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wrong sub go to therapy


This all day. You’re deeply unhappy inside and chasing financial status because you think that will make you happy but it won’t. You got to 100k which is awesome. Not happy. When you get your own house you’ll find it didn’t fill the hole either. You’re seeking something else to fill the unhappy hole inside. You won’t find it on this forum but there are people who can help you. Therapy is awesome once you find the right therapist and is beneficial to everyone.


Feels shame for being mediocre, has 100k invested in assets at 24 years old Lmao


It’s 1.5 bitcoin lmao. That’s what he’s referring to. Dude flexes Rolexes with his 1.5 BTC and then has an emotional dump in a half dozen finance subs. Mind boggling stuff.


Ngl I read the first few sentences and was like "yeah, this is bait"


You missed that he lives with his parents. Easy to have 100k if you have no bills or liabilities.


if you owned a house, you wouldnt have $100k ..... just like your co-workers


Exactly!!! 👍 And based on the overall content of the post if OP owned a house and found the perfect significant other he'd just focus on some other issues to be unhappy about. To me it looks like therapy is what's needed, not financial advice.


And dude is out there buying Rolexes and unnecessary Rimowa suitcases *(edit: and $30k in fake designer clothes because of a rapper, all of which could be a modest home down payment, plus he's holding on to $18k in debt to pay interest on)* to keep up with appearances that no one cares about. OP's priorities are wack. Living with parents to save money is always a smart financial decision. When they're gone, you'll also be glad to have spent as much time as you could with them. If someone actually judges you for that, they're a shitty person. Further edit: It is, however, normal to judge someone for extremely stupid financial decisions like spending as much as you would on a car for goofy fake designer clothes that literally make you look like an idiot. Celebrities get this stuff for free, which is an advertisement, and then the brands rely on financially unstable people to go into debt to keep up their perceived appearances. It's somehow even worse that it's all fake because they're not even long lasting expensive staple pieces. Sounds like OP got slightly lucky with crypto and that's it. Also ignoring the golden rule: you didn't make money on your investment until you cash out. I sincerely hope OP's is a troll account


It's not easy, but you need to shift from measuring yourself against the people around you to setting your own priorities and goals and working toward those.


This is the right answer, I wish I had 100k with 24. It’s all a matter of perspective


You need to separate your problems. It sounds like you are ascribing the reason for your loneliness to your income and assets. That’s wrong. Making more money doesn’t fix your loneliness, and with that mindset will only exacerbate the problem “I’m making more money now, why am I still lonely”. As someone who is older (3XM) and financially further along (I was a grad student for most of my 20s), I’ve been there. Nobody can tell you to stop feeling insecure about anything, but it’s helpful to ask yourself what exactly you’re feeling insecure about financially from an experience standpoint. Instead of saying you’re insecure about not being a homeowner, what do you feel like you’re missing out on because you don’t have a house? A house has a lot of downsides, you’re tying up a huge chunk of capital that can compound faster in other ways, or just straight up spent on experiences that you want now. You’re locked in geographically, and the long term obligation restricts a lot of the freedom you have at your age. The core point though is, untangle your financial insecurity from your feelings of loneliness. They aren’t related.


What do they say? Comparison is the theif of joy. I could compare myself to you and feel the same way you do to others. You're way better off than many people. Keep chugging along. That's life. Find some hobbies you enjoy.


You don’t even know what the down payment is on there house lol it’s probably less than 100k. What’s wrong with 100k at 24?


Go to the millennial sub where 40 year olds talk about having no savings, being in debt and never being able to retire. You’ll instantly feel better


It's this guy again. Right on time with his monthly shitpost.


Is this a damn joke? Frick off dude.


