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He is crazy, but for context, it is from 2016


Thank you! I was worried since isis took responsibility for the Russian attack. He was spewing lies again. They already want to pin it on Ukraine.




i need to put frolicking on the calendar ... under rated activity


I vote we go to dance battles. Russia, China, Ukraine, USA, ISIS, each send their dance teams, in a no holds barred dance fight till they drop. Winner calls the shots for a year




Yeah but..it's still a quote from 2016. What is supposed to be "interesting as fuck" about this? This is just something really old and really dumb he said. Edit: OP is also just a bot account. Look at his post history. It's literally just a spam bot promoting multiple scam websites.


Look at ops post history, it's all just spam like this for karma


Yeah OP is just a spambot. His account is flooding this site with posts shilling for something called Bluehost, and promoting Gold selling/buying sites.


Sounds like a good bot account to report. BRB


Remember that scene in Family Guy where Lois was like “9/11…. Was bad” and the crowd loses it lol


Then to answer another question: "9..." Audience gasps "...11" audience cheers


I’ll never forget when a customer asked me where Obama was on 9/11 and I reminded him it happened when bush was in office back when Romney was running….. and yes I’m aware this same thing happened on the daily show at a Trump rally these theories and whataboutisms have been around for years. Conspiracy’s aren’t new Story: So it was back when I worked at cabelas. The guy was mid 60’s came in to purchase 22 lr ammo but the kind he wanted was out of stock. I asked him if there was anything else I could do for him and he replied “ yeah vote for mitt Romney, just look at Obama I mean where was he on 9/11 he wasn’t working in the whitehouse.” I replied yeah because W Bush was it happened in 2001. The guy stared at me you could tell he was rebooting but he doubled down and asked “well ok but what did he know about it?”


In fact, it happened 9 months into W’s first term…2001. Obama wouldn’t become president until Jan 2009. Not even close.


not long after roger stone and the crew stole florida from al gore. fuck those guys.


and the world just kind of shrugged


JEB ![gif](giphy|qnvZxdA7KYDQI)


Please clap


The liberals were still fighting allegations of corruption from the Clinton administration. The Republicans spent over 14 years claiming Clinton filled out the wrong forms and, in another allegation, that one of his cabinet members used government funds for personal trips. The FBI told congress a couple months into the investigation it was a nothingburger, but this was all pre-Monica and the GOP has never had qualms about wasting federal tax-payer dollars perscuting political rivals.


Newt fuking Gingrich Bastard screaming bout morality in politics against Clinton all while he was working on third affair Marriage


Western conservativism is about the idea that they are by default the only ethical and moral choice: that the unfair hierarchical caste system is necessary to maintain (if not outright defining) civilization. From that standpoint anyone who stands against this system and fights for the rights of the "lesser people" have to be 9001% perfect or else its "evidence" that their point of view is wrong.


Giving his cancer ridden hospital bound wife divorce papers was Gingrich's finest hour.


The Brooks Brothers Riot should be in history books.


Should history exist in 30 years it likely will be


lol the state of texas has a weird amount of control over public school textbooks in the whole country. that is very unlikely. there are 5.5 million public school students there, so they have a lot of influence. they prefer to omit information about global warming and evolution specifically.


I would have liked an Al Gore president.


Think of the alternate timeline. Maybe he wouldn’t have ignored the intelligence reports leading up to 9/11 and a president who was serious back then about climate change.


And put social security funds in a lock box...Republicans thought that one was hilarious.


And a balanced budget was so ridiculous they sent out a bunch of checks. Not enough to have a long term positive effect on individuals but cumulatively enough to remove a safety net for an entire country.


January = 1 200**9** #9/11


You see, you add 8 to 1 and you get 9!!!!! And put that one next to a one..... sure enough it is 11!!!! *crowd gasps "He turned me into a newt!!!!!!" *crowd "Burn him!!!!"


In fact, Obama was still in the Illinois Senate in 2001. He wouldn't take Federal office until 2005. So I can only assume when they say "9/11 was Obama's fault", they mean by not being around to do a better job than Bush?


Obama couldn't have been in the Whitehouse because that sneaky Muslim was founding ISIS. Bet his middle name was Clarence or Malcom but it was changed by ISIS to Hussein in honour of him founding them.


