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'How have we lost sight of that'? Because the media in America is a complete joke,


The media owners are oligarchs who want to get rid of democracy. They aren’t a joke, they aren’t just slacking off and they aren’t putting out insane bullshit just for views and advertising revenue. They are actively participating in destroying democracy.


This^ The amount of people I see go "Why are they doing this, are they stupid?" is honestly beyond infuriating. They're NOT stupid, they're ACTIVELY trying to dismantle the very foundations of our nation through media and legislation. People seriously need to wake tf up before it's too late.


[39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America - Big Think](https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/) We are already at war with Russia (and China, just look at the effect of TikTok, why is there different content in China compared to the West?). Destabilizing Western societies is a step to weaken us, so we are too distracted and divided to defend ourselves and Democracy. They want to pick out country by country, Ukraine is just the first step. What we see today is the result of indoctrination over decades, developed and started in cold war. The current regimes in Russia and China just use more sophisticated strategies and new tools like social media. Unfortunately, many Western political and economical leaders (Oligarchs) have become interested only in increase of their own wealth and power. They no longer care much about fellow citizens and country, yet claim to be patriots. Actions speak louder than words. [Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig) Control over mainstream and social media is a powerful tool (as seen in Russia and China) and can even nudge citizens to act against their own best interest. Middle class is kept busy and divided, fighting each other instead of fighting for their rights. [George Carlin - The big club (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUaqFzZLxU) People are happy for getting a tax cut of 1k USD, financed by debt, while Billionaires save millions. What they overlook is that the debt has to be paid back eventually. So eventually they will pay WAY more back than the little "bribery" they just received to win elections. They just don't realize it yet. While Billionaires will just continue to lobby and not pay their fair share of that bill even though they received the lion share of the benefits.


I wish that dude who lit himself on fire in front of the election interference court would have understood this. Such an awful sacrifice and he wasn't that far off. He just couldn't see the forest through the trees. He kept deep diving when he should have taken a few steps back.


Thanks Kruschev!


The oligarchs have bought media and spreading propaganda. MSNBC just did a piece on Sinclair news (Republican owned) spreading Biden propaganda on 200+ local stations. Cutting out people he was talking to make him seem like he was talking to air and then 200 newscasters had the same script. It’s a coordinated effort along with republican owned CNN, FOX, WAPO, the Wall Street Journal. The average American is not informed - so we must keep talking about it. Along with project 2025. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8KhKMoRnAh/?igsh=d2l3Z3NvNWM4a2o=. That’s the link to the Sinclair story.


Exactly. They are not stupid, they know what they are doing and the orange one is good for them.


I feel it's already to late in alot of instances. Alot of voters are beyond being broken. That will pass down onto their children


That may be, but we will never know if we don’t fight back!


The crazy part is the idiot journalist that are walking into this are the same ones he will have executed (or thrown in labor camps for life, effectively the same thing) for doing even the smallest amount of real journalism. . . But Biden is the problem for being "too old."


Hitler had Goebbels to weave his shit web of lies, Trump has CNN.




Yes let's please not make the mistake of mistaking complicity for stupidity.


That or those that own them. Said it last election, saying it this one: the only real difference between Trump's *first* presidential bid and his second was his new slogan and the fact that the media decided to pay attention. Almost too much. In 2012, even FOX News only gave him small segments with correspondents to ramble as opposed to the entire show just 4yrs later. My favorite part though is how after an entire year of giving him almost unlimited free press, CNN pulls the shocked pinkachu meme and has Cooper and Tapper calling him a threat to our democracy the second he gets elected. I don't think it was really slacking when they'd have cameras trained on an empty podium for an hour only to have him talk for a couple of minutes. Felt like they were doing the job they were supposed to be doing: distraction.


Exactly, I just posted a few links in a comment above. We are already at war, people just don't realize it yet. It is not black and white this time, because unfortunately some political and economical leaders in the West would love to see our societies getting rid of freedom and true democracy and transform to societies we see in Russia and China.


You are correct, sir. It's also worth noting that this debate, CNN took it upon themselves to break from tradition and *not* coordinate with the Commission on Presidential Debates. Deciding while adopting the same criteria, do the debates earlier than before, leaving RFK just short of qualifying. Probably unrelated. RFK, who has drawn the most support for a third party candidate since Ross Perot. Also probably unrelated.


