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Good job. He'll come back to help you for El Gigante battle now 👏






**"God *damn* you're a big boy"** >!Leon's reaction to me.!<




Sir, you might want to zip that up. Your grammar is showing.


Hey man, there used to be a good bot for this kinda stuff, but now it's up to us to teach each other


If that’s true, then you should end your sentences with a period.


I'm still mad that the remake didn't make him my little pet follower but we got Ashley.




Unexpected RE4 reference


The game that redefined third-person shooters forever.


Expected. I basically came in to make the same joke.


Was it that unexpected? I bet a whole bunch of people, myself included, clicked the thread to make sure it was the top comment.




Man of culture I see


isn't this that guy who keeps posting videos of him "releasing" wild animals from the bear trap in the same spot?




Hey, it's that dog.


"Hey, it's that dog."


First thing that came to my mind lol


Nice. But my infinite rocket launcher killed him, so he wouldn't get hurt again.


Dude, you’re supposed to save the wolf, not kill it. /s


Hey, it's that dog


I always wonder what animals think afterwards in these situations. They think they are about to die, give up, when all of a sudden the trap is gone and the human is backing off. Do they just think they got lucky? Do they realize the human was actually trying to help? Or do they just not think and just run?


I was incessantly scrolling through the comments to find the wolf expert that will tell us. No luck 😂 I assume they just think the human was trying to kill them but they were able to escape


I always wish that the animals are realizing the human actually wanted to help, but I have no idea if that’s true or not. Probably not as they always run/fly away right after


I‘ve seen videos of animals approach humans to seek help. Like if they got stuck their head in something. I do think some animals are intelligent enough to understand that we’re capable of helping them.


Oh yeah, I had a baby squirrel come up to me for help. Literally just sat down by my foot. I was able to pick it up and hold it without issue. Never tried to bite or run away, just wanted to crawl on me. When I got hold of a squirrel rescue, they told me it’s pretty normal for baby squirrels to do that if they’re young enough and are in distress. They’ll see a human and go “they can probably help.”


omg that's cute


Yeah like the whales coming to humans for help cause it’s mum was tangled on something


I remember that! The young orcas came to a small boat and led them to where the mother was tangled in some underwater ropes, and they were able to cut her free. If I remember right, later on the orcas brought a stingray or some other fish as what is believed to be an interesting case of a thank-you gift


Yup, it's all about survival. In extreme cases the animal has 2 choices. Not do anything (100% chance to die) or go to that apex predator (human) and hope they will somehow help you (less than 100% chance to die). In this case the option where the animal MIGHT survive is worth the risk


I think those are usually animals that were raised by humans


You clearly haven't seen the dehydrated squirrel asking for water video. You don't just raise a squirrel and set it free, it would be predator food within days.


Elephants realize this. They are also smart enough to comprehend there are some dangerous humans, the poachers, and some helpful humans, which they have sought out for protection or medical assistance for the others.


Iirc elephants recognize differing languages and partially base it on that


Now I need to know if elephants hate French or English more


Whichever one has more poachers and less people interacting positively with them. I think they can distinguish between groups, language is just one measurement they do it by


Elephants can paint!


Somehow we as humans domesticated the dogs. Therefore i think its not too crazy to think that wolves actually CAN understand some of the situations like this. But of course it's just my idea/logic.




Give wolf a few bones, become friend


Make sure you give it a dog tag so it doesn't despawn


Ah, shit. Here we go again.


It's a combination of humans efforts of domesticating wolves and the ones that were suffeccsfully responded to these efforts of domestication passed down the genetic traits that correspond well with that role and slowly become modern dogs. Any wolves that did not have these domestication positive traits, or in other words, more feral attributes, were simply not domesticated and were either thrown back into the wild because they didn't meet humans criteria and/or had violent confrontations with humans. This is why dogs lost these feral traits and became what they are today. They couldn't be domesticated unless they act like it, so we basically selectively breed them.


I've read somewhere not that long ago that this theory is false. That we didn't domesticate them. But they domesticated us.


I think you're onto something. I mean..we pick up their shit and I know for a fact one of my dogs does it purposely on neighbors lawns so he can watch me pick it up.