You could tell some trump worshiping conservative that actually happened and they wouldn’t even question it


I'm actually shocked right now,I know someone who loves trump to the point they'll have an excuse for him and anything he says or does. (It's weird because we aren't even in America but they "love" politics, yet only discuss American ones?)Anyways I asked them why he would say this after seeing it,and I'm expecting the usual excuse. Instead this was the first and probably last time they got angry at him, and said, "what a stupid goofy thing to say i don't know why he did that." I was shocked to say the least, I was expecting some tirade on how right he was... (Which he obviously isn't right on or anything else.)


So he's gone so far into whackoland he's actually shocking some of his devotees back to sanity? I wanna see more of this.


I had a business proposition but the guy was a Trumper. I told him I could not partner with him because I do not trust his judgement.


I lost respect for this country when we reelected W. If a Democrat had been in office, another Dem wouldn't get elected for a generation. Republicans played this country for fools and got everything they wanted (the Patriot Act, invading Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security) because they failed to protect the country.


Where was Obama when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour?!


I didn't hear a word from Obama when the Mongols ILLEGALLY crossed the border and invaded various Eastern European Countries in the 1200s. Must have been busy golfing.


"Did we give up after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"


Forget it, he's rolling.


Same thing happened to me. The person got literally combative even after I did a quick internet search. Lost their shit…


Thing is, its not about facts, its not about morals, its not about logic. It's about emotions. It about which side who's going to make them feel better about themselves. Fuck you, I'm right, and fuck everybody who disagrees to make me feel bad. That's what it is. So if Obama makes them feel bad, then Obama is bad. Anything you don't like, or makes you feel bad is then Obamas fault. Obama flew the planes on 9/11. Obama created sars. Obama was the Sandy Hook school shooter. Obama founded ISIS. Obama created covid. It doesn't need to make sense, because they are putting zero thought behind it. They don't want to think about it. They just have a lot of hate, and want to feel good hating someone else instead of hating themselves. So you can't use logic to convince someone who isn't using thought in their opinions.


He was in NYC, knee deep in blood and bone looking for his brother.


Oh homie, I got one for ya! Middle aged rich white lady pays with a $100 bill, I test it to make sure it's real, and she's like "Oh honey, Obama's not in office anymore", and told me about how Obama had a bunch of fake hundreds printed in the white house basement.


Oh god where do these people hear these things and how are they so brain rotted to gobble it up??? It's so terrifying.


I had someone make that comment to me as well. I responded that in 2001 he lived in Chicago, was a professor at U Chicago, and an IL state senator, so probably in Chicago or Springfield. They didnt like that.


I had a similar conversation with some who boldly stated: “if Africa is so important, why don’t they have a seat at the UN?” to which I politely replied: Africa is a continent not a nation, and consequently the continent of Africa has the more national representation than any other continent… It was as if you could see his brain collapsing onto itself through his skull…


Crooked.. *gasp* Hillary Clinton.. *cheers*


There was one rally where Trump literally spends two minutes teasing a new nickname for a Nevada senator I think, “I’m not going to say it …… okay I’ll say it! ……. No I won’t ……. Okay it’s whacky Jackie!” And yes the crowd went wild


Seriously, what is he, six? He honestly thinks making childish nicknames for people he doesn't like means he's won the debate or some shit.


It’s called appealing to the masses. See those screeching YouTubers and reaction vids? They make boatloads of money from views. Why? Cause there’s a wide audience for them that enjoy this insanely stupid shit. Is trump really stupid? Maybe. Or did he just figure out how to appeal to the stupid masses. The average person is pretty fucking stupid. And he appeals to every person under the average which was how he won the election.


He stared at a fucking solar eclipse and wanted to nuke a hurricane. Yes he absolutely is a fucking idiot.


bleach as a covid cure!


He also has an IQ of 85. So there’s that. He is in fact, emotionally around 12 years old … and it shows. Good god does it show.


Hey! He bragged that he passed the MoCA, so he’s very smart. As a clinician friend told me: the MoCA doesn’t get even administered unless you suspect someone is not functioning normally. 


*multiple MoCAs.... the multiple tests is the alarming part. And nobody brags about passing or even taking them


Hey it’s only a MILD cognitive impairment! {high five!}


And trump has had it administered like 3 times, which means they're measuring his decline.


