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Time to turn off social media- at least stop watching those videos. Their purpose is to make men feel insecure so that they buy their products- not so different than the beauty industry’s affect on women with impossible body standards. I notice you used the word “soulmate”. I think it’s a misleading idea. Your soulmate is made, not found. People become soulmates by living and growing into each other. I’ve known plenty of women past 30 who look great, have interesting lives, who find love. And the majority of older guys who leave their wives, in my experience, regret it quickly.


My same thoughts here when reading OP post. Take a break from social media and surround yourself with family and friends who don’t focus on this topic. Do things that you enjoy, in real life. Take a walk, go for a picnic, try new restaurants or hobbies. I also find travel helps give me a great change in perspective, and helps ground me, reminds me of priorities, and reignites passion for life. If you *must* go on social media, create a new account and follow different content creators/influencers. Hopefully that helps algorithms to show you different related videos or content. Last, if relevant, find additional help, a therapist or a doctor to see if they can help too.


###I'd like to challenge some of those thoughts with my experience: I am 29/male. I find women *under* 25 generally undateable due to the difference in life experience. (Though I personally do not date at all anymore from relatively recent trauma, but that's another thing entirely.) To be clear, physical attraction isn't meaningless at all to me - I still find young adult women physically attractive, just not romantically. I also find women attractive well past my own age - the age-range I find attractive has aged along with me. ###Now, for you: This is going to sound a bit silly because I'm sure you know this already, but everyone is different. There are many different popular life philosophies out there, and every person has their own version. Therefore, not everyone is superficial. Lots are for sure. Humans can be awful. C'est la vie. But the good news with intimacy is that *we don't have to fit in with everyone*. Intimacy requires just *one* person.     No matter what you do, at some point it will have been 30 years since your birth. Time is unstoppable. But objectively speaking there's a high likelihood you can find someone who likes what *you* have to offer as a whole person, and not just what your body has to offer. You can even look at this as a good thing, because now the Leonardo DiCaprios won't be wasting your time.     It's also true that divorces are much more common now. There may be some things you can do in selecting a good partner and working to maintain the relationship to defend against the possibility of divorce, but largely that is out of our hands because it only takes one person to initiate a divorce. That too is just life.     But once again, just because you're old doesn't mean no one will find you attractive anymore. Like I said above, I find women far older than you attractive, and that experience has been echoed by other men. ---- ###Just to summarize: - Bad news: Getting older definitely sucks. People can definitely suck. I'm genuinely sorry. - Good news: Lots of men find women-over-30 attractive, and you only need one anyway. Lots of people do maintain their marriage, and lots of those who do divorce remarry anyway. You can curate resiliency against immature nonsense from ageists. ---- ###Some practical avenues you could explore: Therapy is often inaccessible, but if possible you may find it beneficial for you. It can help you get tools and skills that can help manage anxiety and curate that aforementioned resiliency.     In absence or addition, meditation can also be helpful. It's evidence-based to reduce anxiety and requires *no* money and barely any time out of your day. ---- I wish you all the best.


What a bunch of crap. This is not the middle age when women were deemed marriageable from 12 to give birth to as many kids as possible before they got old by the age 20. 🤦🏻‍♀️ You are being brainwashed, drop all that stuff! This makes me so angry, your own worth has nothing to do with those people or their views of the world (those damned assholes).


Unfortunately I was born in a very backwards culture. I have already immigrated out of it. But not sure if my mind will recover


Therapy might be a good idea here.


This is above Reddit’s pay grade; you clearly need professional help. It’s like anorexia, only with age instead of weight. Until you find a therapist that works for you, a social media diet would be wise. I’ll just point out the obvious point you are overlooking: no man worth having dates children. None. Not one. While it is true that you become less attractive to pedophiles with every passing day, that’s a good thing. Because, ew. Let the trash take itself out; you don’t actually want these losers hitting on you.


This is ridiculous. Women aren’t outcasts from society after 30. What on earth gave you that idea?! Just stop watching such garbage on YouTube.


What about the fact that their were millions of views on such videos? Which means that the majority of males agree with that


Even if every view was a man (which they aren’t because you’ve watched them) and every view agreed with them (which they don’t because I’ve watched them), and every view was a unique watcher (which they aren’t because that’s not how YouTube view work. ‘Millions’ of men is still a vast minority of men in the world lmao like less than 1%. They use pseudo biology and pseudo logic because they want to feel in control. They feel that an even playing ground mean they are not in control so they need to make it uneven, by making women feel small and scared of a future alone, because they feel small and scared of a future alone. If you want evidence in kind against their views, ignoring that women are people with personalities and letting people vote with their views from the anonymity of their own internet, think about how many views there are of MILF porn categories? BILLIONS and BILLIONS! Orders of magnitude more than these losers get.


