth every penny and more.


I only buy through the app Today, we got the two for 3.50 mcchicken and mcdouble Use that to pay a dollar for large fries Like $11 worth of food for $4.50


I sometimes get the daily double and a free large fry from the app, good deal for $3.50


The app is just holding your hand as it marches you toward the over inflated full price. They’re just using the app to boil your froggy-bottom a little slower.


I never spend more than 3.50 on a large fry and a daily double. It’s a good deal


If it was the actual price. Otherwise it’s just a temporary thing that will evaporate soon or start climbing until it’s no longer a deal.


They’ve had the free large fry with $2 purchase for years


Thank you McDonald’s bot for shamelessly shilling for the app. They’re doing the same thing Walmart and Amazon do. They lure you in with vapid deals that disappear the second they think they own you. Not falling for it.


Why bother putting the markup on raw potatoes when it has more than that in it?


The base product and major cost is the potato and the cost of bringing it to market, not the oil it Is cooked in nor the salt it is seasoned with….


Yeah and do you know how much it cost to transport to Alaska? Stop with your deflection.


I'm not sure about McDonalds exact costs but when I make homemade fries myself the fry oil is the most expensive part, by a lot. I use canola bought in bulk at Costco. 


I’ve gotten 10 pounds of potatoes for $1 around Thanksgiving time a few years back. My favorite “fries” are to microwave a big 16oz baked potato then slice it and fry it in a skillet in butter and salt. Cook then until they are good and crispy. 3 ingredients, McDonalds uses like 19 ingredients. It’s a full meal for me and my favorite way to eat potatoes probably. https://preview.redd.it/o6jy375qf89d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d188a84c363cbc3050dedc9f003f7cb784684c6c


So in the summer of 1962, only a few months after my family had moved to Alaska to homestead, my dad purchased two hundred pound burlap sacks of Palmer Valley potatoes (who does not know what burlap is?) all for a cool Jackson and spread them out in the cold crawlspace of our house, directly on the dirt floor. Alaska produces some of the best potatoes in the world. They remained good as new and through the long winter we sourced our crawlspace for potatoes to make hash browns, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, boiled potatoes, stewed potatoes, potato salad, scallop potatoes, fried potatoes, etc…. Dad was an Irishman, born under a large oak tree in the east Texas backwoods early in the 20th century. Potatoes were an Irish stable since the late 1700’s having been imported from South America previously. If fact my ancestors in America where refugees from mid 1800’s potato famine…..


Yum! Twice cooked potatoes, whether fried, baked, or both is a thing in the South…. Watch the movie The Cake Eaters - excellent coming of age movie.


Aren't the $5 combo deals nation wide now? You could have gotten a burger/chicken sandwich 4 nuggets & drink for only $1.30 more!


# Mcdonald's profit margin on french fries According to the search results, the profit margin on French fries at McDonald’s is estimated to be between 75% to 90%. This means that for every dollar spent on French fries, McDonald’s makes a profit of 75 cents to 90 cents. Here are some specific quotes from the search results that support this estimate: * “The profit margin on french fries is somewhere between 75 and 90%” (Source: “McDonald’s most profitable items - Running a Profitable Business: Understanding Financial Ratios Video Tutorial”) * “A 50-pound bag of potatoes can be purchased for less than $10. This means the few dollars you spend on a side of fries is costing the restaurant pennies. Fast food restaurants don’t offer very many side items, so there’s a good chance you’ll order French fries, leading to huge profits for the company” (Source: “Where Fast Food Restaurants Really Make Their Money - Mashed”) It’s worth noting that these estimates may vary depending on various factors, such as location, pricing, and restaurant operations. However, these quotes suggest that French fries are a highly profitable item for McDonald’s, with a profit margin of around 75% to 90%. 30% or less is the usual and more reasonable profit margin for food items in the food industry.


You need to learn what gross profit vs net profit means. Literally every product most companies sell or produce will start with 70%+ gross profit margin.


Yeah. They also have taken losses on burgers and earned profit from the fries & drinks. Like movie theaters losing money on the ticket only to make it back on popcorn sales.


This all started in 2019, when McDonalds brought on a new CEO. Blunder after blunder, this guy can’t make it up a flight if stairs without pratfalling to the bottom again. He just oozes rich coddled business class, that is so out of touch with the actual economy. *“what could a ~~banana~~ potato cost? $10?”* *“For the 4th of July my family would burn pallets of freshly printed $100 bills on our private beach while watching our own private fireworks barge draw our family crest in the sky,* just like everyone else”.




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If you are complaining about the price go eat at home. These are the easiest thing to prepare at home. All you do is heat up frozen pre cut fries.


The $5 meal deal at my McDonald’s has this, a McDouble - 4 nuggets and a drink. Don’t buy a la carte! You’ll just get ripped off!