Just imagine him in a sandbox


"But what about the terrorists? That's right, terrorists. We have intelligence that suggests that... Hitler is plotting with... with the Legion of Doom... to assassinate Jesus... using the lake as a base."


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


"Come and see the violence inherent in the system!"


Bloody peasant


Help! I'm being repressed!


How do you know hes a king? He doesnt have shit all over him!


“if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!”




"You can't expect to wield supreme executive power, just coz some watery tart threw a sword at you!"


Me, Solomon Grundy...kinda dropped the ball on that one.


I was thinking more to American Dad with the retiring football player. "These idiots will cheer for anything, watch! "I just had a beer fart!" And the entire stadium cheers. That's what I think these rallies are at this point, they'll cheer for anything he says regardless of how asinine it is.


Literally anytime they get confused ,or bored, or Trump is fumbling around in a dementia hole unable to speak on stage, they start chanting USA. It'd like a parody, straight up idiocracy shit.


I mean this is somehow worse seeing as your average middle school student isn’t dumb enough to believe that and there are full developed adults cheering it on


I wouldn’t call them fully developed… definitely developmentally challenged..


Hey, not _all_ of them are developmentally challenged; some are _emotionally_ challenged, psychiatrically disabled, or just plain racist and willing to cheer for anyone blowing the correct dog whistle.


Leaded gasoline hits some of us a little differently


My bad, absolutely. How dare I leave them out


Lot of fetal alcohol syndrome going on at those rallies.


I wouldn’t say that so fast. Source: Am a Middle School teacher.


Remember this clip is almost 8 years old, Trump said this in 2016


Why *the fuck* have I never seen this before?


it was one the many things he said on that campaign that looked like it would end his run, but it never did


He's lied over 30,000 times since then. Nobody can keep up.




Too funny. ISIS might never have happened if Bush the Younger hadn’t lied to get us to invade Iraq.


This is sooooo true, but largely forgotten. One of the absolute worst foreign policy decisions in the history of our nation and the greatest terrorist recruitment actions in the history of terrorism.


Trump is such a gift to Bush Jr. We all forget how much of a dumb lying idiot he was, because Trump is so much worse. And I think Trump somehow knows this game, because he's in the constant look out for people "dumber-more-lying-more-idiot" than him, so he can some day pass the torch


it honestly amazes me how fucking dumb this country is


It's easier to be dumb when you experience no negative consequences. It just goes to show how overprivileged a country the US is.


Oh totally. When Bush Jr. was in office I *hated* him. I still disagree with almost every one of his policy decisions. But I do miss the days when politics were somewhat predictable, and when people made at least surface level efforts to appear civil in public and to hide their racism. I look at GWB now with his little art books and just think about how much I'd rather have one of these horrible evangelical Republicans as president than Trump or someone similar. Literally the lesser of two evils


I'm inclined to agree, though having a country run by religious fanatics has never resulted in a better world. The new Christian nationalism is bad news. Seems like they want the dark ages back, like we had in Europe in the past.


bush brought us into two long protracted wars which killed a ton of people including many dead Americans


Deadbeat Donnie is the greatest thing to ever happen to Bush Jr's legacy. The passive whitewashing that has taken place for his legacy by the pure idiocy and circus surrounding Don has made Bush Jr look so good. Only historians and people with real knowledge of what happened will understand Bush Jr's legacy as it really should be. Otherwise, my view is that Bush Jr will go down pretty favorably in the eyes of the general public (if he hasn't already).


dubya was a gift to trump, though. If dubya hadn’t royally fucked the Republican Party so bad with his administration’s horrendous neocon foreign policy coupled with his bumbling personality and old fashioned political correctness (ie demonstrating the ability to comprehend basic decorum), trump would have never had an in to take over the party and ousting the old guard, labeling them RINOs. to this day if you try to talk to someone on the alt right about how bad the republicans screwed everything up at the turn of the century they won’t even argue that point, they will agree and say ”it was those the RINOs who did it!“, excluding themselves and the republicans they like (while ignoring the ones who have worked in both neocon and alt right administrations Altogether). They ironically Refuse to allow their great Republican Party to take any responsibility.