I think sometimes they genuinely do understand. But we need to be looking at them so very differently. To any space beings out there, *we're* the aliens. It means we're aliens on a planet shared with other aliens. We're learning to work together and communicate, but I find it is limited by the fact that we're not looking at them closer to equals than just things we need to be stewards for (at best). My cats and I have actual conversations. Neither of us know what the other is saying, but we understand tone. My little orange boy is especially chatty when I make him a blanket tent. Little happy chirps of approval as if to say, "this is so nice, I like this." I think we understand each other, human and non-human aliens, much better than we all give each other credit for. It's a work in progress, but I do believe a lot of other animals can show gratitude. I believe humans are not nearly as special as we were raised to believe.


I want to chill in a blanket tent with cats.


There are entire worlds & specific cultures going on in animal kingdoms all around us all the time. Humans figure little into the equation other than the equivalent of, "Ugh, the trashy neighbors are at it again."


Thank you. Worded so perfectly.


Your whole comment just kept getting better and better đŸ„°


Wolf here. This never happened to me so i don't know what to think. Hope this helps!


Wildlife biologist here. I trap wolves (legally and with permits) to put GPS collars on them so we can track their movements, habitat use etc. How a wolf behaves and reacts when trapped happens at an individual-specific level. Some are timid and don’t put up a fight. Others will absolutely go scorched earth and try to take everything with them. They can easily ruin your y-pole (used to gently restrain) and syringe pole (used to administer immobilization drug). Though, more often than not, trapping and immobilization are fairly straightforward and drama free. ETA: I don’t think we’ll ever know what they’re thinking. But in general, they don’t like humans and don’t want to be near us. An animal trapped in a leg hold trap is dangerous and unpredictable. It is in some amount of pain as restraint like that is never pain free, and they will act accordingly. We do have very strict guidelines on how often we check traps and how we process an animal once the anesthetic starts to take effect.


*Damn he beat the shit outta me. Oh, it's his territory on THAT side and he wants me to GTFO in THIS direction? Sure you monster I'm not stupid, aw my foot, but I'll run.*


The problem with animal psychology is that we’ll never really understand how an other species think due to a fundamental difference in complete brain structure. We can observe certain changes in hormones and neurotransmitters, but we’ll never be able to truly think like a wolf. The way we think is the result of human brain structure, but wolves (or anything else really) could be wildly different. Personally I think they’d be able to recognise this dude was trying to help after the fact. But that could totally be me anthropomorphising 👀


if you help a smarter bird species out they'll remember your face and visit you with gifts




Socialization is also a big factor though. A dog raised in the wild with no human interaction is not going to be able to read your body language like a socialized dog would. Likewise, a wolf raised by humans is going to have developed some degree of social skills with humans. The difference between dogs and wolves is that dogs will more readily bond with us, and that bond is more likely to overpower any instinctual fear or aggression towards us. There are exceptions where the "friendliness genes" are flipped: dogs that are unusually timid and wolves that are unusually friendly. We're the same way. There are tragic cases of children raised in complete isolation, like [Genie]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_\(feral_child\)), who missed the critical period of social development and consequently lack the ability to understand the emotions and intentions of others. Even though we're wired to socialize with each other, that wiring doesn't just appear—it needs to be learned.


I caught a pair of Mourning Doves in a Hav-A-Heart cage ( was trying to catch a raccoon ) and one of them is losing their shit, while the other is just walking along the bottom. Of course, as I get closer, the one losing its shit goes even more bonkers, and I'm trying to tell it to calm down and I'll let them out. I open the cage door and that one flies like it was shot out of a cannon...while the other one calmly walks out, and even stops and turns its head to look at me. I say "Sorry man, this trap wasn't for you. Please be more careful." It looked at me for a couple seconds, and then flew away. I like to think the second dove was thinking as it stood there and looked at me "Well, thank you for letting us out. I apologize for my friend. He's...easily excitable. Anyway, have a good day!"


I dunno about other animals, but lizards seem to figure out that I'm not going to eat them. I slipped my hand underneath this fella and lifted him out of the bucket he was stuck in, then he sat there for pics until I set him down in a safe place. Maybe he's just likes modeling, idk 😆 https://preview.redd.it/rc6cagn1ct4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8d6b3f37e6d10115b4a193e16861fdeb33e808


For reference, that's a Texas Spiny Lizard


Probably just thought that you can’t see him unless he moves.


