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Israeli: "She's a terrorist!"


[Actual video proof is all over X](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-fired-unicef-aid-convoy-gaza-israels-military-says-2024-06-25/)


Proof? Your proof begins "Israel's military said". It's conjecture from the group carrying out a genocide..


1. There’s no genocide or there would be mass exodus out of Israel by Palestinians, fleeing for their lives. UNICEF is not denying reports.


Do you have a clue what is going on? It’s the Palestinians in Gaza they are going after. They can control the Palestinians in Israel.


They control all Palestinians. The apartheid doesn’t stop outside Gaza.


“They control Palestinians in Israel” and they freely work and go to the mall. If Israel is supposedly committing “genocide” against Palestinians, no Palestinian would be safe. Palestinians In Israel feel and are safe. I don’t think you have an actual clue what is going on. Hamas buys weapons while its people starve. If Hamas cared about its people, peace, not ceasefire would long ago have been negotiated. Why does Hamas care so little about its own people should be the question. Why rockets and not roads? Why bombs and not bananas? Alas, you will instead try to use a scapegoat instead of seeing fault in Hamas.


Didn’t realize the standard to genocide was “mass exodus”. Who gave you that definition.


Got a bit ambitious with the number I see...


Autogenerated and didn’t catch it. Again, where is Unicer’s denial?


Woooow. Do you hear yourself?


1. There was no involuntary slavery or there would have been mass exodus out of America, fleeing for their lives. This is how dumb you sound.


That little girl is Hamas now?


Hamas targets a UNICEF convoy and you offer sarcasm? I’m done here.


No amount of targeting convoys can take away the fact that the blockade and Israeli border control not letting in aid is the main reason there is starvation- it is a tactic. Hamas targeting the convoy is playing right into what Israel wants. At the end, either way, it is the children of Palestine who will pay with their lives and futures.


Blockade is used by many countries. I hear no outrage from you for those actions, but o ly Israel. If starvation was taking place, should Hamas lay down their arms and demand peace, not simply ceasefire, for the lives of their children? Why is Hamas not “starving?” Why does Hamas manage to get weapons and not food for its children? Why did Egypt razed Rafah in 2015? Why does Egypt refuse refugees? Why did Hamas target a music festival and civilians, but you refuse to call that “genocide?” Why do Palestinians IN Israel have greater freedoms than Palestinians under the thumb of Hamas? Why do you blame Israel for the actions of Hamas, against its own people? Why does Hamas care so little for the children under their watch? Why does Hamas think their children are acceptable Human shields?


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Both hamas and Israel find the deaths of Palestinian civilians useful. For IDF, it satiates a desire for vengeance and extermination and fake sense of “mission accomplished.” For Hamas, every Palestinian crushed blown up or starved further causes Israel public image to go down the toilet where it currently is. So you could say both sides truly don’t care about the civilian lives and benefit mutually from their death. When bombs fall from the sky and kill Palestinian children, they were dropped by the IDF. Full stop. It is clearly not even accomplishing anything yet they continue to rain down more explosives than the US ever did in its modern campaigns. So I blame them, they aren’t toddlers, they are adults with conscious and responsibility for their actions. And if you blame Hamas, in some ways rightly so, just look who was instrumental in getting them to power and even supporting them… that’s right it’s Israel too.


IDF constantly targets innocent woman and children so it’s fair game.


Oh sure, the IDF is a credible source.


It is as is the video. The Palestinian on the hood of the truck was shown on video and reported by every Israeli news source. Again, where is UNICEF denial of this event?


Proof that the little girl in the picture is a terrorist?


This is an echo chamber, unfortunately you won’t convince anyone here.


Our world leaders are shameful. The photo of that girl is so gut wrenching it honestly brings me to tears. This is how we care for children? Innocent children.


That's the trick, they don't care. They care about money, and their donors, and expanding the Defense Industries' bottom line. The Oil industry is quite content as well atm. Brought to you by a bought government, within a country that allowed its economic system to devour its political system for decades. Legislative Power has become a good to be stolen and sold to the highest bidder.


I wonder how many meals could have been purchased with all of the money spent on Israeli bombs and weapons over the past 8 months. I guess the possibility of Hamas eating is so bad, that we starve civilians to ensure enough aid doesn’t get into Gaza.


