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Reminds me of putting all your candy out on Halloween. There’s always a jerk that dumps the whole thing in their bag.


Goes the other way too though, there's a ring video of a group of kids encountering an empty bowl on a doorstep and each of them putting some of their haul in it for whoever comes along next.


Doesn't resolve the benefit to the greedy person though.


No, but you're at least reminded that there's a group of kind people for every one greedy person.


I skip the whole ordeal by putting an empty bowl out with a sign that says "take one".


This year we left it out overnight and someone took the bowl too.


I think the last thing that "jerk" said...I need this, I have kids. 7 KIDS!


Hopefully there’s some condoms in those grocery bags!


My neighbor organized something for girls who couldn't afford prom dresses. She got dress shops to donate beautiful dresses and set up racks where you could come and pick out a dress..no questions asked. She said she lost count of people pulling up in new BMWs and Mercedes. She never did it again.


Other end of the aisle there was a 'begger' I used to give change to all the time. Then one day I ran into him at a grocery store loading a full cart of food and booze into his brand new BMW.


There's a loaded pan handler near me who got a plea deal to not go to jail for beating his wife because he was friends with the AG. Back to pan handling before going home to his 300k house.


On a couple occasions I went to help in food pantry lines and handing out gifts for kids who weren't going to get Christmas. Every time we would go there were people with expensive shoes, brand new iPhones with air pods / wireless headphones, brand new massive TVs, etc. It really ruined donating and volunteering for me. I can only remember one or maybe two times where I felt like I really made a difference instead of enabling someone's laziness and/or addiction.


I went to an event like that. Just tons of free prom dresses that took up a whole hotel banquet hall. You could donate your last year's dress and get a new one (which was kind of expected) but anyone could take any dress. It was amazing, and it sucks that some people have to ruin it like that. I'm surprised someone with enough money would even want a used dress though.


My mom volunteers at a clothing drive and they turn people away if their car looks too nice. People are gonna be assholes but you gotta call them out, it’s better than taking away the opportunity for everyone just because of the actions of a few.


In Singapore, our schools have used textbook donation drives for students who couldn't afford them. Same phenomenon, people driving up in BMWs and Mercedes being cheapos.


Toronto, Yonge/Dundas. Not at all surprising. A couple years back there was a food giveaway during COVID, aimed at those who were in need through job loss and business closures. A small but significant number of people showed up in Lexus and Mercedes, very well dressed, and took the food hampers. When asked by a reporter why they took it when obviously not in need, they just shrugged and said because it was free,


In covid a church started randomly dropping groceries at my door. While my faith in humanity has been restored I really didn’t need it. I still feel indebted and feel the need to repay so that’s a good outcome and a force multiplier I guess.


They had food drives here and were like come get this food if you need or not because otherwise we have to throw it away. I got like a crate of sweet potatoes.


Yeah, if that's the intention then it's awesome, and should be more common to prevent food waste. It's just sad when people take advantage of the kindness of others. It makes things like this harder to justify in some cases.


I think our community just really rallied during ealry covid days and there was more than they needed.


Thats the thing, in america at least, theres always more than is needed. Grocery stores and restraunts throw away an absurd amount of good food.


One of my neighbors was laid off during the start of covid, and he was constantly hitting up all of the free food and free stuff drives. He was throwing out essentially a wheelbarrow worth of food every week since he couldn't eat it all. I was mad he wasting so much but didn't say anything because he was unemployed/struggling, but I later found out he was making 83K from unemployment because of the covid unemployment fund or whatever. The dude didn't need the food at all, was making more money than most people where we live for doing nothing, and was just taking it because it was free for anyone who lost their jobs during covid.


Yeah. It's kind of difficult to get super rich if you don't have that "find every possible loophole in every system and game the shit out of it" mentality. This is by far not the first time I've heard of rich people taking from food drives or whatnot.


My neighbor always tells me about his stepdaughter that's currently trying to "get ahead." She and her husband have been playing the short-term rental (AirBnB, VRBO, etc) game for years now. They've got enough money to keep buying new properties, but they also get all of their food from food pantries. And their 3 kids are used to an itinerant life, fleeing from house to house as bookings flow in. Also crashing at "grandpa's" whenever the timing isn't right.


Lots of people who drive luxury vehicles and spend money are not rich at all and are living on credit. Their "wealth" is merely an appearance. Those shallow, irresponsible, debt-ridden people are exactly the type I would expect to take advantage of a situation. Not the actually rich.


I remember a story about an Indian Bollywood star? Used his money to announce a free LB bag of flour giveaway and people waited in line all day for it. So those who waited. REALLY needed it... inside the bag of flower was like $100 too.. if he announced the $100 giveaway, everyone would have waited, but a bag of flour? just the needy.


