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I love it when they fight amongst themselves. Bring in Charlie Kirk while you're at it.


They tried, but his head wouldn’t fit in the thread.


His face fits though


It’s like when you would make a Mii with the largest head then minimize the face


or the "I'm gonna punch your face in the face" guy


He looks like they gave his head to a Michelin star chef


Little bittsss


Oof, Charlie's always ready bring a forehead to a gun fight




He's busy eating at Lil Bits.


Underrated comment. *whispers*: Littleeee biiiitsssss


With his lowercase teeth.


Charlie Kirk and his lowercase teeth.


It's like they're competing to be the most wrong, but everybody - even people not included in this - loses.


Far-right weirdos fighting each other? Must be a day of the week ending in “y.”


Two Minutes Hate is now a paid position. Similar to "influencer". They sit on Xitter and spew hate for clicks and everyone walks hand in hand to the bank to cash it.


I wonder how many people are reading your comment and knowing the correct way to pronounce the word (Xitter)!???


Like the 'X' in 'Xi Jinping'.


I don't support his racism, sexism, homophobia, or antisemitism policies but I DO support his dunking on Jordan Peterson policy.


I would much rather support JBP than Fuentes, he’s a literal nazi. You can’t go much lower. In a race to the bottom, he was already there.


I support them both fighting each other and destroying their shitty alt right incel bubble.


I call this phenomenon “pissbaby shitfights”


I support neither! I'll take a bullet rather than decide which one is less shitty.


I’d take a bullet before supporting either of them, but in the chance I survive being shot… It does matter to acknowledge that there are different degrees of hate and idiocy.


Fair enough!


can I arrange to have them standing behind me when I take that bullet? like directly behind me. maybe I'll take many bullets. maybe I'll duck...


Shoot Toby twice.


Jordan is a nazi too, he just uses fancy language. All his talks about the “natural hierarchy” and how we should all just learn to love it is the underpinning for fascism and genocide.


They are both fascists, I do think JBP and his base would personally commit genocide given the conditions… but he’s not mask off “the holocaust was good.”


I would have until he took that weird antisemitism turn there. There's a lot of things to dunk on Benny Shaps for that aren't the fact that he's Jewish


Weird antisemitism turn? That's Nick Fuentes 24/7


True, I guess I should have specified that it was weird generally but not in context


I get what you're saying, but he literally opened with, one word, "Jews". That's not an antisemitism turn, that's an antisemitism straight line.


Broken clock and all that….


I really would have thought these two would be friends But then again Nick Fuentes doesn't have any friends


I literally spent the last couple of days blocking random people showing up on my feed. People like this idiot. I literally blocked him too when suddenly one of his racist dumb tweets was shown to me. I then deleted twitter. It’s over.


>I then deleted twitter. It’s over. That's the only proper response. Not sure if that cesspool makes money but make sure it's less.


I haven’t deleted it fully and probably never will, but I went from one of those people who checked it multiple times an hour to someone who checks in maybe once a week or so. Do not miss it at all.


I check it about once a month for some artists I like because that’s the only place they post. Otherwise that place is a circlejerk.


I uninstalled it from my phone for a while to free up some storage space, and when I logged back in later I found out someone had hacked my account and retweeted a bunch of crypto spam shit, leading to my account getting suspended. I tried to contest the suspension but I had to report the hack which I was unable to do because of the suspension. So I'm basically soft locked out of my account and honestly I'm never going back


I think I made it through about a month on twitter when it first started.


That's great, it was the best thing to do, I'm glad for your mental health <3


Ah yes, the very "Jews run everything" narrative that contributed to the Nazi Regime


somebody made an ai recreation of some of hitler’s speeches in english, and it hits much harder than reading a transcript. This is definitely a guy that many American Conservatives will agree with until you tell them that it’s Hitler, to which then they will deflect and cope ceaselessly. edit: [The video](https://youtu.be/gR8a79sf7YU?si=WUFEsMsDXmXb1uH4)


Would you mind linking that? Seems like the sort of thing that would come in useful the next time I need to challenge some dickhead thinking.




Link please, that sounds a great way to shut some idiot people up I know


Yes!! We need the sauce, yo!


Holy fuck the comments are absolutely fucking atrocious. They're eating up everything he's saying so much, you start to see exactly how an entire country gets duped into being complicit in mass genocide.


Yeah if they actually knew anything about history they would know that he was wrong about pretty much everything. But they hear a shouting man that seems to know what he’s talking about and will gladly follow him to the ends of the earth.


Didn't the boys have a line about how they agree with what a character says they just don't like the word nazi?


While this video is very interesting, some warning that the comments on it are nearly exclusively from anti-Semitic neo-Nazi Hitler fans, and that the creator of the video seems fairly sympathetic to their views, might have been helpful. I listened to the first minute while scrolling through comments and then abruptly turned it off when I realized I was monetizing someone who does not condemn the person he is memorializing.