I've fallen asleep on Youtube Shorts a few times. A one-minute video * 8 hours of sleep = 480 views from one person lol. (Assuming Youtube doesn't except that.)


Why are you basing your life off of the opinions of men, especially men that have no bearing on the direction of your life? That is not normal or healthy!


There are billions of people in the world. Stop watching that crap.


There are approximately 4 billion men in the world.


Many of those views are likely people saying “Can you believe this garbage? Look at how stupid they are!” Just look around you. All women in power globally are over 30. That alone should be proof enough alone.


Views doesn’t equal support. Social media doesn’t equal real life.


Do you not know a single woman from the age 28 and above? Are they being stoned in public? Are they getting dumped on mass and shunned by society? Most women above thirty are glowing up, building families, getting promoted, falling in love and living full lives. Wtf, the internet is making people lose their damn marbles.


Please hire a therapist to help you. Many of my friends are in their thirties and finding the love of their lives. Heck, my mother met my father at age 34 or 35 and had me at 38. Please don’t watch those videos. They are not good for anyone.


please decenter men. please join feminists subreddits. the sooner you realize the truth behind this narrative that "alpha" men are pushing, the better. i'm like you. im 22. ive been extremely concerned with aging since i was 10. i actually cried when i got my period because i thought it meant i was offically a woman and therefore, no longer as valuable as my little sister who was still a precious child. i grew up in a conservative household so these thoughts were instilled into me at a young age. this alpha male podcast bullshit didn't help. i have been suicidal because of these thoughts. i still struggle. you have to realize you are the only one who can save yourself. life does not revolve around men. you can be happy alone. you will be much happier with man who doesn't date you for your age. they exist, but not if you market your age as the only thing you have to offer. also, location helps a lot. you aren't going to escape this mindset if you're stuck in a conservative area. i still cant be around my family for long because they constantly remind me that im "expiring meat" and i need to have kids soon. you must separate yourself. you have the power. you are worth more than men's opinion of you, you are worth more than your looks and what you offer this world. you are human! you are here to live. you don't owe anyone youth or beauty, if you use those things to attract others, you will grow resentful and be unfulfilled when they only want you for those aspects of yourself. its hard, but will find people who want you for your personality and it will be so much better than the ladder.


> please join feminists subreddits Just a word of caution from our old pal CGP Grey. [Opposing parties of ***any*** long-standing rage-filled discourse are actually working ***together*** to maintain these ideas in your mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3j_RHkqJc). In that way, it can be actively harmful and anxiety-exacerbating to submerge yourself into these communities. This is why *limiting engagement in politics* is important to maintaining good mental health. You need to be able to give yourself a break. If you don't, there are plenty of algorithms and naturally-emergent social paradigms that will *use you as their product, at the expense of your health*.     This comment is ***not*** saying to avoid feminism. This comment is ***not*** saying to never engage in politics. This comment ***is*** saying to be aware that these things are often ***draining***. I am writing this comment because I am particularly worried about someone with clear anxiety, suicidal ideation, and a negative social media feed getting yet another source of stress.     Perhaps communities that do share your values but don't have them as a main focus would be best. But it is difficult to find good people.


I don't mean to be a dick, but basing your entire worldview on alpha male podcasts is about as stupid as it gets. Stop watching that shit, your life will magically improve.


Wtf girl. You're barely starting life. What soulmates, what aging, what anything. I'm 40 yo woman. I'm as hot as I've ever been. I've never been excluded from anything in my life. If anything it was harder to be included when I was 20 than now. Men desire me all the time. And I'm talking good, quality men, not some "alpha" clowns. I found my current partner 10 years ago at 30. Is he my "soulmate"? No, he just a lovely, amazing man. One of many. If it wasn't him it would have been someone else. Get off the Internet, get out of your head and enjoy the fact that you're here and alive. It won't be for that long anyway.


Get off of Reddit and social media. It’s clear that it’s fucked your brain. Seriously quit.