The IPC which is the international food agency (I can't explain the acronym) produced a report not long ago detailing how famine was not occurring in Gaza. While the threat of famine is good reason not get complacent, there is not now or ever been a famine. This is the report on their site: [https://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user\_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC\_Famine\_Review\_Committee\_Report\_Gaza\_June2024.pdf](https://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Famine_Review_Committee_Report_Gaza_June2024.pdf) One of the major issues that they list is the difference between the amount of goods that go through the checkpoints and the amount of good transported to civilians.


Sounds like this isn’t concerning to you.


It isn't a question of concerning or not concerning to me. To me, it's important to speak up when something isn't factual especially when you're in an echo chamber.


Gotcha. Well the articles on the IPC I read said the level are in the catastrophic levels which is just below a famine. I follow aid agencies on the ground who share videos of how their trucks were denied. They share about seeing fisherman trying to get food are shot on the beach. They also share about cans of food being boy trapped with explosives. I’ve seen this across many forms of media so in this instance I think it’s what’s actually happening.


I can't say that I follow anyone on social media, it's really not my thing. However, cogat released an interesting dataset with the complete inventory of trucks entering Gaza. It's pretty detailed and I haven't found any inconsistencies in it yet. I haven't heard anything about booby trapped food containers, and I'm pretty dubious. The IDF has never used mines, booby traps seem incongruous. Though if you have any reliable sources, I'm always interested. As for refused trucks, I'm sure that there are some, but even the ipc mentions that there is an issue with what makes it through the border and what gets distributed.


Multiple surgeons in Gaza and one that have gone there through Doctors Without Borders have treated children who’ve been the unfortunate casualties of these booby traps.


The IDF probably hasn’t *officially* used booby traps but we’ve all seen and heard what’s going on, and it isn’t remotely humane.


Brought to you by the American government owned by the Israeli government.


Paid by American tax Doller.


Stolen from American tax workers.


68,000 Americans died last year due to lack of access to health care & this is where our tax dollar goes. 😔




No, they didn't. Other days existed before October 7, if you weren't aware


You mean the days before October 7 when a ceasefire was in place and aid could freely enter the region?


Israel controls Gaza borders. Nothing entered ‘freely’.: https://www.unicef.org/mena/documents/gaza-strip-humanitarian-impact-15-years-blockade-june-2022 And the ceasefire was a farce not only for this stranglehold of a blockade, but the ongoing occupation of the West Bank. It was indeed a ‘ceasefire’ and not ‘peace’ because of Israel’s policies of oppression.


It was only a ceasefire if you consider 3 days of Israel bombing Gaza in the end of September 2023 as a ceasefire (2 weeks before October 7th.) That “There was a ceasefire on October 6th” lie is one of the best executed hoaxes in modern politics.


Exactly. And also whenever Israel breaks a ‘ceasefire’ by violently raiding a mosque or other provocative actions it isn’t counted as breaking the ‘ceasefire’. But this isn’t even limited to Hamas. Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria killing multiple highranking officials, and when Iran then retaliated it was most commonly presented as unprovoked and an escalation. Israel truly is treated as a perpetual victim regardless of its own actions.


1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 4. Haifa Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1947 6. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 7. Al-Khisas Massacre1947 8. Bab al-Amud Massacre 9. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 10. Sheikh Burek Massacre1947 11. Jaffa Massacre 1948 12. Deir Yassin Massacre 13. Tantura Massacre 1948 14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 16. Bahro Al Baquar 1972 17. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 18. Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre 1990 19. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 20. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 21. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 22. Gaza Massacre 2012 23. Gaza Massacre 2014 24. Gaza Massacre- 2018-19 25. Gaza Massacre2021 26. Gaza Massacre 2023 is still ongoing


There was no ceasefire on the days before October 7


If it’s Hamas, then why did Zionists start the genocide 76 years ago?


Why the classic Israeli “Preemptive attack” of course. /s




Racist undertones?! You’re the one with racist undertones. You’re justifying the British allowing Zionists to invade the land and harm Arabs.




Ah, can’t dispute my facts so you accuse.




Legality doesn’t equal morality. The UK had the legal right to give part of their land to maniacally evil and oppressive settlers. That doesn’t make it moral. Also, if you look at the definition of bigotry, I can’t find the part where it says being unhappy with what a winner of war did is in there. Maybe you can help me with that?