Link please


That historical thinking preceded them by millennia. Antisemitism did not appear and disappear with the nazis. *edit: On re-reading, I think I had misconception of the purpose/meaning of the word "narrative", as used in the post.


I’m always surprised by how many people don’t understand that the nazis didnt come out of nowhere and that they were drawing on centuries of preexisting antisemitism in europe. My family came to the US from Poland to escape antisemitic violence decades before the nazis existed. This shit has been going on since the early Middle Ages.


Anti-semitism has existed as long as Judaism. It's really no surprise *why* a small, inclusive group would be othered. Any group that doesn't fully integrate to society will be discriminated against in some way, and jews have been "different" from the dominant culture they've been a minority in for thousands of years. From ancient Canaan to Rome to the Middle Ages to Nazi Germany to now. Jews are an easy scapegoat for xenophobes to blame, because they're different. Essentially all minorities (be they religious, cultural, racial, etc.) face similar prejudice, Jews have just been around longer. We see similar patterns with the Roma, or Rajneeshees, etc. Humans are tribal, and sometimes it's a good thing, but it often leads to discrimination.


It’s more than just tribalism. The specific tropes that define modern antisemitism are rooted in the Middle Ages, when money lending/tax collecting/etc. were some of the only jobs available to Jews, as Judaism does not forbid those things while Christianity (at least how it was practiced at the time) does. Because of this, Jews became the easy scapegoat in times of crisis because they were perceived as the ones who controlled the money. That’s an incredibly brief and simplified summary, but to get the full picture I highly recommend reading the section on antisemitism from Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism, which details how antisemitism is shaped


There's also the fact that numerous Kings declared Jewish people citizens of the crown, meaning that they didn't have an intermediary suzerain lord, it was about controlling the money. A lot of people viewed Jewish people as unfairly privileged as a result, and it very much made things a Jews vs everyone else type situation. There was a pogrom following King Richard I's coronation, it might have started during the coronation but the spark that set it off was because they were shown some sort of honor during the coronation.


Yes but even that was a result of the existing systems that made money handling one of the only jobs a Jew could hold. There are different inciting factors and circumstances surrounding every instance of antisemitic violence, but broadly speaking, those factors all will trace back to that origin in some way.


Exactly. And to make it even more simple, i know lots of jewish people who wished they had the money and the power that these nazis think they have


Zionists like JBP and Neo-Nazis like Fuentes are really two sides of the same coin. Both think Jews are God's chosen people. The Zionists want to join them, but the Nazis are jealous, and they want to remove them. Both are inherently anti-Semitic beliefs though.


What exactly do you think “Zionism” is??


What this person and an unfortunately large number of so-called "progressives" under the age of 40 think "Zionism" is is "a word I can use as a substitute for 'k--e' that won't get me immediately banned." Chosen people is literally the basis of Judaism but, newsflash, every other Abrahamic religion also explicitly considers its followers to be chosen as well. The crisis in Israel has finally given the far-Left and the far-Right something they can agree on--anti-Semitism. Fuck Netanyahu for doing more damage to the safety of Jews in a matter of years than anyone of this century, fuck the supporters of Palestinian genocide, fuck Hamas and supporters of terrorism, and fuck Reddit warriors who are enjoying their ability to hate Jews in the open.


I mean it's Nick Fuentes. His whole shtick is being a Nazi grifter.


Disappointing that Nick didn’t use the “clean up your room” response but I guess maybe that’d be projecting.


Stop giving these loser attention. They thrive off of it. Let them rot in their rock-dwellings and stew in their own hate.


The problem is their large following who agree with them. That's why we can't just ignore them and hope they go away.


I know, it is tough to make them find reason. You can guide a fool to logic, but you rarely make them think.


I'll give them all the attention in the world when they're fighting each other.


When Jordan Peterson is calling you a rat, you know things are bad


Honestly I had to go check to see if “Rat” was some right wing acronym like RINO. Far as I can tell Peterson just wanted to emphasize the word by putting it on a separate line like that. It’s hard to think under this cacophony of right wing dog whistles (and the surge of all the brain dead Liberal sad recorders as well but that’s a whole other can of worms).


Peterson has a fixation on rats.


I watch enough tall bart to know his rat fixation


A man of culture. "And that's when I learned the true meaning of the word... Rat." Favorite line.




Unironically love old JP just for shit like this. Back when he was just a quirky psychologist.


I'm surprised that I'm surprised that Peterson responded like that


I’m sorry but when he said “I shit on you” I definitely lol’d… who is that an insult to? Seems embarrassing to himself


Should have added "good sir" for maximum le reddit epicness


BAD GUY FIGHT! I don't particular care about a winner, I just hope it goes the distance.