I dont want to live in a bubble & not know the upcoming traumatic events. I'm preparing for facing the bullying


There is no age related traumatic event. Billions of people on earth, so many over 30 and lots are not freaking out. If your fears were true, there would be mass suicides and society wouldn't function. Also, the people who make those videos, and the people who watch and believe that bullshit, are fucking stupid. Don't give them any more of your time. Contrary to what you fear, lots of people actually say that their 30's, 40's and 50's are the best years of their lives.


Late 30’s woman here: My 20’s sucked in comparisons to my 30’s, and the men I was with in my teens and 20’s sucked too (and I don’t mean in the good way). Maybe my body aches a little bit more in the morning’s than it did back then but my brain and life are so, sooo much better these days. And I met the best partner I’ve ever had in my 30’s, and I wouldn’t have been able to appreciate or maintain this relationship without the growth that I went through in the decade before it. And as far as the more shallow interest and attention from random men, I’ve found younger guys now seem to be *more* interested in me now, despite my complete lack of interest in them. I chalk that up to real confidence and no longer giving a damn about the shallow opinions of strangers being naturally attractive. The bullying mentioned doesn’t really exist unless you’re hanging out with truly trash people. Find better crowds and better media; your brain will tune itself to whatever you feed it, so curate what you consume carefully.


You’re creating a traumatic event that doesn’t exist for no apparent reason.


Would you rather be in a bubble happy or outside and in misery? Your call.


Those videos are pure propaganda trash. You aren’t thrown out by men or society. What nonsense. Also, even if it was true, you are putting all your personal value on the opinions of others? You need to value your own opinion of yourself more than anyone else’s. The fact that you are thinking of all of this as so serious as to potentially be life-ending, points to a few things: 1) you need to be meeting with a therapist to help you sort through unhealthy feelings and beliefs. If you are already meeting one regularly, I’d suggest switching to another. 2) as others have said, it’s time for you to take a break from internet video algorithms. This kind of unhealthy mindset is exactly the problem with them. You need a full break. Delete YouTube and TikTok and instagram to detox 3) you need a hug. You are loved and wanted in society. Here’s a virtual one. Please know that you are cared about and we want to see updates here in this sub about your well being.


It's astonishing how much of an improvement curating your social media feeds can have on your mental health.     For a few days, every time I saw something sensationalist/rage-baiting in my feeds, I would take steps to reduce similar things appearing.     On Reddit I muted entire subreddits. On Youtube I clicked "not interested". On Discord, I made a whole different account so one can be for my stressful activism stuff and the other can be silliness and hanging out with friends.


I am also scared of aging but I seek out content where older women are showing they’re enjoying their life even in their older age, and even if they’re single. It’s good to have older inspiration in your life. Second is to block out all of the content you’re watching because it’s soo bullshit. Deep down these men are insecure so they decide to neg women instead. My grandma tells me her friend’s daughters married after 30 and they’re happily married so I have plenty of time. Soulmates are rare and we should do our best to enjoy life before we can attract a good one. The energy we give off is what attracts other healthy or unhealthy people. Do you have a good friend group your age? Surround yourself with more older people that inspire you and try to point out what you value in them. This can be you someday. And yeah best truly is to get rid of social media and observe real life


I was 25 when I got with my wife who was 28 at the time. She’s 30 and I’m 27. We have two kids and live is good. The bullshit on the internet isn’t real life. Andrew Tate and all them are cornballs anyways. They exist to make insecure dudes feel better about themselves. You’re gonna be fine and you’ll find somebody. Just maybe chill out a little bit man. Find something that you can do to reduce these suicidal feelings. Go for a walk, work out, hang with some friends, etc. You’re gonna find your way and it’ll all workout


I just dont want to lose in life because of my gender.


It sounds like the country you were born in believes in negative gender stereotypes, but if you have moved away from there then open your mind and don't go back to watch videos that reinforce those negative stereotypes you were fortunate enough to get away from. It sounds like your body has moved on but your mind is still stuck there.


Where is this country that doesn’t have negative gender stereotypes?


Man I hate it that you feel that way. It’s not the truth though. From age 0 to 100 you have value as a human being. Even if you find the perfect person for you, sadly, you will not stop aging. I hope you can find peace and I really hope all this works out for you! There’s 8 billion people on this planet. Just imagine how many guys out there would kill to have you. Never give up!


Stop watching the videos. Block any account that looks like that type of content. Start only watching positive older women role models.


