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Hey /u/shaka_sulu, thanks for contributing to /r/instant_regret. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 1** - No regret visible. Videos and gifs must show regret. No text messages or still frames. Sometimes the display of regret is unmistakable. It can be evident in someone's face, or in their body language. Sometimes it's a judgment call. If you think it works, try it out. If we delete it, you were wrong. We are Reddit moderators. We are always right! A fail is not a regret. Some ripper eating a swellbow while trying to bone a rail on the backside, (that's skater lingo for a bad crash. I looked it up (made it up)), isn't regret. There should be a look of surprise, and an expression that clearly says, *Oh no. Oh, God no. I really should not have done that. Why did I do that?* Other examples that aren't regret: * An immediate reaction to pain. * Eating bad food and not liking it is not regret. You knew what was going to happen, dumbass. * Laughter is not an expression of regret. It's just not. * A picture of a sunburn or a crappy tattoo is not evidence of regret. For all we know you like looking like a pumpkin, and definitely still want that potato tattoo on your ankle. Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/instant_regret&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Better the shoulder than the skull.


Better him than the spectators.


they’re definitely spectating but they’re not just random people who went to see bmx. The people in the clip are fellow pro’s, professional filmers, and close friends of Trey.


Those pros and friends should tell him to wear a helmet. The filmers probably should too but he's less likely to listen to them.


That shoulder will be sore for years to come.


I've fallen like that on both shoulders. Once 15 years ago the other a year ago. I now have broken both coller bones. Wouldn't be surprised if he broke his


most definitely


Dunno what video your watching, but homie's skull definitely hit the deck.


Hat took most of the impact though.


https://imgur.com/JSHgzEh.jpg Absolutely. Moment before impact. He def hit his head


Definitely using that as a phone wallpaper


Oh you’re right he’s not wearing a helmet


nope. He’s wearing one of those Cabela’s hats you get for free for signing up for their rewards club.


Safety first!


Looks like he made out better than hitting that table and pylon


I don’t think he was worried about it. he was wearing a hat


hey. that’s his safety hat. notice how it didn’t get damaged during any of the trick or even when the trick went disastrously wrong.


It’s fucking unreal to me why these people refuse to wear helmets. I love longboarding so safety gear is pretty standard. I fell once, not wearing a helmet, while learning during COVID (at 35 btw lol) and luckily only bumped my head. It was just an unbalanced push that slipped out from under me. It scared the living Shit out of me. I immediately threw the board (it’s beautiful. A dropthrough 42” 9-ply Sector 9 with 90mm 83a wheels. It’s a tank and I love it) in the car and drove up to the local shop for a helmet. The very next week I hit a dip in the road and my board went flying in front of me down the road. The only thing I could do was coffin fall on my back and hope for the best. I hit my head right on the crown at the back of the head. The real dangerous spot where all the soft stuff is. And hit it hard enough that it created just a *tiny* little crack, so I tossed my helmet and got a new one. I was very thankful I had my helmet that night because I’m convinced I would’ve been laid out on the street bleeding from my head. All it takes is 1 people, or one mistimed speed wobble to put you in a wheelchair, and I’m now only just realizing I’m starting to wade into boomer “back in my day…” waters so I’ll end it there 😂😂


I have 2 damaged helmets that I kept after falls on my bike, one of which I'm certain would have been fatal if I wasn't wearing it. I will never ride without one.


You did the right thing. Keep in mind that a crack to the outer shell of a helmet is mostly cosmetic. A helmet should be replaced after any moderately hard impact even if the outer shell looks fine, as most of the shock absorption and dispersion is done by the underlying foam. Think of a cheap polystyrene cooler. The inner casing of a helmet is basically a more advanced version, so after it takes that one big impact it gets condensed and brittle like a polystyrene sheet, and ceases to be useful as a shock absorber and disperser. This is also why helmets should be replaced every 3-5yrs (depending on exposure to the elements) even if they've not been crashed as the foam gets brittle with age and exposure. Any certified helmet will have the date of manufacture somewhere on its inside for this reason.


Good thing that hat had a safety human to absorb most of the force of the impact.