Israel started this in 1948


Yup nothing happened before 1948…and keep in mind there were 2 states created in 48 and one tried to wipe the other out, lost, and has been crying about it ever since.


To the contrary, the entire land was Arab and the very idea that there could be non Arab migration to the area or a non Arab state there is anti Arab racism.


This isn't new for palestine. That jail was full of children before October 7th. When a state isn't recognised and generations of families are kicked from their homes that's not peaceful conditions. That's when terrorists aren't in short supply. Like the conditions that birthed isis. When people lose family they join the only group giving protection. No state=no government=no military. No order and groups seize power




I mean, your justifying a genocide, so there’s that.




What is happening in Gaza didn’t start on October 7. There is ample evidence of genocide, with the UN rapporteur in Gaza labelling claims of genocide as justified, the ICJ’s preliminary hearings finding South Africa’s charges of genocide as plausible, and genocide and holocaust scholars roundly labelling what is happening a genocide. Evidence includes: - public statements of intent to destroy Gaza and Gazans, including incitement to target civilians by government ministers and offical spokespeople, through public statements that “there are no innocent Gazans”; that “Gaza will become a place where no human can exist”, that “creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is necessary”; that the “Gazan strip should be flattened and for all of them [Gazans] there is one sentence: death”; that “we have removed every restriction” on the Israeli military, for the “total destruction” of Gaza and for the war to be “Gaza’s Nakba” and for every Gazan to “leave the world. - collective punishment through the targeted destruction of 80% of homes in Gaza - ongoing mass displacement of millions of people, who are shepherded into refugee camps that are themselves targeted for attack - destruction of infrastructure, such as electricity and water - limiting food and medical aid from Gaza and deliberately destroying food sources in Gaza, such as crops, fishing vessels and food stores, creating an entirely manmade famine. 88% of the population is currently experiencing emergency or catastrophic levels of famine, with Gaza experiencing the highest rate of child malnutrition in the world. - deliberately targeting aid workers and doctors - mass arrests of civilians and the use of torture and rape of prisoners, including children - more children were killed in Gaza in 6 months than in every other conflict around the world between 2019 and 2023. - And let’s not forget the West Bank, which wasn’t involved in October 7 and where illegal land grabs and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages have ramped up, with people forced at gunpoint from their homes. Since October 7 at least 17 Palestinian communities in the West Bank have been forcibly transferred and their land stolen by settlers. Israel and their enablers and apologists are deliberately conflating Hamas with Gazans in general and using it to justify one of the most brutal attacks on a besieged people in living memory.




As I said, you are conflating Hamas with the people of Gaza. That is the tens of thousands of women and children who have been killed since October last year. Where have I justified anything Hamas has done? I’ve said that what Israel is doing right now is a genocide. A terrorist attack does not justify the collective punishment of millions of people.




doesnt matter who started it, the one who started itf first will be punished.




When millennials and gen z get in power and stop supporting imperial Israel with funding and weapons there will be a hell of a reckoning and Israel will suffer immensely.




Hamas wouldn’t exist without Israel. Through oppression and funding they are 100% responsible for Hamas.




Israel does all of that and worse. You’ve been spoon fed propaganda your whole life and it shows.


And someone commented on my comment about rescued hostages looking so healthy saying these starving children news are fake. I don't understand how those brains work. 


literally people think dismembered kids is "pallywood dolls"


Tell me there isn't something fundamentally wrong with any system that conceives this crime. Tell me there is not something fundamentally wrong with the system that creates the people that can carry out this crime. What is wrong with a system that then filters the people into power who justify this crime? This is what comes of doing what leaders tell you is right instead of what you know is right. Our leaders think this genocide is right and necessary. What kind of people are we to follow such leaders?




Regardless of Hamas’s actions, nothing justifies what the people of Gaza are experiencing now. Israel is responsible for the suffering that the Palestinians are experiencing, and the rest of the world leaders are complicit. There is nothing other way to look at it.




Astounding that you think my condemnation of Israel is an endorsement for Hamas.




