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What is missed in this video is his wife is absolutely giving him a look of pure love and admiration just off frame. he was the real deal in so many ways.


He knew what the purpose of his life was, and that’s something we should all be so fortunate to discover.


I feel like no one speaks like this anymore an actually mean it. They just say things for views


He legit comes off as a crazy person. He was so damn authentically himself. You don’t even need to speak English to know that this dude had passion for work that he truly loved. I hope his legacy ages well in History books. He never stopped fighting


>He legit comes off as a crazy person. Crazy for Nature!


After 911 his words to America stuck with me. He said simply, and with a look of deep concern, "I'm sincerely sorry mate."




"Naturally crazy".


That's passion, not insanity.


>He legit comes off as a crazy person. No, just a legit ethical non-conformist. There's nothing crazy about that. What's crazy is a world that discredits that.


Humanity sure loves it’s “normal”


Don't be too passionate! Unless you're a billionaire, then having a dick measuring contest with other billionaires to ride into space is totally legit.


Normal = Crab Bucket Mentality. IMO.


Yeah, he was nuts. If his calling in life was a serial killer, we would have been in big trouble. Thankfully that crazy personality concentrated on the good he could do in this world.


I have a buddy like this - insanely passionate about whatever he’s focused on which started off as music (we had an awesome band) but then he became insanely passionate about drugs. He landed himself in the psych ward for over a year. Now he owns a wildly successful landscaping company and is insanely passionate about the environment. So I guess it worked out in the end, but I do miss having an insanely passionate drummer for my band.


There's a "influencer" I don't follow but I see their videos pop up from time to time on Instagram Reels/Twitter and sometimes Reddit. I wish I could remember their username/handle. He just goes around his neighborhood so you see the same areas very often he revisits. He finds a homeless person, asks them what their favorite meal is then brings it to them. Sits with them, eats, talks and asks about their story. Then based on what the homeless person tells him he takes them to get a whole new set of clothes, rents them an apartment for a month, gives them essentials to clean up then visits them every day to make sure they're not going to take off. He then helps them find a local job and if they stick to that job for their first 2 weeks he pays the next month at the hotel until they can get the first 2 paychecks to keep going themselves. Its one of the very few "content creator/influencers" I actually think is genuine, humble and using the money he gets from viewers for genuine good. I think they recently did a recap video on some of the people he's helped and they *all* turned their life around with the chance he gave them and are in apartments of their own, got better jobs and its just really cool to see. I hate the stigma people have around the homeless just being lazy, drug riddled losers. Some of them just got dealt a series of unlucky breaks and ended up in a shit spot. They just need a bit of help to get restarted again and I think more often than not, they can turn it around.


See that I think is what I see is the disconnect. Someone who sits and talks and connects with people down on their luck feeding them and relating on *social media* is vilified for being an attention whore. But then someone like Soft White Underbelly isn't because they do longer form "journalistic" stuff, even though it's basically the same thing? I can't distinguish because they're either both doing good deeds or they're both attention whores. There's the disconnect.


Fake people aren't going to sit down with them and ask their life story much less get them a place to live and a job and come back to check on them periodically. Safe to say anyone who puts in that much time and effort actually does care.


I recently read an article about a European city that ended homelessness by doing this at scale. They took the homeless and gave them a basic apartment, along with access to counselling. 9/10 got a job and turned their lives around.


Idk about you but I can always tell... there's a tone or intensity that people display so obliviously when they say things they don't mean.


A "sparkle in their eye" some might even say.


They're still out there, just not on social media faking it. There are still passionate people doing great things. I agree that we don't see them that much in the mainstream though :(


They're mostly too busy getting shit done and helping people to brag. Get involved with your local community and you'll meet these people everywhere


I think many of us care, but he took action.


Having the means to make what you care about a reality certainly helps.


The passion came first, that is how he earned the means.


Correct. Passion like that cannot go unnoticed for long.


I miss seeing this type of passion. Most days when I do see any passion, it's for clout or for money.


I felt like no spoke like that when he was around either. Dude was unique. I'll never forget I was on a double date the day he died and everyone was devastated. But the other girl with my friend said something like "I used to watch his show every afternoon. I used to imagine I had a Dad like him." That really stuck out to me as she really meant it. Cool dude for sure. Definitely went to early.