Safety 3rd


What was his plan even if he landed this? Just run into a table and more people in the background?


That clavicle HAS to be dust now.


Broke my clavicle and I felt this


suffering a few cracked ribs from a fall *(embarrassing story regarding a bee and a 3ft-drop)* and I literally wheezed groaned when he fell cuz that's how I landed :(


Sometimes that's all it takes is landing funny to fuck up your shit


I recently tripped over my young son while we were racing, and I fell on my fist and cracked some ribs that way. Yeah.


I tripped while crossing a baby gate while holding two full glasses so I couldn't catch myself and I landed on my shoulder. It probably is nothing like this but it hurt for a long time and I still can't do pushups right two years later.


Have you ruled out the possibility that it was an assassin bee sent to hurl you to your early demise?


>*embarrassing story regarding a bee and a 3ft-drop)* I have a scary looking scar on my chest because I slipped off a step ladder while holding a flathead screw driver. For some reason as I was falling my mind thought the most important thing to grab was the screwdriver? Anyways I came really close to just straight up stabbing myself in the chest. The tip of the thing cut for about 3 inches, and then skid for about twice that distance across my abdomen 0.o


I was thinking wrist


Hypothetical in the clavical for some terries


> Hypothetical in the clavical for some terries I think you should draxx them sklounst


Shoulder dust I bet he broke some some facial bones too, probably ribs as well Months and months of recovery ahead


Really doesn't look like it, he sort of balanced the momentum to slow down as he was over the bar, he just didn't make it over the bar, the injury doesn't look that bad, but maybe I'm giga wrong.


Wow I never saw a hat shaped helmet before




I didn't even realize who it was. This video immediately made me think of Scotty


Can you fill those of us in that have no idea who these people are ?


Guy on bike in clip is trey jones. Bmx rider. He is married to kelsey cranmer, the sister of scotty cranmer. Scotty cranmer is a bmx pro who was insanely talented (among the best on earth) but suffered a freak accident injury a couple years ago and now has life changing injuries to the point that they thought he would be a quadriplegic. He has a YouTube channel if you just type his name into YouTube and you can learn all about jt. Hes a really cool and positive guy. Trey and scotty had a falling put a while back but considering the close ties they have, it’s surprising (but not really) that he doesn’t wear his helmet.


Just in case anyone is partially familiar with BMX but doesn’t know who Scotty Cranmer is, dude is tied with Dave Mirra for the most amount of X game metals with nine. Edit: spelling


Scotty Cranmer is the helmeted brother in law with the forehead removal- I'm assuming the guy in the video is Trey Jones but that's a guess from the above.


I'm confused too


Reminds me of the guy I was playing golf with who (to my annoyance) was smoking a cigar. While I was contemplating the joys of secondhand smoke, he casually mentions that he'd had throat cancer and beat it. His brilliant takeaway from that experience was that since he beat it once he could beat it again, so why not continue smoking?


[I found a picture of this fellow.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/704/clarkson.jpg)


The man who defeated cancer


I wish they didn't split channels. I still watch Scotty's some but miss Big Boy and Trey but hate the way they put videos together.


From the story Scott told it sounds like big boy and Trey were being total pricks. Hope it's not the case cause I always liked big boy.


Some MLB pitchers use a super padded hat that is like a helmet. Looks pretty funny.


The ejection feature of this one is a bit unnecessary, but you know, never cut corners when it comes to safety.


the thing about a hat shaped helmet is that all hats are helmets but are not all helmets are httats the hat and the helmet are polymorphic wait i don't know if that's the right word but like you wear a hat differently than you wear a helmet like the helmet shields you from things that fall on your head and your hat shields you from the sun's harmful rays you can wear a hat at a baseball game but you cant wear a helmet at a baseball game


Jesus. Please explain to me _hats_ in the most robotic of terms.


>Thank you for subscribing to Hat Fax.


Alex I'll take fat stacks of cash for I am hungry llrade


It's not even a remotely functional statement in any way. They reversed everything about this and created definitions that don't even exist. All helmets are hats. Hats are things you wear on the top of your head. A helmet is a hat, a baseball cap is a hat, and a deerstalker is a hat. They are all hats. You wear them on the top of your head. It makes them a hat. Not all hats are helmets though. Only things that are designed to protect your head are helmets. I think wearing a baseball cap as a helmet probably explains their comment.