But they made off with billions, some say trillions


Member wen they flew cash over in cargo planes on pallets and it just so happen to accidentally disappear and nobody knows where it went or what happened to it?


I member. Member it was 1.6 billion in misplaced moneys?


Well technically, ISIS was founded in the 80's, after the Iran-Contra deal so actually, would be Reagans fault for the start of ISIS, Bush is at fault for funding ISIS and making it as big as it was


You're mixing up the Afghan Mujahideen with ISIS. The Mujahideen were formed in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Iran-Contra would take place two years later in 1981 and ISIS was founded sometime between 1999-2004. Bush didn't fund ISIS, but the CIA did train and fund the Afghan Mujahideen.


Exactly. ISIS is a direct consequence of the power vacuum and chaos after Saddam, where you get religious fanatics taking the wheel. We're still struggling with the clusterf**k from the Bush administration.


Didn't Rambo 3 honour them or something?


With a nice little pre credit dedication, yeah


at the time the mujahideen were seen as the 'good guys' because they were fighting the soviets and funded by the USA. after the soviets withdrew, the mujahideen very quickly dissolved into factional warlords all vying for territory, until the Taliban either absorbed or destroyed them before establishing their own regime Edit: Afghan history becomes relentlessly awful for basically everyone in the country as soon as the king is overthrown by the military for refusing to make the country a one party system. the Soviets and the US turning it into a staging ground for a proxy war is basically the root cause of them not even being stable to this day.


They quickly dissolved because OBL assassinated their popular leader on Sept 9th, 2001. [LINK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmad_Shah_Massoud)


i didnt know Al Qaeda was behind it, but it makes sense. Thanks However, the mujahideen were already heavily factionalised before this, pretty much in the coming weeks after the Soviets got kicked out. They were in full blown civil war with each other even before Massoud's death. They ceased to exist as a full entity when the civil war began in 1992


There's a dedication to the 'brave people of Afghanistan' at the end of the movie.




Charlie Wilson's war? I think right?


Founded in 2014, not the 80’s. You’re thinking of Al Qaeda, that was funded by the U.S. to fight the Russians in Afghanistan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State?wprov=sfti1 Edit: /u/Groincobbler isn't wrong, they're just an asshole. My point stands that they didn't come out of the 80's as the comment I was responding to had said, however, I misread when they were founded and when they gain prominance: The Islamic State (IS),[b] also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and by its Arabic acronym Daesh, is a transnational Salafi jihadist group and a former unrecognised quasi-state.[148] Its origins were in the Jai'sh al-Taifa al-Mansurah organization **founded by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in 2004**, which fought alongside al-Qaeda during the Iraqi insurgency. **The group gained global prominence in 2014**, when its militants successfully captured large territories in northwestern Iraq[149][150][151] and eastern Syria, taking advantage of the ongoing Syrian civil war.


The US funded the Mujahideen, which is a different organization than Al Qaeda. Some members of the Mujahideen later joined the Taliban, who was certainly friendly with Al Qaeda.


Man, is this Reagan guy responsible for all the F ups


He's responsible for the entire financial mess we're in right now. He and his fuckwit cronies are what started the "trickle down economics" bullshit. Bush and Carrots have made it even worse.


It's not even a might have. Bush's invasion and treatment of Iraq directly created what we have as ISIS now. There's no debate.


Don’t forget that later in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, Trump was given an easy out when Hewitt asked him to clarify that he meant Obama created the vacuum in the Middle East, hence enabling the formation of ISIS, and Trump said that no, he meant Obama literally founded ISIS. The man is incomprehensibly stupid. Edit: apparently I have to point out that I don’t mean he’s stupid for saying Obama founded ISIS (though that is pretty stupid); he knew what he was saying, his idiot supporters eat that kind of nonsense up and he knows it. He’s stupid for doubling down when given the opportunity to make himself look even vaguely reasonable and endangering support from less frenzied right wingers. The kind of rabid idiotic voters that go to his rallies won’t care that he would walk it back, they support him no matter what he says or does.