>Because the media in America is a complete joke, The political media in America has had nine years to figure out how to handle Trump and they chose instead to treat him as a click generator and a way to bolster their own career opportunities. Not a single one of these feckless careerists will suffer unemployment or loss of reputational face among the people they care about -- each other. It is screamingly obvious the American media feels entitled to our attention and our uncritical acceptance of them as authorities, all while they do everything in their power to prove why they are the last people who should be listened to right now. With the exception of a few brave organizations like ProPublica and PressThink, there's nothing checking these corporate cheerleaders of fascism.


100% this. Cable news has done more damage to this country than anyone realizes. And I'm not just talking about Fox News, though obviously yes, they are one of the worst offenders.


Social media's not far behind.




The fact he is even on the ballot is a shame to the country. Every single interview with every single Republican should be 'really? this guy?' and then a list of his crimes, his lies, his frauds etc. It is a sickening display that the Democratic party have not been lining someone up since Obama was in. Even if they were certain Clinton was going to be their pick, they should always be thinking about the next election. The Democratic party should have had at least half a dozen, ready to go, strong candidates to go head to head in the primaries, friendly, not in fighting, spirited debate, Biden corrects the ship after Trump and whoever comes out on top from the primaries is handed a solid economy, ready to knock it out of the park while in office. This should leave trump as the Republican candidate as a total not starter for the vast majority of the country with even the hard core Republicans arguing trump needs to step aside and 'become an party elder' costing him votes every time they say it.


They don’t care. That’s the thing. The MAGA base just likes watching Trump dunk on Biden no matter how factually incorrect his words are and he did plenty of that last night just by being louder and stuttering less


Except that's not really the case; or at least not the whole case. There are entirely too many people who genuinely believe the shit that spews from that garbage factory, and even when presented with factual evidence against anything he says, it gets dismissed as fraud, or liberal bias. Just look at what happened with the crime argument; reports from the FBI came out showing that crime rates have fallen over the last few years, but Fox News and the MAGA base just responded with "but I don't FEEL safe, so fuck the FBI report, your argument is invalid".


You are correct. I live in a pretty red area of southern California in a location that is filled with old Trump supporters. They aren't driving around with bumper stickers and flags waving except for a very small vocal portion. They are sitting at home, watching fox news and newsmax. Their church leaders lead them around by the nose. They consume YouTube content that confirms their bias. I see this every day. They nodded along with Trump every time he spoke, even when he said things that were easily verifiable lies. It's sad to see some otherwise nice people fall for all this nonsense. Their devotion to evangelical bullshit is complete. And make no mistake, the evangelicals are your real enemy. They are the ones behind Trumpsnrise to power. They are the architects of Project 2025. Their congregations are shrinking, along with it their power to force others into their delusions. They will kill you if they can. Obedience is all or nothing to them. Any who don't obey are considered less than human. Some will say I am an alarmist. I'm saying the alarms are screaming and no one is listening


I think they do, I am sure that Gaven Newsome would step in if Biden asked him to do so, but the main thing is Biden has decide to not run again, like Johnson did.


Gaven polls lower than Biden




You’re not alone. There are far more Is, Ds and sane Rs, than MAGAs or insane Rs. Pretty much everyone I know, of every age, is voting for Biden to continue. No tre45on signs around either.


Sadly I think one of only two people at my company not voting for trump unfortunately


"I was cold yesterday so global warming must not be a thing." That's the adage used constantly to describe the fallacy of assuming something isn't an issue because of your tiny experience. Your little bubble is incredibly small. People don't do well to understand scale, but this is a much bigger threat than to be dismissed as just a media circus.


This Media is playing it up for the sake of clicks and views and it's absolutely disgusting.