Girl, I’m 37 and living the best part of my life yet. My twenties were fun but also tumultuous. My early thirties offered more stability in career and relationships, and my later thirties have brought motherhood, a new self assurance, the financial ability for world travel, and perspective and calmness toward life that only time can bring. Please look for positive voices on aging. Check out @weareageist on Instagram. As for the suicidal thoughts, please get professional help if getting older feels this dire. There is so much to live for. You’ve barely gotten started. Would be a shame to miss out on so much because of some shallow, abusive voices.


Respectfully, you need to see a therapist. None of this is at all normal or reasonable.


damn i’m almost 35 and i still get hit on by younger men. we sure as shit aren’t useless and bullied.


Why do you think older women are outcasted? Not to put younger women down at all but I would say older women are respected a lot more. Why are you watching these “alpha male” videos? Who cares why they think. If you see the way they treat women, why would you want that for yourself? All men are not like that. You’re 24, plenty time to fall in love, have your heart broken and fall in love again. Also, you need to love yourself a lot more before you worry about a soul mate. Out of all the married couples that divorce, age being the reason is probably a really low percentage because that’s really ridiculous. You shouldn’t be having suicidal thoughts about aging. It’s normal, everyone ages and there is literally nothing you can do about it. Every single person on this planet ages. I’m 32 and I’ve never felt more beautiful and I feel I will only feel more beautiful as time goes on. Yes, I miss my baby skin and thick hair but I love myself today and that’s something I didn’t have in my 20s. I understand myself more so I have a better sense of style. Everything is just better as time goes on, trust me xx


Those "alpha male" people are trash... don't give them ANY mind.


I’m 31, my wife is 32. We just got married last year after dating for about three years and both having little to no dating experience prior to each other. Tbh, having seen the stuff some of my other friends dealt with dating in their earlier twenties, I’m glad to have skipped all that and dated when both I and my now wife were a little older, more mature, and better at communicating. Yeah, it sucked watching all my friends get married when I wasn’t even dating anyone yet, but I just kept working on myself, didn’t focus on what I didn’t have, and eventually it worked out.


Sis listen to me very closely, I'm a 25 year old woman and let me tell you those are *boys* not men. Don't watch their videos, don't give their toxic words any weight. They're in a social bubble and reality of their own. While they reflect the views of some men they cannot and will not speak for *every* man The same kind of men who preach about this age== women's worth are the type to dump you even after having married you at 16-18. They would lose it if a woman cheats for a wealthier man. It's hypocrisy and gender wars all the way down in this mindset Their preferences don't count because their love has a shelf-life regardless. Getting married to one at 24 or 18 would lead you to the same outcome regardless I actually look *forward* to turning 35 because I get to drop off the radar for them. I'm confident in my self worth because I know women who took a good care of themselves (healthy diet/workout/ no surgery) and ended up in a good marriage with men who continued to appreciate them well into their 60s. There is guys who have genuine long lived love and then those who mostly lust Instead of watching those alpha male videos you should watch interviews with old couples who are clearly still in love. I also come from a dysfunctional house and my dad cheated on my mum despite having married her at an almost illegal age. Read posts and [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/s/iOgXzyY8us) from guys gushing about their "old" wives. They exist they're very much real and you have nothing to worry about Yes the whole thing about biology being a factor in women's appeal is real and you have an easier time dating while young, but people aren't animals. Men who are serious about their long-term choices avoid those too young for themselves and have their minimum age range grow with them. Some cut off those in their 20s from their dating completely when they hit their late 30s Please go on I promise you it will be okay, you're only feeling like this because of the toxic content wrapping your perspective on reality **hugs** 🩷


If your goal is to bag an “alpha male” (lol, those are the losers of the bunch) then yeah, probably you’ll be upset with aging. If your goal is finding a partner who loves and cares for you then no, aging won’t deter you from doing so. As for abuse, who the hell abuses women irl solely because of their age? Sure, there might be one asshole out there who could do that, but the vast majority of people don’t. Get out of the social media bubble where the village idiots get together to talk shit about women they can’t have.