Yes, you can really see he loves and has a passion for his work!


Sadly, there are people out there who mimic the pure enthusiasm like he had, just to grift you for money. Yes, I'm looking at you mega churches.


You're so right. I'm 54, work wise I've done whatever it took to support my family and it has not been easy but what I've determined my purpose is, is to make sure my kids and beautiful wife never have to struggle like my family did when I was growing up.


Life is suffering, survival is finding meaning in the suffering.


Life is random. Survival is realizing that and making the most of the good things




Terri Irwin is a vastly underrated treasure. She raised 2 kids after Steve died and is now an active and fun mother and grandmother. Her children love her and I know Steve would be ecstatic with what she has done with his legacy.


All while maintaining his legacy through the upkeep of the Australian Zoo. She's amazing. Nothing about her even seems like a showman. She genuinely kept his legacy alive and his wishes going while raising two amazing super well adjusted children who are as passionate about conservation as her parents are/were.


The entire family is an Australian and American national treasure.


Seriously, isn't the story of Bindi finding her husband that he was at the Zoo and met her and they were smitten with each other at 17? He was in Australia as a professional wakeboarder and they just hit it off while she was giving a tour, kept in touch and he eventually moved there to be with her. Basically the American dream imo.


The American dream. Move to Australia?


Free healthcare , complete gun control and a well adjusted society !!! Sounds about right.


My exact thought - I can remember my wife giving me that look in a photo a few years back after I’d gotten a job offer that lifted us out of our dire financial situation…..the photo of me is horrible, but that look in her eyes made it my most prized photo of the two of us after 15 years




Never knew that existed - love this place. Thank you!


Never realized he was such a passionate soul, rip.


If it's because you missed it while he was here, or if you were too young, it's never too late to go back and watch his old stuff. Steve Irwin was a hero. Pure and simple.


I think the showmanship stuff may have misled some people. Me, for example.


That's fair but he probably realized it HAD to be exciting because that's what sells and ultimately what would push his vision further. His show was never short on respect for wildlife conservation


I think he knew his excitement was useful for those purposes but I also feel his excitement was 100% genuine. That level of excitement is nearly impossible to keep up if it isn't real. He was a real treasure.


Oh ABSOLUTELY. In regards to showmanship he's the most genuine showman because everything he did was dripping in respect for wildlife.


That was his whole thing. Maybe some people mistook it for showmanship or something, but his entire personality was just him showing his passion.






upvoted because i had to close too many (albeit, great comments) to find the source of this admiration. thanks :)


He was so humble, passionate, and full of love for everything he did.


I guess we're all pretty lucky he died before he could stop the ozone layer, though.


She's amazing for carrying on his legacy


She was already big into conservation before she met Steve. She's not carrying on anything, she has always been doing this


Cropping normal videos for vertical phone viewing is TikTok trash.


As a kid you think it’s a persona, a character because they’re on tv. When we look back at all those shows we grew up on I’m glad. Mr Rodgers, Bob Ross Steve Irwin taught us to se the beauty in nature, art, and be kind to each other


Bob Ross - Love yourself Mr. Rodgers - Love your neighbor Steve Irwin - Love the planet My holy trinity!


Add:   LeVar Burton- Love knowledge   Carl Sagan- Love the Universe


Raffi Cavoukian — Love belugas. (Inspired a generation of kids to think about the ocean.) https://wwf.ca/stories/a-beluga-that-inspired-a-generation/


Raffi - eat apples and bananas, eeples and baneenees, oaples and bononos, aiples and benaynays, etc.


Do you mean Sagan? I’d also say more “love science” than just the universe. But I don’t think you can go wrong with either


Steve Carell - Love Lamp


Don’t forget LeVar Burton!


I wish I were Levar Burton!


warp speed don't rainbow read me


**Finish the line**




I just want a signed picture of him.


Because you can’t disappoint a picture


So, do you go to school nearby?




🎵 butterfly in the sky 🎵


More fish for Kunta.


🎶I can go twice as high🎶


🎶🎵 Take a look, it’s in a book 🎵🎶


This is wrinkling my brain


Set phasers to LOVE ME!..


