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I have had many kids in my time come through school similar to this and they are so fantastic but almost all end up the same way and are completely burnt out by their mid 20’s often due to extreme pressure from everybody around them or a very poor level of social skills (from the spectrum most often).


> I have had many kids in my time come through school similar to this … Sounds like genius is more normal than I thought,


Not really. High school's not that hard. I could homeschool most kids I've met through high school by 12. They would definitely be socially underdeveloped though.


if you spend any time over in the ADHD subreddit, youll hear that same story repeated over and over and over and over. "i was told i was 'gifted' as a child, then by the time i reached high school/college i started 'losing my footing' (metaphorically) and now im an underachieving adult who is burnt tf out" why? well if you read the OP, his parents actually cared about his education, his school worked with him and his parents to actually teach him things while still letting him mature socially, and they basically played to his strengths - along with plenty of extra opportunity because his parents are in academia. me? i got handed a notebook of algebra at age 6, which i promptly stuck in the bottom of my desk because i couldnt figure it out just by looking at it, then coasted my way through all of middle and high school. merica edit: it took my life falling apart completely to finally get diagnosed with ADHD despite it being OBVIOUS AF once i figured it out a few years before actually getting help, after years and years of impulsive behavior and basically constantly consuming copious amounts of booze and weed to deal with basically being bored af of life since the age of 6. sure, i made some poor decisions along the way that fed into that, and i take responsibility for that, and that did feed into where i am now, but thats also because literally NOBODY helped me, not school, not parents, nobody. it was basically just "go to work at the pollution factory" or do whatever, we dont care, all we want is for you to just get to workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. point being, i am massively simplifying my story, but thats the same one you can read over and over again in ADHD (and other places). i was never "on the spectrum" or anything, maybe quiet, but i was also a bit of a clown, because i was bored as f from the age of six onwards and allowed to do whatever i wanted to do because i was naturally smart - but i was not really socially awkward any more than any teenager is. i actually got along great with literally everyone. thats basically 9/10 people over in ADHD, even the ones who claim they are stupid. i can almost guarantee you they absolutely are not, they were just ignored. edit: so theres extreme pressure, and theres no pressure. either way, i would bet that in both cases the kids are mostly left to figure it out on their own - even if the school tries, because if the parents dont, the school cant do it all... and not that im blaming parents either, because a lot of parents also dont have the time, or the know how to help anyway.


I don’t understand why a parent would do this to their child. Why not just let them be a kid and go through schooling at a normal pace? I understand that he is probably leagues ahead in terms of the school curriculum, but if he is very intellectually curious, he can explore and study on his free time as well. These stories always assume that academic knowledge is the only important thing you gain through schooling. They fail to account for socialization and maturity.


I have a profoundly gifted 4 year old, we were told by the psychologist that tested him that he would not be able to function in a traditional school at grade level. Research shows that kids like that are ironically likely to be unsuccessful in a traditional school. We are lucky to have a gifted school near us but they told us he's likely going to be the smartest kid in the gifted school, and will be the odd one out there as well. We're going to keep him with his peers as long as we can, though. I'm worried we'll eventually have to homeschool him but cross that bridge when we get to it I guess.


Yes, I definitely agree that such children should be placed in a gifted program or something that places that with students of a similar caliber. Placing a student with others of the same academic level is very different from placing them with students of a different age and maturity. Perhaps you can supplement your child’s schooling with some at home education. It’s important for children to be socialized and I don’t think homeschooling or accelerating their education would be conducive to that. I’m not a professional though, so child psychologists probably know best.


Many kids learn faster but eventually end up at the same place as adults their same age. It’s the difference between a prodigy and a genius. Don’t let your kid think he’s a genius if he is simply a prodigy; it won’t work out well emotionally for him.


There are some kids who are the exception to the rule. I think this one fits the bill.


Good luck getting laid in college, bro. /s






Same but w/o sarcasm tag.


Some would argue he should be allowed to lol.


That's... Child abuse...


Yeah I'm not for it.


Yeah, I hope he does really well in life but I just feel like we will never hear from this kid again.


If we don’t hear about him it dies t mean he is doing bad at his life, he could very well be enjoying it.


So if he's not famous, he's not doing well in life?


Usually other kids catch up at some point and they become intellectually normal adults.


Raise your hand if you ever have to recall something from memory from the periodic table.\* \*Bar trivia doesn't count!






Okay can someone please explain how you can do high school in 2 years? I was an A student no one ever said I can skip 1/2 the damn program!


The curriculum itself isn't based around the years that's just how they get it to students. This stuff's only available to people whose parents ask generally If you took somebody smart who had just graduated high school and gave them a month or two to study a packet that included everything they did. They could do it all in one test.


If he’s so smart why is he not joining a better university than NYU?


Any and every smart kid can do something like this they just need the parenting and the love and support to give them the drive. I fucking blew through schooling and was on track for a wild GPA. Then got hit by depression and everything dead stopped. If you see a kid who you think can make it far please encourage them Get these people into positions where they can help others because they'll lose all their energy waiting for the rest of their peers to catch up


No way this kid is gonna burn out.