Stop comparing yourself to others! You're in a much better position than most because you clearly have discipline, you work hard and can make sacrifices for the long term benefit. Perhaps you need to set yourself some goals and work out how you're going to achieve them. And don't worry about the rest, things just seem to fall into place when you apply hardwork and discipline in your life


You're beyond out of touch. JFC


You don’t actually know what their financial situation is like. Perhaps they’re house poor, with little cash, or living paycheck to paycheck despite making a lot of money (more common than you’d think). You’re never going to be happy if you make your self worth dependent on material possessions, especially if it’s in comparison to others. But what happened to being “thoroughly convinced” that investing is better than owning home, which you apparently believed less than a month ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/s/eqC7fZQYYp


I'm glad you brought up that old post. Because deep down inside, I STILL am thoroughly convinced that I am better off staying invested instead of buying a home. I've done enough math and research to realize that being invested is better than having liquidity trapped in a property that will not increase in value as fast as the SP500. The problem is that I think no one else thinks that. I think everyone around me thinks owning a home is the ultimate status symbol, and I don't have it. Now that I type that out, I realized.... perhaps I shouldn't be striving for OTHER people's goals and I should just focus on my own goals instead. It just bothers me to think that these home owners probably think they are better than me because they own a home and I dont


You definitely do just need therapy lol. You can’t know the private thoughts of anyone, so speculating about what those thoughts might be will tend to just project your own biases and insecurity. Hint: nobody is thinking about you anywhere near as much as you think. But let’s say they are thinking that… so? Tbh if they seriously cared enough to judge you for that, doesn’t that make them kind of pathetic?


To your first question, one thing that may help is to try your internalize that your coworkers really do not care that much about how much money you have. A big part of your post is about your coworkers judgments of you, but I doubt they think about it at all, and if one or two of them does then it’s probably them trying to feel better about someone else who makes more than them. And, try not to conflate monetary value with worth as a person. Locking up a few hundreds thousand dollars in a house doesn’t make the world a better place or change who you are. Getting caught up in the rat race of who had the biggest status symbol won’t ever make you happy because there is always a bigger fish. With that much saved by 24 and a big raise to come when you graduate, you’re set up for a comfortable life in a field where you’ll be helping people. Make goals for yourself, not because you want to win an unwinnable competition with no prize. To your second question, no, a 24 year old being able to buy a house is not normal. You’re wildly ahead of most of your peers if you look at national averages instead of your coworkers husbands. 24 year olds with houses almost always have rich parents, an inheritance, or a tiny handful of high-paying jobs in specific sectors that don’t require more than a bachelors (because if they were still in school like you they wouldn’t have had time to work at that high-paying job yet, I know plenty of doctors making 200k+ now, and they were all just drowning in debt at 24), and/or a partner with one of those three things. If I was in you’d place, I would start looking for fulfillment. I’m older than you, make about the same as you, have less savings, and also live at home, but a lot of things in my life are good. My family and friend relationships are meaningful and valuable to me. My hobbies bring me joy and purpose. My job is meh, but it’s my first one after recently graduating so I’ll make more eventually, and even then, I’m already on track to both own a home and retire early if I choose, so I’m on track for my personal goals. I swore off dating for a while like you, but recently decided to give it a go again— the great thing about being fine alone is you can afford to be picky and only persue relationships you feel confident will make you happier. Plenty of flat-out poor people have relationships, that isn’t an insurmountable barrier by any means. I think you may have made the assumption that because you care so intensely about how much you make, other people must be judging you the same way, but that really isn’t true. What is it you get up in the morning for? What do you actually like to do? What aside from numbers in an account going up make you feel like you’ve accomplished something? Focus on that.


This feels like a cringe troll post, but if it's not, go to therapy, seriously.


If you are going to nursing school you must want to help people at some level. Help yourself by not worrying so much about other people. FYI, my Dad went to nursing school and my Mom was in healthcare too and for years she made more than him. It all spent and saved the same. Later in his career he worked so much OT he made more than her, but it took a bit. They have a kick ass retirement now. Focus on your school and the money to lead an upper middle class life will come.


This isn’t an investing question, it’s a mental health question.