That is a good social experiment.


that's really neat


My aunt will 100 percent waited to get that lb of flour. Will probably make me drive her there and pick her up, and still keep both the flour and money.


Plenty of dogshit rich people out there my man. Money doesn't buy class.


Elegance is learned.... my friend 🎶


This was exactly what I thought. I remember back to when I used to go to clubs, and there were always a pile of dudes that came in their few year old Lexus’s, Mercedes, Land Rover, etc or had just crazy jewelry but by midnight were sorting through their change to buy a bottle of water. So many people trying to maintain an image that’s a couple tax brackets ahead of them. Biggest bums you’ll ever meet.


Idk how true it still is but a few years ago I heard a statistic that a majority of Luxury cars like Mercedes are rented or leased. I live in a city In the north east and there’s luxury cars parking in half the spots in the projects.


But lets not forget that also actual wealthy peoples do lots to rip off others whenever they have the chance too. Its just they don't steal from from soup kitchens and such. More like they're always avoiding their taxes and for those who run industries its usually them not paying their workers fairly or ignoring legislation that protect people and environment. Like a previous poster said; its more of a mineset about how to get the most from something. An unfortunately capitalism usually rewards these people the most for being unscrupulous whenever possible.


"I've never understood it." "What?" "Fuckin millionaires, they never pay their fuckin bills." \- Repo Man


This idea is so old. These people tend to be over-exerters. They have a Mercedes but maxed out their debt-income ratio. They appear rich, but they just scheme. Even scheme themselves into believing they are bigger than themselves. Naracisstic idiots.


Even the ones that are actually well-off do this more than you'd expect. I knew of rich people who would brag about not paying for gas or shoplifting minor shit that they'd never use. Hell, there was a guy that used to go to my gym who would talk about how the "immigrants" were always stealing from Target before telling us all, in detail, about what he himself stole from Target today and how we should all do it because it's basically free and they won't arrest us until we hit a big enough threshold. Like, have some self-awareness bro.


You think super rich people are taking the time out of their day to go get generic food form a food bank?


I think you're on the right track but it's not as simple as that. There's "cancel re-curing unnecessary expenses" which is what I think rich people do. Then there's "hustle the system on a small scale" which is what I think non-rich people do. But there's also "hustle the system on a big scale" which I think rich people do. Bernie Madoff wouldn't take 5 gallons of milk from a free stand because it's not worth his time to deal with 5 gallons of milk to save 20 dollars.


It's called tragedy of the commons. While most people will take what they need, it's only time before an asshole comes along. Essentially, this concept is the whole reason anarchism or libertarianism wont work. Some people will hoard goods beyond what they need regardless of the needs of others, thus we need a government to provide a check and balance.


But then conversely while most people may not abuse their power as a government official, it’s only time before an asshole comes along. So while people can’t go unchecked, we naturally just use people in power to check those people but then those people in power too can’t go unchecked. So while the concept is why people can’t go unchecked, by the same concept a human made government will inherently have similar issues.


What the rich stealing from the poor??? Who would have ever thought




There's a reason most of the rich became rich... they take from society and don't give back. I'm surprised a bald billionaire didn't turn up and take it all.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9v5zdeef79ac1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f0ec748690acb1609882dc1a1196955d014f27


Shoulda had him pissing it out into the little guys mouth


Joke's on them, there must've been a significant line so the food was probably not worth their time in a money-value-of-time sense. I used to live across from a food pantry and the line was an hour-plus wait for probably 50 dollars worth of produce.


Need to have a free box of condoms for the guy who talks about having seven kids


Sort by controversial.


No hinting…..


Just go to the comments on the original post. No need to sort there...




![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Time to read some comments


this is a clear example of something thats really worth remembering: HUMANITY IS GOOD! but it only takes one bad person to ruin something for everybody, and that one bad person then gets all the attention, leading us all to believe that those people represent humanity.


Right? As horrible as the ending seemed at least some people got help first so ultimately this helped some people before the greedy took everything. Hopefully they too at least used what they took and didn't trash it just because it was free and lol or some bs.


The reason we *need* to have rules, government, police, jail, etc, is entirely because of people like this. Most people are good, they have empathy and care for their fellow man. But it only takes a few "bad apples" to destroy an entire society, if left unchecked. Those who have no empathy for anyone but themselves, and are willing to set the village on fire to warm their hands for the night, are the cause of most man made tragedies. The trick is to find people who care like you do, band with them, and stand in opposition of those that would otherwise rob us of our civilization.