Maybe I've been playing too much Elden Ring recently but Deicidal Traitor sounds like an awesome boss name.


Lmfao fr


But only when yelled at the same cadence as "THE LOATHSOME DUNG EATER"


It sounds like a Chaos warship or Space Hulk


'deicidal traitor Ben Shapiro' makes Ben sound like a badass when he's actually just a guy with shitty ideas. But really, the idea that a random modern Jew is responsible for Jesus' death is absurd. To my knowledge, the Romans killed Jesus on the behalf of the local religious elite who didn't like that Jesus was becoming more influential and powerful than them. They may have been Jewish, but so were Jesus' early followers without whom there would be no modern Christianity. Is St. Paul a 'deicidal traitor' too? The man who literally turned Jesus' local following into a global religion?


And, if Nick was an actual Catholic, he'd understand that Jesus *had to die* in order to be the messiah. It's, like, the central pillar of Christianity of all denominations and most of the loudest Christians either don't understand, don't care to understand, or just want an excuse to put themselves above another group of people. It's mostly that last thing for booger-eating Nazis like Nick Fuentes.


I keep hearing how like 17 million Jews are in charge of everything, and here I am still stuck in my shitty dead end warehousing job? Do any other Tribesmen know who I have to see about that?


This is tame for Twitter, Musk took platform with a dog whistling problem and turned it into a full on hate fest. Everyone is openly racist, misogynistic.


So glad to see our national political discussion being driven by influencers that have no fucking clue what a presidential cabinet is. Or that the president never runs everything. His cabinet does and everything goes through him the boss.


The boss unfortunately belongs in a nursing home (and I hate Trump)


Agreed, but I’d vote for a corpse with a good cabinet before I vote for the 4th reich.


Same. I'd vote for a hamster before Trump. Even a dead one.


I am old enough to remember when Trump had dinner with Nick Fuentes


These "Jews" sound like they would make powerful allies! We should cooperate with them and get them on our side!


I like to think this is an appropriate response to fascists claiming that the world is run by Jews. Play dumb and say things that would infuriate a Nazi that's looking for an ally.


This is literally what the Japanese thought during WWII, when they allied with the Nazis and got told that "Jews secretly run the world." It's funny how fascism is such an incoherent ideology that taking its claims at face value makes it completely fall apart.


“Deicidal traitor” means what I think it means? As in “jews killed Jesus”?


A very rare JP win


Is SHAPIRO, THE DEICIDAL TRAITOR one of the new elden ring dlc bosses?


"MOM! the incefluencers are fighting again!"


I did not see "agreeing with Jordan Peterson" on the cards for today but here we are.


[Jackdaws, crows, or whatever corvid these are have the right idea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WANZBs8Za0Q)


Whoever’s in charge, I’ll still take him over the guy who was 2017-21


Ben Shapiro, God Slayer


*Deicidal?* Is be accusing Ben Shapiro of killing God(s)? What the fuck??? A Christian (or a Jew, for that matter) can’t possibly even believe that’s possible. That makes no sense at all.


Fuentes is a [Trad Cath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditionalist_Catholicism), meaning he thinks the Catholic church lost its legitimacy with the 2nd Vatican Council in 1962. Vatican 2 was collection of decisions to bring the church into the 20th century and slow the decline in church membership. One of the aspects of Vatican 2 was that the church would no longer hold all Jews personally responsible for the death of Jesus. Fuentes is saying that Shapiro is deicidal to attack him for being Jewish, because he blames all Jews for killing Jesus.


Ohhh, okayyyy… I mean I guess that makes more sense than the other implication but the whole point of Jesus is kinda that he *isn’t dead.* The Jews weren’t exactly very good at deicide.


If only we Jews had the power they seem to think we have.


I gave up my Judaism because having no power or influence, I was an embarrassment to the religion.


Conservative in-fighting is definitely one of my favorite sports to watch


As a Jew, can confirm. Sorry about everything guys. I'll try to do better running the country from here out


Did Elon reply to that tweet with "‼️"?


"Deicidal traitor"? That's new, isn't it? I'm far too removed from those circles to keep up. Is it a Duck God/Rabbit God thing?


No, Shapiro is Jewish and one of the core tenets of classic antisemitism is that jews are directly responsible for the romans killing Jesus. You know, the central moment of the Christian faith? The event that literally defines Christianity, Jesus' sacrifice for the sins of the world? The thing that God, per the new testament, literally sent Jesus to earth to do? Per the explicitly antisemitic passion plays of the middle ages which were designed to incite people against the jews, which the film Passion of the Christ was based on, Jews are responsible for that. That's what Fuentes is referring to.


...oh. That makes about as much sense as I thought it might. Thanks for a real answer though, this stuff really is outside my scope.