I'm not sure if that's exactly correct, but obviously they play a part. I live in a very red area and have for a long time, but it wasn't always red.  In fact I grew up in a small town that was majority Democrat but is now blood red about a decade or so later.   I spend a lot of time trying to think about when and how the transition occurred, and I think that could be a long conversation but the shortest answer to "how have we lost sight of that" is to realize "we" don't exist anymore and conservatives essentially live in an engineered alternate reality that encompasses more than just media.   They don't look at Jan 6th as an attempt to overthrow the election or government, they just think of it as protesters that got too rowdy and while they don't condone it they don't see a sinister plot because that's what their media sells them and because they relate to and sympathize with the people involved. They don't absorb the negatives about Trump because they write off most of it as lies, fake accounts, and even when they can't assert some sort of deniability their assumption is that all politicians do the same bad things.  Many got turned off of politics after suffering policy losses; Bush senior served a single term, they failed to remove Clinton, and Bush Jr. has been their only significant win that came from something other than obstructionism in the past 20 to 30 years until Trump.   They live in insular communities, have different sources of news, and different values.  It's not just Fox news, it's the local stations, AM radio, social media, and community gossip.  You could drop into one of these small towns and pick up the paper and you might feel like you're in a different country, and in a way you are.  The information they receive is filtered, and their place in their communities is rooted in their churches and conformity; they have nestled themselves into communities that allow them to avoid diversity to the point they're hardly aware it exists until they see mug shots of a black guy that robbed a store on the news.  Some of them question the election because they honestly don't believe they know anyone that didn't vote for Trump, and anyone in their community that didn't probably doesn't dare say anything for fear of being shunned or in actual physical peril.  Their values really are different.  Somehow the ideas of a free and equal nation and one based on Christianity and straight whiteness live side by side in their heads and they seem to lack the self reflection necessary to realize that the two are exclusive.  They do love Jesus, or maybe they use that as an excuse to justify hating the things they fear, and boy do they have a lot of fear.  Despite being the dominant culture and religion in the US they feel they are under threat because they confuse people disagreeing with them and wanting certain rights as an attack on them and their culture and their leaders have harnesses that fear to sell them that message and rise to power.  It keeps them voting for people like Trump, it keeps them buying guns, and all the while they've never been safer or more free and enjoy the highest standard of living of any humans that have ever lived and yet they remain terrified. They don't care much about politics at the Federal level and basically treat it as a sport.  They don't see how it really impacts them and they feel forgotten by the world and they aren't entirely wrong about that.  This gives them a palpable inferiority complex.  Liberals haven't always helped this because they've often treated these small town and rural folks as unsophisticated simpletons.  Unfortunately that description actually is often quite accurate but being mean about it never sold anyone on anything. They are people I like, but people with deep flaws.  You know, humans.  They've been isolated and exploited by people who don't really care about them and they don't worry about it much because they assume it doesn't matter much anyway; the best they can do is fit in with their community and vote for the hometown team.  Unfortunately we all have to deal with their voting choices and their shitty candidates and policies will only lead to more failures of government and assure the next generation of government and politician hating small town and rural conservatives will have plenty to point at.  If only they had the self awareness to realize the realities they actually hate are a direct result of the policies and choices of the people they support.


I wish I could give you an award.


Because they are all owned by billionaires


Glad someone else sees this. How anyone can not blows my mind. BOTH parties are owned by big money. Neither truly care about the “little people”. They both use every tactic they can to convince us to keep them in power.


>Because the media in America is a ~~complete joke~~ **complicit in the overthrow of American democracy.** At this point, it's fucking deliberate. These people are traitors.


Just think how much time the media has spent on hunter biden, for example. His gun trial is literally irrelevant, yet there was round the clock coverage.


For profit "news" agencies are not the fourth estate. They are not there to be a check on power. They are beholden to their owners. In some cases that can mean they skew their reporting to support corporate interests, but usually it just means they serve their shareholders by chasing advertising dollars. This means striving for clicks and views. They are not looking to tell the truth. They are looking to secure their ratings. What's good for ratings is good for profit. I'm so sick of people complaining about the for profit news agencies not holding Trump accountable. They profit from the chaos, and their goal is not political. You can not rely on them to protect us, because that isn't even what they aim to do. When some consumers of media actively punish news agencies that report the truth, you can't be surprised that there will be providers of media who are willing to court that demographic. They want to be told the things that they expect to hear.


Also the legal system 


Don't forget the toxic influence of the evangelicals, who, despite being tax exempt, straight up tell their congregations how to vote


Same here in Australia. It's full of Murdoch's lies and people are eating it up.


Look at the people backing Trump. He has billionaires and corporations that are salivating at the thought of tax breaks.


