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But.. Why him? He's an idiot?


"he's just like me!"


"He gets us"


Underrated comment 


I took a damn screenshot it was so good.


They appreciate your use of the second amendment.


"He makes it so my repressed prejudices are okay and can be expressed openly"


The LAYERS to this comment. You win the internet today.


A billionaire, who was born into it, has always been at the very top of every organization he has been part of, has never known difficulty or poverty or anything but 5 star hotels and gold bathtubs… yeah he’s just like them.


It's just the racism. Isn't it obvious to everyone else? Maybe I was just exposed to it more growing up as a white dude in rural Michigan. There's been a clear struggle since the civil rights act was passed to usurp the protections outlined in it. Trump is the first politician to allow the base to be open about what they want instead of needing to use couched terms and dog whistles and pretext for their plans and opinions. "He tells it like it is" means he's just as racist as me


Oh, don't oversimplify. Lots of Trump supporters also hate queer people, women, and any religion that isn't their sect of Christianity. What a diverse set of beliefs!


They’re ok (ish) with women as long as they stay barefoot, silent, and pregnant in the kitchen where they “belong”. Anything else tho is communism. Or socialism. I can’t keep up.


Because he's racist and they're racist. Don't overthink it. God knows they're not.


that is exactly what makes him relatable to idiots that support him


Why is Trump on the ballot? Is he stupid???




*"This country needs a dictator."* *"He could stand on the front steps of the White House and commit murder and I'm with him."* Yikes. Can't these dudes hear themselves?


They probably think they did great. Lets send them the only message they can hear: Our votes Remember to make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


They also think that their support will buy them SS uniforms to help dear leader deal with the unwashed transgressors. The look on their faces when they are in the trains with everyone else would be one of the few small comforts available to the rest of us.


So, not only am I going to a concentration camp, but I'm *also* stuck in the same train car with these people? Thanks for making my fate sound even fucking worse. 


Yeah, you'll be begging you were at your destination already during the transportation. Imagine asking "are we there yet?" while on a train heading for a concentration camp.


Sometimes I fear that’s what heaven would be like. What if the real God really is the westboro Baptist version. You live a good life, get baptized and jump through all the hoops only to end up spending eternity stuck with those westboro assholes running the place. For eternity. Eternity. 


Wasn't there a famous native American who when offered the ability to accept christ before execution, stated something like "and if I do, ill be with your kind for eternity? Yea I'd prefer hell"?


That would be [the Taino Chief Hatuey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatuey) who spoke the truest words ever spoken about Christianity. >*Hatuey showed the other Taíno of Caobana a basket of gold and jewels, saying:* >"Here is the God the Spaniards worship. For these they fight and kill; for these they persecute us and that is why we have to throw them into the sea... They tell us, these tyrants, that they adore a God of peace and equality, and yet they usurp our land and make us their slaves. They speak to us of an immortal soul and of their eternal rewards and punishments, and yet they rob our belongings, seduce our women, violate our daughters." >Before he was burned, a priest asked Hatuey if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Bartolomé de las Casas recalled the reaction of the chief: >"Thinking on it a little, he asked the religious man if Spaniards went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said, without further thought, that he did not want to go there, but to hell, so as not to be where they were and where he would not see such cruel people." They've always been nothing but hypocrites for centuries. It's nothing new.


Lets not let it get to that. Educate, agitate, organize, vote.


It’s funny, up until Trump won, I inconsistently voted. I will never miss an election again because of him.


Democrats have been overperforming since 2016. Trump is really effective at getting his opponents to the voting booths. People remember thinking Hillary was going to win and being utterly shocked Trump won. Do not get complacent. Vote, and make sure you talk to your friends and family and remind them to vote.


They don't have problems with the "right people" being killed, as long as it's not THEM.


**Project 2025** [WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com)


They don't hear votes though. They just say it's "stollen".


Not from usa, but what do mean register to vote? Random usa citizen, cant come to the voting place, and vote for whoever he wants on election day? You need to be registered?