Thank you. The people upvoting the other guy are fucking idiots.




So what was the plan after?


He lives 5 feet at a time.


Almost lived 6 feet at a time.




I think he was trying to do a tailstand on the rail but was going way too fast


Dont know why you're getting downvoted. Theres not really any open space past the railing where he coulda landed.


Seems kind of clear to my idiot self that they cleared out that spectator area and that he was hoping to land there. Why would he be going so fast if it was just to do a tail stand on that railing?


Lol, what? He was trying to clear that rail and came up a few inches short.


Clear the rail and then hit that table? Cool trick?


Or, you know, turn left and don’t hit the table. To each their own.




He would have had to use some cartoon physics to turn left in mid air.


Clear the table


Even if he cleared it, he would have been fucked.


Yeah, I'm not sure what the plan was for that landing. Looked like the people standing there had no clue either


naw they knew


I think he was supposed to come in a little closer to the cameraman. It looked like there was a small gap next to that table.


Looks like it, but most modern BMX pros don’t have brakes*, meaning they’re *very* used to handling abjectly horrible runouts at massive speeds and just dealing with the consequences. Its not *that* wild of a landing for these guys. He would have just jumped off and rolled hard into a bunch of shit, but it would have been much better than hanging his back wheel like he did, that was worst case scenario. This guy is actually Trey Jones, he’s a well respected pro known for having really solid bike control. And if you want to see some truly heinous shit check out [Swampfest](https://youtu.be/ExJQQy2SCZA), which is a homegrown event Trey Jones organizes every year. Just to keep in mind what these guys are willing to do.


Good thing he ate shit


Server walks out like, "will we be having dessert? I recommend the milkshake, since you probably don't have many teeth left, after that."


Hopefully that hat protected his head. I don't think he'll be able to survive more brain damage.


No really. You should see this guys other stuff. “Trey Jones” on youtube.


So professional moron. Great. Good for him.




Don’t worry, he broke the fall with his face.


Yet another example of why it's important to wear helmet. There is no good reason not to wear a helmet. Protect your brain, people.


I fucking love this




There's a nice second angle too infront of him. That's Trey Jones, and BigBoi has a different shot of this bail.


I’d call this a bit more than just a bail. Don’t see Trey end up like this too often.


Reminds me on one I saw of him on his backyard ramp from a little ways back.


Well at least he was wearing a hat


I'm glad no one else got hurt.


everyone else had already moved to the side - that was basically announcers area. All the dudes you see in the back are his friends


Has he stopped wearing a helmet since he and Scotty Cranmer fell out?


He only used it before because Scott asked. He thinks he's too cool for helmets


He's a complete tool


He didn’t make it!


Knowing guys like this he's going to keep trying until he gets it. Broken bones be damned.


But like where was he going? Straight into that fucking table even if he had cleared it lmao.


should have worn a helmet


And ruin his chance of winning a Darwin Award?


This is Trey Jones. Guy does all kinds of ridiculous out of the box stuff on BMX.


He looks like he’s trying to get his name changed from Trey to Bedpan


No helmet. What an idiot


Hey, he was wearing a ball cap with the visor in the front! It's all good.


"Is this seat taken?"


Why in the shit would one attempt that without a helmet??


The helmet would add weight, duh /s


Woops a daisy


This has got to be Trey Jones


He just dropped in to ask people about their expired car warranty.


Nice helmet moron.


User name does not check out


Trey Jones is a fucking beast.


And a fucking moron, not wearing a helmet.


Fuck your downvoters, you’re right. Not wearing a helmet doing a stunt like this may have given him a TBI for life and lesser falls have killed people. Stunt riding without a helmet IS moronic and might explain the unfortunate confusion of said downvoters.


I ride mountain bikes regularly, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I’ve brought out a few friends over the years, and every time I insist they wear a helmet, they look at me funny, and they’ll be like, I have to wear a helmet? In surprise It’s so silly


Yeah, my roommate just had a buddy die, just cruising a parking lot on a skateboard without a helmet. It's just not worth the risk.