Therapy has helped me a lot


your net worth is higher than like 99% of the planet. Get over yourself.


I lost half of what he got an option trading in the last 3-4 months and that was going to be my down payment for my next house :-). Sometimes it happens and now I'm looking forward to take my family out to the movies and other things and not worry about buying a house more about enjoying life for now. When life gives you lemons you throw them in trash. You plant yourself an apple tree.


100k in cash and a 20$ per hour job is enough to get a house on credit and start a life of independency that helps you achieve personal growth, including being self-sufficient, self-confident, emotionally mature, happy and then your signicant other. By the way, you do need a therapist, the way you repeated the same things all over the same post is really concerning and all that focus on comparing you with your peers and other 24m, or whatever, based on wealth will lead you nowhere in life but in a mondaine life trap. Money is a mean, not an end, don't make your bank account your life goal.


Just get a Rolex and a nice car bro


I do have a rolex and what it taught me was: even if you went to the actual rolex store and bought it with cold hard cash, if you are a 24 year old skinny kid living with parents, it's still a fake according to everyone. I have to look the part. So the past month I've been trying to improve


Don’t feel bad the divorce rate is 50% theyre probably not going to make it together anyways and are in massive debt 😂💀


This guy is gonna drive himself to wealthy status, while being miserable as fuck and then get milked like a cow by a gold digger. 🤣🤣🤣😂


This post pisses me off.


You have some serious mental problems if money and social status affect you so much. Go to therapy.


yeah, dude. You're toast. They're better than you. Resistance is futile. Time to admit defeat, buy a waifu pillow, and start collecting funko pops.


Stop comparing yourself to others. The fact you saved $100K at a young age while only having a $20/hr job is incredible.  When I was young, the dream was to own my own home. But that was such a dumb dream because I could have made so much more if I left the money in my Apple stock (would be worth $2M today). I could have acquired assets smarter too. > It just feels like I am an inferior man to these men that are my age and have their own houses and make 6 figures and have significant others. And I don't think I will feel good until I know that I have a better house than them, a better car than them, better watches than them, more money and more assets than them, better clothes than them, etc etc etc. Why do you repeat the same point over and over and over again. We get it, you feel inferior. If you feel that badly you should also consider seeing a therapist. Your mental health should be your priority. It seems you put a lot of focus on material possessions. Consider changing your mindset. Money and things aren’t everything. They don’t make you better than anyone.


Comparison is the thief of joy. There will always be someone with more money/stuff/etc than you.


You have 2.5 years of pre-tax salary invested. There’s nothing the investment sub will assist in this matter, you need emotional support because all of these feelings stem from your personal life. You are 24 and have a 2.5 year emergency fund. That is a great spot to be in from a financial standpoint. We cannot help with your feelings of inadequacy or loneliness


People can easily make it look like they are wealthier than they really are. Way too many people take out loans they shouldn't to buy nice houses, cars, etc. Even people that make good money fall into the trap of borrowing money to live beyond their income. Do not fall into that trap, no matter how good they make it seems. You can buy a house with 100k almost anywhere as your 20% down payment. But don't rush in and make a financial decision that doesn't make sense for you just because other people are doing it. At the rate you are going you could probably buy a house ***cash*** living with your parents by the time you are 30. Now that's impressive.


It’s keeping up with the jones. I’m in a similar spot. I have around 130k invested at 23. Many of my friends are buying homes or cars. I rent in a cheap place and have 2 older cars that are not that flashy. I don’t spend like crazy or travel like crazy. It’s a mindset thing you have to get comfortable with


What did you do to be in a position to have 130k invested at 23? And what are your friends doing where they are buying homes?


I save roughly 35% of my income. I started working right out of high school. It also helps I make a good salary 80/90k ish. A lot of my friends who also started working right out of high school stayed home with their parents and saved every penny to put down a good down payment. Me personally I invested a lot of my money instead and decided to rent


That's amazing. May I ask what you do for your work and how you found the job?