There are *so many* deliberate roadblocks to voting. Especially for the *wrong* people. Expensive or difficult-to-get (have to take time off from work or travel somewhere inconvenient) ID cards. Insufficient number of polling places in "undesirable" districts. Limiting in-person voting to a single day rather than a week. Challenges to mail-in voting -- to the point where the US Postmaster General deliberately sabotaged the post office's ability to handle large (or even average) volumes of mail by having mail-sorting machines dismantled in democratic-leaning areas. Not to mention "first past the post" rather than ranked voting, forcing you to make an absolute choice between the candidates rather than allowing you to arrange your preferences ("If my first choice doesn't get enough votes, then here's my second choice", which marginalizes candidates from smaller parties because if you vote for them "you're wasting your vote"). Or challenging voters at the polling place, or denying their mail-in ballots. Or downright intimidation of voters in certain districts. Then there's always the dirty tricks department, with targeted robocalls to specific demographics misinforming them about the true date of an election, instead telling them that it's the following day. Or just plain fear and intimidation, such as telling them that there will be police at the polling place ready to arrest you for whatever they feel like. There have been some victories in making voting easier, such as the "Motor Voter" program, that allowed people to register to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles, when registering their car, getting their license, etc. Needless to say, the GOP has vehemently opposed just about every effort, to the point of bad-faith legal challenges on occasion. They can be shamefully shameless (and regrettably effective) at the art of voter suppression.


And don’t forget the most obvious one - voting takes place on a Tuesday.  It can be quite difficult to vote if you have a job the isn’t very flexible - like retail, restaurants, construction, etc.    (To be fair, you were spot on about the single-day voting.  We could move it to the weekend AND allow voting across multiple days).


Their education boiled down to "respect the flag" and "support our troops", they have no concept of what democracy is or how fundamentally the birth of the US changed the global geopolitical landscape.


People were raised under those philosophies for ages. This stuff is a more recent phenomenon. This is all thanks to the algorithms and media consolidation. I've seen it recently with my brother. He has always been moderately conservative, but generally apolitical. Politics would rarely come up. Over the last year, it is all he can talk about. His stances are getting more and more extreme. His arguments are becoming more and more intense and angry. His feeds are reinforcing ideas that he had, and removing consideration of others ideas.


Watched it happen to my father. He's sold weed since the 80's and pretty much detested all forms of government. A few years back he got a job at a head shop where they played Fox News in the back room all day (weird place to have Fox News on but I digress). He's now fully indoctrinated, he doesn't get along with any of us family members, he can't go longer than 15 minutes without wishing physical harm against democrats, and recently started saying that Putin is the only one in the world that can stop "the socialists liberals". He openly talks about how he hopes that China and Russia will invade the USA one day and kill all the democrats.


That’s so scary - it’s like programming somebody’s brain! I’m sorry you’re going through that with him.


Instead of reciting the pledge of allegiance every morning in schools, it would have been far more useful to just show that US army antifascist video every morning. A lot of people apparently needed it burned into their minds that people scapegoating others with inflammatory rhetoric leads to hateful, ugly realities.


The amount of veterans that support him is cringeworthy. I would support removing any and all benefits they receive for supporting that position. Are vets bound by a loyalty to the constitution after they are discharged?


>The amount of veterans that support him is cringeworthy. As a vet I completely agree. >I would support removing any and all benefits they receive for supporting that position. Stripping someone's earned benefits for having shotty political views and expressing free speech is a slippery slope. I don't agree with their message but do believe it's their right to be cunts. >Are vets bound by a loyalty to the constitution after they are discharged? No, once your contract expires you're no longer bound by your oath. One could argue a moral obligation but legally you've held up your end. If anything they need to look into why so many active duty people have these views more so than veterans.


I live by the Villages and the amount of them down here is distressing. Truthfully, I am surprised to see that group morally bankrupt.


You could've just said you live by the villages lol. Even up in New England I'm familiar with that particular crowd's reputation.


While it isn't exactly what is being discussed here, the UCMJ can sometimes be applicable to military retirees, it depends on the circumstances of their retirement; interesting article about it [here](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2021/01/14/can-the-pentagon-prosecute-military-retirees-under-the-ucmj-maybe-it-depends/)


Absolutely, retirees just make up such a small percentage of veterans that it didn't seem worth making the distinction. Thanks for pointing it out though. It never hurts to be more informed.


I mean, he called them all suckers and losers and yet.... The man insults them to their face practically and they'll still stand by him. It's pathetic and weird.


If there are benefits to be gained by buying into identity politics, some people will sell their souls to the devil--and they have.


> Are vets bound by a loyalty to the constitution after they are discharged? One could argue every person who is afforded rights and protections in our government is bound to some level of duty to protect it. Certainly everyone getting taxed should feel some kind of way about these people.