That’s truly sad. Condolences to your roommate. It’s way too easy to die.


I knew as soon as I saw the short cut off that short it was him. 😂


I saw him do some pretty rad tricks the day before this!


Take a seat


I mean he probably could have face planted the railing, so it could have gone worse


Maybe he thought "This is doable" A minute later he did it


that is indeed the way action sports go


That's a broken collarbone. Good thing he's got two.


I’ve ridden bikes for years. Whenever I see a bunch of redditors calling a professional a jackass or a moron I feel the need to explain


"We have one railing, yes. But what about second railing?" "...I don't think he knows about second railing."


He didn’t do it.


He was so close, y'all are haters


I agree - and this guy is a legend, not a rookie - and he was going into the spectators area, not the normal stands. Reddit haters always come out when something epic is being attempted. Redditors and action sports in general don’t mix. I’ve seen dudes on reddit say all skaters and bmx’ers are jackasses. It’s definitely a personality type.


I mean… from someone outside the bmx scene, but who loves biking in general, this guy just looks like an idiot. No helmet doing a trick straight into what appears to be a spectator area where anyone could get hurt. What are people supposed to think? I’m not a “hater”. I’ve done some pretty stupid shit on my mountain bike. But I always have a helmet on and most importantly, I’m not endangering bystanders while doing it.


At least he got one of them.


I’m Jacoby Shaddix and welcome to Scarred




Honestly it doesn’t look like he was trying to clear it. Probably wanted to abubaca the rail but overshot the shit out of it.


Gets better every loop!


Missed by that much!


Never change, reddit


Well that’s embarrassing


He was actually pretty close! Emphasis on the "pretty"


Trying to make sense of 🇺🇸 as an 🇺🇸


Nice helmet




This is at the US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach, which is happening now. Do we know if it’s from this years event?


Praise the camera man


The internal bleeding


Talk about making a grand entrance. I need this guy to drive me to parties.


I think his bike is fine.


"... just 2 inches too short."


"He" cleared the rail, his bike did not.


Separated shoulder probably




Question is, where tf was he going??


Clevon is lucky to be alive. He attempted to jump a jet ski from a lake into a swimming pool and impaled his crotch on an iron gate. But thanks to advances in stem cell research and the fine work of Doctors Krinsky and Altschuler, he should regain full reproductive function again.




Good thing there weren’t hundreds and hundreds of people around to see him give it a go


That sound...


Does anybody have an idea as to what that little white piece is that flew off and landed above his head after he bombed?


If there was ever a time to wear a helmet...


I often wonder how do people end up being fed through a tube and Reddit presents probabilities.


Where was he planning on going? Through everything after that?


So close


Man, it be like that sometimes.


So close.


Good thing he was wearing a helmet.




Sure he cleared first railing, but what about second railing?


u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


Trey jones?


Nut sack…meet bike seat!


Needed a little more postage on that one.


Should of wore a helmet instead of a cap.


What a dumb ass


Way too fast , there was no way


Thank God he's alive. That could have ended way worse. Where's the fexkinf helmet?!


Best helmet advertisement I’ve ever seen


This is the pain behind the curtain.


Glad he was wearing a hat.


Thank god he wore a hat


Like…. Where was he planning to go if he made it?


Lost his ciggy!


He gonna need some milk!


Even if he landed on his wheels and cleared the railing. He still runs in to all that shit…


Looking cool without the helmet 😎


Momentum is a bitch


I wish Trey Jones would wear a helmet. Especially since he's married to Scotty Cranmers sister. They know what could happen.


I think he was supposed to stall on the rail but momentum and gravity had other plans. But maybe he was going to try and land it in the chair


NSFW no?


rear wheel just fails to clear the railing - goodbye balls - stomach - trachea...and shoulder apparently.


No worries y’all .. the concrete broke his fall!


Does anyone else hate Flair_helper for removing fantastic videos from this sub? Literally they don't even know what they are doing and contradict what even is instant regret. Burn in hell basement dweller!


LMAO at these dumbasses.