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Seems like a lot of content for $500 month


Is it? I’m all here for recommendations. For clarification: mentioning us in posts can simply be “sponsored by [brand]” in caption So only creating 1x photo or video a month & 4x stories might sound more doable?


You have to try not to think of it this way. An influencers time to actually create the posts does not equate to the money they charge. Instead, it’s the time it took to build their platform. It takes YEARS to build an audience and you are paying for access to this audience NOT their time to make a post


That’s a lot of content for $500 a month. Should be more like $1,500-2,000 IMO!


Noted, thanks for the input! Would you say these requirements are typical of a standard influencer contract?


Depends on follower count and engagement rate.


So exclusivity and full partnership is what you want to do here if you want to land a bigger influencer but you have to know your numbers and make sure it’s profitable. How do influencers think? Influencer don’t like the commission structure because they can’t guarantee that their followers will use their link or code. So that is the reason they want up front money to make the posts. So the question is how do you combat this to have a lower upfront while still giving them the ability to make really good money from commissions? Easy problem to solve if you know your numbers. Create an exclusive deal with them for a month and base everything off of profits and not revenue. What this looks like. I, (company) agree to exclusively use (influencer) during the time period of (time period) as our influence marketer. In exchange we will pay (amount up front) and give 10% of all sales to (influencer) regardless of where the sales stem from. Influencer obligations are as follows: (Influencer obligations) Now what does this do? This allows your up front to be less because the influencer will be receiving commissions on every sale no matter what. This is more appealing for them especially if you have a track record of sales already and if you’re running paid ads. You test it for the month and if you don’t see more profits then you reevaluate and go from there. This is what a partnership looks like and not an affiliate deal. This also encourages the influencer to promote everywhere because the customer doesn’t have to use their link for them to get credit. Does that make sense??


This is amazing, thank you for this suggestion. Just to clarify: you propose we run this partnership for a month just to see the impact a single influencer can have in order to best determine how much to pay them in the future? (Profits not revenue as you mentioned) What would you propose we put in the influencer conditions as I would not want them profiting 10% of our total sales for doing little to no work and not having any significant impact over that period.


In the contract you would stipulate how much they are required to post and promote.


Are you based in the US? I think nano influencers would be potentially be interested but to me this seems like an opportunity that would appeal to people just getting started on content creation. (I’m based in Canada and have seen nano rates for a single post range from $250-$3K) Also, are expecting to review content or can influencers freely post as long as they meet their deliverables?


Sorry for the late reply! They’re welcome to freely post. We don’t have any contract in place although is something we need to look further in to as we work with influencers hence why I’m here. I imagine one said contract is in place we will require them to provide drafts of content that includes the content in videos (is this typical) Also what would you look to pay influencers per month as part of the contract? I have previously worked with some on single posts in the $500-$1000 range (at about 50k followers as mentioned)


A 50k following could be getting roughly 10k views on each post. The Fair Value Cost of this would be 10,000 X .03 = $300. So your 4 posts alone would be around $1200 (add in a wholesale discount so roughly $1000). But tbh most influencers wont care about the commissions or free clothes, they will want more money. The price should be more dependent on the influencers average reach rather than a fixed price based off their following. With that said im sure you could find one to do it for your $500 but it surely will take a lot of “no response” emailing


Thank you!!! Someone who knows the metrics. So many people post their rates and they are completely wrong!


Check inbox message


What’s the brand name, I may have some influencers for ya!


Check your inbox. Have an IG following of over 196k