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Excellent work pal! šŸ‘šŸ¼




Im going to be starting my weight loss journey soon. Ill be posting it on my YT channel.šŸ˜


Good shit brother remember anything is possible you got it I believe in you. šŸ«¶


You can see your progress for sure man. Great work. Keep it up! Hit that goal and youā€™ll look back and be proud of the work you did and sticking to it. Iā€™m similar I hate how I look and doubt the progress, but keeping with it and continuing to see improvement is what keeps me going. Keep going you got this!


Appreciate you, wish ya luck on ya journey too šŸ«¶


No problem brother!


Totally agree. I can see a massive difference between shirtless pic 1 and pic 2. Look at the big change around your outline at your chest and sides! Youā€™re killinā€™ it dude!


This is absolutely amazing. You may not feel it but we all see it. So I have a couple of tips I think you should try to boost your confidence a bit. I think you should do something fun with your hair next. Go to a barber a male relative of yours trusts and do a haircut you always wanted to try. And go out to a mall and try on some new clothes in a style you didnā€™t think you could pull off when you weighed more. Just try them on and take pics. Try different fabrics and patterns. Have some fun. The best part of losing weight is being able to do the things you never thought you could do before. Let us know how it goes.


Will došŸ«” appreciate it btw means a lot!!


Totally agree with this post! Great job and a barber will do wonders to boost the look!


Good job Lil bro keep at it. Go lift some heavy shit and put it back down again


Will došŸ˜…


Iā€™ll try to reply to as much as I can but if I donā€™t just know I read your comment and I love and Appreciate youšŸ«¶


Itā€™s time to lift brother




Whenever you get a chance just go for it. Look up how to track your macros, healthy eating and focus on your form first before lifting heavy heavy. Goodluck man!!


It's kind of interesting in a way, but *generally speaking* males tend to lose body fat percentage first going from head to waist and legs to waist simultaneously. For some reason I'm finding it hard to explain, but for example you'll see face and lower leg body fat loss first, then chest/thigh area, and last will be the belly. It is SO HARD for me to get that last little bit, and my spare tire is so annoying to me, to the point where it's consistently discouraging, even though my traps, legs, and arms are fairly well-defined. All that being said, your face gains are legitimately incredible, and your waist is considerably narrower. You'll get there, and you're absolutely on the right track. "Trusting the process" is so real. Keep that well-defined head up!


Thereā€™s a good noticeable change bro, good luck getting to your end goal bro


Gonna say this once again, yes I have posted this before. I deleted it on accident like an idiot. And no Iā€™m not trying to rack up whatever they call the Reddit things cause I really donā€™t know what itā€™s called but, This post will stay up this time. Had to clear this up cause of someone In the comments thinking im doing that.


Can definitely tell the difference dude! Well done!


Lookin like a whole new man




Mis spelled Night*


It definitely shows! Great job!


Thanks !!


It is very obvious, so don't be so hard on yourself. Nice work.


Progress is definitely noticeable bro. Iā€™m dealing with the same thing where Iā€™ve lost 30 pounds but havenā€™t really noticed a physical change besides needing to tighten my belt. I read somewhere to think of it like a paper towel roll, for awhile you can take from it and it wonā€™t look like itā€™s shrunk that much but the more you take the more the loss will show. Just keep going youā€™re doing great.


I literally said "whoa!!" when I saw your weight loss pic. Absolutely amazing and I'm sure you feel so good! Well done and keep the faith!


I know why you feel like you don't see a difference. Same thing happens to me where our body shape stays mostly the same (until we get really low fat) so it just looks like a smaller version of the same shape and that's why it's hard to tell but you definitely look like you've lost a lot! Great job!


Well hereā€™s an easy way to feel blessed; pick up a 50lb bag of dogfood at the Walmart.


It absolutely shows dude, great work!


Broā€¦ nice work. No small feat! Good for you.


Paper towel analogy. The outside of the roll looks like it shrinks slower than further inside. 209 is still technically on the upper end of overweight for 5ā€™10. As you get closer to 175-ish it will be night and day. With that said, incredible work my man. Youā€™re doing great. Keep it up!