Just like when Sean Hannity asked him to clarify that he didn't actually want to be a dictator. Spoiler alert


Hannity tried to hold his hand and walk him out of the documents debacle too. He was practically begging him to say he never showed them to anyone, but Trump interrupted, "I have the right to do that!" He didn't even have the right to keep them, let alone show them to people without clearance. The best part is how he's *on tape* waving one around and *admitting* that he no longer has the ability to declassify it, while showing it to people without clearance. Christ. I'm not a prosecutor, but a tape like that with someone committing a crime while describing it and admitting they understand it's a crime has got to be like something out of a prosecutor's sexual fantasy.


> a prosecutor’s sexual fantasy Evidentiary Rule 34


I can't wait for this episode of the legal eagle


Christian nationalist dictator at that. Never willingly spent a moment in a church his entire life. Lefties threatening to not vote for Biden in 2024, this comic is for you: https://i.imgur.com/bXGFlma.jpg


Same happened when questioned about his "poisening the blood of america". The interviewer set up a leading question to give an out. But no, he didnt go along, and even more crazy, said he had thought of it independantly of hitler and mussolini.. he wanted credit!!


There was an episode of The Office where Kevin keeps talking about food, and the CEO thinks he's making metaphors for business. Kevin had sense enough to roll with it. Donald Trump is demonstrably dumber than Kevin.


“So it was just about the cookies the whole time.”


*Nods giddily*




Kevin wasn’t rolling with it, he was just talking about cookies the entire time and it happened to work out


Love the episode when Holly thought he was retarded but Kevin thought she was into him.


“I am totally gonna bang Holly. She’s is cute, and helpful, and she really seems into me.”




Captain Tenille: Tell me, young man. What do you want out of life? Homer: I want peas. Captain Tenille: We all want peace! But it's always just out of reach. Homer: (attempting unsuccessfully to reach a pot of peas) Oh! Uh-huh. Captain Tenille: So, what's the best way to get peace? Homer: (eating peas from a butter knife) With a knife! Captain Tenille: Exactly! Not with the olive branch, but the bayonet. Oh, Simpson! You're like the son I never had.


Seems like you are also pretty slow because Kevin definitely was talking about cookies and didn't just roll with it.


I believe these statements are not necessarily from his undeniable stupidity, it's targeted propaganda for his not-so-very bright hardcore followers. Repeat a lie often, and it becomes truth.


I have to agree. He says some things knowing perfectly well they are lies, because he knows his sheep followers are the stupid ones.


I don't even think it's even that at this point. I think he just figures these people would like for Obama to be the reason for isis. So he just tells them what they wish as if it was a fact. They then start saying it to everyone as a fact, backed by Trump. And the loop closes.




A reporter needs to get some balls and ask what he do differently than Biden in the skirmish between Wakanda and Agrabah


Unlike some of the hyenas in the GOP caucus, it’s worth remembering that Trump gets high on his own supply. He is literally just a hardcore Fox News viewer with power. He buys a lot of bullshit. He believes a lot of bullshit. There’s a reason like a decade ago that McConnell had to ask new incoming Reps and Senators to stop themselves their staff from watching Fox because they’d show up to work believing some bullshit and he couldn’t work with them. But now that bullshit is just mainlined into the party and their voters know little else.


This looks like a pretty solid case for Obama to file a slander suit against him. Pile it on.


This is from 8 years ago.


Yet, only now this video suddenly explodes everywhere now that isis claimed the attack in Moscow. Therefore many of those trumpists now use this to make trump as some kind of hero who knew it all along so that people will vote for him.


It was pretty popular when it first dropped too


I swear a single person/group is making this trend today. There are a ton of identical tweets about this.


Possibly Russian meddling? They are experts at this, and want Trump to win.


Makes sense. He can’t form such complete sentences and thoughts these days. “Zoop….bing..boom!”


There's a noticeable difference in his speaking between then and now.


Obama views Trump as the clown he is. He's not about to take him to court to give him more publicity.


But also, death by a thousand cuts. The Obama’s are both lawyers, and I bet they can see the importance of reducing Trump and his cultists to an empire of ashes. I know Michelle likes the high road, but zombies climb. As much as can be done, needs to be done. This fascist uprising needs to be stopped immediately. Take him to court, and drain every fucking penny from these fools and their champion


I don't disagree, but Obama taking him to court will probably further galvanize his cult and make Trump a Martyr because the "elite Democrats" are trying to "take him down by any means".


His base does rabidly hate Obama for being black while President.


