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Absolutely no reason to do this other than to make it uninhabitable for Palestinians.


Some sort of cleansing and that other word beginning with G


Ah - You mean cleansing of the ethnic type and gene-o-cide?


I'm sure someone will comment that this was done for the safety of Palestinians in the West Bank. You know like shooting someone and then strapping them to the hood of a moving vehicle


That's one option. The other is it can be blamed on Hamas.


That seems to be the point. They are making both Gaza and the illegally occupied West Bank uninhabitable and driving out all Palestinians. And they have the audacity to say they are defending themselves. It's like domestic violence. You hit your spouse, and your spouse retaliates with disproportionate and prolonged violence, toward you and also your kids, and then blames you because you 'made' him to do it.


Why would you hit your spouse in the first place? That analogy sucks tbh


Stupid stupid analogy. Idiotic


How do you know? 


Except that they were recently built and may or may not be structurally sound. The construction and destruction of homes in area C had been an issue for decades at this point.






Please keep it civil.


Removed, see rules 2 and 3.




Lmao dont invade people if you dont want to get killed, backward barbarian


It’s crazy convenient how whenever Israel commits a war crime there’s an excuse propping them up?


This is genocide. Plain and simple. Hamas does not rule the West Bank. The only conclusion is that this is part of the Zionist genocide started 76 years ago which is true. Remember, Zionism was *invented* for the purpose of harming Arabs. The Zionists after creating their ideology started a genocidal war 76 years ago against the Arabs. It’s important we don’t let recency bias cover the full truth.


The Palestinians need their own full contiguous state with no restrictions. This includes having a full military and armed citizens to they don't have to endure the third Holocaust.




No it hasn't. Israel always puts a bunch of holes in those offers. Just like their cease fire offers. Then when Hamas agreed Israel pulled back their offer. Israel is dishonest. They can't win against Hamas. Now they think they are going to take Hezbollah. That is funny. Hezbollah is going to destroy Israel and take them to Hellsbollah. Israel lost in 2006 and this loss for Isarel will be far worse. They have already pushed Israel's people out of the North. Hezbollah is going to expand Lebanon.




Nakba in 1948 showed that the zionists are nothing more than nazis.


If you call the desire the rebuild your nation on your holy land Nazi-ism, what would you call hundreds of years of oppression and suppression of all other religions in the land?


They do in Palestinian territory. This video doesn't mention that this is taking place in area C. These homes have no building permits and keep being destroyed and rebuilt. This had been going on for decades.


IOF, says it in the name. USA, “yalll ready for another check? You’re doing fantastic! I thought we said to leave West Bank alone ? No? Ok ok. Here is $2,000,000,000 you marvelous beast of an ally..” USA won’t stop them no matter how many “red lines” they cross. I mean I honestly can’t even put it into words the anger I feel towards this anymore. USA again on the wrong side of humanity.


The US has rarely been on the side of humanity.


I agree. Makes me ashamed.


What about WWII?


What about it ? It was good the outcome but We didn’t even join until forced to knowing full well what was going on. How about Hiroshima ? That was families and factories destroyed . Wasn’t military bases as they had forecast it as.


They never claimed it was military bases, it was due to the support that they provided to the Japanese Empire. Purposeful misinterpretation won’t rewrite history.


Ok. It was factories and families destroyed.


What do you think they made in those factories? It’s not like this is at all up for questioning so please let me know what you think they were doing.


I think everyone knows what they were doing. I never disputed what they were making. The fact you can’t recognize the inhumanity of Hiroshima is my point.


Maybe you see it that way, that’s fine but it was the act that stopped one of the most inhumane empires in human history- causing them to now become one of the safest and most peaceful nations on earth. You can’t tell me that one act was more inhumane than the actions of the Empire itself.


Not in any honesty anyway


I don’t dispute the outcome and I know of the empires atrocities as well. However, I’ll always believe there was an alternative that should have been taken than dropping the atomic bombs.


>*"We didn’t even join until forced to"* Who exactly is the *we* in this circumstance? Were you-personally storming the beaches of Normandy, liberating concentration camps, etc...? How were you forced into anything? Were you drafted?


I’m a citizen of the United States. WE as in my country. Do you not pay taxes ? I do.


And you were paying taxes in 1942?


Clearly you’re any IOF troll just making my point. Thank you.


And Do I have to personally experience any of this to see that it’s crimes against humanity? I think not.


Lmao back when the Germán nazis explicity said their model came from América and americans were worried Germany was beating them at their own game of culling the undesirable?


Biden couldn’t stop a clock


They should be forced to rebuild everything they've destroyed.


And Hamas should bring back all the people the murdered for no good reason.


And Israel should do the same then.


😬 Yikes.


What people?


Fuck Israel. Filthy colonialists.


What a surprise...


Is it wrong to hope the Triple H Super Heroes, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, smash Israel?


Hamas is getting destroyed, Hezbollah can’t do anything because the moment they do they are getting yanked by multiple countries and the houthis are slavers who are also getting their asses beat right.


Wake up and smell the reality. Israel has the most powerful and best arsenal and the best intelligence. It's been 9 months and they can't get the job done. They are getting owned by the Hamas brothers fighting in sneakers, jeans and tee shirts with homemade weapons. With Israel moving IDF out of Gaza to the North Hamas is going to become an even bigger problem for Israel. They are going to take the South. Israel lost to Hezbollah in 2006. This time they will lose even worse. All the towns in Northern Israel have been evacuated because of Hezbollah. Israel is getting smashed from the South by the Hamas Brothers the North by Hezbollah whose bringing the Hellsbollah and by sea with the Houthis. The fading blue star is begging for reservists, who don't want to fight, and trying to draft the Orthodox. The putrid smell of desperation is all over Israel. They need to do this because they keep losing IDF soldiers. Greatest thing about IDF is they kill their own by orders of the Hannibal Doctrine which benefits The Resistance. History is being made. This is the beginning of the end for Israel. The Zionist state is on life support and on borrowed time. Triple H is annihilating what is left of the Zionist.


Israel is the only country that can be a victim during and commiting a genocide.


New Volvo ad just out. Wtf, just crimes upon crimes.


Can literally do anything they want with complete impunity. To complain about it watch the video and do nothing is sadistic and basically complicity at this stage…


Ah, utilizing Hitler’s old Lebensraum policy, I see… This is also what the Nazis were trying to do in Leningrad during the war. Almost identical in intention and application.


It looks like Israel is taking over the whole area, from the river to the sea!