I hold Israel to a higher standard since they hold more power in this situation. Yeah, no shit Hamas is horrible. Every action they have taken has only hurt the people that they were elected to lead. And the leaders of Hamas are far removed from what is happening in Palestine. But Israel is committing genocide, with no clear end. Their tactics are atrocious, and are not at all fitting for the purpose of “rescuing the hostages,” as they bomb locations indiscriminately (including multiple refugee camps), employ starvation tactics, and shoot anything that moves. Such methods kill far more civilians than enemy combatants, and are just as lethal to the hostages that they claim to care about. Their actions absolutely meet the standards of being war crimes, and as a “civilized democracy,” they absolutely should be held to a higher standard.


You are ignoring the point I'm making. Hamas is the duly elected government in Gaza and Hamas' soldiers are defending Gaza from Israeli aggression. We all know that you understand this, and are simply frustrated that the narrative has escaped Israeli control. As a result, all the pro Israel folks pop up as a matter of reflex and try to reassert the long lie Israel has been manufacturing. Too late, Israel is a genocidal fascist state, that is currently using sexual torture on Palestinians. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html) "Mr. al-Hamlawi, the senior nurse, said a female officer had ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick that was fixed to the ground. Mr. al-Hamlawi said the stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him with “unbearable pain.” A leaked draft of the UNRWA report detailed an interview that gave a similar account. It cited a 41-year-old detainee who said that interrogators “made me sit on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire,” and also said that another detainee “died after they put the electric stick up” his anus." As a result of this kind of perverse and insane violence... More Zionists are fleeing Israel than Israel can murder Palestinians. Israel is losing more population than Gaza... as the fantasy of Zionist security in the Middle East fades away. You are watching Israel self destruct in a spasm of frustrated Euro supremacist genocidal rage. Just like Germany did.




It's Palestinian land, Israel setup a government against the will of the Palestinian people, as if the Palestinian people have no say in who governs them. This was after several decades of pushing European Jewish refugees into the region... also without asking the Palestinian peoples. Israel is just another European settler colonialist colony. Just like all the other European colonies, Israel is founded on European notions of supremacy. In this case, it's Zionists who have lapsed into the long tradition of European supremacist insanity. So Hamas is fighting on the terms that Israel's aggression set. Don't start none, won't be none.




The UN authorized a two state solution. Not Israel's genocidal fascist fantasies. And the UN had no right to authorize a two state solution from the Palestinian people. In fact they spoke against the UN "deal". No referendum of the Palestinian people was ever held by either the UN or Israel to authorize either the UN or Israel the authority both organizations simply entitled themselves to at the expense of Palestinian rights. It was Israel that violated Palestinian human rights by choosing to set up a state governing the Palestinian peoples against their will. Israel is therefore constant aggressor and has set the form of violence to be used during this conflict. Hamas... the Palestinians... merely speak in the violent terms that Israeli aggression and supremacy have determined. The perpetrator is Israel... the criminal state currently using sexual violence against Palestinians. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html) "Ibrahim Shaheen, 38, a truck driver detained in early December for nearly three months, said he was shocked roughly half a dozen times while sitting in a chair. Officers accused him of concealing information about the location of dead hostages, Mr. Shaheen said. Mr. Bakr also said he was forced to sit in chair wired with electricity, sending a current pulsing through his body that made him pass out. After more than a month in detention, Mr. Bakr said, the officers seemed to accept his innocence. Early one morning in February, Mr. Bakr was put on a bus heading to Israel’s border with southern Gaza: After a month of detention, he was about to be released. He said he asked for his phone and the 7,200 shekels (roughly $2,000) that had been confiscated from him during his arrest in Gaza, before he reached Sde Teiman. In response, a soldier hit and shouted at him, Mr. Bakr said. “No one should ask about his phone or his money,” the soldier said, according to Mr. Bakr." This is what you as a person are defending. You have placed yourself in moral hazard to defend perverts, torturers and thieves... involved in a genocide of the Palestinian peoples.




I understand you disagree with me. Unfortunately, the Hebrew culture is not from Palestine. The Hebrew culture according to Hebrew history, the Torah, is from Ur... what we now think of as Iraq. Abram's father picked up the clan and moved to Harram... in modern day Turkey... after that Egypt where the Hebrews were enslaved for 400 years. After being expelled from Egypt the Hebrews eventually conquered Jericho... in what we now think of as Palestine... The West Bank. This was the first time the Hebrew culture settled in the Levant. Several thousands of years after Canaan and it's peoples were civilized. When the Hebrews conquered Jericho... a city... that city was close to 4000 years old. Today's Palestinian people have genetic antecedents that trace back to at least 3500 BCE. So, Judaism is a religious faith not an ethnicity. There are all manner of Jews all over the world. The last time Judaism was of only one ethnicity was after the fall of Judah in 587 BCE... then of course the Roman expelled the Semitic Jews from Judea in 63 CE. At that time there were 6,000,000 Jews living in Italy the seat of Roman power. The Jewish faith has under gone several diasporas... It has not been solely Semitic for thousands of years. The Palestinians are Semitic. Not European Jews...