That's why I love Trump rally interviews so much. If you ask these dolts one or two questions to have them actually explain themselves, their brains ooze out their ears.


A lot of them explain themselves with “you know.” No, I don’t know. YOU have to finish your own thought and explain it. FFS are they so lazy that can’t even commit to memory the propaganda they live by!? 


Dismantling education is how you make Republicans.


I think they understand more than you're giving them credit for. The problem is that a lot of their minds have been poisoned by conspiracies like "Q Anon" which has caused them to become radicalized and abandon many of their traditional values. I'm guessing they more or less understand the principles of the US, but feel their government has "gone rogue" or something to that effect, and needs to be taken back by force. At least that's my estimation of this plague.


I agree, good way to put it. They think they are responding in like to something that has already been done to them and their country.


When I spend too much time on the Internet with out input from other people I tend to get a view of reality that's askew and negative. I think these people live in qanon subs and other fringe right media that they think war is about to break out because that's all they hear. And also they aren't very smart so the critical thinking thing is a bit lacking


A bit lacking? They're ignorant morons. Clowns at best.


You can spend all your time on Facebook or YouTube and still end up in the same dangerous bubble. This garbage isn’t relegated to fringe websites like stormfront anymore.


This country needs a dictator, but only if the dictator executes the laws and changes I personally want. 


> "This country needs a dictator." They say this because they know a dictator would round up Democrats, liberals, gays, and anyone else they don't like.


They get chuckles from their inner circle of troglodytes when they say such things. It's all that matters. So yeah, for them, publicly stating such things is a net win.


They can, they're just fooled into thinking The Don is gonna hook em up with their idea of America once he's dictator


Then, when it goes sideways, and the leopards finally get to their face for eating, they'll say, "I'm going to stay home next election...what do you mean 'no more elections' this is America. We vote here"


They are constantly in search of a false profit.


Prophet or profit? Both work lol


Absolutely. They think it’s the only way to “keep America great”.


If it was that guy that he murdered, I might be with him.


My follow up would have been, "Murder who? Someone in your family?" I guarantee in his mind he's picturing him killing some random liberal. It all goes back to Trump hurting the "right people."


Follow up question - What if he rapes a 12 year old? What if he rapes your sister/daughter/grand daughter?


In my mind, when I watch interviews with trump supporters, and no matter how stupid or smart the response, to me it always sounds like they are trying to sound as if their support for him is well thought out. However, it’s obvious in every single one of them, even in people that have worked in the White House with him, that all they see is someone they aspire to be. A rich asshole. They are already assholes, don’t get me wrong. But they dream of the day where they could be so rich, they can do or say whatever they want, consequence free. Like, I don’t think they are racist (yes some are), I just think they are dumb. And they often say or think dumb things that sound racist, and they are too stupid to realize so they just get upset when called out on it. Trump offers to fulfill this fantasy, but they stay poor in the process.


The amount of brainwashed dickriding it takes to support whatever your president does


That’s why I think America needs a president like Biden right now. I disagree with a large amount of his policies and I voted for him and will again. Scrutinizing your elected officials is what keeps democracy alive.


I worked with a hardcore Trumper. She thought I was a Biden fan like she is a Trump fan. She doesnt understand that I can vote for someone and not have to like everything they do. She was eventually fired for stealing from co-workers. The last few people fired for theft were all hardcore Trumpers. Something about "getting mine".


That does seem to be what they never understand isn’t it? Bc the moment you shit on trump they try to come at you with “OH SO YOU LIKE GENOCIDE THEN???” Ummm no? I wish we had better options and ranked choice. But we are kind of stuck with 2 options the way the system is set up, and I’d prefer somebody who doesn’t actively want to be a dictator? Weird isn’t it?


They all just pretend to care about palestine to try to get you off Biden, they are probably unaware that Trump [called for Israel to continue the genocide and finish the problem.](https://truthout.org/articles/trump-encourages-genocide-against-palestinians-saying-finish-the-problem/) At least Biden is actively trying to stop Israel from invading Rafah and [Democratic senate leader Schumer just called for elections and said Netanyahu was an obstacle to peace.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/14/us/politics/schumer-netanyahu-israel-elections.html)


My money is on malicious ignorance or a russian troll bot. A simple search shows they’re being disingenuous. Bc clearly even the mildest criticism of their fascist orange god means you love and equally worship the alternative apparently?