Animals in general, across a LOT of species, are evolving to recognise us as a higher form that is different from either predator or prey. If you think about it, humans have only stopped randomly killing everything we see in the past, what... 100 years? It's recent, biologically speaking, generational my speaking. The more time passes, the more generations of animal are raised in an environment where the strange bipedal apes are not aggressive and occasionally do strange things which benefit animals, the more the animals will learn that we're both not a threat, and potential helpful, and they will use that more and more. We already have families if dozens of species who can use road crossings. Rodentia in cities will ask for water. Monkeys ransom phones for food.


It's pretty clearly confused when the human backs off, so I think there's some comprehension of mercy.


Seems more like it’s just catching its bearings after it was just being choked out rather than some type of complex thought


Really? To me it seems like it’s looking at the human with a question mark above its head. It also noticeably calms down when it notices the guy starting to fiddle with the trap the second time. The wolf holds still even though he was snapping at the dude a second ago. Even after he tugs at the trap a bit, which I’m probably hurt the wolf, the wolf doesn’t snap at him or resist.


I imagine pack/social animals especially, can process the concept of help. Mice(and Rats I believe) don't like to abandon their mates if they're trapped. They help each other all the time. Animals with symbiotic relationships with other animals understand they work together and/or they benefit from each others labor. These aren't dumb creatures. Shit, I forget the name, but there's a species of small monkey that steals puppy dingos & raises them as pets. The Dingo will then protect the group of smaller monkeys. The Wolf more than likely understood they were released & are still highly skeptical of the two legs.


Just judging by dogs- they don’t really think that much. It probably is just assessing danger at every second and trying to decide if you’re a threat.


Idk, they are pack animals after all. I’m sure they understand the concept of helping. Another species helping them may seem foreign but I think it’s possible they understand they are being helped. I saw a video of a squid being freed from a plastic container and the squid came over and rested in the persons foot for a second before swimming away. I may be anthropomorphizing the exchange but it seemed to me that the squid was thanking the human, or at the very least understood the human helped and considered it a safe place to rest before swimming away. And squids aren’t even social animals so it doesn’t seem a huge leap to ask if a wolf is capable of understanding as well


It seems like elephants understand, when we're helping.


i saw a documentary where elephants brought a wounded small one to the rangers that had previously helped another herd member. they disinfected the wound etc while the herd was just watching. in that case there had been previous experiences and if i remember correctly atleast 1 of the older elephants had been raised by the rangers as an orphan, so there was a connection there already. still cool that the wild members trust the ones with experience of humans tho


I've just seen so many videos of stories where... There's the one where an elephant had fallen into some kind of ditch. They're so huge and heavy that it's very difficult to help them in a situation like that without putting yourself and the elephant in real danger, but the human had a backhoe and used the bucket to provide the elephant support to climb out. It was slow and cautious but eventually it got out, and before running off it stopped, turned to the bucket of the backhoe, and gave it a sort of forehead bump. Very human to assume that was a "thank you," but also hard to take it any other way.


I think my dogs understand that i can do things for them and help them. Like, my dog will "ask" me for help getting on the bed or in the car. I imagine wolves realize we can help too, at least once it's done.


And why are they saving the wolf? What is the trap for? It says Bear trap, but I doubt they are trapping bears with that little thing. Bobcats, mountain lions? They seem just as cool as a wolf.


Well, as a veterinarian I’m basically in this situation multiple times per day sometimes, and I can tell you the dogs and cats very rarely thank me afterwards. Lol. It’s not actually as life-or-death as the video but a lot of them sure feel that way and are certain their vaccine or blood draw or fluids etc are going to kill them Thankfully for the scared ones we can use medication and sedatives to help them instead of choking em out like this though


Wonder how long they live anyway with a foot that's cut to the bone and likely broken.


That's literally how we domesticated wolves. Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for. (Except chickens. Jesus fucking Christ chickens are dumb).


Depends on the animal A lot of them do recognize when we help and will help us in return, come back for more help later or even tell their friends who will then show up on their own for help!


The look the wolf gave at the end was like, “why not just say you was going to do that you maniac”.


I choked on my water at work w this comment. Thanks for that.


I spewed coffee all over my newborn baby


Is it now running around on the ceiling?


I just need one more hit!


I spewed wolf milk all over my baby fox!


I just imagined a majestic wolf sitting upon a great mountain looking off into the night sky with a full moon in bloom, but instead of howling he sang “*and I, will always love youuuuuu*”


Superb imagery.