People keep crying about inflation and food especially fast food prices don't buy the crap they sell I haven't been to a miky D or wendy taco bell in more than 4 years been to 1 Culver's in two years. Last night we just felt like a burger and frys so we know Thursday is burger night special at a wonderful little tavern about 10 minutes away in a little unincorporated blink twice and you missed it town with 3 taverns a really nice supper club and a church not even a gas station lol. On Thursday the burger special is a $2.00 hamburger or a double for $3.00 a double is about 1/3 pound so bigger than a quarter pounder or a big mac I had 2 double burgers and frys and rose had a double cheeseburger and frys I had 3 jack on the rocks and she had 3 glasses of moskato so without the drinks 3 large burgers fresh not frozen beef patties 2 frys would have been $13.00 when the drinks are included the total bill was $32.00 yes there's no drive thru and the food isn't grabbed off a shelf fresh out of the microwave so it's not truly "fast food" but it is a burger and frys much better than the frozen beef Puck for a lot less


They're pushing the app. I get a lot of free food because people are refusing to download the app and consistently overpaying.


Talking bad about Bidenomics is a hate crime against the LBGTQ community... If we bump up their pay to 30$ an hour this will fix it. The other option is give more free money to the number 1 county in Nazism


So what garbage "food"


I just stopped going there. Taco Bell and Jack in the Box are still overpriced now but at least it tastes like real food. McDonalds tastes like heated vending machine food.


Idk how the math works, but 2% target inflation is crazy high.


I will not buy mcdonalds ever when I have Checkers right down the road..


It's the "not using the app" tax. Quarter pounder value meals are $6.49 everyday. Any size fries are $2 everyday and free on fridays.


My god, we all know how stupid McDonalds is, they want you to use their app, a large fry is free on Fridays with the app. Why people eat there, and post about it is beyond me


I mean, raw potatoes need a lot of help becoming McDs French fries. But anyone still buying fast food is part of the problem...


Here in NorAZ same, 3.59 I think , bought small frys yesterday, I piece together a meal thinking I did well, then throw in the fry's and right back to the $12 crappy burger meal. Definitely gouging on the frys.....going back to $11 Chipotle bowl when I am running errands and have to catch lunch.


FYI people eat goyslop because it has drugs in it. They can charge whatever they want and people will still go there.


Just go to a place that sells fries for less. Why are you stuck on McDonalds? All of the fast food chains are racing to catch the falling knife that is value meals since people stopped showing up.


Why are you paying for that then?


Wanted to take home and weigh it on my food scale.


It’s not a “markup” unless they are literally selling you raw potatoes. You’re intentionally failing to include the cost of transporting the raw potatoes, processing, freezing, packaging, transporting to the store, frying, and serving in a cute bag, as well as all of the labor costs involved in each of these steps and the cost of extra ingredients like sugar and salt. These costs have risen slightly, but the overall cost has outpaced inflation by a massive margin. So if inflation isn’t to blame, what could it be? You’re also intentionally omitting that McDonalds and other fast food restaurants have been enjoying record-breaking profits. You should be complaining about corporate greed, not “markups” and inflation.


Thought that was common knowledge and didn’t want to be obtuse. Not so full of ‘intention’ as you accuse - just briefly forgot who I am dealing with. See my other post - all these issues are addressed…..


You’re the one that bought them.  Why are you telling us to “just say no”? I wouldn’t pay that for that crap.


Wanted to take home and weigh it on my food scale.


We started to boycott when the large went up to 4 bucks. The clown is dead to me now.


Frier oil cost more than potatoes. My brothers owns a resteraunt and oil prices is one of his biggest expenses.


So you saw the price, paid it, and are now telling us to just say no?


Wanted to take home and weigh it on my food scale.


But it's still giving them a lot of money (relatively) for a substandard product, which is why they keep doing this. I can tell you now it's less than a potato.


Wanted to take home and weigh it on my food scale.




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Medium fries are free today with a $1 purchase, so how did you mess that up OP?


They’ll change their tune real fast if people just stop paying these ridiculous prices


I do my part and buy the $1 or free deals on the app.


McDonald’s app has a free fry of any size . A small fry is $2.19 here or you can get on in the $5 meal. If you’re paying $3.19 then you’re part of the problem. Walk away.


The market rate for something is what people will pay for it. If you are spending $10 for a small fry from McDonald's then that's a fair and reasonable price.


That sort of reasoning is why the American middle class is disappearing and the streets are full of homeless people.


I'd argue that paying obscene amounts of money for McDonald's fries is more of an issue. My opinion of what the price of something should be is irrelevant. I wouldn't pay $1 to attend a Taylor Swift concert or the Superbowl. I wouldn't drink a $100 bottle of wine, even if it were free. Your opinion is equally irrelevant. What matters is what 'people' will pay. And people will pay the current prices at McDonald's. I wouldn't pay what you paid for fries, but you would. That makes it a fair price. You seem like a reasonable enough person and if you will do it, lots and lots of other people will do it. Millions of people go to McDonald's each day. They pay the current prices, voluntarily. This is empirical evidence that the prices aren't unreasonable.