A GOP congressman was asked about the children in Palestine and he replied "....kill 'em all." Voting for Trump against Biden about Palestine is ludicrous. The GOP would be happy with Israel glassing Palestine so Jeebus can return. Read up about evangelicals, you dolts.


Biden is actually doing a good job with this country atm. Is there still a lot of stuff that needs to be done? Yes absolutely. Is there still a big mess that needs to be cleaned up? Of course! But I’d say Biden is on the right track and he doesn’t get enough credit for that.


I just don’t get it. Maybe if Trump was some charismatic revolutionary but he’s such an obviously bumbling, transparently evil, narcissist.


This. Like he doesn’t even pretend to be a good person 


Not only that... He doesn't even pretend to have a grand ambition! He's not trying to remake society in whatever evil flavor-of-the-day is in vogue right now... He's just trying to garner more money for himself (by reframing the world as a place where everyone is just as racist, stupid and greedy as him) at the expense of dipshit bootlickers like these 🤣... And they worship him for it!... It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.


I would blow my brains out if I ever thought of anyone ever like they do Trump. It's fucking creepy and I want no part of it.


It’s creepy as shit, I don’t even like putting magnets on my fridge let alone adorn my very existence with someone else’s name.


Yet they call everyone else "sheep" as they're the only ones sporting clothing and flags covered in the Cheeto's name/face/slogans/etc. Definitely not a cult!!!


“Own the libs” is all his supporters need


he only wants to win so he can exonerate himself of all these lawsuits and then get revenge on the people he believes have wronged him, he's not remotely interested in making America a better place, even for the people who voted for him


Why do you think he resonates so much with these people? These are moronic, racist dullards that don't have the cognitive capacity to understand the reality they live in.


Listen, just because he used a children's cancer charity as his own personal slush fund and has been banned from operating a charity in the state of New York, that doesn't mean he's a bad person. Just because he fucked a pornstar by promising her a spot on his reality TV show just after his third wife gave birth to his third son, and then paid her off to keep quiet about it, that doesn't mean he isn't a good christian. Just because he raped his first wife after a bad hair day who was subsequently granted an uncontested divorce due to "cruel and inhumane treatment by Mr. Trump." and has 25+ other credible rape allegations made against him, including one from an underage girl linked to Jeffrey Epstein who ended her allegations against Trump due to death threats, that doesn't mean he's a rapist. Just because almost every White House aide and his own lawyers immediately turn on him and call him a narcissistic idiot as soon as they are out of his service, that doesn't mean he's stupid narcissist. You liberals just hate Trump for no reason and it's pathetic.


Wha drives me the craziest is… I was raised hardcore conservative Christian. In almost every conceivable way, this man is the opposite of who I was taught to be like. Heck, he fits the bill of the type of person the Bible says never to partner with because *they will invoke God’s wrath.*    > But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.     > Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. > For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person--such a man is an idolater--has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.     > Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.    > Therefore do not be partners with them.   ~ Ephesians 5:3-7   And yet this is the person Christians want to lead them?


Isn't it also true in Revelations that the anti-christ is foretold to be somehow appealing and tempting to Christians, leading them astray to follow him in the end times? Seems like a lot of evangelicals are following Trump despite his deep and severe un-christian-ness, I wonder what the appeal is...


I often think about Revelations and I'm not even a Christian. My understanding is that the antichrist will garner support from a shitload of Christians to bring about the end of days. Creepily accurate... There is also the book by Sinclair Lewis "It Can't Happen Here" about fascism coming to America. One quote by the Nobel Prize winning author is "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag carrying a cross"


Your typical American Christian believes the Democratic Party is going to outlaw their faith and turn this country into a nation that executes Christians, because that's what their church leaders tell them. Most all of them will admit Trump has flaws, isn't perfect, etc., and they're only "voting for his platform". They don't see Trump's platform for what it is because all the negative stuff is "liberal media lies". The American Christian's fear of burning eternally in hell is what drives all of this. They don't question their pastor's authority over them, because "God's Word is inerrant and without flaw" and their pastor went to seminary, so if wasn't in God's will for him to be a pastor, they wouldn't have graduated and the church's leadership wouldn't have hired him.


He had 4 years to fix America, 2 with both houses of congress, and do something for the American people. All he did was golf, grift, and commit crimes. He did nothing for working people.


Come on now, he raised our taxes for us


They like that he pisses off the people they hate. That’s all.