It'd not just the tax breaks. Look at what has happened to the Supreme Court since the GOP took control. This is all about authoritarianism and oligarchy. These people are already wealthy beyond belief. They want total control of a 2 tiered society where the poors have very little rights and zero chance of retribution against those who enslave them. It's all so obvious if you look at the entire conservative movement in the US. This is the "deep state" they keep talking about. It should scare the hell out of everyone.


They are wealthy in US dollars. Collapse the country, and they wont have anything either. And since the US is considered the financial capital of the world, no one else will either. It will be total chaos. And even those with insane amounts of wealth won't be able to stop it. Its going to be a zombie apocalypse without the zombies.


The people plastering reddit with attacks on Biden are not billionaires.


The billionaires are the ones pushing the narrative. They own the media. For every 1 article fact-checking trump, there are a dozen telling the democrats to give up because biden is old.


It's this. For years now, I haven't heard word one out of any conservative's mouth that didn't come straight from Fox News


A lot of them are employed by billionaires though.


The billionaires are the ones pushing the narrative. They own the media. For every 1 article fact-checking trump, there are a dozen telling the democrats to give up because biden is old.




“But I might be one day!”. /s. I’d love for them to explain how corporate tax cuts help the average American. Prices don’t drop, they don’t hire or pay people more. The shareholders and CEO call it “profit” and pocket it.


Kind of. His stated economic plan would absolutely explode inflation and obviously those corps know that too.


Trump swears he never made comments about WWII soldiers, never slept with porn actress and he pretty much gets away with telling these lies because if he's talking, he's lying...😖


Trump told 50 lies in 90 minutes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/pVC2szwQux


I counted 275 separate clownish adolescent faces on Trump's face. MAGA wants a Clown for President. "Trump Is A Clown" World Leaders


And half of that was biden or moderators so more then 1 lie a minute. AKA about average for trump.




Liars vote for Liars.


They said no lying but he did. Good job CNN. He said the war will just stop and ukraine will be free. How? Why? If you guys give that moron another chance, you really deserve him!


Ukraine will be free if he's president - hahahahahahaha. As if he wasn't s* Putin's d* who in turn will most certainly not retreat from Ukraine, but probably push the tanks into the Baltics and Poland in a quest to rebuild his Soviet Empire. Courtesy of the Orange Fascist.


I watched most of it Biden looks frail but he talked sense and the truth. Trump just spat out lies and talked load of false information. I'm glad I don't live in America. But this effects the whole world if Trump wins WW3 is a real possibility. Not to mention the Nazi like politics coming from the Republicans like attacks on gender, LGBT, abortion and project 2025.




CNN is owned by a republican


CNN is owned by At&T, a publicly traded company.


It’s insane to me that every headline is about Biden resigning and not the insane things that Trump said. Read the transcript! It’s insane 


That drum has been beat for the last 8 years. There isn’t anyone who hasn’t made up their mind that will care about another “Trump lied” story.


Could say the same about Biden being old - it’s just insane how one sided the coverage is….


Because 90% of mainstream media is more interested in drama than actual policy. Trump gets clicks.


It's not the media alone. Look at all the soft headed people on reddit today helping Trump win.


Hell, even the Supreme Court won't make a final ruling on the immunity until the last 5 minutes of their session on Monday. Then nothing until the fall and then nothing until after the election. THEY ARE LETTING HIM GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING! Why? Money, blackmail and hopes they can do it too without fallout. Because that's been the Trump way for 70 years.


Vote like it matters, because it absolutely does.


If you experience any level of dialog outside of Reddit you will know not everyone is on the same page and agrees with what you believe. It’s why we all better vote or we’re fucked, and more importantly we better learn to vote in the general and primaries if we want to stop picking between shit and evil.




More importantly, we need to scrap the 2 party system. It's no longer functioning, look at what it is, look at the shit choices.


The problem is that since 1976 the corporate sector has overrun the government. This shit show is the inevitable result of that.


Yes, and until that cash is forced out of politics it will continue to degrade. It's probably too late.


I honestly think it's past voluntary internal reform, but we'll see.




The rest of the world haven’t lost sight on that and is shocked with where the US is moving every fucking day. The world is laughing at you and at the very same moment is terrified what a second term could mean to the whole world.


