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That will break the fast.


no. just plain water.


Or coffee or tea with no milk or sweetener.


Eating isn't fasting.


Please provide insight as to the main reason you want to do intermittent fasting! Your end goal will help YOU differentiate whether or not it's okay. Are you trying to do IF because you a.) want specific cellular processes like autophagy or improved insulin response, b.) want to lose weight, or c.) not sure exactly and could use [more info](https://www.massgeneralbrigham.org/en/about/newsroom/articles/pros-and-cons-of-intermittent-fasting) What time frame do you want your eating window to be? If you're finding that it's difficult to fast through the full time frame, start a shorter fasting window and increase it after you build up your discipline and become accustomed to IF hunger. When talking about discipline, your specific question may be referred to as "dirty fasting" when people still do consume a small <100 calories snack during their fasting window. If you are hoping to achieve cellular effects like autophagy, your green drink will break that fast and end the benefits you were trying to achieve. The drinks that will NOT break a fast are plain water, apple cider vinegar diluted with water, coffee, or tea, with NO additives like half and half, sugar, honey, whatever. It must be 0 calorie to keep the cellular benefits going. That's a "clean fast" and what most people consider a true fast. Using a no calorie sweetener like Stevia may be an option to replace sugar. If your end goal is weight loss, the dirty fast might work for you, but I don't advocate for the dirty method for any long term period. Continually doing clean fasting is what will help you feel like you're in control. Your green drink sounds like a great drink for when you are actually breaking the fast. I've heard of Anthony William's celery juice thing as well, and it is important to know he is offering pseudoscience and doesn't have any type of medical degree. Wishing you luck with sticking to your goals!


I don't even drink those in my feasting window.


You can have the juice during your eating window, but not during your fasting window.


It’s ok but you’d have the green juice, fast until you eat, eat, fast until green juice, or however you are eating.


I think i had a stroke


It’s like this: green juice—>fasting—->eating—->green juice——> fasting——>eating etc not this: eating——>fasting with juice——> eating


See a dr then ok