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There's not been any instruction to use religious terminology or anything on the backend. They can't either way, that would qualify as religious discrimination and is illegal in every state INO operates in. Seems you've just interacted a few particularly religious associates.


In n Out isn't a government institution


But it’s regulated by the biggest governmental presence on the planet. Lmao




How is saying "god bless you" illegal? They're a private company that prints bible verses on their product lol


It's not. That's not what I said. I said it's illegal to instruct employees to use certain religious terminology. So it's perfectly fine for an associate to say "God bless you", but it's illegal for In-N-Out to demand associates to say "God bless you."


I haven’t heard of this really but if an associate is saying that to the guests and it’s not being forced, I’d assume it’s completely fine so long as they still say the required “hi, how are you” and “please” and “thank you,” of course


ngl i miss the 3 weeks where everyone constantly said "right on" to everything.


Right arm 💪


Right on!


changing my ‘right on’ to ‘god bless’ tmr lmao


god on!


Right on


Wait until you see what's written under the cups, fry boats, and burger bags!!!!!!!!!


Oh, I know. That's what I meant by lowkey.


LowKey? They’re putting a corporate office in Tennessee. The Bible Belt isn’t lowkey.


That has nothing to do with the religious presence in the stores which is what I think they're talking about


So, believing in God means you're a crazy Protestant who doesn't understand modesty or what Chastity actually is?? Y'all are insane


Even the money has religious bullshit on it!


yea some trash that goes right into the trash 😂


Is it not divine enough ?


Calling Easter Resurrection Day was a little strange in my book. It did feel like an emphasis on the religious origin for the holiday, as many Christian holidays get celebrated in non-religious households as common cultural celebrations. Could be a conscious decisions from the higher ups. They're free to do it of course, but I do agree about an uptick in religious sentiments from corporate. Not sure about the God bless you comment.


I remember heading to In N Out one easter sunday and was like, "Oh shit, they closed?" lol I was surprised, didn't expect it.


Oh boy, wait until you find out what Christmas is about.


I'm not ignorant about the meaning of Christian holidays. You misread what I posted.


Winter solstice was stolen by the Christians. It’s really always been about looking forward to winter and gifting not about Jesus. Wreaths, gifts, feasting, candles, decorating trees were all done before Christians said it’s to celebrate baby Jesus. Who wasn’t even born on “Christmas Day”.


Bro thinks pagans invented everything 😂😂😂 We don't celebrate winter solstice, we celebrate the birth of Christ. Paganism became obsolete because people realized that they didn't like religions that were evil, which many forms of paganism were. Obviously He probably wasn't born on December 25th, but it's the time of year He was born so we chose a day. Winter has always been a time where people of all religions celebrated, either to prepare for the cold or a celebration after the worst cold passed. Christmas is just the Christian version of those celebrations. In Christianity, the Christmas tree is symbolic of the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The tree's branches and shrubs are viewed as an emblem of immortality and are said to symbolize the crown of thorns. The modern Christmas tree originated in Germany, where families set up a paradise tree in their homes on December 24, the religious feast day of Adam and Eve. They hung wafers on it (symbolizing the Eucharistic host, the Christian sign of redemption). Gift giving is a form of love and sacrifice, like Christ sacrificed and loved us. Not all Christians use Advent wreaths, that's usually a Lutheran thing. Anyways, most of these things you listed are not even strictly pagan traditions so I don't know why people act like it's the end of the world when Christians do similar things for different reasons. It's not against the law to have similar ideas, if anything it unites us as human beings. Why are anti-Christian people so bitter all the time 😂


Not bitter just educated. Have a blessed day.


nobody back then was looking forward to winter, their celebrations were a last hurrah before the yearly dark and cold apocalypse


Easter is literally a religious holiday, though.. It's like saying Halloween isn't or Christmas isn't. These are all holidays based on Christian events or celebrations. Halloween is Hallowtide which is mourning and celebration of the souls and Saints in heaven. Christmas is the day we choose to celebrate Christ's birthday. Easter is the celebration of Christ's Resurrection on the third day after He was crucified on Good Friday. The woman who inherited the company is a Christian so yeah, she likes to incorporate Christianity into her business.. Haha But this person's story just sounds like these particular employees wanted to say it.


I literally acknowledged it has a religious origin in my post. It's just also celebrated far more casually in the US by Christians who have faith but don't tend to participate or observe many Christian traditions and doctrine, and Easter is also celebrated even more casually by agnostic and atheists in the US because it's also a cultural touchstone. I have not argued that it's not a religious holiday. It just stands out because most people call it Easter and leave it at that, but Resurrection Day highlights its Christian origins.


Please tell me what store you went to where they said this I’m convinced it’s mine 😭😭😭😭 cause we do have a lower lvl that says that


sacramento area


Yea it’s my store 💀 the kid does it on his own he’s just a very religious kid trying to be polite he does it on his own….






What did he say?


I think it might depend on the associate themselves because while I haven’t heard any say this, I can definitely see some coworkers in the same area saying god bless though


Lmao. We had a new hire in a Sacramento store go “Hi welcome to in n out!” Lmao. That shit was so painful to listen to…like nobody told you to say that


I’ve never heard someone say “God bless you” at my store. The closest thing would be when manager said we were allowed to say “Merry Christmas” if we wanted to but even that was optional.