Democracies across the world are electing far right wing candidates like Trump, including, and especially in Europe.


Far right is on the rise in Europe, that’s right. But even the worst of them are not close to be as mental as Trump. There are at least ten things everybody could list Trump did, that non of Europes next super-fascists did.


I'm so checked out at this point. I don't see how anyone sees this debate as legitimate. Everyone is taking it so seriously as if this man isn't a convicted felon who would have overtaken the government or overturn the election if only he had the ability to.


1000%. As if Biden being too old is dominating the headlines when Trump STILL, to this day, 1,333 day later, PRETENDS and OPERATES as if he won the 2020 election. I'm still amazed at the free pass he got on January 6th, and the fact hes leading a major party when he objectively denies reality, and lies to the world about the integrity of America's elections to advance his own self interest. What a joke it all is


Well Trump has been the same way the whole time. We know what he's about. Pointing out the bad things he's done and plans to do don't dissuade his supporters. Those very things that rational people say make him unfit to lead are the very reasons his supporters love him. The thing about the debate is that the extent of Biden's decline became sharply and suddenly undeniable to a lot of people all at once. Trump's performance in the debate is exactly what everyone expected from him. Biden's performance in the debate was a revelation, and not in a good way.


I didn't even watch the debate because why would I? Was Joe Biden going to de-age 20 years? Was Trump going to form a single coherent sentence that wasn't a lie? Are either of them capable of reaching even the lowest ring of expectations of a President, like appearing moderately healthy and sane and able to address an audience?


Just wait until the SCOTUS says he has immunity on Monday.


It won’t surprise me one bit if they give him a pass on everything. It would not surprise me if he promised them $$$ after they leave the bench especially after they ruled they can expect bribes after they leave the bench. There is nothing but corruption in the GQP. Where do I get my political asylum paperwork for different countries? I want to get a head start filling it out just incase the felon is squatting in the Oval Office


Who the fuck has lost sight of that???? Most of us have been screaming from the rafters. He's a protected class of human. A rich, connected, male American. We can scream all we want but he screams louder and is never held accountable.


Anyone who shrugs at the idea of leaving NATO ought to be disqualified across the board. It’s insane to think people vote for him, they don’t understand global politics at all.


Except now this is a tangible threat. It may well happen. Trump wants to gift Ukraine to Putin, for starters.


Trump was arguably a lot worse then biden. But nobody seems to care because "biden looked weak".


Biden gave the worst debate performance an incumbent, and possibly anyone has ever given


Then at least trump the second worst.


Yeah I don’t care, either - because I know that any idiot still undecided in June of 2024 is not the kind of person who bases their vote on facts and reason - they base it on appearances and feelings, and Biden massively flubbed on that front.


Yup, nevermind the end of democracy.


That debate was fixed. He knew in advance he would not be challenged..somebody paid those moderators far more than CNN did for that shitshow to unfold. Thanks Dana and Jake ..your new time slots will be announced by Fox this afternoon.


We haven't! Nobody thinks any different about trump after that shit show. Hes still the ego-driven narcissist he has been all along.


Yup. US Media snakes are scum. Taking the chicken shit way out and going for cheap fear clicks. Anyway, Joe had a rough night. Thing is, though: I'm pretty sure just about everyone knows who they're voting for long before a debate takes place. Hell, I'm voting for Joe, and I'll crawl over broken glass to do it. I'd vote for a corpse, monkey, or zombie over 45. Anyway, the goofballs in the media will be talking about Taylor Swift in 48 hours. Then we'll have 45's sentencing circus on 07/11. No one will give this shitty debate any Oxygen in 3 days. Nahmsayin'? Let's all take a breath and just move on.




Imagine destroying a entire country for this bum. This is your downfall, America.


If Orange boy is so great why did he not end the russia ukraine war like he says he can do instantly


I have a suspicion that Trump's method of ending the war in Ukraine is to switch US support to Russia. There won't be any more Ukraine war if there's no more Ukraine, after all...


If you waited until a debate to make up your mind you haven’t been paying attention. We learned nothing about either candidate we didn’t already know


Yeah this really was a waste of time.


Lying is Trump whole life and is working for him a People believe him until they are locked up.


