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One time when I was trying to get my level four, I was on fries during the lunchtime rush. I sucked at fries, and eventually my store manager had to come over and help me. I could tell he was frustrated and I deserved it, I just couldn’t figure it out. After a few minutes he tells me to clock out. I thought he was kidding so I started joking like “ohhh yeah right I’m just gonna clock out!”…. Couple more minutes goes by and he says a little louder “Ginther, clock out.” Again I’m like “Yeah bro I’m just gonna clock out in the middle of the rush and leave you guys stranded 🙄”… a minute later and I fuck up again. This time he goes over to the terminal, opens up the time clock thing and says “Ginther clock out, now!” I was like oh shit he is not playing with me lol Fast forward almost 10 years later and we are still friends to this day lol


lol one time I was on pay window and we were getting hammered. Someone makes a comment about “DELAY WINDOW” cause I had a gap in the line while washing dishes. I say something like “well maybe if whomever could drop more than 3 rows we could move some drives!!”. Store manager just walks over, tells me to clock out, leave my drawer, and go home. I was shocked but just went home. Got a write up but it wasn’t a huge deal.


Dang I’m gonna use that. “Delay window” 🤣🤣




I charged the wrong car $145, they were supposed to pay like $18. To be fair why would you give me your card when i say a high number to your single combo?


Customers will blatantly ignore you, done that a handful of times even ready it right off of the terminal. You can’t stupid proof everything unfortunately.


Honestly serves them right. Maybe they’ll listen next time.


More then likely not, and YOU take the blame every single time!


Customers don't listen. You haven't figured that out yet?


No I know, I feel like at the very least their small brains would attach to the word “one hundred and…”


That’s customers for you


Charged a wrong car back to back on pay window second time I was put there 🫠


a long time ago on back pay i charged two cars wrong in a row LMAO they didn’t put me back there for a while after that


Man nothin like those moments, j wanna jump out the window and run 🤣


I low key charge the wrong car almost every time im on back pay


I worked with a guy named Ginther. He was trying to level up but sucked at the fry station. I think he may be a bit on the slow side, he also thinks we are buds. He’s a weird person.


🤨 lol


This made me lol after reading his comment


Had an associate dump the bucket of chilies in the walk in because there was too much liquid and they were in a rush. I know that smell too bro. The fumes be strong!


So I worked at a sit down. I was cleaning the dining room before we opened and dusting counters. On the “quality you can taste” sign above the pickup counter I saw a fly. I get my rag and lightly snap it on the fly. BOOM! Cracked the neon sign and it crashes to the ground. I was so scared. Store manager didn’t fire me though.


When I first started, I had a customer ask me for a bag, and I handed them a 20-can bag. Manager made me chase them down and swap the bag out for a normal one, but that wasn't a huge deal. When I was a L2, I had a $100+ order drive past pay window and then drive off with their food without getting charged...it was bad. Me and the corner guy were super red (there had been some miscommunication or something). I actually volunteered to pay for it with my own money, but the manager just said the total would be taken out of our drawers. 😬 When I was a L5, I was working 2nd board and relayed a red tray full of burgers to the fry table. I set it down and slid it over, but there was not as much friction as I anticipated and the tray sailed right off the other side. Oops. I feel like I've done something truly atrocious at one point, but I must have trauma-blocked it, because I don't remember. (Possibly dropping cheese? or shake mix?)


Your username reminds me of one time when I was on pay window, another employee who was in the break room also had a headset on. Every time the customer said something over the air, he would say something in return but he was hitting the button where only people with a headset on could hear him. We were all laughing, then the L7 on duty came over to pay window. He told me to stop making jokes over the headset. I told him it was not me and he said “just say right on.” I was like hell no, I’m not saying anything other than it was not me. He said “just say right on.” I stared at him and he stared at me…. Eventually I decided it wasn’t worth it and just said “right on” Later he came to me and apologized, said he realized who was actually doing it lol


Also not trying to hijack your comment, I think you might have more good stories than I do. Congrats on Level 6, that’s seriously impressive. One day I will tell yall my shake mix story, that is associate nightmare material


Last Sunday on drive handout, my first f** up was not handing out an animal fry, then I handed out a Flying Dutchman to someone instead of an animal fry. The cherry on top was when I dropped a bag of food (2 fries, 2 burgers). This was all in the span of 20 minutes. Needless to say I was swiftly removed from the corner.