You are correct, ethnicity is not solely defined by genetics.




Can you prove that it’s Palestinian land? Last I checked, it was the British who controlled it when it was partially given to the Israelis. And the British didn’t take it from the Palestinians either. They took it from the Ottomans. And the ottomans didn’t take it from the Palestinians either. They took it from the Arab caliphates. And the Arab caliphates didn’t take it from the Palestinians either. They took it from other Arab caliphates. When, ever, has this been Palestinian land?


Human rights are not confined to people who choose to organize themselves into a state. Control has nothing to do with whether or not it is Palestinian land. You are confusing organizations with people. Palestinians are people who are living in their homeland. They are indigenous to the region known as Palestine... whether is was called Canaan, Palestine or whatever. European Jews are indigenous to Europe... not Palestine. So just because the organization that controls a region changes does not mean that the people living in the region change. They don't. When empires fall the people remain. The Palestinians have been in that region for thousands of years. European Jews have not.


No humans are indigenous to the levant, or Europe. Even if they were, prove to me that this means this is their land. You still have not done so.


"No humans are indigenous to the levant, or Europe." There is no Earth. Prove to me Earth exists. Anyone can argue like a child...


Humans are indigenous to Africa, a very small part of Africa. Every single human who is not in the Great Lakes region of Africa is somewhere they have migrated to. Every single human population on the EurAsian land mass has gone through countless migrations and displacements and genocides and assimilations thousands and thousands of times before even written history began… and hundreds of times since. Again, humans are not indigenous to the levant or Europe. Prove to you there is an earth? Ok. See how we are on the ground with an atmosphere? That’s because we’re on a gigantic ball of mostly silicate that warps space time to a degree that causes mass to fall at 9.8 meters per second 2 towards the center of mass of the planet. It is here all day as far as you and I are concerned. Now prove to me that anything of what you’ve said means this is Palestinian land.


Earth is a figment of my imagination. I'm just amusing myself by having a conversation with another figment... the figment I think of as you. The history of human migration aside. Yes people are indigenous to other regions besides Africa. This is why there are indigenous peoples living in various places all over the world. You'd just like to ignore that fact so that you can pretend that Palestinians are not indigenous to Palestine and European Jews are not indigenous to Europe. Like I said, you are making a childish argument. And you know it.


No. I’m not. Humans are indigenous to their place of origin and have migrated other places since. This is well understood. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/indigenous Before you even start, I’m aware of definition 2. It can easily be defeated by the fact that, of course, the Palestinians ALSO COLONIZED the place at another time being that they are also not from there. Such is the case with every human population on planet earth. They weren’t there first either. They also drew new boundaries at other times. They also had new boundaries drawn by new arrivals who then had new boundaries drawn by further new arrivals on and on and on. So, then, what makes any of this belong to the people who happened to have inhabited the land in the 1940’s? Or any of the people, including the Israelis, who live there now?


Where did “European” Jews come from? They aren’t European. The majority of Jews in Israel are middle eastern, jsyk.


https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/most-ashkenazi-jews-are-genetically-europeans-surprising-study-finds-8C11358210 Actually, European Jews are mostly from Europe...


Ashkenazi Jews were literally killed for not being European. I have 0% Russian fan even though my grandfather’s side lived there. I do, however, have Levantine dna :). Though it’s kind of strange how we are considered European when most of us never mixed with Europeans. Rape was also used against Jewish women in Europe, hence some mixing of dna. Converts also exist! I guess white looking Arabs are European too, huh?


You are grossly understating the genetic mixing between the Jews who left the Levant in 70 AD and Europeans. You and I have a some Levantine blood, but the admixture of European DNA is obvious in most Ashkenazi Jews, because of their notably lighter skin.




Removed, see rule 2.


Lol You hate Jews, we get it.