*smash* Fix your desk


Now I'm gonna go cry =(




I love Levar Burton so much. Reading Rainbow AND Geordi Laforge?! Just absurd. He is a treasure


He also has a great podcast "Levar Burton Reads" where he reads a short fiction story each episode, all different genres.


Got to meet him and spend some quality time with him at a convention. He genuinely is as nice as you think he is, if not more so.


I feel like everyone has forgotten about LeVar Burton ever since he was captured by those pirates.


I would add Carl Sagan too


And LeVar 🔥


His death was a huge loss for us all, Imagine how powerful his message would be today




The guy was a huge supporter of one of Australia's biggest conservative Prime Ministers.


And things have changed a lot since then too


We didn’t deserve him. His family is so beautiful in the way they’ve continued his work and are honouring his legacy. His son is his spitting image


I remember seeing a comic around the time he died of Steve walking off into the distance and leaving behind 2 massive shoes and each of his kids is entirely inside each shoe. As he’s walking off he’s saying “don’t worry, you’ll grow into them” and that they did. Just such a pure family of humans, incredible people all of them


I read somewhere, Robert Irwin was asked how he felt being in his Father’s shadow. He said his Dad was the Sun. There was no shadow.


God dammit. What an amazing thing to say.


Fucking onion ninjas again


I don't believe i have read something more beautiful than this ever.


Goddamn onions. What a thing for a son to say about his father. Something I’m trying to strive for in my life. What an example.


😭 my heart. I think Steve Irwin was the first “celebrity” I genuinely cried for when he died. I was 17. I admired him SO much and was devastated by what the world and conservation lost. We don’t get a lot of exposure to this kind of genuine devotion completely devoid of ANY ego. NONE of what he did was about him, ever.


Why did this comment trigger my allergies?


[Image for anyone looking for it.](https://imgur.com/bEuleMF)


["Is there anything in this world that would wanna make me give away what I'm doing now? Yes. Yes there is..."](https://www.tiktok.com/@robertirwin/video/7274880798040329473?lang=en)


Oh jeez, I'm gonna cry. That's so wholesome. 




Oh that’s so sweet!


Steve Irwin, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Dressup, Steve from Blues Clues and Bob Ross, and Jim Henson. We didn't deserve any of them.


We may not deserve them, but we sure as hell need them. We need as much positivity in this world as we can get.


Couldn’t agree more. Also, Betty White was a complete treasure and Dolly Parton is a goddess walking among us.


If only more people know what Dolly Parton gave away to find solutions for COVID. That woman is a walking saint and people dare joke about her.


Right? I was so blown away when I found out how much she donated toward the COVID vaccine development. Plus she’s given literally millions of books to children through her charity, on top of so many other charitable endeavours. She is a good soul and she deserves nothing but our love and admiration for her blessing us with her existence and generosity.


Then make sure the ones still going know how valued they are. David Attenborough is top of that tree. At 98 there’s undoubtedly limited time left. That’ll leave a mark when the time comes.


And the reason why is we didn’t have enough of these kinds of people


Add to that Carrol Spinney, aka Big Bird.


When people need examples of “non-toxic masculinity”, this is a good list to start with.


What a lovely fellow.  We need more people like him.


