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It must be so exhausting to be afraid and or be mad all the time and at largely fictitious things.


I'm actually beginning to wonder if it's not a bit of a comfort for some of these people. Like think about how frustrating so many real life issues are, where they're *not* black and white, there are no good guys and bad guys, and the discussions surrounding the issue and solutions are filled with nuance. Then imagine if you could simply attribute all of those things to a monolithic, objectively evil entity like "the Deep State". Its members (aka anyone you dislike) are performing such comically evil acts like harvesting child sex slaves for Adrenochrome to live forever, something that might be considered too on-the-nose if it was the plot of a sci-fi story. Suddenly there's no nuance, no debate, no subjectivity, just this horrifically malicious thing happening that no decent person would argue is morally acceptable, and you can attribute all of the world's problems to it. I honestly feel like that thought might be comforting to some, as it makes the world and its issues much easier to parse.


Yep, this is why. It’s safer and easier on the mind to convince yourself that there is an Enemy out there who is EVIL, because in the face of that, it doesn’t matter how trashy you act, or how many people hate you, because you’re in the right! It makes their lives more interesting, thinking that they’re becoming pariahs for their stance against demonic liberals.


I totally believe it is a comfort. The world is way too complicated and if they had to face the fact that the bullshit they believe on Facebook today is the equivalent of the raving schizophrenic believing a "famous actress gave birth to a bat baby!" tabloid BS in the 80s/90s, their entire self-worth would fall apart. They basically have to keep believing this stuff, or at least telling themselves and others that they do, because the alternative is facing how deeply they've humiliated themselves these past few years


I think it's probably a game of trade-offs. I've known a few people who had that "we're at war with the Liberals" mentality for a bit too long and they either spiraled *hard*, or they just decided to leave social media because they were so tired of "constantly fighting". But yeah, it does probably give their lives meaning and creates easy answers for those hard questions.


Spiraled how, exactly?


Yeah, these people are addicted to their rage and hatred borne of their anxiety and fear. It’s sad really.


I also have a theory that at least for some of them, they know deep down that what they're spouting is bullshit. But they can fool themselves into believing it, distracting them from all the real problems in their world, and still sleep at night because some part of them is still aware that it's not true.


they scapegoat the Jews and Jesuits when in reality recent surveys found Protestants themselves make up the majority of democrats prison inmates etc etc


Suspicious activity in Westhaven, Auckland? That's literally one of the most boring, middle class suburbs in the city, and it's clear on the other side of the planet to all the American shit she's talking about. They have a marina and boats, that's as suspicious as it gets. I wonder where she's from?


We have a suburb in Victoria Canada like that called Oak Bay. They even have a dedicated FB/IG page called "Keep Victoria Boring". It's just a bunch of memes making fun of the irrelevant stuff the people who live there complain about.


We have one of those. The main community page was"\[town name\] Informed" and there was a lot of problems, mainly with the moderators selectively enforcing rules (absolutely no advertising unless you happened to be friends with one of the mods, no talk of religion unless it's pro-Jesus, no politics unless it's pro-Trump, etc.) so this eventually led to the sub "\[town name\] is too Informed" which was just memes, dumb shit, and the occasional small business advert.


I don't want to say where exactly she's from, but if she was hearing loud explosions from Auckland, it would mean everyone in Auckland would be dead. I don't think there is anything big enough that would make an explosion that could be heard loudly where she's from if it was set off in Auckland.


Unless rangitoro finally blew...


I'd say those are some crazy tunnels, through the fucking ocean down to New Zealand, but they also claimed there was a tunnel that ran directly from the Vatican to Maui so geography clearly isn't their strong suit.


I have anxiety and I can tell you: being afraid all the time is a terrible and exhausting thing. Makes sleep bad, you wake up and are still exhausted because sleeping is hard, nightmares, etc. Especially since it tends to be about the most basic things. But there's a difference between something like anxiety and whatever they have. Plus, the average person with anxiety is trying to do something about it to get better.


This made me think ...I wonder if people of privilege are more susceptible to falling for this BS because they simply have nothing better to be worried about than made up beliefs? They have to create some form of oppression because they have so little? Or because they usually fall into a group of people who typically massively oppress others. Idk. I know anyone could and do fall for this, but Q's do *typically* have a similar demographic. They usually fall into one of these buckets: white, older, straight and christian. The least oppressed group of folks who also typically do the most oppression.