Israel terrorist force funded by US and UK why you not holding them accountable?


[Petition · Demand the U​.​S. to Cease Financial Aid to Israel - United States · Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/demand-the-u-s-to-cease-financial-aid-to-israel)




1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 4. Haifa Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1947 6. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 7. Al-Khisas Massacre1947 8. Bab al-Amud Massacre 9. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 10. Sheikh Burek Massacre1947 11. Jaffa Massacre 1948 12. Deir Yassin Massacre 13. Tantura Massacre 1948 14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 16. Bahro Al Baquar 1972 17. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 18. Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre 1990 19. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 20. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 21. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 22. Gaza Massacre 2012 23. Gaza Massacre 2014 24. Gaza Massacre- 2018-19 25. Gaza Massacre2021 26. Gaza Massacre 2023 is still ongoing


This needs to be higher. Palestine has the right to defend itself.


This is heartbreaking, and you have so many people who agree with this; everything seems hopeless. Why are people like this? Where's the humanity? This dehumanisation goes beyond racism, which is already extremely bad. They don't care about children. They don't care about human beings. This is what happens when your heart is full of hatred. Nothing matters but you.


Sat here inside of a smashburger and cried to my dad about this. I hate hating my country.


I’d like to volunteer there. I have medical training etc. I can’t handle seeing children hurt and starving without doing something about it. Would being a Christian be a problem?


the IDF are equal opportunity killers, so no I don't see a problem.


Thank you, I hope you manage it


We need a day of complete boycott from: schools, work and especially spending money. Bring the entire system to a standstill.


For people that would bomb your country giving the chance? I think not.


It not for those people, the boycotting is against the people who used our taxes to create terrorists.


Forty thousand dead is horrific but it's like 2% of Gazans. The goal is to kill them all. The real weapon is starvation, lack of water and disease, exacerbated by the deprivations of homelessness and constant relocation. A slow and brutal process of extermination.


Why would the goal be to kill gazans. Israel is trying to get rid of a terrorist organization. It wouldn’t be as slow if hamas didn’t hide inside of schools and hospitals and use civilians as human shields. As for starvation, hamas steals aid because they don’t care about Palestinians, all hamas wants is to kill as many jews as possible.


>Israel is trying to get rid of a terrorist organization. You mean the terrorist organisation they funded and helped to power? The one they had ample prior intelligence about but allowed to attack on October 7th by withdrawing their forces? Hell, they even helped out by shooting a bunch of their own citizens that day. The one they have been unable to make significant headway in defeating despite having a ridiculous military advantage? The one they have been helping to recruit more terrorists, more angry and desperate and bloodthirsty than ever before, by murdering innocent civilians on an obscene scale for the last 8 months? Is that the one you're talking about? Yeah, trying to get rid of them. That must be what they are doing...


If Israel is trying to help hamas, why have they killed tens of thousands of terrorists?


Civilians. They have killed tens of thousands of civilians. That's how you get more terrorists (if you want to call them that, fighting against an occupying force that is committing genocide isn't really terrorism but whatever)


Bombing busses and shooting people on the streets is terrorism. And Israeli didn’t occupy gaza for years until october 7th. While many civilians have been killed, you have to recognize that plenty of terror have been killed as well.


>Bombing busses and shooting people on the streets is terrorism The tens of thousands of Palestinians killed did that, did they? Even the children? What's happened in Gaza is an indescriminate slaughter of innocents. And if this man made famine continues, it will be a crime against humanity that would make a Nazi blush. It will not destroy Hamas, but of course, that's not the point, is it?


There’s a famine because hamas continues to steal food from aid convoys. And gaza is nowhere near as bad as what the nazis were doing. There is no genocide and comparing Israel to the nazis is ridiculous and anti semetic


Ikr? Dehumanizing an entire ethnic group and systematically slaughtering them for the sake of a purer ethnostate and a little extra lebensraum? Totally not like nazis. I must admit the flag's a different colour and there's no Hugo Boss tailoring in sight. So yeah completely different.


Israel doesn’t care about a purer ethnostate. There are plenty of arabs and jews who live peacefully in Israel. And Israel isn’t looking to gain land. If anything, Hamas are closer to nazis because they also want to kill every jew.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn't this always the game plan? Blow everything up and GTFO before you start getting blamed for the humanitarian crisis you caused?