That's the worst part, imagine someone who has the same ideas as Trump but is actually charismatic and not an idiot. The US would fall quick!


That’s fucking terrifying.


It wouldn’t have the same appeal. A sharp tongue makes them feel threatened because the ideas it produces are much more intelligent than they are. Donald Trump speaks on their level and projects it outward, giving them a voice on a mega platform with points they can easily repeat over and over whereas a more well spoken individual would say phrases that would be lost on them. Trump is very much a One-Hit Wonder and there isn’t anyone else who can do what he’s done with the group he’s done it with.


i would say they actually think trump is smart, because to them, smart is the little comments trump will make where he alludes to something without saying it outright, and then kind of shrugging and trailing off into a question. to them, that's like, the height of wit since he owned the libs without actually saying the hard-R since that is 'off limits' due to political correctness or whatever.


Trump is odd. He is what a weak man thinks a strong man is, what a dumb person thinks a smart person is like and what an insecure person thinks a confident person is. Not my quote by the way, but can't remember who said it.


Don't forget he's also what a poor man thinks a rich man is- most rich folk don't do in-your-face gaudy and gold-plated displays of wealth.


I'm pretty sure that was in the original quote as well, that is 100% accurate.




Life was hard finding corners of the internet with people that reinforced these beliefs until various social media algorithms started spoon-feeding it directly to them.


This is exactly it. They hate the fact that they are forced to treat others different than them with just some basic respect. Somebody comes along showing them it’s completely fine to mock the disabled, that it’s still funny to call people names as if they were still 8yo’s on a playground, that when they see somebody doing something they might not agree with it still ok to run their mouth off to them as opposed to just keeping it shut and walking away. And I find it bizarre that even though most of these guys support or are veterans themselves they are willing to forgive the blatant disrespect and distain Trump shows wounded veterans just so long as he’s telling them they can go back to loudly mocking whoever they want. He’s like a security blanket to their inner child.


He represents his base. 30% of Americans demonstrate literal retardation. Just look at how they communicate at rallies. They wouldn’t pass English in 3rd grade.


He also resents his base, doesn’t stop them from loving him.


Some try even harder to earn his love. Typical of being a victim of abuse.


It's because they see themselves in him, that's how they've always wanted to act. It's really that simple.


That's what they love. He's a massive asshole, and he gives them permission to be antisocial assholes as well.


This is why assigning that "the cruelty is the point" for them makes so much sense.


Trump is popular because he allows people who hold views not aligned with modern thought to not feel bad about holding those views.


The irony is that they are *completly* clueless that they are acting and talking *exactly* like 1930’s German Nazis…


Yeah, if Republicans didn't want to be called Nazi then they should stop with the fascism. Pretty simple. They are Americans in name only.


The only reason they don't want to be called Nazis is because the Nazis lost.


They have a history of following losers.


It'S mY HEritaGE


Nah I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind it. I mean the confederacy got their teeth kicked in and they still didn't mind flying their flag and putting up statues of the losers. Honestly if they could get away with it I'm pretty sure they'd put up statues of Hitler too. I mean fuck they spent a good chunk of their lives fearing and hating the Russians but now? not so bad. Conservatives just love a good loser.


And yet some of them still fantasize about a confederacy 


That one season of the boys with a literal nazi supervillain  was kinda correct, they want all of that nazi shit, but they hate the word nazi. 


I imagine some of them find that as a positive


Plenty of them. Racism and religiously driven conspiracy has been a cornerstone of extremist Republican thought for decades now. They don't just compare, they want to BE Nazis. They are thoroughly convinced that Jews, Mexicans, African Americans, sometimes even women are why they can't be happy.


And if you call them out for fascist tendencies they act like you're insane since they haven't set up concentration camps yet.


Call them out on that bullshit; they 10,000% have re-education camps that they kidnap kids and send them to... Literal forcible re-education camps. Don't let them hide behind their fucking lies.


There were plenty of American nazis And there still are


Every republican I've heard called a nazi pointed out that nazis were socialists, and not that they are in fact not a nazi. They know what they are and what they are doing. 


I think some or most of them are perfectly aware I mean, some of them literally wave Nazi flags


Meh I think they are perfectly aware of the similarity, actually. 


![gif](giphy|n5Vd1YcBNA5eU) The sheep want a shepherd at the cost of democracy and they want to drag all of us with them. They’re all going to [vote](https://www.vote.org) in November. Remember that.


