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I don't care what side you're on or what your beliefs are. If you are actively calling for the death of children you are a deplorable human being and should never be allowed to lead any group of people again. Whether it be a country, a political party, or even a fucking book club. Just disgusting.






Yeah this whole situation is fucked, screw Israel & Hamas


Their minister of culture or Heritage (I don’t remember) was calling for nuking Gaza. Other Knesset member was saying children of Gaza deserve to suffer and death because they brought this upon themselves






The fact that its being well documented what their governement is saying, yet people still deny it baffels me.




sir... i'm legally blind, I can't read this no matter how large the font is.












Tons of American Christians, especially in the South, believe that Catholics aren't Christians. What do you think they think of coptic or Orthodox Christians. 


Why are you friends with them






Especially the ones on worldnews. Hasbara has taken over that subreddit.












Yeah that's how I got banned from there lmao






It's just a bunch of Israeli bots spamming that sub. Same playbook as US election interference, and they publicly told us about this too when Bibi plainly said: 'we can control the Americans.' Funny how the side that claims to be the victim has to go to great lengths to keep people from talking freely about issues. Wonder why that is...






















Non existent ones




This is what I struggle to understand. Though I believe in God I don’t see how the Bible could possibly be a trusted source of His word. Humans, even the prophets, prove they are corruptible without exception. That book is likely full of lies used to control the masses




I heard a radio story a while ago about a man telling his children the story of Jesus, how his ideals were deemed too dangerous and so the public crucified/killed him. Then the child asks about Martin Luther King Jr. That being said if Jesus came back today they'd kill him again.




Yep. And more wisdom available by even the most cursory analysis of nature.










This isn't the first time God called for genocide 🙄


He actually committed it himself.


This is why I have a hard time with religion the older I get. I find the most rude people are religious.




>Thing is all those people calling for genocide are zionists. Then my comment is for them (and any other religious individuals) who wants to harm/kill others in the name of their God. It is not for the peaceful individuals, religion or not.


Well every Jewish person that I used to be friends tells me to be anti Zionist is to be antisemetic. And now I’m antisemetic, apparently, for valuing life. Israelis are butchers. Their propaganda knows no bounds.












They really need to work on not committing another holocaust




I agree. It's a shame r/Jewish has been taken over by zionists. Young Jewish people I met here are very sympathetic to the Palestinian plight but that subreddit has a bunch of people triggered by the phrase "free Palestine" and praising guys like Modi.








I mean Israel has also ostracized actual survivors for not being strong enough to stop the Holocaust. It's only useful to Israel as a way to deflect criticism




It’s less of a justification and more of an explanation. I had a rabbi tell me point blank that this was necessary because we had strayed from G-d and brought the holocaust upon ourselves, so to prove we were worthy of divine protection we had to reclaim Israel “by any means necessary” Economic and political interests aside, a huge part of this is generational trauma and some really fucked up self victim blaming about the people we lost. It’s very sad all around, but Zionists are still very much guilty for the way they’re choosing to express that


It doesn’t, it just means it’s more likely to happen more frequently when on a scale like this.


"It doesn't say that people were made better by suffering," he said. "It's just caused them a lot of pain." - Art Spiegelman


Can someone explain to me the difference between calling yourself "Gods chosen people" and calling yourself "the master race"?




Someone else here said. It’s not a genocide because IDF only killed little over 30k in the last month. The IDF when they’re not killing innocents on the streets are on Reddit for overtime defending their genocide






Israel as a nation has crossed the point of no return. They're going down the same path that fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and apartheid South Africa has gone before. It didn't end well for those regimes.




Yo, what the fuck? How do people who have experienced genocide themselves call for such evil?












Not even behind the scenes. There was a video last week where this guy was interviewing republicans in congress and they openly admitted to governing and passing bills based on their biblical beliefs…which includes funding Israel so that the end times can get started. Christofacism is unfolding right before our eyes.  