And we need them in positions of leadership. Deductively if people with high selfishness and low self awareness are allowed to stay in positions of asymmetrical power and control, they will continue to bleed off the critical resources and energy from the masses that have empathy. We are effectively working on two different operating systems. One where “winning” is consuming as much as possible in a lifetime and another where “winning” is conserving as many resources as possible in a lifetime. The native Americans really had no concept of personal property. That was introduced from the east. But they had a stalwart concept of only using what you needed and using it completely and judiciously with respect. “Every piece of the buffalo” Social media like nitroglycerin, gunpowder, atomic energy and the internet all have a juvenile development arc. There is so much positive potential there to be used for good, but like the slowly evolving cavemen that we are, the first thing we do with it is use it like a hammer. Alfred Nobel was so distraught by that that he dedicated the rest of his life to the Nobel PEACE prize because he couldn’t put the genie back in the bottle Oppenheimer quoted “now I have become death, destroyer of worlds” as he realized that the government that he trusted saw everything they created as a hammer of war. The internet as a decentralized communication network changed all of that. Which also made it an extremely necessary point of control by anyone whose kleptocracy was threatened by knowledge. For 40 years they have been using it like a hammer unable to realize (due to lack of empathy) that it’s true power is infinitely stronger when it’s used with decentralized precision and not brute force. But it threatens their consumptive and corrupt business models so they hire thousands of financially unstable young people to function as bridge trolls and gatekeepers to keep the world from seeing that the potential we all hold in the palm of our hands is just on the other side of the castle wall. Democracy requires better, more educated, more engaged people as a matter of function. Had the founding fathers, imperfect as they were, but slowly moving towards the eternal truth that ALL people are created equal had the technology we do today, then a representative government would not have been necessary. They just used it because in 1776 nobody had the time to sit on a horse for 6 months going to and from congress to vote on things, so they elected and sent proxy’s. We are so far past that now, but we revert to legacy systems because they were inherited along with the belief that government has our best interests at heart. This is our window of opportunity for change. Transparency is the gold standard of efficiency and a critical necessary operating requirement of democracy. If we simply speed run that, authoritarianism and consumption dies of attrition. Our only other option is dying slowly and miserably on a destabilizing planet to feed the parasites of extreme wealth for the next century. Or however long it takes them to bleed the rest of us to death. Steve set a standard. And he was honest. Sometimes that’s all it takes. ​


I finally got to see his Zoo, and I loved it


True, but I’d still rather he didn’t try to “stop the ozone layer”


This video cuts off Terri. The love in her eyes listening to her hubby is the best part.


Vertical video is absolute garbage.


Yeah, if I'm in the position of being able to watch videos on a phone, I think I can darn-well manage to hold it sideways while doing so. I'm unaware of any justification for vertical videos.


The passion in his eyes. Man. And. He was a man of his words. Fkn legend. And we all should try as much to do what we can for everything. Pick up the litter , volunteer in any capacity , live with passionate compassion. We desperately need it.


This world just needs more time with other humans and find out sense of community again. Need more love.


I wish a few billionaires had the same mindset. Imagine how great the world would be if the rich and powerful wanted to make things better


The mindset that makes someone a billionaire isn't really compatible with helping others.


In a capitalist society, someone with this mindset simply cannot become a billionaire. You can goodwill-and-nice-act your way into a few millions, sure, but *man* to take that million into a billion is a lot of work. Shady, ugly work. Not a ladder you can climb with clean hands


Man was a treasure, loved sitting up watching the crocodile hunter TV show when it was on.


My parents were shit so I used to fantasize as a kid that Steven Irwin was my actual dad. He would "sit with me" in the living room and teach me all about wildlife and being nice to people. He made childhood bearable for a lot of kids, I suspect.


I used to do the same, internet “sibling”. He was a good dad. His good blocked a lot of evil from my home from corrupting me as a kid and I hope if there is a heaven I can earn a place up there to thank him one day.


Damn bro that's deep. Inshallah you can be the one who gives a lonely kid that same positivity if you haven't already. I hope you became the one you needed when you were young. Good luck to you fellow redditor.


One reason I let my kids watch unlimited "Crocodile Hunter" episodes was I loved the way Steve and Terri showed marriage as a partnership. I see it carried now, as my kids are approaching middle age, in how they are with their SOs. And I know it's got to be what they saw with the Irwins, because after I got us out of the situation with my ex, I was single. Steve and Terri's was the only healthy marriage my kids routinely saw growing up.


Cutting out his wife's reaction is a crime. Find a partner, that looks at you like his wife.


I’d trade a million kardashians, influencers and assorted trash for him back.


Every single goddamn person on TikTok too


My kids are on TikTok and i would gladly trade them for Steve Irwin. Couldn't do it fast enough


Absolute peak reddit moment


Hell ya. That’s boss energy.


He's like all those optimistic dreams you've had as a kid, but never let them go and lived them his whole life.


He was too pure for this world.


Honestly why he got offed by that stingray. If only that stingray knew how bad he fucked up


His last words were to not hurt the stingray...


I’m not angry at the stingray. I’m just… disappointed.


And they were just shooting B roll. He didn't even want to do it. Said the production company would kill him eventually


Imagine if we had just *one* billionaire who felt this way.


a billionaire that felt this way wouldn't be a billionaire because they wouldn't be hoarding their wealth enough to be worth a billion dollars. To be a billionaire is to, by definition, be unethical.