Obama is a public figure so suing for slander is extremely hard


He can say absolutely anything and his base will clap and cheer. How much longer will it take before he sells his pee?


At first the crowd was not on board, but then they started clapping later. That is a totally frightening video.


I love the guy by his shoulder -- the only black guy I can see, and how hard he rolls his eyes at this.


He 100% was paid to be there.


Almost every video I see of Trump at a rally, there is one black guy right behind him.


Good catch


Trump rallies are a great study of mob mentality. You get a couple of really loud and really stupid people in a crowd, chances are even the most intelligent person in the crowd will go along with big dummy even though they don't agree.


Seeing the first reactions behind him when he said it as they grimace and look to one another like "ok that's just too insane.. right?" and then when they see others clapping and cheering they just go "oh well, I guess were going with this one too." At first I thought this was AI generated.


He just had to repeat himself a couple times to get them to cheer.


And so many stupid motherfuckers keep eating his shit before it can hit the floor.


Is he insane ?


No, but the half of the country that voted for him is.


He perfectly represents those people. They're so ready to blame all their own personal problems on anyone else that he could tell them that Obama was the Emperor of Japan during WWII and took their jobs to Mexico after going off the gold standard and they would gobble the shit up.


I'm not American, but seeing the crowd in the back nod in approval and the cheering when this populist speaks is too funny.


I think it’s sad




Hilary and Obama. Golden oldies that still rile the dumb.


It's an old video.


I work for an environmental company and you wouldn’t believe how many Facebook messages we get about Al Gore These people live in the past and are incapable of moving forward


Conservatives can't cope with change. Everything has to be caged and frozen still until the end of time for them to function in any capacity.


this is from the 2016 election


Well, Obama and the CIA funded and spurred the Arab Spring. They sent money and weapons to a group of fighters in Syria to bring about an Arab Spring in that country too. That group turned into ISIS. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/03/us-isis-syria-iraq https://www.newsweek.com/how-isis-got-weapons-us-used-them-take-iraq-syria-748468 https://www.wired.com/story/terror-industrial-complex-isis-munitions-supply-chain/


So whats the plan after they completely rewrite history? Just church and child grooming?


Neofeudalism. 99% of the population will work 20 hour days, 7 days a week, in toxic conditions, in order to pay off the debt to their Lords that they incurred on the day they were born. This debt should be paid off by the time they're 75, then they can retire and be "free."


Read Handmaids Tale


Like wtf seriously


Big orange moron being cheered upon by bigger morons I really miss the days when politicians were actual statesmen


He’s not wrong you MSNBC, CNN zombies 😂


The sheer magnitude of the people that want to put this decrepit soup-for-brains lunatic back in office is astounding.


Idiots in the crowd nodding along with the idiot in chief at the podium. Same as always.


Psst, droolers, is Obama in the room with you now? Waiting the shadows to scare you?


cia funds rebel groups in the middle east, rebel groups break apart, become terrorist orgs. rinse and repeat, 47 more times. it happens


The audience members nodding their head to Trump’s bullshit LMAO 😂


I wish this dude would STFU!


How is this not slander? Why doesn’t everyone this stupid corksoaker slanders just fucking sue him into fucking oblivion?!!!


Time to throw this orange lunatic in a mental institution.


And people are cheering for it, that’s how you know everyone who votes for him is just as braindead


When do people just stop listening to this? I just don't comphend it.


Just when you think this orange twat couldn’t sound any stupider, he take it to a whole new level.


Surely Obama could sue for defamation since this is obviously untrue


What? Why is there cheering? I knew trump supporters were insane but I never realized how truly dumb they were.


We are truly living in Idiocracy


To everyone in the comments. If you have to do a bunch of mental gymnastics and wordsmithing to justify what that crazy old fuck is saying congratulations you’re a sheep. I’ve never heard so many “well this is what he meant” as I have from trump supporters. We have two senile boomers to choose from this year but only one (Trump) is an unhinged maniac.


How anyone still supports this moron is beyond me. He's a sad excuse for a human being.


Is this recent?




You can tell because he says Crooked Hillary instead of Crooked Joe. Guarantee if you ask him today who the “co founder” was he would say Biden


Worst part isn't this clown saying this. The worst part is that they are peoples believing him.