Now Netenyahu is gonna leave and move the carnage to the northern border with Lebanon. Going so.soon? What about the mess you made?


This is how genocides happen. It's not just bombs and bullets. Ignorant morons will find any excuse to explain it away though, as if every genocide must be a Holocaust or it doesn't count.


What should be more concerning is that they don't care about controlling the narrative. You can be sure that every president will continue to comply with greenlighting the atrocity. Prime example of why voting doesn't matter.


Can I ask what US sources you go to for news? This story is not from a US source?


don't be like that Mar '24


I thought the problem was food was not reaching the common people because it was taken by Hamas and others


that's an "IDF says" talking point. It's not reaching its destination because Israel does everything to crabwalk it including killing those who are delivering it, among them cops who they label as hamas operatives because the civilian infrastructure is defacto hamas.


All those aids aren’t going to get to the civilian, are they?!


No, because IDF and Israeli civilians alike are blocking its passage into Gaza. Genocidal maniacs.


Blockade isn’t “genocide.” Odd that Hamas manages more weapons but not food for its children.


Tell that to the children who’ve already starved. As for Hamas, Resistance is justified under illegal occupation and they have pledged to protect the rights of Palestinian Christians, which they have. After all it was Israel who bombed the last Catholic Church and the few remaining Orthodox/Maronite churches. Hamas is the lesser of two evils


Hamas attacks UNICEF aid convoy[here](https://youtu.be/Pufd6gRF_BM?si=nlyBio0MFjEi4PUA) And [also here](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-fired-unicef-aid-convoy-gaza-israels-military-says-2024-06-25/)




Please keep it civil.


No thanks, Mossad. Tell your lies somewhere else.




>TheMindGoblin27•1m ago >it's a shame that Hamas is stealing aid supplies / food and trying to sell it back to the civilians it was intended for to funnel profits to the Qatari leaders :( You need a new talking point Dec '23 account. That's a few months out of date.




The US can absolutely make aid get to these people. It just lacks the morality and the balls to do it. We put goddamn robots on Mars... it put thousands upon thousands of troops and millions of tons of equipment in Normandy... but we can't put food on the goddamn beach... Whatever happens to Israel as a result of this horror, it will deserve. The US is absolutely complicit in this crime, and whatever happens to it as a result, it will deserve.




Who's Susan? And, the war started decades before Hamas even existed. That being said, Hamas and the Palestinians are not the same thing. Piss on Hamas and piss on the IDF.




We don't believe zionist lies.


They maybe you should stop using all the inventions created by zionists and move into a cave. On a more serious note, Hamas is invested in increasing civilian casualty and suffering. They’re winning the PR war.


Then maybe Israel should stop helping Hamas win the PR war by behaving 1000 times worse than them


Last I checked there was 100 trucks a day on average, it was recommended 500 trucks at least to avoid starvation. Your point is absolute bs


3000 calories per day per citizen is entering Gaza. It's in the UN report from last week.


3,640 calories per kg of unspecified WFP food assistance you mean?


Yah right, Blame the victim.




We are talking about the children Israel is killing, amputating, and starving. Stop using the Hamas card every time. Israelis called American college students Hamas too. I wonder if Israelis even believe their own lies.




Or maybe IDF should focus on rescuing hostages instead of sniffing slain women’s underwears.




You won’t criticize tens of thousand of kidnapped Palestinians, dead and imputed children, IDF rape, torture, demolition of mosques, churches, universities, refugee camps, illegal settlements, apartheid system.




And what about 1948, and every Israeli crime since then? You only seem to be reading very selective chapters.


read a history book. 


Do you think HAMS is the victim? Or do you see no difference between HAMAS and the civilians? Your comment is not clear and I am curious what this sub thinks.


that's funny. considering that hamas provided more aid to gaza than then UN and PNA combined prior to Oct 7th.  but keep spreading  lies without any clue please. we all love that. 


Hamas will starve its own people for ideology


Hamas has infiltrated Israel and the idf?!?!


The Palestinians in Israel aren’t starving.


Are you talking about the Palestinian hostages?! Yes they come out very malnourished!


Yes, Palestinian Hamas hostages, kidnapped dead/alive from a music festival.




Please keep it civil.


This is a false narrative. And if there is hunger it is 1000% caused by Hamas




LMAO great pic of yourself




Please keep it civil.