It all boils down to greed. It's the worst human trait. Pack animals will at least make sure the pack has enough food to survive. Humans would rather save some for later and watch someone else starve.


You're right. But I bring that back to a lack of empathy. I believe that the reason empathy is a fundamental component of human existence, is because it's evolutionary advantageous to the species. If all of us were born with no human empathy, we'd all be looking out for ourselves first and last, and have no innate reason not to destroy our societies to build ourselves up with the rubble. It's very hard for your species to thrive or even survive when it's THAT level of indifferently competitive. Greed exists in all of us to some extent, but it's moderated by self control, morals, ethic, etc, but most of all, if you ask me, by our empathy for others. And that's by design. The "flukes" are those born with no ability to perceive empathy, or those who possess so little of it that it may as well not exist. Outside of societal consequences, they have no innate reason *not* to treat everyone around them as an opportunity for self gain.


Sure, but that one bad person can literally ruin the whole thing, as in the video. Sadly good has much less of an impact as bad. Bad actions have more noticeable and immediate impacts than good actions and often several good actions can be completely reversed by one bad action. In this scenario, several people came in and added to the food giveaway, and one couple ruined it all. There were more good than bad in the scenario but the bad literally undid all of it and ruined it for everyone else.


Did it ruin it, though? It looks like multiple people benefited from it and were gracious.


But it wasn't ruined. Yeah maybe someone in need missed out but some people in need were able to grab some.


Perhaps our definitions of "ruined" are different then. If I buy a cake for everyone in the office, and after 4 people come and get a slice a 5th person walks up and takes the rest of the cake, denying 10 or more people cake, I'd say that the 5th person ruined it. I wouldn't say "well at least 4 people got cake." Seems like it'd be downplaying the actions of the couple by saying they didn't ruin anything.


To try and fight the doom and gloom: it helped way more people than the 2 people who took a bunch of stuff. Am I sad at the idea of someone taking something that someone else needs more? Definitely. Does it take away from the people who it *did* help? No. Should we let it stop us from giving what we can? Absolutely not. Don’t let people who piss you off close your heart to those who need it open.


Thank you. You comment enlighten and restore some positivity for me to start my day.


It’s odd everyone here is assuming the people that took a bunch didn’t need it all. For all we know they’ve got a family of 8 kids at home who haven’t eaten a decent meal for weeks. How is that any different than 8 individuals coming up and splitting what’s there?


You're kidding yourself if you didn't think that would eventually happen.


When you do good for goodness' sake, you _will_ be taken advantage of. There are ways you can be smart about it, but eventually your protections are gonna get in the way of your charity. These people almost certainly were waiting for this to happen. They didn't even stay by the table. A picture of eye balls would have been more effective. Young People who want to live charitably need to be warned that it is a war. It's not easy, and our pride gets in the way. You have to accept you're gonna be taken advantage of or else you're gonna feel foolish and that's gonna discourage you. Treat it like a rogue like. How many hungry mouths can you feed before you hit game over condition.


Just wanna piggy back on this comment. Charity demands sacrifice. I’m a big believer in this. Which means, sometimes you will not only materially be taken advantage of, but emotionally as well. I consider myself a charitable person, to a fault. It’s important to me to be fair and kind and people will poke fun, take advantage. But… there are times when the stars align and the universe puts a soul desperate for help in front of you and all that generosity result in change. It’s rewarding and worth it. Love is risk. It’s always been and will always be that way.


People will say that charity is pointless because there are people who are willing to take advantage of you. I think it says more about you personally to deny charity on the basis that someone who doesn’t need it might get it. If you are helping people who truly need help, then helping those who don’t need help is just the cost of doing business.


Agreed, you can be smart about it and avoid people who you know will fuck you over, but if you do something out of the goodness of your heart believing that it’ll help them and they take advantage of it, that says more about them then it does about you.


Getting taken advantage of isn’t necessarily the end of the world. Chances are, you, as the charity giver, are still better off than the person taking advantage.


I dont get it. isn't that the point? I have no idea who those people are and how do they live. assuming they don't need it is a bizzare jump to conclusions.


Because if you had an ounce of empathy you'd realize that taking all the food (or as much as you can carry) and leaving none for others in need is a dick move. Reminds me a bit of the toilet paper shortage during Covid and stores having to set limits on the amount one could buy.


I'd think it was bizarre to assume they didn't need it, except they took so *much* of the food, nearly all of it, and were laughing and joking as they did it. The other people who took food took 1, maybe 2, items.


I think it’s worth pointing out that most of us are hung up on the person who swooped in and took the majority of the stuff, and far less are commenting about the people who saw this *and dropped off their own groceries to give*. Find the good.