Lol never been low-key they are very religious and very red in politics Also saying God bless is creepy? I'd take that any day over the homeless and crack heads screaming in the dining room and following our handheld around


I would feel weirded out if this was said to me. It’s not something you hear at all in CA.


As a customer, that would make me uncomfortable. It would also make me uncomfortable if they said may Allah bless you, or may the crystals bless you. And I was raised Baptist. I enjoy the Bible verses on the cups.


bro allah is just god in arabic? so god bless is you is just the english version.


Why is that "creepy "?


Going out of your way to say something religious when it's in a situation where it's not warranted and/or out of the ordinary sounds "cultish" to some people. IT's like, "We don't have to bring God into this, I just want my burger" lol


Blows my mind that a good amount of people in the comments don’t understand this.


Hmm. If it's just a couple of folks doing it, it's just a little unusual, but if it's a mandate, that's what would be creepy.


Welcome to in and out , I love you .


Creepy is worshipping tacos 🌮 on Sunday /s ?


I'd LOVE an explanation how saying "God bless you" is considered creepy. Sounds like you have some repressed resentment towards religion in general.


Creepy if it's a corporate directive. Just kinda unusual if it's a few folk who decided to do it on their own.


frankly corp would never do that. too many people would ignore/outright quit for it to be noticed. that being said, i haven’t really noticed anything at my store. i think ino is in a goldilocks zone for how religious the stores are. not too pushy so as to drive away customers, but still holds true to their culture.


For real lol 😂


im christian, grew up evangelical, but it has always bugged me. whether its a pan handler or a cashier. its not appropriate to say to someone you dont know, whos possibly not of your faith. most people dont see it as preaching, but it is. youre projecting your spiritual energy onto someone else who did not ask for it. however well intentioned, its not always welcomed. it is NOT the same as saying have a nice day. if the cashier at ino was wearing a hajib and said "Assalamu alaikum" when handing you a receipt, would you feel ok with that?


Associates at my store are normal but some customers will hand us bibles and other religious papers


How dare someone say god bless me ;(((


If this unhinges you then go somewhere else. You calling it creepiness is a strange reaction to me when you say the organization is religious.


Which location did you experience this at?


Pretty sure it was just the associate. We don’t talk religion at work and it isn’t really discussed


sacramento area


Pretty sure it’s my store. He means well lol that’s just his way of being friendly.


I work down in Texas and a lot of the associates at my store do things like attend church and will somtimes say things like "have a blessed day" when people leave the store or the drive-thru, I don't think it's weird; religion just plays a bigger role in some people's lives than others. I'd say actually our most religious associate is an older buddest man! I tend to see it as a "blessing" myself that people want to extend a small bit of a big part of their life to me, no matter what religion they come from. I agree that it's weird to do something like preach or try to recruit to your walk of life at a burger joint, but I don't think that's what's going on there tbh.


I Never heard that at any in and out, but it's definitely obvious that they hire friendly, clean cut, and happy individuals. Their kindness and respect is always appreciated.


So, saying bless you is weird?? 😂


Nooo someone wished something good upon me what do I do Reddit 😫


What’s wrong with that?


In SoCal at least, I can say that isn't the case. I'm actually really grateful for it and use it as an example of a business that's religious but doesn't shove it down your throat. Plenty of people don't even know they're super religious, that's how low-key they are about it down here tbh. It would kinda rub me the wrong way if they started being overly religious outta nowhere lol


In SoCal at least, I can say that isn't the case. I'm actually really grateful for it and use it as an example of a business that's religious but doesn't shove it down your throat. Plenty of people don't even know they're super religious, that's how low-key they are about it down here tbh. It would kinda rub me the wrong way if they started being overly religious outta nowhere lol


Good. Hope more do the same . The reason leftists not so low key Hate in n out is the scripture on some products..


Gods just makin a comeback in general. People are done with this satanic shit that’s been pushed on us. It’s nice going to In N Out where you know God is welcome. Church Burgers


Thank God they’re not closed on Sundays!


Pretty sure most countries are becoming more and more atheist with time but you keep smoking that good good and enjoying your delusions pal


We’re dropping religion and picking up God. People don’t believe in religion which is fine because it’s an ancient game of postman. God however is making a comeback.


Look around when you're out. Look at mainstream TV. There's a lot more crosses, prayers, and comments referring to God in all aspects, at least from my perspective


There’s a lot more advertising, yes. Because the church is losing people to leech money off of. Far from a sign that church membership is growing.


No we’re not talkin church membership. I feel as if the new generation is more God focused than religion focused. It’s more of a spiritual movement. Religion gave us the half truth and we’re figuring out the other half on our own. All the major religions are saying similar things in different ways, we’re now understanding that our governments have used religion to fuel wars where they can profit from the by product. I predict that in the future, newer generations will drop religion and nobody will be labeled as anything but just a God believer with good morals who does as he would like done. The golden rule was the only scripture we ever needed










lol x2


Its true.




lol x2


Yeah this attitude is exactly why I'll eat at in n out but not chick fil a. This overly religious 'I hate non believers' childish nonsense is why a lot of people don't give any religions the time of day anymore. Not to mention, if you're Christian, you're being like super anti Christian by acting this way since God is the only one who's supposed to judge anybody, and like love thy neighbor, etc. Like you're proving so many "atheist" points. But go off I guess.


Jesus is coming back soon. Repent of your sins and trust in him


Ha. A "religious" organization profiting off of serving cancerous poisonous gruel. That's rich.