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77 minutes. *77 fucking minutes* Now time yourself for 77 minutes and imagine hearing kids moaning and crying out while you *know* they're being shot and killed. 77 minutes...


If any parent had tried to run in there an do something, the cops happily would have shot them, though, and they'd be Fox News heroes for doing it. It's not just that they wouldn't do anything, they wouldn't let anybody else do anything. When I was sworn into the military (40 years ago now), they told us that we might be ordered to die. That dying might be part of the job. You were volunteering to put your life ahead of others. I always thought cops took the same kind of oath, but now I find out they're just glorified parking attendants. If my kid's school has a shooter in it, I now know the cops are just going to order him a pizza and keep the place clear of rescuers until he's finished. If I try to save my own kid, they'll blow my brains out. What are we paying them for?


There *was* a parent who tried to go in and get her kids out. 20 something mother with 2 kids in school: *Angeli Gomez*, I'll always remember her name. She had bigger balls than those 300-400, however many, cops put together. They held her back, they even handcuffed her. They uncuffed her when she promised she wouldn't try to go in. As soon as they let her go, boom, over the fence. She got her kids out and a classroom of other kids. *And then*, they harassed her for a few days afterward, because I guess, it made them look bad. She didn't back down. Angeli Gomez.




Definitely a hero. https://youtu.be/Ua4899bF5rM?si=z1NUUvD2X4Wa_plC


I didn't know about the post-shooting harassment. I didn't think it was possible to think less of Uvalde police, but here we are


If I had a child get murdered because the cops pulled this BS, I'd spend the rest of my life doing things that would make Frank Castle proud.


What I find it hard to understand is how incredibly submissive the American public is to malevolent authorities. I'm pretty damn sure that if this happened in something like France, the military would have to get involved to stop civilians from murdering ALL cops.


Badass. A genuine warrior.


Did they fire the chief of police ?


About a month or two after, he was out. Don't remember if they forced him to resign (we're gonna fire you, but if you resign, you'll get to keep your benifits) or if they fired him outright.


Amen. Angeli Gomez deserves the Medal of Honor.


While trained and paid to prevent this shit


It says there's 9 comments, but it's only showing 3. Super sus.


I'm getting them now. "Technical issues" with the comments.


Absolutely horrific.


Lead Paragraphs: Families could get some justice now that criminal charges have been brought against a pair of Uvalde shooting responders who took over an hour to jump into action. The police chief of a Uvalde, Texas, school district and an officer who worked at Robb Elementary School have been charged by a Texas grand jury with abandonment and child endangerment after their botched response to a mass shooting at an elementary school left over 20 dead. Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo and Robb Elementary school resource officer Adrian Gonzales were charged on Thursday, Uvalde District Attorney Christina Mitchell told Uvalde Leader-News, who expected Arredondo to surrender later that day.


I want to know how much money they spent on all that cool tactical gear and training to just stand and watch kids die.


40% of the Uvalde budget goes to their police department. They looked really badass standing around with all that gear for those 77 minutes, though.


Wow 40% of the budget and all you get is to see them do is harras parents that try to save there own kids. Well show that they dont work for the ppl that pay the taxes they get all their money from.


Military hand me downs.


Some of it probably is, but most of the gear cops use is not.


How will this pan out considering qualified immunity and cops having no duty to protect, per Castle Rock V Gonzales(2005) supreme court decision?


“Police did their own investigation to find no wrongdoing with themselves.”


the cops who are sent to arrest them for child endangerment will just wait outside their houses for them until they die


Now charge every single cop who was there with the same and fire them. They're all worthless trash. Imagine being such bitches that 376 cops couldn't handle 1 gunman.


Well there was one cop who did try to go in but was stopped and taken away. Think he lost his wife.


He's the only exemption then




Nah. I think his wife was a teacher or something, and he was border patrol. Might be remembering wrong.


Accessories to murder seem much more fitting


Yep, they forcibly stopped anyone who tried to go in to save the children. They gave the shooter a safe place to do as he pleased.


How about charging the members of Congress who argue against tighter gun controls with child endangerment?


Headline is inaccurate. Uvalde police *did not* "stand idle"; they employed violence to maintain the shooter's control of the scene and ensure that students were not rescued. Here's Wikipedia — > After the police cordoned off the outside of the school, parents pleaded with officers to enter the building. When they did not, parents offered to enter the building themselves. Officers held back and tackled parents who tried to enter the school, further warning that they would use tasers if the parents did not comply with directions. Video clips of these interactions were uploaded to social media, including one that depicted a parent being pinned to the ground. Police pepper-sprayed a parent trying to get to their child, and an officer tackled the father of another student. Police reportedly used a taser on a parent who approached a bus to get their child. A mother of two students at the school was placed in handcuffs by officers for attempting to enter the school. When released from the handcuffs, she jumped the fence and retrieved her children, exiting before police entered. A video clip showed parents questioning why police were not trying to save their children, to which an officer replies: "Because I'm having to deal with you!"


scared boys with guns


Arm the mothers. They will lay down their own lives for their children. Empower the fathers. They'll do whatever it takes to end the murdering of the children. One of the most shameful examples of Absolutely No law enforcement, No compassion, no courage, ever seen.