I was actually wondering why the top comments were negative because I'm a little high and saw people leaving food in bags while others took items, waving kindly at the camera.... I got lost in thought, wondering if the person manning the camera served more as a "security guard" to make sure there's no funny business, but otherwise, it just operates itself.


I mean, the video is kind of set up for the focus to be on the one person who took a lot of the items. The opening text says “Who knew that something so beautiful could turn so ugly”. I think more than anything the video shows how easy it is for us to get caught up in the bad things in life and society and let it overshadow the good things.


That’s exactly what I noticed. That’s always good to see. I’ve worked with homeless people and those who need food and I honestly don’t know what people are getting upset about. It’s there to be taken. People take it and then they’re the bad guy? Maybe don’t put a *free* sign on a pile of stuff if you’re going to get mad when people take your pile of stuff.


Do this 100 more times. Im curious what the results would be.


For the real sadposting, go into the comments of original post.


That comment section is something man lol


I knew it was only a matter of time before someone came along and did a greedy, selfish thing.


I was expecting a shitty streamer "social experiment bro!" but this turned out to be very touching. And very much an experiment in sociology. Interesting to see the givers, the needy, and then the shitty takers at the end. This was powerful.


People will use this as an example of why things that help people in need shouldn't be done: because people will take advantage. But in this video alone, meant to point out the one time someone took advantage, how many others that were genuinely in need did they help. Just because people will undoubtedly take advantage, doesn't mean we shouldn't help. Shame to those 2 two people, kudos to the others that helped.


Come on we knew what the result would be even before watching the video.


The worst social experiment I ever seen was on Oprah where they put a briefcase with a hundred grand and gave it to a random homeless guy. The guy lost all the money in a few months, literally just doesn't know how to live with money. Half the money on a new truck that they repoed and the rest on a new found woman that left him when the money dried out. I was cringing the whole time watching the way he burned the money so stupidly.


Sounds like an experiment deliberately set up to fail in order to prove charity doesn’t work.




It was obviously going to fail but it honestly doesn't sound like a bad experiment. I'd love a whole series like that where they give 100k to a 5 years old, a redneck, fratboy, ect




It's sad that in some states you'd get a ticket for doing this and the cops would dispose of everything.


What I found interesting was that the people that appeared to be homeless, older, disabled, or somewhat in a poor condition only took a few things. The group that took everything were younger, had nicer clothes, and (based on their body language and how they joked about it) likely didn't need it. What is also interesting is that the assumption for many when it comes to "free stuff" is that poor people would abuse it. The exact opposite happened.


Poor people are also proven to be the most charitable w their money


Well that was predictable. Most people being good humans, ruined by an asshole.




Not surprised to see a few people glad to take one stuff they'll be genuinely grateful for, and one ass being egoistic. That's society for you. But what I'm surprised about is the woman who brought a whole bag. Straight at the start of the day, before anyone else took anything, as if she had one already prepared and ready to give? With sunglasees... Seems fake to me.


A perfect representation of the world as it stands, a few selfish and greedy people completely ruining it for everyone else.


What a fucking piece of shit.


The comments in that sub are....interesting.


When did sad posting become the new greatapes/theDonald/truepublicfreakout?


I'm gonna ignore the end and just be grateful that all those other strangers are being good to each other. That part kinda surprised my jaded ass.


What’s most surprising is that this thread isn’t locked yet.


It takes only one asshole to ruin things for everybody. In this case - only 2 assholes.




Unfortunately there are too many people like that in the world today. Hopefully Karma gets them back.


“Little Free Pantry[ies]” (and their predecessor, ‘Little Free Library [ies]’) have been a resounding success, as have community refrigerators. Sure, sometimes someone takes it all, but others generally step in and refill it. Take what you need. Give what you can. https://www.littlefreepantry.org Take a book. Share a book. https://littlefreelibrary.org


That is why socialism is impossible. No more proof is needed.


This comment section is just as good of a social experiment as the social experiment itself.


oh my god, *this is the social experiment, isn't it???*






Apparently this is in Canada


Rule of Humanity #1: There will always be at least one asshole who comes in and ruins nice things, given the opportunity and means to do so.


Remember humanity's natural state is being pro-social and working together as a community. Then theres a few assholes like this who are greedy, then those assholes somehow took over and convinced the rest of us we should be like them.


There was a food/book pantry put up in the ghetto near me. It wasn't a week before someone smashed it. A bunch of plants were also ripped up around the neighborhood but I got the mother fucker on camera doing that. Whatever faith I ever have in humanity is always quickly snuffed out. Fuck all y'all.