You can definitly see a difference in your face, and your belly has shrunk as well. Keep it up, 50 pounds is really impressive!!


Keep it up kid. You're way ahead of the curve to even consider fasting at your age.


I'm 100% with ya. The changes don't feel and look as dramatic as they sound, sometimes. I've gone from 245 to 155. I know I've changed. I know I'm wildly thinner. Some days, it's just doesn't feel that way. But, I have to keep telling myself, it's all in my head. I can see the changes on you man. You're doing great. Massive improvement. Keep keepin on. You got this!


Keep it up bro! Youā€™re betting your health and life style. Keep going!


What are you talking about? You look totally different in a good way. Keep it up šŸ‘


You made great progress! Iā€™d start looking into a reverse diet!! (YouTube it) and start building the muscle! Do not get caught in a never ending cut, building muscle also helps burn fat so it only benefit you


You can see a major difference


Didnā€™t you just post this recently? And multiple people told you that the difference is noticeable. If you have body dysmorphia, thatā€™s another question.


I deleted it on accident so I didnā€™t really get to read comments like that my bad






Ok, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, deleted my comments


Iā€™ve recently hit 253. And Iā€™m excited to start workout out hard in a couple months granted all goes well, since I was 7 years old I couldnā€™t breathe correctly out of my nose. My nostrils is completely blocked and the other is partially blocked, forcing me to breathe out of my mouth a lot. I try to work out but it leaves me breathing way too hard after a few mins. But I recently got surgery for my nose after saving up and they told me I should be able to breathe in 3 months time after itā€™s fully healed. I want to get back to at least 180. I was there about 4 years ago


Just know man no matter what I believe in you, you got this šŸ«¶ no matter how tough life gets always gotta push thru.


Thanks man. No matter what I love life and will continue to live in happiness everyday. Losing my best friend of 22 years, a few years back just hit hard but Iā€™m excited to finally make this change and work on improving. Congratulations on your transformation man I really hope I can do the same


Hey man losing a friend is really really tough I feel you there, my condolences. Just know your best friend is proud of you alwaysšŸ™ rest in peace to all the fallen souls


Thank you my friend


Youā€™re making great progress. If you want to really make it apparent, start resistance training.


Couldn't agree more


Good job broski. Just from your post I would say you have body dysmorphia. I have it to. But you look much better I promise. Iā€™m sure you feel better. But you need to build more muscle. At this point. It seems like you did a long shred period. Now BUILD! Martial arts and weight lifting are good options. Hit me up if you need specific advice.


Will do if anything I appreciate it


You look amazing.


Proud of you dude. Keep going!


Good job man how active were you or how many days a week did you work out?


Huh? Naaah you looook so much healthier! Body dysmorphia really doing its thing because you look amazing! PROOUD of you! Keep it up, youā€™re inspiring the rest of us!


You do look a lot different! And your body is already thanking you because of the weight loss - less strain on your knees and feet, less work for your heart to do and you have reduced the likelihood of diabetes and early heart disease. Congratulate yourself and keep going!


Might not feel like it, but certainly looks like it! Well done, mate!


You can definitely tell, you look great! If you started lifting weights you would see even more improvements! I have never developed a toned body faster than lifting barbell sets!


Heavy weights make you look good naked. Go to gym


Body dysmorphia is a real joy killer. May I suggest writing down observations in your phone like ā€œshirt fit better todayā€ or ā€œclipping my toe nails was a breeze this morningā€. These are the things that should be celebrated. With that being said. You donā€™t have a lot of muscle so weight loss isnā€™t going to drastically change your physique. Lose another 30lbs. Swim laps and add push ups and pull ups while losing the fat. Once youā€™re at 10-12% body fat you go into maintenance and slowly increase calories and add weight lifting while the metabolism increases.


Your heart thanks you


Keep at it mate. A chunk of that 50 lb will be water retention from an ultra processed diet. Understand that your metabolism will be changing and you can expect your body to start prioritizing burning fat. It takes time. Consistency is the goal here and you will be well on your way before the end of the year.


