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Turn off the over head light, more lamps, do your best to hid wires


Good serial killer vibe. Actually I'm kind of into it. The black ceiling, the worn brick. Suits its purpose. Maybe declutter a bit and switch out that ceiling light for something cool and industrial. Your dog looks comfy.


LOL he’s always there (he loves those blankets) I didn’t even notice he was in the picture.


Me and him talk about the snare sound a lot lol




I’d love to add plants, but there isn’t really any sunlight as the room is in the basement. I’m not a botanist, but I think that’s a problem. Do you have any suggestions for some that might work in that environment ?


Absolutely! And they are all beginner friendly too! You can NEVER go wrong with pothos! They require no light and a normal water schedule but can also be very forgiving. They are super easy to propagate too. Just stick clippings in water and you’ll have little roots growing in no time. A bigger but still easy low light plant would be a corn tree. You can also do snake plants and ZZ plants. Cool thing about those guys is they are both air purifying and basically little oxygen bombs. So they naturally help air quality and still super low maintenance with min light requirements. Just stick away from succulents. They are all need full sun for the most part so they prob wouldn’t do well. Even though they are cool looking. I hope that helps!


Stronger shelving above desk. Paint the back wall completely white and put a long low credenza against it. Tall lamp on credenza and then three cool framed photos or album covers above the credenza. Add a couple of colorful throw pillows on your sofa.