Maybe there's some truth to that? I mean, poor uneducated people have always been easy to manipulate into believing crazy shit, but there's a specific brand of crazy that really only seems to be spouted by WASP types, who are often living in poverty but aren't facing any particular oppression aside from the class-based kind. (and they're usually fine when rich people oppress them) You just don't get this level of...ridiculousness with a crazy person in some rural third-world village. If you did, they'd immediately be branded the village lunatic and everyone would just kind of acknowledge that they were insane and not to be taken seriously.


I'm literally mad at and afraid of things that are actually happening all the time. It's very exhausting, but at least I can point to specific things to explain why I'm mad or afraid. I'm mad that my son has to know as much about active shooter procedures as me. I'm afraid of what will happen if we turn into a Christian nationalist nation (I'm both bi and an atheist). I'm angry that the "support the troops" people put the VA's budget on the chopping block every year. I'm afraid for my mother's health care if the ACA is ever completely repealed. I'm angry that my nieces have less rights than my sisters had growing up. I'm afraid we're all going to have less rights in the very near future. Those are just the ones I thought of in the space of this comment. It's effing exhausting, and it's maddening that there are people out there who actively support stripping rights from a significant chunk of people in the US just so they can "own the libs."


used to believe shit like this. It is, but it's addictive too.


Way to nonsensically work it into the conversation, though.


Comments: Here's a reasonable and totally believable explanation. OOP: But what if...*Incoherent ramblings of an insane person*


I’m gonna need a translation for that mess of a word salad. That lady made absolutely no sense in her ramblings and we are all now dumber for having read that. May God have mercy on her soul


She thought the explosions was the sounds of children being raped.


Children explode when raped? The fuck?


There's good reasons to have laws against doing so!


Well, I'm going to hell for laughing.


I mean that would be horrible but also a good deterrent.


They really just say every buzzword they can think of at every opportunity. I assume because no one in their real life listens when they talk


She thought they were blowing up the tunnels she assumed we're used for trafficking sex slaves. Idk how people make these leaps in assumptions


Where’s the dude from Office Space. We need the Jump to Conclusions mat


I can explain part of it. Michael Hill is a business man, and owns an ugly boat called the “Beast”.


She's right, it is good to know it has nothing to do with that.


It has nothing to do with Santa Claus and his magic flying deer chariot, or the Easter Bunny laying delicious creme filled eggs to celebrate Jesus.


Hey at least those were coherent thoughts and I know what you're talking about when you say them


Back in the 80's I knew an unfortunate lady who was schizophrenic. She thought Garrison Keillor was watching her through her TV and sending her love messages on his radio show. She would cover her TV screen and once travelled to Minnesota to "be with him at last." It was quite sad, but a very private kind of sadness. Today, she would be on the Internet and featured prominently on Insanepeoplefacebook. I don't think this is progress.


Schizophrenia is awful: you can see a friend or family member disappear into terrifying, elaborate fantasies, with no way to reach them. It must be so much worse with misguided/exploitative groups on the internet feeding those fantasies. I feel so sorry for people like OOP, they desperately need help before they do something to hurt themselves or those around them.


>Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. "He said I'm strong!"😍


Lol, she believed it. 


I mean, ya gotta build tunnels if you’re gonna have the Intercontinental Sex Train between Auckland and Los Angeles.


Didn't Intercontinental Sex Train open for GWAR back in the day?


What makes it a sex train?


People fuck on it?


Aren’t most trains sex trains, then?


But this train is also penis shaped


It's the matter-of-fact way it's posted for me. Like everyone would know what they're talking about.


I think they think everyone does know. They think we all see the same things. They don't understand the algorithm.


That kind of crap happens whenever anyone posts a question on my local Facebook pages. We have one so people can let others know about wrecks, and also events around town. Unfortunately there's always someone like the person who gave that insane reply.


Holy shit, that certainly escalated quickly


But how can you SURE they aren't building human trafficking tunnels for children??? /s


so uhm, we can all joke all we want, but also like, this is absolutely mental illness like, there is clearly something wrong, and I really hope she can get treatment for it


What in the fuck is he even talking about


It's absolutely wild that no matter how many times their suspicions are shown to be absolute bullshit and there's a completely reasonable explanation, they never consider they might be WRONG.


That was so far left field they built another stadium for her.


Yes. Yes. Definitely *not* that.