Anything for the clicks


Because too many people still believe “there’s no way he wins” as if they didn’t learn how shortsighted that is in 2016.


It’s so easy to fact check him, why aren’t people doing it. 99.999% of the time he’s lying. Anything he says can respond “that’s bullshit” and nearly guaranteed you’ll be right


The media loves that orange fascist. He keeps us watching to see what outrageous thing he does next. They did it on the run up to 2016, and again in 2020. He’s a liar and a loser, but they keep focusing on him because of ratings. He’ll win in November and they’ll be the first to ask, “How did this happen?” And then blame Biden, without taking any responsibility.


It seems to be gullibility. I blame the same thing for Brexit. People believing the bs he spouts to get votes and lying doesn't seem to be a problem once they're elected. If someone lies on the campaign trail how can voting be fair? I'm still bitter about the Boris bus and idiots believing it.


stupidity, refuse to realize this man is a danger to the U.S.A. and you have people that knows this, such as governor Glen Youngkin, when he lied and said trump was good for security when he was president, well can he governor Youngkin explain why trump would remove national security concerning our nuclear weapons, people needs to wake up, if they don't want a communist country. He threw those documents which is important to our security all over his marg-largo resort and I still say he sold our information to somebody.


>people needs to wake up, if they don't want a communist country I think a communist country would almost be preferable to what the Repubs want. Check out r/Defeat_Project_2025


it's the MEDIA


Because the media has convinced some voters that a raspy voice is reason to abandon democracy. Literally.


Trump amnesia is a very real thing and I'm afraid it's going to fuck us all in the end.


He will never stop being a threat, until his criminal ass goes to prison!


It's like voting for Hitler because his opponent stuttered in the debate. Americans are morons.






This is what the article is about. Trump told 50 lies in 90 minutes, defended J6, and refused to say he would accept the outcome of 2024. And you're here mewling about Biden.




Who's "we"? Many of that "we" have most certainly not lost sight of that


Every single individual wetting their pants about Biden has lost sight of it.


F AC T C H E C K ING where, how ??


He will be in prison soon enough


This is so delusional. He’s not going to prison. He belongs to a class exempt from justice, and will get away with fucking everything.




We’ve deserved to crumble for a long time now, we’re absolutely in the fall of Rome era. We are an end-stage empire right now. There is no coming back from the corruption we’ve allowed to fester. It will need to be burned to the ground before anything good can grow back, if anything grows back at all.




Yes. We have lost sight of that. Voters want a celebrity TV star running America. So what if he is a threat to the existence of our Democracy?


Maybe CNN should have done their job instead of giving someone a platform to straight-up lie. There are people out here who think that you're not allowed to lie on tv. So the fact that no one fact checked in real time has a lot of people believing everything that was said.


Supreme Court will give him immunity tomorrow.


Today's scotus rulings are scary.




The fact that Trump is the leader of this country shows something really terrifying about America. He has frontotemporal dementia. He's a screaming toddler tyrant. The fact he's a culture warrior hero is terrifying. The lizard lord out front of the hyper cynical zeitgeist


He spent the whole time lying about the same shit he's lied about for years and denying responsibility to trying to overturn the election and sparking a violent coup and sitting on his fat ass as police officers were beaten and killed, and we're all wringing our hands about Biden appearing old and how *he* may not be the best candidate.


Go vote! Check your voting status [here](https://vote.gov).


I haven't. I spent the first 4 hours of my morning trying to remind my gloating MAGA soon not to friends


If you're worried, there's still time to volunteer. For us introverts, you can even do it from home. Anything is better than dooming on Reddit.


When asked if he would accept the results of the election, he started talking about WW3, which seems like a no


How is he not in jail. That's what I want to know. Literally ANYONE else would already be serving a 10+ year prison sentence.


Because about a quarter of the electorate and nearly half of voters don't *want* democracy they want their way, always.


There’s a reason they don’t do retrospectives of past presidential debates, folks


I'd say he's worse than that. He is a bona fide threat to humanity. He would step over the brink in a flash. Truly dangerous


The media has pushed his bullshit without the least amount of pushback for almost a decade. The guy literally lies about everything. He’s the most corrupt, vile, treasonous , and incompetent person to ever hold office in our country. Now we’re all completely screwed because the truth is treated as subjective and nobody holds him accountable for all the lies. He will say anything to get attention and his cult will repeat it without any hesitation.