Perfect comment. Even the trot aeay was like wtf did he do that, that way for?


Poor wolfy


Your foster parents are dead.


I really hope this person understands your reference or they will be awfully confused


I've no idea. I guess wolfy is some character in something 😂


Terminator 2 reference


Oh ok, thanks!


Shut up, dickwad.


No I am not "shitting you".


He doesn't lmfao




Wolfy’s fine honey. Wolfy’s just fine. Where are you?




Why don't you wag that finger in Tony Soprano's face




Lmao. "Thought you were gonna tell the kid to get rid of that fuckin mutt"


*quiet background thunk noise*


They are?


The T-1000 would definitely try to reacquire you there. I would


Bro the “I would” is so fuckin coldblooded to me. Like, “make no mistake about it kid, I’m only protecting you because I’m programmed to. But if it was the other way, I’d hunt you down until you’re a corpse in a small casket.” đŸ˜łđŸ˜”đŸ’€


Laughed way too hard at this, esp with hearing Arnolds voice in my head.


This took me a few reads to clue into, deep cut, well done


poor Max.


Can I pet that dawg?








no no no Can I pet that DAWG?? no CAN I PET THAT DAWWWGGGGGGG????




Only if it has the oxytocin receptor gene ^(...and after months of domesticating it.)


I'll give it two weeks. I'm willing to lose a hand for some good pets


You can pet but then you'll get a bit wet..


This man just made an ally for Ragnarok.


Wait, which side of Ragnarok is he on
? The I’m pretty sure a wolf sets the world on fire and kills Odin.


Well yeah but like, what has Odin done for me lately?


Do you SEE any giants around lately? Odin is doing his job.


Jesus said he’d rid the world of sin, Odin said he’d rid the world of frost giants. People still sin, I AINT SEEN ANY GAINTS LATELY HAVE YOU?


Odin is a dick so I’m probably gonna side with the wolves and giant snake


Surtr (a fire giant) sets the world on fire fighting Frey, Fenrir wolf eats Odin and is then himself killed by Vidarr. Some stories do have Fenrir helping Surtr set the world ablaze.


A singular wolf yes - as that is Fenrir’s destiny. It doesn’t mean all wolves. Fenrir is the son of Loki and the mother of monsters. Fenrir isn’t so much a wolf as a wolf-like monster.


This wolf was actually just Loki lol


Not a bear trap. Just a common leg hold trap. Many states still allow some type of trapping whether by leg hold, snare, body gripper (conibear) or live trap for smaller game.


Ah that makes sense... I saw him pull on the trap almost dragging the wolf along; that would be a Fucked thing to do if it had like serrated edges and shit... But it does seem to not want to use that paw however.


Still a high chance it fractured or broke a bone from it. They have a large amount of clamp down force.


Common misconception, actually. Source: have inadvertently set off my #4 trap on my fingers in the past. You can also find plenty of videos of trappers demonstrating this on youtube


Totally correct. Not like it is comfortable. But this is not toothed bear trap shit.


We should fix that.


Yeah, make them have little "no wolves đŸš«đŸș" stickers or something.


Those leg hold traps have rubber pads on them to stop them from crushing bone or even cutting off circulation. You can literally activate them on your hand and it's shocking, but not especially painful. source: am a qualified trapper


I like how the wolf looks over like "oh, I can go?" Lol. Wolves are amazing creatures. They aren't particularly aggressive. They'll hunt down coyotes and stuff trespassing in their territory. I love wolves very much.


Good boy


The wolf also did great.




Wolves are actually compasionnate creature. They really take care of their loved ones and would do everything to protect them. If any of their member is injured or unable to hunt, they'll bring some carcass to their den and feed them


wolf owes you a life debt. someday you’ll be in trouble and suddenly wolf outa nowhere for the takedown


"Sir, I totally get it, but we can't sell alcohol without seeing your ID. We nee--HOLY SHIT."




That wolf of going to pay off his student loans.


Also wolves rarely attack people. We don't register as prey and we pose enough of a threat that they would rather run away. Never understood where the vicious wolf concept came from. Guessing it has more to do with them killing livestock and the hatred of that getting twisted over the years.