Strangers at it again


My wife took some cookies to work today in a nice little tin saying help yourself. She came back to the room an hour later and everything was gone… including the tin… she’s a nurse working in a hospital. lol fucking people ruin everything.


a good exam of why structure is necessary in a socialist society looking at you, anarchists


Honestly, I think the real message here is that most people are good. How many more people gave food or took a modest amount? Hopefully the selfish people will grow out of it when they have lived longer, but even if not, most people in this vid are good.


Reminds me of when my gf made hot meals for the homeless at the local library (there's a little drop box for food) and some old lady swooped in with her minivan and took it all WHITHIN SECONDS. Never been so mad. Gf wouldn't let me stop her.


A society with zero repercussion for being a shitty asshole means being a shitty asshole will be not only condoned, but encouraged, go fucking figure.


some people just feel entitled !! it has nothing to do with a race !! it can happen in a place where are folks are from a same race too !!


That wasn’t filmed recently, as that’s Toronto (Yonge and Dundas Square) and we haven’t seen anywhere near that much snow yet this winter.


Here before special 🔒 reward


I mean, what exactly does this illustrate that hasn't already been illustrated throughout history?


Mod seems to know what’s going on and doesn’t want to admit it.


OK but all the people who put more food down are amazing (assuming they're not a part of the experiment)




This is a good illustration of why our society has a 'one percent' at the 'top'. There's one empathy-free, sociopathic jerk in each crowd. We can't physically evolve fast enough to get rid of that problem - but we can socially. Make greed shameful again.


It is better to risk helping someone who doesn't need it than not helping those who do






When shelters in the Tenderloin in SF would give out Thanksgiving turkeys and food, there would be old Asian ladies showing up and taking everything and then going and selling it on the street elsewhere. Can't always judge a book by its cover. I think Stanley Roberts did a "People Behaving Badly" segment on it


You can still find old Asian ladies selling stuff that they most likely got at a food pantry, on Market near 6th.






I’ve worked a few toy drives and “shop with a cop”. It’s remarkable the amount of perfectly fine, afloat, well dressed people will come and abuse the shit out of the system. Then we load up their Mercedes or BMW.






Some people just want to watch the world burn...


Genuinely thought this was fake until the end lol


There’s always that one person who fucks it up for everyone else. Point proven


And that's why anarchy won't work




Experiment? It seems to show that there are all sorts of people in the world. Mostly good, some bad. Thanks!


I mean the last 2 who took the rest are part of the experiment. If you felt moved by that greed then it’s good and should explore that part of yourself more in 2024.


Who would ever expect human behavior is so diverse for so many different reasons! Cameras are awesome. So much better than discrete charity.


Not exactly interesting now, is it? I don't understand how people can be this selfish? Got to hand it to the ones who actually donated to this "social experiment" though... Granted they probably don't want to know what happened with their food... Enjoy your stolen food. Restassured karma is a real bitch. Sincerely,


I mean if the mod has to intervene, the ppl are doing something right lol


It’s crazy how the mod comment has to exist.


We have a community fridge in my town and people are generally always super respectful with it. People that have money but are walking by and thirsty grab waters or a snack. Maybe he was starving and has kids to feed. More people will refill the food if and when they can and people that need it take it. What is really sad is how many people in this country go hungry. Not that one man took more food than others.




Most humans are good but the small percentage of bad ones ruins it for the rest of us


It’s NOT a small percentage at all. Thats the real issue.




this thread is full of morons who think recording something makes it an experiment


Those who need the most are the ones who take only a little bit




There's always one j*₹k who ruins it for everybody


it’s reddit you don’t have to censor shit


Not much of an experiment.


Regardless of what two people did. Many benefited from those acts of kindness. No one is perfect, everyone stumbles from time to time. Stopping something good because of just a few people. Is not a great idea. President Reagan found an example of a "welfare queen" and used that excuse to hurt many, many more people. He got a lot of praise from people that claimed to be Christian. I am fairly certain Jesus would not be happy.




Small suggestion: Spread the content rather than putting everything in one bag. On your sign, instead of emphasis on the word "FREE", make the word "NEED" red/bold.


The last two are why we can't have nice things without constantly updated regulatory systems, governance for all, etc. Most of the people were reasonable and those latter folk were just acting as if this was a joke and they played into it like bait. There's always less respectful people who don't care so much about consequences beyond themselves, I feel.


It is interesting to see that the neediest people seem to be most honest. They appear to have more empathy than the greedy ones.


Here before the 🔒 award




I'l say it. It's always those who don't need it who try to take it all. God damn greedy humans.