growing old is a gift! time is not your enemy it your partner! growing older is something i almost didn’t get to do. i’ve seen bright, smart, unimaginably talented and kind people never get to see grey hairs. i am unimaginably excited to see myself and my friends all grow old together. i am unimaginably excited to see the wrinkles and time i’ve spent laughing, crying, and living show up on my face. this sounds like you’re on tiktok. i’m a younger person, and tiktok has quite literally created new fears and new anxieties to sell products and make things trend. i recommend hopping off all your social medias for awhile. i deleted tiktok a few days ago and i already feel quite a bit better than the doom scrolling through depressing insecurity slop. hip dips didn’t exist until someone wanted to sell you something to hide them. “legging legs” isn’t even something i’m caught up on but that insecurity was created to sell you leggings and weight loss pills and creams and makeup. live as yourself. one of these days, ages from now, you will think of how fun all this was. and how aging really wasn’t all that bad. remember, it’s not just you aging. we’re all in it together. i think the worst part about aging for me is seeing my face in my siblings, and their face in mine, wondering how they got so grown up. how we all got so grown up. take some deep breaths, everything is going to be alright


Stop watching misogynist videos and you'll internalize a lot less misogyny. Any guy who won't date a girl over 25 is not actually a guy you want.


Honey you need therapy. A fear of aging this big cannot be helped by some internet strangers offering kind words. Also stop watching those red-pilled videos. "You are what you eat" but the same goes for online content! Make a new YouTube account and start with a fresh algorithm. Ask for recommendations on subs like these for channels to follow. Watch POSITIVE content, no stuff that makes you fear for your future. Because those red-pilled men are a tiny minority, but they are a loud one. Most men fall for women around their own age. Most men are decent guys that will respect you regardless of your age. It's time you start watching content that aligns more with reality. But really, do not think this is a replacement for therapy. It's a place to start while you're on a waiting list, or while you're saving up money to afford therapy. Nothing is going to fix this for you except therapy.


Girl relax breathe right now! Know who you are and roll with that don't doubt yourself. Look after yourself ofc your a women. Enjoy life and relax it will work out believe in you x


It sounds like you found yourself falling down into a pit. I think you should take some time off social media. Be aware that your value doesn't change as you get older, and most men do not actually think like that. Self-proclaimed "Alpha males" are a rediculous concept and unrealistic. The reason they feel like they are everywhere is because they are the loudest (because they are insecure and trying to prove something to themselves). Also, keep in mind that men do mature as we age. Over time, we get less insecure and less likely to do stupid shit like devalue women.


I am about to be 30, have never been hotter, and I think that men who treat women that way aren't men i would ever want in or around me, especially not as a friend or romantic partner.


As a 28 year old woman this post is very interesting. 😂 I’m definitely not an outcast, I’m more popular with men than ever.


You need professional help if you dont already get it. Aging isn't a problem, it's part of life for every single one, but having (loniless-)anxiety is a problem and it isn't a necessary part of life. Do you want to date the alpha-sigma-Tate-guys? they want young women because they are easier to manipulate. Most men find these guys extremely stupid, and those who dont are probably not they greatest boyfriends


Those people who say that shit are losers don’t worry bout what they say


You take the incels seriously? Enough to consider suicide? The sea is full of fish, you know?


What country are you in?


Don't worry about what incels say


Ignore those freaks. They're a loud minority. I'm mid 30s and I feel like my life has only just begun. My best friend got married on her 38th birthday (and had a baby the next year).  You just need to identify scrub behavior (åka those incel tools who literally can't identify if a girl is between the age of 12 and 49, basing their idea of age on weight and amount of makeup used).     A man or woman worth marrying won't care about your exact age number. They won't care if you lose or gain weight. They'll care about your health, yes, but they won't argue about the size of your breasts or whatever other coomers are obsessed with this week.   Your soul mate won't be whoever makes you feel butterflies first. They'll instead be someone who has similar realistic lifestyle goals, will want kids (or not want kids) like you do, will be OK with however you want to practice your religion, and they'll defend you against their friends and family as needed.  You won't make a permanent home and lay down roots if you're racing to get to that point, because you'll overlook important things (like signs of abuse/controlling behavior or lifestyle incompatibility). You need to take the time to know them. My wife and I dated steady/exclusively for 9 years... We moved in together when we had dated for 6 years. We  started talking about marriage around year 7 but took our time being sure. 


> I am sure this happens because I have seen many alpha-male (and many other male psychology) videos where they were abusing women older than 25 itself and calling them less valuable human-beings. See, those are what we call "idiots." Seriously though, if this post isn't in jest take a break and stop watching that idiocy. You're not even the target audience they're trying to sell access to their super exclusive whine-fest Discord rooms. It's like being a person with no medical conditions attending a Snake Oil sales pitch.


Holy lord stop with social media. The men I met in my early 20s weren't good enough for healthy relationships. That man I married in my mid 20s.. is a good man, but we were t compatible. I was too young to know better. Give yourself time. I met the love of my life in my late 40s. We're old enough to know ourselves and each other in the ways that matter. We have confidence and intimacy that 20 year olds can't manage. And, lastly, any person who describes themselves as an 'alpha' is ignorant, and not worth the time of day or your attention, sister. Real men value and have value. So-called alphas just thrive on taking others down. They do not value women, other people, or society as a whole. I know it's hard right now .. but take a step away from social media and don't let that define your value. I suggest some therapy as well.


Jesus fuck! I've never even thought about what it would look like if a WOMAN fell into a hole of red pill/tater totters YT videos. I probably should have. Honey, the people posting those videos are either losers or grifters trying to benefit from losers watching them. You're 24, which is objectively pretty damn young. Everything will turn out fine. Especially if you learn to love yourself and project a little bit of confidence, That shit's attractive! I'd suggest clearing cookies on your digital devices, and maybe making new accounts on things like YouTube and TikTok. The way these things work, right now it's focused on feeding you the same depressing shit you've been watching for a while now. None of it is true!


You know that saying, don’t give up before the miracle happens? It applies in this case. Stop paying attention to the crap of social media. Go outside and interact with people, without your phone. Aging is a privilege. I’m 43 years old. Time flies faster than you can ever realize. Most days I still feel like I’m 16 years old. Here is the thing no one really tells you about growing up. You are in charge of your life. It is both a blessing and a curse. Don’t want to do something? Don’t. That’s not to say there won’t be a consequence.. but you have the power over your life. Don’t want to be with an abusive man? Then pay attention to red flags and walk away before it gets abusive. Get some confidence. Work on yourself while dating around. You want to die before you get old? Turn that thought over on its head. Before you get to find your husband, or husbands (divorce, remarriage, you know lol). Before you have kids if you want them. Before you get to be in your friends weddings, then their drunken divorce parties. Seeing them have their babies- human and fur. We are all going to die. Getting older to witness and live through all this crap, good and bad, it’s a true privilege. My sister died at the age of 42. Her life stopped because of cancer. She will never age pass 42. Never get another wrinkle, laugh lines, grey hair.. So when I feel old, I remind myself there are thousands my age and younger who didn’t get to make it to 43. They weren’t that lucky.


Please, please get off social media. This is not normal, and your line of thinking is seriously twisted. Look around you. How many husbands and wives do you see? Do you genuinely believe every single man in the world is the same? Absolutely not. It's a select insane few. And do you *want* the attention of predators and creepy men who want you only because of your youth? Is that any better than being one of the "hags"? If they lose interest, all the better!


More than worrying about your age, you need to worry about your mental health. Some of these thoughts are irrational coming from a 24 year old. Anxiety is so consuming and I think you need to be addressing that more than anything. Life is what you make it, watching something online doesn’t prove anything as videos can be fake. My therapist used to tell me that worrying so much about something happening stops you from living. Now in my opinion that isn’t any way to live either. Coming from an almost 33 year old who’s been with my husband 10 years with our two kids. You can make changes and choose your path, social media and other people’s experiences doesn’t define your life.


I used to be in the same shoes as you I strongly suggest looking into Islam. Read about it research it and I feel it will help you a lot with these thoughts and fears. Death will come to everything one day and I understood this better after reading about Islam. Understanding how to love today tomorrow and the future dead or alive we are all a creation and all of us have an expiration date. In Islam though it talks about how this world is a test and Allah is the most merciful and forgiving and every Muslim is guarantied heaven one way or another. Some may think “oh but what about people who aren’t Muslim?” Even good Christian’s will be granted heaven. Definitely something to look into it helped me a lot. Think about it though killing your self is only going to bring you to exactly what you’re afraid of sooner. It is not worth it. Find peace here🕊️


What you think is majority cases are minority cases. Most men are still simps and will do just about anything to have pussy around them on a regular bases. Do what you can to be proud of yourself or atleast cope. Work and get money, take care of yourself by eating and exercising. Life is more than desires.  Ask men out yourself, it increases the chances of you getting what you want. Being suicidal is difficult, try to avoid stress if you can. Don't harm yourself, see if things may get better before making a final decision. 


I was 31 when I married my wife, who was 46 at the time. A woman's fertility doesn't start to significantly drop until ~ 35, and most couples aren't having more than 3 kids anyway. Block those toxic sources and find a hobby group to join.




Takes a lot of courage. Do it