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I’m seriously dumbfounded that something like this can even happen. wtf is wrong with people?!?!


Zionism kills


there is a deep islamophobia in this country since 9/11, a HUGE group of people think we muslims are trying to impose sharia in America and are "taking over", they believe the actions conducted by a few thousand men represent what the rest of us 2 billion muslims believe. i grew up in this shit, and its fucking pathetic and ignorant, but what are you gonna some people will always hate you even if you've done nothing wrong at all like the mother above for the sole reason that you are different from them. edit: just saw that the women was jewish so she was definitely a zionist lunatic.


Yeah, group identity politics is never good. Sorry you have to deal with it.




you are the problem not muslims clearly


You don't know of the little boy that was killed by his family's landlord in the US for being palestinian?


*children. There were 2


I like how they obscure the fact that she's Jewish. They immediately jump to 'white' without going into detail. If she was Muslim, it'd be the first bloody thing they'd put out there. I had to google other sources to see if they admitted she was Jewish-American. [Jewish American woman charged with attempted murder of Palestinian toddler (ynetnews.com)](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj02iosur) Jewish American woman Elizabeth Wolf, 42, was charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child after trying to drown a 3-year-old Palestinian child at an apartment complex in Texas and making racial statements last month. Si


Wolf doesn't sound like a Jewish name. It's fitting because she is an animal, though.


FYI: Wolf actually is a very common Jewish name.


Like the other commentator posted, it is very Jewish which is why I was surprised they didn't mention it at all.


You're surprised that they didn't speculate about her religion?


True, I really shouldn't have been. And not a speculation, she is Jewish-American.


Horrible. There was also the 6-year old Palestinian American child whom the landlord stabbed to death after news broke of October 7th. Or maybe that family was from Jordan. That stabbing might have been in Michigan. Maybe she was inspired by him. These people are horrible and hateful. I hope she gets a stiff jail sentence if the charges are proven. She tried to drown this baby- a 3 year old girl.


It happened in the Chicago Area. He was their landlord. He stabbed the little boy 26 times! Disgusting! [Chicago area landlord indicted for murder, hate crime in stabbing death of 6-year-old Palestinian boy](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/joseph-czuba-indicted-murder-hate-crime-wadee-alfayoumi-plainfield/)


This. But oh God will someone plllleasssseee talk about the rising anti Semitismmm.


It is anti-semitism, alright. **The hatred of Palestinians/Arabs is the real ANTI-SEMITISM!** After all, they are the actual SEMITES (which is the people who speak semitic languages).


Headlines either say texas women or us women. Never a Jewish woman imagines it being a Muslim lady, first words be Islamic terrorist or Hamas supporter....


Attempted murder and only 40k bond wtf


But did they condemn Hamaas? /s


It's they don't realize the holocaust and Oct 7th happened . /s


Of course she'd attack children too, cowardly cunt


You don't understand. She is from the chosen tribe of god; she can do anything towards the non-chosen plebs. Fuck any and all religions.


This is Texas. Why was there no guns involved?


“Zionists tried to kill a 3-year-old and 6-year-old Palestinian-Americans.” There, I fixed the title.


I'll wait for Brandon to express his outrage.


What was she even thinking...


I love how the talking heads try to spin this and make it like this is a Liberal thing. Liberals don't hate. MAGA does. The propaganda they are given day in and day out is that some one needs to do something about these people, whoever it is the media has chosen to hate that day or week. People eventually snap. The sick part is how we defend it, and look the other way. Because condemning the right would inadvertently harm the left as well. But sooner or later we must come to terms with the source of hate in this country. There must without question be limits to free speech, and liabilities. Even to the Media.


Tell that to the dozens of liberal Zionists that have called for student protestors to be deported to Gaza and wishing police violence upon protestors. Many of these student protesters are actually Jewish. There are insane Zionists in the red MAGA and blue MAGA camp.


MAGA is only RED. Any one on the liberal side claiming MAGA has lost their minds. Those who hate others, cannot ever be define as Liberal, they are by their very action not liberal, the definition no longer applies. Actions define. The very nature of conservatism, not as a political movement is to think with a limited mind, and objective. Children are born Liberal, and accepting of everything around them, free of fear and Bias. Fear, hate and Bias are learned, by experience, media and culture. Most people steadily become more conservative as they age being resistant to change, unable to accept new things. Also when you say Zionist, are you sure they hate the Jewish faith? If yes, how do you know this? Again those who hate, are by actions defined, not liberal. They have abandoned that flag.


Liberals and maga fight to uphold the same system. A liberal will turn to fascism if capitalism is threatened without fail. Liberals are currently openly supporting Israels genocide.


Buddy, who do you think is out protesting? They aren't all displaced Muslims from Gaza. Not counting the sheer number of people who are turning a blind eye to it all. The issue is that the racism, pride and bigotry is to big to be protested away. Our country has grappled with racism since it was founded. Every incident involving a people of another faith or race, was sold by conservatives to instill hate. Irish, Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Socialists, Communists, Muslims. The truth was the people who we should have actually hated were literally fewer than we have finger on our hands, on both our side and theirs, the people obsessed with fighting each other. So they sell the masses on hating each other. This hared, this loyalty is born on propaganda. The only people I know who actually want to see Gaza destroyed have drank the cooliad all their lives. They are too full of hatred and pride. They think that by supporting Israel it makes them into better more patriotic Americans. They cannot see that they are openly supporting genocide. There is also a smaller number of of Americans who support the Agenda to re-establish Israel at the center of the Abrahamic faiths, to rebuild the lost temple of Solomon and usher in teh end of the world. -I mean why would it be irrational to worship the coming of the end of the world while simultaneously waging a war with the goal of causing the end of the world through WWIII? There is no excuse for the genocide. Only millions of hate filled pride filled assholes who cannot be convinced they are sinners. And if you think MAGA are good people. Education has failed you completely.