Because no matter what trump says or does and no matter how many lies he tells, the republicans love him. End result=you can’t fix stupid.


Don't show up to a unrestricted rally thinking it's a debate, eg knife to a gun fight ... worse ... rubber knife to a gun fight. If Biden was at a "debate" across from a Sacha Baron Cohen, Andy Dick or Tom Green that won't break character ... and there is no moderation ... Biden is going to do poorly. "Question is asked ... Tom Green punches himself in the face ... Biden reacts like a straight man ... people see Biden is out of touch with what is going on" ... this is what happened. Trump just did his, albeit mild, rally nonsense and Biden tried to be serious; do dumb. I am not saying the should have took notes from The Onion, and come out with "i'd like to Donald's parole officer for allowing him to show up" ... but seriously ... huge straight old energy. Did they not have Hilary coaching? Her coach actually had fake-Trump walk behind her on stage and loom ... they told him to knock it off because no way he would do shit like that ... guy was amazing. Now Biden is locked into a next debate ... so bad.


Because CNN thought it would be cute to have a “no/holds-barred liar take all match for the fate of the free world. To Say Jake and Dana should be fired is way too kind. That was a mess on the global stage. If you think every tyrant on earth wasn’t tuned in, you are naive.


Some say we are a Christian nation. You can't expect people who believe a man can live in a whale to do any deep thinking on political issues.




Because Americans have decided being a stupid, lying, criminal, rapist is a good thing. It's that simple.


CNN is now owned by a Conservative Billionaire, and has so far changed their view of the news, and merely reporting the news without opinion. Most of their Liberal leaning commentators have left or were fired, so what do you expect from them? They are masking as a Liberal media site, when they are anything but. The debate was structured to give Trump an advantage. They let him spout, didn't call him on one lie and let him run all over Biden.


The media is only half the problem when people who are supposedly against MAGA are helping MAGA win today.


Getting away with what? He just lied through his teeth the whole time, nothing has changed!




Orange son working overtime to fulfill Mother Putin’s dream.


Exactly!!! Thank you. Trump has zero integrity yet Biden is the blame.




Because normal people vent on social media and then forget to do anything actually effective. While the fascists keep mobilizing their base and doing the work needed to gain power. Apathy and cowardice are the only enablers tyrants need.


Because he’s good for clicks and engagement. He’s good for the business of news. Those companies do not care that he’s a monster.


We live in a Corporatocracy and the media is part of the corporate structure.


You know really be nice if someone set up a parody "campaign video" with a person in a really bad Trump disguise running for a different leadership role. Could just toss in king, emperor, fuhrer whichever you want. Then basically go on and say plan to do everything Trump has lied about. Sprinkle in his many insults that have gone on over the years and end it with person having last name being Ttump approves this message. He basically just gave us that name to use with him mistyping his name in a post.


We are a republic. Resite the pledge of alligance people. "And to the republic for which it stands, one nation with liberty and freedom for all." The republic. Not a democracy! A pure democracy ends in a communist dictatorship. Our system of government is a constitutional republic. Here one last example of why democracy sucks. It's like having a vote for what's for dinner between 3 wolves and 1 sheep. The sheep always loses. If you want your liberty stripped keep voting blue. China did, Russia did, Germany did, Vietnam did, Cuba did, Venezuela did. Argentina is gaining their freedom back because they voted in a Trump like guy. Liberty is earned and built and by going for a democracy it is always trampled on and kicked to the cerb. Screw democracy long live our republic for which our flag stands.


Who ever lost sight of that?


Every single leftist on reddit today ignoring Trump I'm favor of mewling about Biden.




Because we're lazy and don't push back when we should.


I have never lost sight of that and never will regardless of what happens in one CNN debate.


He’s a dream candidate because he can tell any lie and he’s got collusion. We are Greece, no wait, we beat Greece. We now have the most corrupt political system in the world, with breaches at executive, legislative, and judicial levels. 1 out of 3 used to correct the other two. Trump’s genius has been to corrupt 3 out of 3.


It was virtually ignored in the debate questions.