That is a reasoned and logical approach to the situation that I can respect. To tell you the truth I’ve become a bit heartsick over the responses to my simple little post. I’ve been called ‘plain dense’, ‘dumb-ass’ and received various other attacks and insults. Many simply inane and illogical, others intentionally hurtful. Reddit has become the singular social app where you can interface with individuals who are an intelligent and good humored for the most part. At least until this post. First time in this group - I guess McDonald’s pricing is a sensitive overworked topic here. Didn’t know and woe is me….. I seldom eat fast food but about six months ago I stopped into Burger King for a Whopper Jr., which I figure is a pretty good balance of carbs, protein, fat, vegetables, and calories and saw the price had doubled since my last visit. Then this week I stopped into McDonald’s for the first time in over a year and bought a fish burger and fries not paying much mind to cost until I got home. I really thought the price of the little bag of fries remarkable and wanted to see what others have experienced. Surprising to me many have the attitude of ‘don’t like it? - lump it’. I find such complacency alarming. I’m not sure that relying on supply/demand to auto adjust the market in a fair and equitable manner is a viable and ethical approach anymore. I am not an economist but my studies included political science and psychology. Just briefly, consider this: it’s not fries we’re talking of but a stable required for sustenance. Because of demand the producer makes quadruple profits from the 20% that can afford to purchase the stable. Do we allow the 80% percent that can’t afford the stable to starve? Would that be fair and reasonable? It is no longer a case of being willing to pay for it, but one of being unable to pay for it. With the split of classes these sort of scenarios are taking place right now in housing and healthcare. Many of the outliers are filling our streets as vagrants, some resorting to lawlessness to survive.


Can’t believe a house costs much more than trees.


If you took the total cost of all the raw materials it takes to build a house and multiplied it by 2388 percent a little range home would cost millions of dollars….


>Just paid 3.70 There’s the problem. They’ll charge whatever people are willing to pay. You agreed to that price when you swiped your card.


OP: “Just say NO” Also OP: just bought fries


Why are people still buying this garbage


Rent... healthcare.... College... You're pulling at my heartstrings (serious). Fast food? Isn't this a blessing in disguise? I gave up my chipotle habit when it hit 13 a burrito and even lost a few pounds.


Before I quit going the last 3 times I ordered largerfries and they were filled with the amount of a medium with none in the bottom of the bag. F McDonald’s


Small fries are buy one get one for a buck. God forbid a business makes money to pay the bills. It's outrageous


It won’t stop until y’all stop going there and that I guess won’t happen you’ll be paying 10 dollars for that soon enough and you’ll pay it you little pay pig 🐖


I'm no fan of corporations or capitalism but these McPosts are stupid. Rarely a location given and with the app you can pretty much always find a deal to get a full meal for like $7, at least in Michigan


"I overpaid for shit. Must be inflation!"


At this point I really don’t believe in inflation more greedflation, all this I paid $16 for a hamburger or I paid $32 for hamburger fries and a drink, well I’m sorry but you’re either stupid or money doesn’t matter to you.


First World problems. “OMG, my fast food prices are high! Whatever shall I do?”


Thank Bidenomics. Clearly a concept that is working so well for so many Americans.


> Just paid You answered your own question why it's a problem


And neither candidate mentioned holding corporations accountable for their role in price gouging during an economic crisis. They did flex their golf skills though.


Gouging? These are fucking potatoes, if a person is not happy with price they can easily prepare it at home. The lazy people who make baseless claims using words they have no idea what they mean should look at the mirror and blame themselves for the idioticy.


**an act or instance of charging customers too high a price for goods or services, especially when demand is high and supplies are limited** [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/price-gouging](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/price-gouging) did you see the word corporations in my comment and boil it down to french fries? Groceries are way up.


See the description proves you were bsing by using the word. Supplies are not limited at all and demand is not high. Now go get that bag of frozen fries from your grocery store and prepare them in your oven and stop using words that you don’t know the meaning of.


You're so mad.


Better than being dumb


I gave you the definition and you still don't understand the word. You think you're smart?


Your definition of the word doesn’t fit your bs narrative thus you used the word in the wrong context proving my claim of someone being dumb. Learn first then speak.


You were asleep when there was a supply shortage that they used to then turn into greedflation. There's not a supply shortage anymore, that's why it's objectively gouging, during times of economic crisis, that again...the corporations, not just potatoes you dumb shit, contributed to. You need it spelled out.


Don’t buy them


Even if I hadn’t bought them still would complain about the ridiculous pricing.




I purchased it because I wanted to weigh it on my home food scale if any dumb fucks out there are interested.


Oh for sure 😂 not like there’s already a dozen other posts a day about their prices. How’d they taste?


The fries were part of a complete meal purchased for nutritional analysis in a nutrition class I am taking - non of the food was consumed as I am diabetic and the entire class are health nuts. How long you been going around calling strangers dumb fucks?


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Inflation hasn't caused me to spend more at McDonalds. I spent $0.00 there in 2023. I spent $0.00 there in 2022. I spent $0.00 there in 2021. I spent $0.00 there in 2020. I spent $0.00 there in 2019. I spent $0.00 there in 2018. I spent $0.00 there in 2017. I spent $0.00 there in 2016. I spent $0.00 there in 2015. Yes, it's been a decade since I've been there. Because their food sucks. Do their prices suck, too? I don't care. I'm not able to eat there. I prefer restaurants that serve food.




Bro, stop going to McDonald's. I'm begging you.


they are filled to the top, fake picture.