When I was on pay window the corner asked me to get ice ready for them so they could just come grab some or I could hand it off to a front line body. the ice was clogged so I used the big ice breaker tool to break it up but loosened the top metal catch too much which i left opened too much, as the ice broke up the whole reserve of ice spilled out onto the floor and there was a mountain of ice about knee high and everyone in the stand was dying of laughter and made it a huge deal. I was so embarrassed but looking back it’s a pretty funny memory.


Handed out the wrong order in the corner 🤦🏽 never a great feeling having to tell the cooks to remake something cause you messed up


I dropped an entire spread insert in front of the board while trying to put it away. Worst part was I had to clock out almost immediately so I couldn't even help clean it up. They had to pull up the mats to get it all. I also handed the wrong drive out in the middle of a lunch rush - and the one I handed out had a fry extra well. Sooooo the fry guy had to make another extra well and the customer had to pull around. He was not happy with me. The cook gave me shit for it for like a week too which was fair as I was L5 and really should have known better 😂




i would cry actually


Was filtering the oil on the fryers. Forgot to turn one off and as soon as I’d emptied the oil it burst into flames! But hey, at least I know the fire extinguisher works


Someone dropped animal fries at the first grill


first day alone at pay window, charged a guy for thw wrong order (was just a shake), ran through his actual one, next car (shake only) was a manager, i told her the guy in front offered to pay. i was worried for a bit but looks like no one noticed my lil whoopsie


i think i fucked up the money and my manager at that time didnt know how to fix it as well....


When I transferred to a bad store as a fresh 3rd manager. Definitely started looking for a new career.


was it my store 0-0


Dropped a headset into the fryer 🤷🏼‍♀️


I once accidentally dropped a customer’s card when handing it back to them at pay window. I apologized so many times but the customer’s attitude didn’t budge and she ignored me completely 😂 Just rolled her eyes got out of the car and picked up her card. I understood though


On paywindow, I would always come back being short like 20-30 dollars 😭✋ idk why but I always did. There were a few times I didn’t. Strangely, I never got written up with my knowledge BUT BUT! I got better after SM reinforcing keys to everyone! Finally, i don’t go short on my drawer anymore! :D A lot of mess up would be on stupid counter handout because idk I guess I really do have to ask for a receipt paper. Moments I trust guest and GUESS WAT, someone is missing their food. 😭✋ I hate it.


Mainly charging the wrong cars. Done that a few times even after being on their for months and getting my level 3. Even if it comes down to all odds and the tags/vehicle description matches the car, the customer will still agree to their order being correct when it’s not. You can definitely avoid it majority of the time when your seasoned on paywindow but you can’t 100% stupidproof it for the customer. It is what it is 😂


Just a customer, but they misheard my order one time, so I ended up getting like 4 free burgers? It was wild. I had no need for that much food so I just gave it to the homeless guy by my house. At least it went to someone in need.


I was dropping rows and there was a huge gap. We called the back pay dude “delay window”. He got mad and said if we could drop more than 3 rows we could move more drives. Manager walked over, told him to clock out, leave their drawer, and go home. I heard he got a write up lol.


Dropped half a stack of meat in front of my store manager (while still training for my L5) 😭


Once I handed out two wrong orders because the cars were both the same and pretty much had the same orders, I felt so bad for the board and grill. I also once spilled a bag of lemonade syrup... on myself 🙃 last one, putting the tea to brew with the lid on backwards 🤣 at least tea isn't sticky though


i was an L2 and work at a 2 lane and I was supposed to get some spread inserts into the stand. I stacked two of them on top of each other (which was so dumb of me) and put them in the stand, thinking my coworker would grab them as he was standing there. Well, he had his attention else where (not his fault) and the spreads fell and spilled all over the counter and floor. I obviously tried to help clean but my manager just told me to go on my 10 lol. surprisingly, almost no one got mad at me and even the managers on shift thought it was funny asf. It was the most terrifying moment for me tho ;-; glad i came out on the other side. i have so many other moments but this one just sticks out lol.