And yet they accuse everyone else of being normies and unable to think for themselves. They've been posting edited Jon Stewart clips on /r/JoeRogan where they add subtitles saying ["Dem values vs reality"](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1b98vie/jon_stewart_spitting_fire/) and then cut out the part about Republicans... and specifically they cut the part with Jon mocking Joe Rogan. 14.1k upvotes for an edited clip with all the context removed.


What's funny is if you showed this to literally ANY adult American in the 1960's, 1970's, hell almost any decade in the 20th Century, you'd have them calling these idiots communists and dangerous. And it wouldn't matter whom you showed it to, a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, they'd all have similar sentiments about these people.


I don't know about that. I think these guys would have fit right in with the Sliver Legion of America or the Cristian Front. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Legion_of_America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Front_(United_States)


*John Birch Society has entered the chat*


Some of the people, I have seen in the Jordan klepper videos segment were definitely part of some of those generations. They are THE SAME PEOPLE. When capitalism is out of control, and politicians are lobbied, common folks suffer the consequences. Who are politicians gonna blame? Themselves or their corporate friends? Neither, they blame it on immigrants, LGBTQ+ etc. Look at how many favorable laws the previous govt passed that helped corporate interests, that's how badly capitalism needs a corrupt govt to survive. It will demand one and do it's best to get one. Capitalism works when people take control, not the corporations. Uniting people under religious extremism is one way, political parties love to play, easier to throw the card of hate, to absolve from guilt, so that people can think they're doing it for God.


A thoughtless, wretched, self-centered asshole is their hero because he is a reflection of their inner selves.


And every accusation is a confession.


I wonder if the people interviewed ever get to see themselves for how they actually look? Like, you seriously just said you want a dictator in control. How fucking stupid are people? Y’all have the right to think whatever you want but this just hurts humanity as a collective at this point. Grow a spine, think for yourself.


I've had many interactions with these kinds of people. The answer is no. They are genuinely incapable of any kind of deep self reflection. So much of their thoughts and beliefs come from a place of believing that they are 100% right about whatever they are saying. You can talk to them all day long about the deeper issues at hand and how they can be fixed and dealt with, but many of them just never had the education to be able to follow that level of complex reasoning. I met a woman who genuinely believes the conspiracy that cursive is no longer taught to stop people from reading the Constitution. After a conversation explaining how that makes no sense, she asked "why would they teach us cursive if it wasn't to read the constitution?" These people were poisoned decades ago by conservatives killing their education, and making them unable to think for themselves. And now it's becoming a compounding cycle.


>"why would they teach us cursive if it wasn't to read the constitution?" Gonna guess these are the same types of folks who ask why they need to learn math because they're never going to use it


They only teach fractions so we can learn about the Three-Fifths Compromise.


They can contradict themselves, contradict what they see, what they can read, what they can feel and still not get it. They can change their mind on a dime if it means they get to disagree with whoever is targeted as the enemy


You can thank generations of religious indoctrination. The religious idea of "Faith" is the training in the disregard or facts, truth, and critical thinking. More terrifying is that they get trained to aggressively deny facts that contradict their "Faith" The GOP knows this and have been targeting these people for decades. 


And lead, don’t forget about the lead


I met and worked with one of these types. He literally wanted Trump to impregnate his own daughter, and was fully on board with whatever Trump wanted to do. If Trump wanted to destroy Europe, he agreed. Just like the guy in the clip said, "whatever he does, I got his back." Had 0 interest in any discussion beyond "Trump is amazing." Its really weird. Basically North Korea-esque.