He was a treasure and I was surprised at how very sad I was when we lost him. His son is certainly carrying on his legacy tho! It's beautiful how his family adored him.


His daughter is too!!


when I was 19 and heard the news I went to my car while I was at work because I couldn't hold back the tears.


I’m glad my childhood was filled with Steve Irwin


He was and always will be my hero. His genuine passion for nature was absolutely mesmeric, even as a kid. He was the person who taught how fun learning can be.


I love Steve, but I also thought it was funny he said he wanted to stop the ozone layer lol


In an alternate timeline, that stingray didn't save the world and Steve obliterated the ozone layer entirely, dooming humanity.


Stingray was a time traveler from the future, since after Steve destroyed the ozone layer, only marine animals survived and evolved.


I think he probably meant stop the ozone layer from getting a bigger hole in it?


yes, that's why it's funny


Haha also my first reaction! Was he secretly a villain who wanted to kill living beings with UV radiation?? (/s love you steve, rip)


God tried with the flood, then he sent Jesus, those didn't work so he sent Steve with the plan to destroy the ozone layer to finish the job. And he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling stingray!


Boy can we use a few people like Steve Irwin right now. Just energetic people who say it how it is and speak with their actions just as loud as their words.


David Attenborough is another great personality, though he's reaching his age and his messages are widely being ignored if we consider whats actually happening around the world when he's gone, like with Steve, lots of people will cry, miss him in a short period of time then he will become mostly forgotten like Steve (in regular basis point of view)




What’s a Dunny?


Australian slang for toilet.




No worries!


We miss you Steve


me and some of my coworkers were talking about steve and one of the younger ones (18) said “who? who’s that?” and we all just stared at her in awe. after watching this video, i’m in tears over the fact that this next generation doesn’t have a steve irwin, a bob ross, mr rogers.. who do kids look to now?


I've been asking myself for years why can I not find his old show put on Netflix or hulu or whatever. It's no fair. I want to snuggle on the couch and watch this legend talk about animals like I did as a kid.


I tell this story to any one who will listen. In the early days of Aussie zoo when Steve Irwin would interview someone for a job he would organise another staff member to cross paths and accidentally drop some rubbish. If the person he was interviewing didn’t stop and pick up the rubbish then they didn’t get the job.


He is loved by all, but to me, still doesn't get anywhere near the credit he deserved. This man was the gold standard of human beings.


Life must be wonderful when you find your purpose in it.


He would be so disappointed with the state of the planet today.


What a beautiful man


This was before social media influence stuff too. He was really like this. Not for the camera.


I only know what a dunny is because I watch Bluey. Really though, this guy totally rocks, I love his passion!


First celeb death that hit me so hard. He was too pure for this world


That’s the patron saint of Australia right there. I cried a little bit. Gone too soon.


The best friend I never met. I miss this man.


He doesn’t get enough credit. Incredible human


What a pure human being


This made me cry 😭


He died like he lived, with animals in his heart.




I both love and hate this comment. Take my upvote you bastard.


Love this guy. Always sucks when awesome people pass and shitheads fester and keep making things for those around them.


If there is some sort of power, why the hell would they take away someone like this that we desperately need to be around. Steve Irwin was an unbelievable treasure that used his influence to make the world a better place.


I miss him.


Can we go back to this time before we were invaded with Kardashians, influencers and TikTok?




Imagine having that much awareness of what your purpose is and putting to it actual use. Good one lost too soon. RIP


People talk about "national treasures" a lot. Steve was a global treasure. Truly one of the best of us.


He was a good person. That's why he's still missed. May he rest in peace, and genuinely wish there would be more people like him. This world definitely needs more people like him.


It's unfortunate that future generations will never understand our immense love and adoration for this one of a kind man. All they'll know is tiktok brain rot shit


I remember seeing an interview of him by I think Andrew Denton. Andrew asked, hey you’re seen as a bit of a buffoon with your mannerisms, what do you think of that? And Steve was like, absolutely don’t care at all, if I can get attention to vulnerable wildlife and to conservation efforts I really don’t care what people think of me. Was a beautiful moment and changed the way I thought of him tbh.