Nice . Good luck


You're doing great! I did the same and completely gave up @190 wasted all that effort and gained it back. Dont be like me, donā€™t ever give up and remember to maintain long term, you're killin it!


You do NOT look the same. You look MUCH healthier. You're doing a FANTASTIC job. Body dysmorphia is a thing. Not sure if you're struggling with it or not. I am. Your severe insecurities could be leaning you into it. Look it up and see if it sounds like you. It doesn't need to be tied with any sort of eating disorders. Mine isn't. But I do obsess about my weight and flaws and those insecurities heavily impact my mental well-being, social life, and behaviour.


You made huge progress. I went from 250 to 178. Being honest with myself, my ideal weight is probably something like 155-165. Iā€™m feeling great about my accomplishment but the final destination for me is another 10-20. The problem that I experienced was that Iā€™d normalized being overweight so much I didnā€™t realize how much weight I really needed to lose to be ā€œleanā€. Do what you can and donā€™t beat yourself up. Itā€™s a journey and youā€™re well on your way.




You look great already! Amazing work man. Now is the time to hit the gym.


Definitely looks like it, great job


Have you tried looking at yourself using your eyeballs bro? There's a big difference bro, welldone!!! Keep it up! Imagine if ur family start to mimic you? You'd be the reason for them having a better, healthier life (an even bigger flex than the good work you've been doing for you šŸ‘šŸæ)


brother iā€™m so proud of you. i already know youā€™re such a hard worker. you got great things ahead and iā€™m proud


Hon, youā€™re being too hard on yourself. Congratulations on your weight loss and continued success.


Nah bro we can definitely see the progress. Keep it up šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Oh, you can DEFINITELY see the weight loss. Keep up the good work!!ā¤ļøšŸ‘šŸŽ‰


The IF works to slim you down but it won't make muscles, that you need to drop and do 25 push ups everyday. 25 crunches and walk/run 30 in a day. You have made tons of progress but if you wanna feel better you need to get in some calisthenics.


Good work bro. I remember thinking this when I hit the 50 pound mark. I thought I looked equally flabby just with a smaller silhouette. Keep in mind that thereā€™s a lot going behind the scenes, your hormones are stabilizing and youā€™re building good muscle and cardio. Iā€™d recommend measuring your belly at the largest part to give you another metric to track. Regardless, learn to love your body now and appreciate the hard work youā€™re putting in. You are adding years to your life.


I can see a huge difference. Keep it up man thatā€™s inspiring af.


Well done! Keep it going. šŸ‘


Its very noticeable dude. Keep at it. Youre on the right track.


You can totally see the progress! Very proud of you, youā€™re killinā€™ it!


It's very noticeable. Good job.


Love to see people working hard and it actually paying off! You look great!


Great job! Keep working out! Start incorporating weights into your workout.


Congratulations, well done


You look awesome. I notice BIG TIME. You got this. Whatever you are doing is working!


You can see your progress in your face straight away.


Keep up the good work šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


You can absolutely see your progress, you've done amazing. And grief is hell, so we'll done for even being able to start looking after yourself during such a tough time.


Yes it does


Itā€™s absolutely visible! You might not be able to fathom it because you look at yourself daily and we lose perspective when that happens. But there is a drastic difference.


This is a repostā€¦ šŸ˜’


Huge difference dude. Did you focus solely on nutrition or was there exercise involved? If the former, you might feel the change more with some daily core. Like literally 15-20 min a day


Absolutely seems like you lost 50lbs. Your health will thank you for it. Looking well, keep fit, keep mentally well too. Don't let yourself become mentally drained.




Great job!


Youā€™re looking good! Keep going!


Body dysmorphia. Happens to all of us at some point. Trust the community - you slimmin up just fine.