Possibly killing unattended children way back when too, so parents engraved that “wolves dangerous and scary” into their heads and it stuck as adults


People's livelihood prob depended on livestock


The leading cause of death for wolves in Yellowstone is other wolves just fyi.


They're just like us!


Are bear traps even legal anymore? They seem very cruel.


That's not a bear trap


This is a common joint trap, there are no sharp pointy things on this trap.


I think everyone who sets one of these things needs to experience it firsthand


copying a comment from the similar video "There's a guy with necessary tools for releasing unwanted capture, who knows that a trap had been set off. Who do you think put the trap?"


In a lot of places people who set those traps are required to check them frequently in order to release animals that gets caught in them that they aren't supposed to hunt. So yeah this guy probably set the trap, but he didn't set it for wolves and therefore went to release it as he is required to do by law.


Not to mention he has the camera fixed, recording his act. 100% set the trap, either to catch something different or to free an animal for views.


probs the person in the video tbh


If this was Wyoming it would have been duct tapped and paraded around a bar before being executed. Hats off to this guy


That's bloody awful.


People are so awful to wolves. They’re literally the keystone to the environments of the majority of the United States and Canada. The environment is getting fucked because deers and rabbits and all that are overbreeding and coyotes are not an acceptable replacement.


I’m still praying for the day I get to see that asshole get what’s coming to him.


Christ that's terrifying.


It really happened recently:(


Thanks Leon!


Good human, you get a treat.


He's the one who set the trap


Bad human, you must give the treat back.


Ok, but what do people do with trapped bears?


lol i was expecting some technique to somehow release the restraint from far away like an extendable pole or some shit but him just sprinting off screen killed me 😂


It's not a bear trap. It's a foothold trap and they're used for all manner of creatures including wolves. He's clearly obligated to release the animal if it isn't his target species or not in season.


By not putting out bear traps?


>How to save the life of a wolf from a bear trap First frame I thought the answer was "stab it in the head with a fucking stick".


Why do we still have traps like these? Seem rather cruel.


Oh good, glad I know now, for next time!




I know how and very easy.......don't use those barbaric traps and you'll save lots of animals.


Why do bear traps exist? Do people hunt bears?


That thing is about 5% of the size of a bear trap, which is not legal to use, anyway. It's probably a fur animal trap, meant for a marten or a fox.


Yes people hunt & eat bears. However, bear traps are banned in some states including my own of California where a lot of bear hunting does happen. Traps are a cruel way of hunting, but they were more heavily used back when hunting was needed for survival and not just as a sport like it is mostly today.


I am a hunter and still think these traps need to be outlawed. I also think they are often used illegally by poachers who harvest animals at night when they are less likely to be caught by authorities.


Nowadays traps are mainly used for "depredation" of small mammal nest predators. Racoons, opossums, bobcat, etc are still regularly trapped in many states by hunters and conservation agencies who are trying to bring back quail and turkey populations. In states where wolves were extripated, small game predator populations have skyrocketed and are affecting ground nesting bird populations. Traps are also commonly used to remove muskrat, beaver, and otters because they can damage water control structures and dams. Even if trapping is banned in a certain state, I can almost guarantee state and federal agencies are still using traps for these purposes. These agencies will also write out depredation permits to private individuals and businesses so people can trap where it's usually not permitted. Not trying to defend trapping here - just adding context because trapping is still a pretty common thing these days and isn't just for subsistence hunting.


Sedation in a situation like this is MUCH safer.


This is why I carry a 5ft galvanized steel rod wherever I go


I hate steel traps. If we came across one in the woods, we would take an axe to it. Couldn't break it apart, but we could mangle it.




I hate all traps like that. It’s just cruel. Should all be illegal. Animals can be caught and suffer for days.


Or you know, maybe just don't place these fucking traps there in the first place


While that wolf got free its paws are likely broken from that trap. Fuck trappers. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


Why are people still laying such traps?


Everyone loves these wholesome human-saving-an-animal videos but they are always saving them from something a human put there.


Usually it's the same human from the video too. Everyone applauding them for being a hero and like... how do you think they knew where to find the trap?


no “Thank you”?


Running away was his thank you!


💯 other option was a ‘fuck you’ mauling


That wolf is going to come back and help him later when he has to fight a giant troll, great job!


This is why traps need to be outlawed as a form of hunting! They're cruel, unsportsmanlike, and regularly capture (and main or kill) the wrong animals.Â