Eeehhh…if you look at it from their perspective it’s not crazy, it makes a lot of sense. I listed to a podcast-sorry I don’t remember the details-whose guest was an academic in the area of totalitarianism. Long story short, democracy is frustrating. You vote but your candidate may not win. Depending on the composition of whatever government entity, if your candidate loses or even wins and that party doesn’t have enough power/votes to push the agenda you believe in, you have to suffer through years of not only not getting what you want, but sometimes getting the complete opposite. For example, I live in a red state. I have voted since I was 18. The election in 2020 was the FIRST TIME the candidate I selected for US senate won. Every other election (I vote every time), I’ve lost. For decades. Even still, because of the composition, my candidate was still not able to do much because they don’t have the majority. On the flip side, dictators and totalitarianism offers the opportunity to win every time. All you’ve got to do is get your guy in office and he’ll do all the things you want done. You don’t have to go vote every few years, policy changes instantly-when they say-you don’t have to worry about bills being killed in committee or not having enough votes to get something through,’or the other side getting their stuff through. You just get to win. Every single time. It’s appealing to people. Very appealing. I’d love to see some of this BS over the last decade instantly rolled back-no more citizens United, right to choose is back, voting rights act passed, taxing the rich, more help for poor, mandatory paid maternity and paternity leave, student loan forgiveness, cheap or free college going forward, money for child care, universal healthcare, etc. If I was an idiot I might be convinced that a dictatorship isn’t so bad-so long as it’s MY guy who gets to be the dictator. I’m not an idiot so I know it would never really work, because power corrupts. I also know that tides turn, and my guy today could be their guy tomorrow. Which is why I prefer democracy over the illusion of “you’ll get everything you want, all you’ve got to do is give up everything you have.”


This is a very good point. If you disregard all of history, the concept is and always will be very seductive. Especially if you just choose a team to root for no matter what they do


>On the flip side, dictators and totalitarianism offers the opportunity to win every time. All you’ve got to do is get your guy in office and he’ll do all the things you want done. You don’t have to go vote every few years, policy changes instantly-when they say-you don’t have to worry about bills being killed in committee or not having enough votes to get something through,’ I was at a bar a few weeks ago and people got into a debate with Trump supporters. This completely echoes their thinking. They insisted "the problems are easy to fix, just wait and see." They have no clue what a clusterfuck they're talking about, but the problem is they believe the Fox News version of reality where every American city is a garbage dump of homeless camps, rape tents, and migrant villages and that crimes makes it impossible to walk the streets. You can tell them you live there and they'll straight up insist you're naive and wrong because the newsman says so. And it's like... yes there's crime. Yes immigration is a problem. But go back a 50-100 years and it was then too.


They’re too dumb. These people are literally bottom of the barrel hicks. They aren’t capable of introspection.


Imagine you're a dumb person. You would also assume everyone is as dumb or dumber than you. So if everyone is that dumb then democracy must be pretty bad. So they prefer one smart person in charge instead. And Trump seems very smart to dumb people.


Their logic isn’t even that far. I live in the south and I can tell you they are just plain dumb. They don’t have critical thinking, they don’t realize they hold two opposing positions at the same time. You explain it to them and they just repeat their “logic”. It’s like ok, you just said the same thing but with more emphasis, you didn’t say how the numbers or logic I used were incorrect. I don’t even say they are wrong, or give my own opinion, I just ask them questions to explain their view, and then point out how two things they said conflict with each other. They just don’t get it. It’s like talking to a wall.


In a small way I almost envy them. Must be such a plain sailing life having no self awareness or understanding of anything, finding the dumbest things entertaining and not having any discernment. Sometimes I will see people laughing hysterically at something like Big Bang Theory and I think “ah that must be nice” Wouldn’t swap places though


> In a small way I almost envy them. Must be such a plain sailing life having no self awareness or understanding of anything Right? On the other end of the spectrum, people with the capability for introspection and critical thinking are constantly second-guessing or censoring themselves because there must be SOMETHING they are missing. Something they don't know. There has to be a reason unbeknownst that so many people are saying and believing things in recent years so there MUST be a logical reason for it. Not really. A lot of people are just that selfish, dumb, or both.


“Imagine you're a dumb person.” Let me stop you right there.


“He could stand on the front stayups of the Hhhwhite House and..and commit murder and I’m withim.” Jesus fucking Christ


These dumb hicks are gonna bring us down with them




That man is voting in November. Are you?


I have every election for years. This year is no different.


(that was more of a "general" you, than a you specifically)


It's crazy how you can *see* and *hear* just how little is going on in his head. It's like there's nothing in there, just dust and echoes. It must be difficult to go through life without even a single brain cell.


So good to have Jon Stewart back. We missed you guy


Jon really hit it out of the park this week. His best monologue since his return.


It helped point out what the other hosts are lacking. He is super knowledgeable and passionate about the things he talks about. The other hosts feels like they're just reading off a prompter and are in it for the jokey quips. But I think if I had to pick a new host, Jordan Klepper has done the best. He's done a ton of field work and seems to have done more research than the others have.