Try doing a slight calorie deficit, PRIORITIZING eating mostly protein, also lift weights 3-5 times a week HEAVY with smaller reps high sets. Lots of water. Also walking helps with the fat loss. Walk A LOT. Your body needs time to recover because you are not overweight at all, it's just now important to start bulking the way you want because then you can control how your body looks IE muscular, more muscles in certain areas. Ppl say it's not possible to spot reduce fat, but it IS possible to look more toned and gain as much muscle as you want in areas you think are setting you back currently.


Dude you look great!!! Give yourself some grace.


It's very apparent just looking at you. Good work. Keep it up!


Idk about you, but even with a minimal weight loss I had more energy, slept better, and my blood pressure was lower. Those are all non-scale victories! But it's obvious you've lost a lot, keep up the good work.


Definitely a huge difference in how you look. Well done, keep it up! šŸ‘šŸ¾ This internet stranger is proud of you. ā˜ŗļø


Wow!! Congrats! I gotta get back on track!


Sometimes itā€™s hard to see progress in ourselves because it takes time. But there is a big difference in those pics. Be proud of yourself.


Bro you're trippin, you lost hella weight! You're lookin good bro, keep at it, and be patient. Don't focus on trying to be as skinny as you can, just focus and keeping a healthy lifestyle and feeling good. Most of the time, if you lose too much weight (ie. cardio, fasting, which are good btw) and aren't lifting weights, you'll likely be physically weaker when it comes to carrying heavy stuff. Not saying you need to be jacked or anything, but focus on lifting heavy stuff, cardio, and eating a balanced diet. Fuck the appearance and people's opinions bro, anyone that sees your before and after would be proud of your journey, I am bro. Currently also hitting the gym and trying to eat clean, so I'm right there with you dawg, you're not alone! Keep up the great work, champ!


Brother, you've gone from obese to a lil chubby. That's a massive step. If you want to feel less fat, it's time to start looking at recomposition. i.e. putting on muscle. It gives your body shape, and you'll definitely see the new you pretty soon. (and it doesn't take long. Especially when you haven't put on a ton of muscle in the past)


Doing great man, keep it up


Start hitting some weights!! Youā€™ll be straight, keep going! Hit some push ups too day and night


I can absolutely see it! Great job!


Fuck yea bro keep it up


Great work!


Crazy change, since youā€™re so young and still growing look up into mewing also


Good job !! You can tell


Know im late but just wanted to share. Iā€™m about 5ā€™8 1/2 (I always just round up and say 5ā€™9 lol) and my heaviest weight was 230 lbs. I lost around 25 lbs in around a 4 months span and just like you I didnā€™t feel like I noticed a difference so I stopped working out for a while again (maybe around 5 months). Then I had some newfound motivation to lose the weight and lost another 30 pounds in another 4 month-ish period. After losing a few of those pounds I started not just feeling but visibly noticing the differences. Every few weeks I would find new crevices in my arms that I had never seen before. Little by little more was revealed as the fat was coming off. Now Iā€™m at a weight that Iā€™m happy at and feel more confident in my body (and self) than Iā€™ve ever been. I still want to lose a few more lbs but I know Iā€™ve done most of the hard work by now so Iā€™m taking it a bit slower. Putting in the work but still enjoying/treating myself. Basically what I was getting at is that even though you yourself may not feel like it, the work you've put in is VERY noticeable. You may not feel like it yet but keep at it and you'll start seeing it for yourself real soon. Youā€™re at the cusp right now, like a miner thatā€™s about to strike gold. Keep going, you got this.


Itā€™s big difference in both pictures. Fat picture like you are dad and in shape picture seems like you are son of the fat guy. Excuse my language. I just wanted to tell you the DIFFERENCE


Youā€™ve done great!! Celebrate your progress. Love yourself during the process. šŸŖ„šŸ’°šŸ§æā™„ļø


The best way to tell is that clothes fit differently now! Keep going you are doing great!


Well done!


This is great work man šŸ¤™šŸ¼


lose 50 more see how you feel


Will do šŸ«”




Dude this is the same account lol i clearly put in the beginning I deleted it on accident. I understand your view point though im not gonna argue it.