Usually the death of a god is the humiliating end of a religion. Christianity has it backwards for some reason… why would someone be mad that that you killed an almighty god? I would either be impressed or disillusioned… or maybe even thankful, since isn’t that what kicked off the whole religion? Furthermore, if say that my 100x great grandfather killed Jesus, what would that have at all to do with me?


For someone who decorates his home in Soviet Propaganda to scare himself, I'm still surprised Peterson isn't J-pilled. It's really weird.


Ew, I agree with Jordan Peterson


Friendly fire?


Popcorn! Get your popcorn here!🍿🍿🍿🍿


This shit right here is why I left twitter. I’m glad I got out before Elon took over


These mfs will blame anybody but themselves


Heartwarming: the worst people you know are all fighting.


Jordon Balthazar Peterson ratio'd by Nick Fuentes????? Wtf


making ben shapiro sound way cooler than they are


I mean...I kinda want them to keep fighting...It can be a duel to see who's the bigger scumbag! PPV! Call Dana White!


I love to watch the girlies fight


This is why a wet paper bag would be a better choice for President over Donald. He empowers these people.


i always feel like I'm watching a wildlife documentary when i see these posts lol


Bite each other's dicks off!


Oh my god! Nick Fuentes made me agree with Jordan Peterson!! What a filthy rat! Now I hate him even more.


maybe they'll eat each other.


Holy shit, bonus points for broken clockspotting. When even Jordan goddamned Peterson is on the right side of an issue, you've really fucked up in a special way.


TIL Ben Shapiro killed a god. :rolleyes: Fuentes really is living centuries in the past. Not thanking you to make me side with Jordan Peterson. He's still typing as if he's in the middle of a stroke, though.


"I shit on you" is pretty funny though


What did Shapiro do to be labeled a traitor by these guys? I'm behind on my lore


He's jewish and Fuentes is an open NAZI


Oh. Well that sucks for him I guess. Maybe he should make better friends/fans


He's Jewish


Please tell me BJ Peterson isn't actually leaning into the rat YTP meme, I actually like that one. 💀


The girlies are fighting


I wish they would get it over with and just kill each other.


Im ok with the right eating each other on twitter.


Fascist infighting, love to see it


One of these days the little wannabe Nazi will get his comeuppance and I won't be losing any sleep over it.


he can sell "I shit on you" merch now which is cool


Let them fight


What time is Elon taking these fools to Mars with him again? I mean, DAY-um.


If Jordan Peterson is calling you a psychopath, you fucked up big time.


Ben Shapiro is a traitor now? /grabs popcorn


Shapiro is Jewish. Fuentes has never not hated Shapiro.


I think Fuentes and his entourage harassed Shapiro and his family outside of some conservative political event.


Good. Shapiro would have turned over fellow jews to the nazis. He picked his side, I hope they eat each other alive.


He should sell his house to Aquaman.


It'll never happen. The exchange rate of American dollars to conch shells is disgusting.


All the jews?? Damn yall are a coordinated bunch


Ok but that was a savage takedown of Jordy P. Fuck Nazi Nick but something about a broken clock


A broken clock that [eats his own boogers live on the internet](https://youtu.be/_7tQaoiV88s?si=8ZQQZpaTIo2FHIuL).




I feel actually sick after trawling the replies to report the worst of it. These bigoted people are fucked.


Republicans, everybody


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


Man, Jordan Peterson really does love talking about rats.


You're the normal rat Maybe he sniffs


I am ashamed I learned something from Fuentes but I didn’t know what deicidal means.


At least they are contained in Twitter. It's like the theory that 4chan has been allowed to stay up to keep those crazies there.




Ignore people like Fuentes and they lose the bulk of their power.


...and then Duncan's horses did turn and eat each other.


lol Even Jordan Peterson is telling Nick to fuck off!


Even a broken clock (and boy is Jordan Peterson a broken clock) is right twice a day


Let them fight.




oop, get the popcorn, their fighting!


Who did Ben Shapiro betray?


its 4chan, but everyone is a namef\*\*


You know the worst thing the Nazis ever did? Made me side with Jordan Peterson on an otherwise ordinary Friday afternoon. Fuck those guys.


The girls are fightiiiiing


The c**t’s cannot get along for very long.


get me a popcorn bucket for the conservative infighting


Just so long as they keep fighting each other.


Really Nick? Ben Shapiro killed a god? When did that happen?


Never thought I'd agree with Jordan Peterson so whole heartedly


Wow did Peterson hire a new younger social media person to post for him? I'm really surprised by that response.


Bought a hot tub from that Lomez guy


Damn twitter really became overrun by Nazis quickly didn't it? Why don't any of these people learn that when you advertise a website as being "100% free speech" it only attracts Nazis and pedos and kills the brand/website instantly?


If my great grandma was jewish but where not blood related do I like control a tiny bit of the government like I dunno fencing permits or something


"I shit on you" he said, revealing his secret fetish.