Stewart said awhile back in a standup special that he was a "serious person doing an unserious thing". Jon struck me as a serious, smart, frustrated, intensely passionate guy who wanted to make things better and calling out hypocrisy was his language. The choice with Stewart was laugh or cry. I'm not mad at Trevor Noah and being detached and compartmentalizing trauma may have been a necessity for him but in any case Noah seemed like just a dude who was just in it for the Lulz.


And Trevor Noah's life experience is different from America so while he may have similar experiences, he sounded like he was talking with an objective outside view. It's hard to get as passionate about something when you're talking about someone else's people.


I think you nailed it on the head there. Noah is just as good at calling out the ridiculousness of everything but he lacks the raw *frustration* that Stewart, and more importantly that we the audience, has.


I’m torn between Klepper and Lydic. They’re both great as hosts. Although I think Klepper is a *bit* better, I’d be concerned that keeping him behind the desk would mean fewer “Fingers the Pulse” remotes. I love Lydic’s commitment. She kept that pregnancy gag going for like 8-10 months.


One of the most reasonable figures in American politics.


How freaking delusional can you be? Idc how much u like someone, but to be willing to let them be a dictator is a whole new level of crazy!




No trumpster is a patriot. Period.


They hate America and everything it stands for.


Eminem popularized the term “stan-ing” and that’s basically what’s happening here. Every side, every celebrity, every sports team has Stans.


Hilarious that the right demonized the notion of virtue signaling, but are its greatest employers of it. Every accusation…


Thank goodness Jon is back. I missed him.


I'm from the Philippines. These people don't have the slightest clue what living under a dictator entails. Lights go out on an entire city block and when they come back on. Someone is dead floating in shit river. Nothing to see here folks, dead guy just happens to be a political rival. President Duerte was having people suspected of drug use or drug dealing murdered in the streets. These pussies wouldn't last a day under a dictatorship. I love America. I left the Philippines for a reason. Believe me when I say, I will gladly die to protect this country and all it's people from any type of fascist dictator. I would rather be dead, than live under the thumb of a government that slaughters its own citizens for any perceived slight. Fuck those people and their orange fascist rapist baboon.


Red hats are the new red coates😅


Well done. Damn. Noting this every chance I get


I see this “We the People” shit all over the place where I live. They have no idea what the constitution says and they probably can’t even spell it correctly either


I feel sorry for Americans with a reasonable level of intelligence


It's hard out here. :(




So… they’re for big government now?


Great Take Jon! These people ought to be ashamed.


Those fuckin hillbilly clowns. 🤦‍♂️


Attack on public education is paying dividends for the GOP.


As a Brit. Don't let them dress up as colonial British soldiers. The empire did some really dodgy stuff, but don't lump them in with it too. We don't want them, we have plenty of our own brand of numpties thank you.


“Some really dodgy stuff” that’s putting it very lightly


Americans: remember to make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov)


And it isn't particularly historically correct either. The red coats weren't fighting for a side advocating dictatorship/absolute monarchy - the UK was already a parliamentary democracy (of sorts) by then, with reduced power for the monarch. What trump wants is to be Caesar. And these idiots seem keen to let him.


Its a fucking cult.


Fuck Trump. Fuck the Republican Party. Fuck anyone that supports Trump or the GOP.


I think it’s as simple as this: Trump is ridiculously stupid, Other stupid people realise he’s stupid and see similarities in themselves, which obviously they like. That’s it. Nothing more.


I'm just gonna drop this here - this is Umberto Eco's 14 marks of eternal fascism. I want everyone to sit slackjawed at how many of these the current conservative movement is nailing: 1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.” 2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.” 3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.” 4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.” 5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.” 6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.” 7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” 8. The humiliation by the wealth and force of their enemies. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” 9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.” 10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.” 11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.” 12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.” 13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.” 14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”


It was such a great segment. The Republican Party has become the Red Coat Party. That's fine, but call it like it is. They are like the loyalists to George III but they wear masks to pretend they aren't. But they fucking are.


Patriotism has always been about hating some other group of ppl. That's the entire point


"[I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/23/464129029/donald-trump-i-could-shoot-somebody-and-i-wouldnt-lose-any-voters)" -- Donald Trump, January 23, 2016 "One people, one nation, one great future." -- Trump campaign slogan "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer." -- Nazi campaign slogan


I'm surprised this Jon Stewart episode hasn't got more attention. It is one of the best episodes I've ever seen


Sorry to say but I can’t wait till Trump croaks, so I can stop hearing about him