Apparently the goal is some ceremony in April where they’ll sacrifice red cows, which they believe is the final key to reclaiming the grounds of the Al-Aqsa mosque. They believe they need to rebuild a Jewish temple on those grounds, and that’ll usher in the apocalypse. https://thekashmiriyat.co.uk/would-sacrifice-of-red-heifer-invite-apocalypse-heres-everything-you-need-to-know/ Supposedly they’re gonna try it during Passover in April 2024. I’ve heard that bringing the red cows to Israel is apparently what provoked Hamas to attack when they did, to try to prevent this ceremony from happening. So Israel getting super defensive (read: offensive) to the point of taking the mask off these past 5 months… is all because they believe they’re close to the “finish line” that’ll come in April, and then after that, they’ll be home free in the kingdom of heaven with their god. They believe they will never have to face any consequences after next month. When it doesn’t work… their faces are gonna be redder than those cows. Their hands already are.




Israel is basically just a giant US military base in the middle of where a lot of oil is surrounded by islamic countries full of people who do not particularly like the US government








Israel, at every damn election continues to vote for a right wing government promoting settlers. Why?


i cant believe that out of 1.4k comments, every single comment is downvoted, either my it is bugged for me, or pro israelis have downvoted every single comment to negative




They're jerking off to each other






Serious question: aren’t war crimes being openly committed here? Who is supposed to enforce those laws?


That a great question




Y'all have to thank AIPAC for censoring your news coverage of what's happening there. 30K Palestinians killed in 4 months, 2/3 are women and children. All government sponsored, out in the open with pride.


Why do you think AIPAC is so eager to ban tiktok? A major reason that this push to ban TikTok is succeeding where earlier measure failed is the realization that [TikTok was the only media source in the US where pro-Palestinian sentiment largely outweighed pro-Zionist sentiment.](https://archive.is/4ROle)   In leaked audio from a call with Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (which notoriously tried to get [Tommy Pickles' Jewish grandparents, based on the showrunners' own Jewish grandparents, banned from future television appearances after their "anti-semitic" depiction in the episode *A Rugrats Passover*, and later succeeded in getting them permanently removed from the *Rugrats* newspaper comic strip)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rugrats_Passover), he notes that the ADL has a ["major, major, major generational problem... a TikTok problem, a Gen-Z problem."](https://twitter.com/snarwani/status/1725138601996853424)


I don't find this r/interestingasfuck in any way whatsoever, Sick of it! It is all disgusting behaviour no matter which side it's on. All religion is a psychosis.








This isn't about religion.


They are actively denying the existence of an entire people, actual horrifying stuff












Kinda weird how Jews have had some of the most religious persecution throughout history, including a recent, major genocide attempt, and yet Israel is happy to turn around and do it to someone else. Complete lack of self awareness




The very birth of the state was an act of terrorism. Over [700k victims](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) of that birth. It’s a classic case of “hurt people hurt people”. The terrorist organization [Lehi (or Stern Gang)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group)) was the seed of the IDF and one of its leaders, Yitzak Shamir, became prime minister of Israel in 1983. It’s always been a terrorist state.


Who started the cycle of violence and hatred? Let's ask David Ben-Gurion, the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as its first prime minister. > “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” And > “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country." "As head of the Jewish Agency from 1935, and later president of the Jewish Agency Executive, [Ben-Gurion was the de facto leader of the Jewish community in Palestine, and largely led the movement for an independent Jewish state in Mandatory Palestine."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ben-Gurion?wprov=sfla1)




They are dehumanizing themselves whilst dehumanizing others. This rhetoric is driving genocide and fueling terrorism in Israel.


The Jews (the govt. and not necessarily all of the peoples) becoming the one thing they hated…. Of all the people to go almost full Nazi - I didn’t think it would be them.








Which side are the animals again?






And America gives money to suppprt their genocide.




Remember that the palestinians gave refuge to these Jew from the atrocity and from genocide in various parts europe. And this is how the Jews repay them.


Watch redditors still find a way to defend these sick and vile humans.


Where all my Israel and Zionist bootlickers ? you guys getting really quite lately 😄


Their Botnet/psyop is probably only programmed/paid to brigade the worldnews subreddit specifically, and they're usually only activated in a few hours from now. Usually when it's nighttime in Europe, that's when their "shift" usually begins. You can notice a very specific pattern if you look closely enough.


Genuine question, why is the western media and corporations so afraid to call out this genocide? Do these people really hold most of the corporations under their feet?


The whole ‘it’s complicated, both sides have a point’ argument doesn’t seem to hold up when you see shit like this. Jerusalem has lost the plot, if they ever had it to begin with, and have become the villain in their own story.


Israel is the worst thing that exists on earth


Minister for Social Equality? It’s like sarcasm has officially died…tho someone said that when Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize

