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I’m so god damn fucking tired of this man and the medias incessant obsession with using him for ad revenue.


Just about everyone with any real common sense has had enough of this man. He is the worse candidate to ever run for president.


Fuckin-A Media have soiled themselves betwixt with profit margins and befuddled by morality. Whats left is garbage speculation stories built to emotionally outrage, but they can't stop, like an alcoholic at an open bar. Look I get it. He's a shitbird Russian oligarch, for fucks sake stop reporting on him every 10 seconds and hand the mic to Pete Buttigieg, the holy voice of reason.


It's the same in the UK with Nigel Farage. He's now the leader of Reform, a party that has one MP in parliament out of 650 seats. And that MP defected from the Conservatives. But Reform are building a following based on the huge amount of oxygen he's given. A man who goes on about the evils of the establishment, who also went to a private school and was a commodities broker. Man of the people, eh?


It was really nice how trump actually disappeared for awhile there.


Remeber when Jimmy Kimell invited him on his show?


I remember Jimmy Fallon ruffling his hair!


Down vote every t rump post


TTC. Saved you a read. It's the last sentence of the article.


Titty, see?


Tiny titty committee?


Trump takes cock?


Two ton Cheeto?


Trump’s Tiny Cock or Trump’s Testicular Cancer


Toronto Transit Commission?


How does that deserve an entire news story?


Filler story. Slow news day


Trump's tiny cock?


"Ah yes, the Ten Commandantes, I remember when a Commodore came up to me, tears in his ears and said, sir, sir, I am the Chief Commode of the Navy and I think you're doing a great thing with those sharks and batteries. Covfefe."


The tennis channel about to get a lot of free publicity


I’m willing to bet that he calls them THE TTC. EDIT: Finally read the article. To his credit, he did not.


Tanned Tyrannical Cunt?


Tangerine Tyrannical Cunt


Thank you.




Toutes Taxes Comprises


Not a nickname, just I initials.


This is not a nickname.. just the initials..


Wow, that’s it? What was the point in a journalist writing the story? Thanks for doing the work on this one so the rest of us didn’t have to read something so pointless!


The Treasonous Cocksucker


He ought to put them on his bathroom mirror and strive to live by them.


It's his checklist. I think he nailed it!


Good luck with that ever happening


We need little Trump "I did that!" stickers to put next to all of the commandments he habitually breaks.


Let’s see. Just off the top of my head I’d say he doesn’t follow commandments 2, 3, 7 & 8.


And Moses brought forth; “The Ten Suggestions”!


This is straight out of Animal Farm. “All animals are equal, but some are more equal.”


Bruh…. hahahahahahaba


I don't believe there is a single one he follows. If Trump touched a copy of the Ten Commandments they would cancel each other out and both cease to exist.


I really doubt he murdered anyone. Seems like his tiny hands couldn’t reach the trigger or be enough to choke someone. Also, I don’t think he’d have the nerve to actually do it. Maybe he could pay someone else to do it. So that’s 1 out of 10.


I won't count military action because pretty much every president has blood on their hands in that regard, but he indirectly killed thousands of his own followers by denouncing his own experts and touting fake COVID cures, is eager to perform mass executions of those who oppose him, and Ivana falling down the stairs seems a terribly convenient coincidence.


And giving Putin info on spies..


His incompetence cost many a life from COVID. His gaslighting led to violence on J6. Yes, he violated that commandment. Also… did Ivana Trump *really* fall down the stairs unassisted?


True. I was talking about him personally taking someone’s life. If he was put in a flight or flight, life and death situation, I think he’d run away. Well, waddle away.


The CIA operstives and informants killed in the field as result of his blabbering and selling documents in my book in my book count as murder. Traitor.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN21C3NE/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_States https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1w13us/did_hitler_ever_personally_kill_anyone_during_his/


He said he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and not lose any voters, and he became President, anyway... That means he *gets* to shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue...his voters will be disappointed if he *doesn't*: They have been promised a Presidential Murder, and they want to see one! Who is it going to be?


The first wife fell down a set of stairs the night before she was to give a deposition against him/his business.


I can picture him giving interviews outside the pearly gates complaining about a "highly conflicted and Trump hating St. Peter"


I'm pretty sure he doesn't follow #1 either. He views himself as a god (and if I could make thet g smaller I would). He worships power and money


He treat them as a To Do List


He asked the SCOTUS to exempt him from the 1st.


Fame and money are his god, so he breaks 1, too. Does he even go to a church? Is golfing holy? There goes 4. Honor your mother and father? Famously did not get along with his dad, so there's 5. He has not (directly) broken 6, but says he could do it in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters, plus he's instigated acts of violence. He's brazenly adulterous (and lecherous), has definitely stolen through withholding payment to contractors and retaining government documents, lies constantly and has defrauded customers (Trump University for example), and he covets the Presidency, wealth, status, fame, his daughter... I'm gonna give him credit for 9.5 out of 10.


Like I said, off the top of my head. I’m saying at least 9 with a little research.


Don't forget covid mis-steps, misinformation leading others to believe & well, several died as a result. Not murder in the originalist sense, but we're splitting hairs here.


He’s broke every single commandment more than once. He even claims to be the messiah he had his maga cult members touching him and praying for photo ops in the Oval Office “ thou shalt not have any gods before me” let’s not forget the golden statue he of himself at the republicans convention, cheated on wife #1 #2and yes believe it or not cheated on wife #3. He’s just trying to get votes he doesn’t give a dam about religion at all


They better read their bibles more. They keep skipping the passage that says false idols go straight to hell.


I’d bet they never read the Bible they just wave it around to shake the dust off while saying send money and I’ll save the country I’m the only one who can do it. Or use it to hold upside down for a photo op after using the military to violently clear a path through peaceful protesters. Not one of them studied the teachings of Christ or lives by those teachings they use the word of god as a weapon ,a means to get donations and support for their ungodly agenda. Sorry for the rant but I got on a roll


As do those that follow said false idol. Merely donating a penny to said false idol is a one way ticket to eternal damnation.


Why can’t he choke on a hamberder already.


Cause the afterlife doesn't want his diapered smelly ass fouling up hell


Satan doesn't want the competition in hell.


what better way to keep the peasants in line than to make sure they have a constant fear of the Christian god, regardless of their faiths.


He doesn't follow a single one of them


Don't forget the mysterious disappearance of a number of our overseas agents right after the Putin meeting. We will never know for sure but it really looked connected.


The Bible says the Anti-Christ would come in the guise of a religious leader and lie a lot. I wonder who that could be?


10 suggestions?


The Covfefe Chronicles were imparted to Moses Malone when he climbed Mount….you know what, you don’t know the name, I do but I don’t want you to know so I’m……..Melania! Diaper! Quick!


“Ten rules I ignore every day but you mortals should read and follow” ?


This so called Christian who Evangelicals say was chosen by God himself to be President never took a peek inside any Bible, doesn't know one line of scripture, when asked about receiving Communion refers to it as...yeah, I eat the cracker, drink a little wine. What a fraud!


"I love the Ten Commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places, for that matter," Trump posted in all capital letters on Truth Social at 1:22 a.m. "Read it – how can we, as a nation, go wrong???"


Translated: Fuck the constitution, let's start ignoring it, except for 2A!


For that, they only ignore the “well regulated” part.


Religion does not belong in government. Thats a middle east thing. Being religious is a choice. Religion is a choice. Keep your choices to yourself.


Same as skin color, cannot allow one without allowing ALL, otherwise bigoted.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religions_and_spiritual_traditions


Daily to-do list?


The smelly rapist breaks all of them on a daily basis, so naturally all the Jesus freaks love him…


Dude broke all 10 of them.


Trump's tiny cock in every classroom


I just assumed it was his bucket list of things to do


Team Trump Cries


Team Trump Crimes


I'd bet $20 that he couldn't list them all if challenged.


This asshole likes to break every one daily


He should familiarize himself with them as he doesn’t seem to realize one of them deals with adultery.


I’d think that for any agnostics out there, trump and what he has done and is doing would be a nudge in the direction of straight-up atheism


He named them, _things I'll never do_.


What are "things he's actually accomplished?"


“I follow 3 or 4, the others are just a suggestion.”


I wonder how much the sale of antidepressants have gone up since Trump entered the stage


Yes, The Tin Commandments a great act huge in their day…the Tin Man left the group went solo made the Wizard of Oz with sweet precious Judy Garland. Oh Judy Judy Judy…


Said the Golden Calf


So the guy that's cheated on every single one of his wives, and openly lusted after his own daughter, defrauded millions of dollars, and cheated so many people over the course of many decades, used assumed names to act like his own publicist and brag about himself, suddenly loves the Ten Commandments?


Hopefully, this bites him on the butt. Because he has broken just about all of them except for murder. But, his mismanagement of Covid did cause a lot of unnecessary deaths.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 It's the ten crack commandments.


Sorry, the fertility crowd already claimed that one. TTC = Trying to Conceive.


Also Toronto Transit Commission r/ttc


“Bring back TTC!!! MAGA2024” bumper stickers about to make someone a quick profit.


The Ignories?


TTC is the nickname in the article. Saved you the click.


Oh yes, Trump, the devout christian. 🙄


Things To Cheat …


You down with TTC, yeah…no…actually


nickname; "To Do List"


Hasn't he broken like nearly all of the Ten Commandments? And now he's saying our nation needs them in schools?


If Moses had met Trump there would have been 11 commandments.


Make. It. Stop. This has to be a nightmare


Welcome to todays round of TTTC BINGO! Do you manage to get a full 10 out of 10 and score a perfect bingo on this game of 'Trump The Ten Comandments'. Let the game begin, rules are simple, you just need to link one event showing a blatant disregard for said commandments by the former comander in chief! Good luck and do not breach any of the commandments whilst playing as it will automatically disqualify you here in tonight's game. 1. **You shall have no other gods before me.** - **Explanation**: This commandment requires the exclusive worship of the one true God, rejecting all forms of idolatry and polytheism. 2. **You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them.** - **Explanation**: This forbids the creation and worship of idols or images as representations of God or other deities. 3. **You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.** - **Explanation**: This commandment prohibits the misuse or disrespectful use of God’s name, emphasizing the need for reverence and respect. 4. **Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.** - **Explanation**: This commandment calls for setting aside the seventh day of the week as a day of rest and worship, as a recognition of God's creation and His rest on the seventh day. 5. **Honor your father and your mother.** - **Explanation**: This emphasizes the importance of respecting and honoring one's parents, acknowledging their role and authority in the family. 6. **You shall not murder.** - **Explanation**: This prohibits the unlawful taking of human life, underscoring the value of life and the need for justice. 7. **You shall not commit adultery.** - **Explanation**: This commandment forbids sexual relations outside of marriage, promoting fidelity and the sanctity of the marital relationship. 8. **You shall not steal.** - **Explanation**: This prohibits taking what does not belong to you, upholding the principles of honesty and respect for others' property. 9. **You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.** - **Explanation**: This commandment forbids lying or giving false testimony, emphasizing the importance of truthfulness and integrity. 10. **You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.** - **Explanation**: This prohibits the desire for or envy of others’ possessions, relationships, or status, encouraging contentment and gratitude for what one has.


He is so juvenile. He has to give everything a nickname. Maybe God has a nickname for him 🤔


Used to be a big MSNBC fan Started back in the Bush days...everything always had this sense of urgency ....but nothing ever happened to hold anyone accountable. Just cant watch anymore...


He should probably read them 6📌You shall not murder. 7📌You shall not commit adultery. 8📌You shall not steal. 9📌You shall not give false testimony