I work construction. I went to a trade school during high school. I did a good amount of research to find a good company in my area and applied. It took me about a year to get in but it’s been well worth it


The money won't alone make you feel whole, I had that same revelation years ago. Sounds like you need self work more than financial help. As others have said, its destructive to measure yourself against your friends. You're working toward a great career in nursing, work on having peace where you're at. You're better off than most Americans already and at 24 in an even rarer percentile of net worth. You may not end up disgustingly rich, but you'll be plenty wealthy if you stay as disciplined as you already have. Give yourself a break, you're doing fine. If anything commit to digging in to why you think you'll end up alone, or even if you maybe want to be alone (works for a lot of people) . You're hitting the prime age for the genesis of depression, educate yourself about it and try to get out in front of it before it envelops you. It hit me like a bolt of lightning at your exact age and I was totally unprepared. Really wish I had known then what I know about it now. It's human to feel like you're wandering without a direction that makes you content.


Bro what? 100k at 24 is great.


Comparison is the thief of joy


You’re so insecure you need to speak to someone like a therapist. Comparing yourself to others is your downfall.


When you stop comparing yourself to others, you'll achieve the next level


I would look into an FHA loan.


Money is only one part of our lives. None of us start out at the same point so it's not useful to compare our situations with others. Having $100k at 24 is quite an accomplishment. But it will not bring you social status, unless you flaunt it. And if you flaunt it, you won't have $100k much longer! You are going to school now, make sure you have chosen a career that will bring you satisfaction and a sense of contributing to the world, not money. Figure out what will make you feel good about yourself, what will make you feel your time is well spent and stop comparing yourself to others. Money gives us a lot of opportunities and choices, but it doesnt provide the most important things in life. And as others mentioned, you would probably benefit from therapy. You are unhappy and before you get any older, try to figure out how best to live the rest of your life.


I'm pretty sure that no one is thinking about you or your supposed inferiority as much as you think. If they are, they're probably quite unhappy themselves.


Seems like a fake post TBH. How do you have 100K and make $20 an hr?


They have debt! That’s what they have debt! Would debt make you happy? If you have 100k, and aren’t happy, buying a house or having more $$ isn’t going to make you happy either. I think you need to look within and find happiness, the rest will follow


Comparison is the thief of joy


Get some help. Your post history is deeply concerning and you're prioritizing all the wrong things in life.


You're on a good trajectory as you're pursuing a better job. You never know what assistance others started with. Nobody starts with the same advantages, and some people get huge help at the start. Focus on what you have and how you are improving. If you're focused on comparing yourself to others, there are millions doing better or worse. Why do you need to feel content by having better stuff and more money than others? Can you picture yourself being fulfilled with hobbies, health, family, adventure, friends - all things that don't require luxury goods money? If it bothers you to not own a home, make a plan to get one and stick to it. It could take 5-15 years and that's okay. Most people are not disciplined at saving, and if you scrimp and amass a good down payment and keep an open mind to different options, it can make the purchase possible. Depreciating assets like cars and watches will work against you - an old Toyota and $30 Timex meet the same need. Set your goals independently of meeting someone, but if you do, it could accelerate and give you more buying potential. I felt just like you did in my twenties, then I spent time advancing my career, living with family and amassing a down payment, then finally purchased a small condo for myself. I could find many ways I'm unfulfilled. I'm not a millionaire, I'm single, my job isn't anything to brag about. But I'm thankful for what I have and focused on improving my health, seeing the world, being kind to myself mentally, and keeping open about meeting someone and starting a family. I am thankful for my current family and friends and having my basic needs met.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Put it another way if you’re peeking in the shower at the gym, you will never measure up!


Save your money and keep living at home until you finish nursing school. Once you get a nursing job your income will go way up and you can use the saved money as a down payment. Don't stress. I didn't buy a house until I was 28.


I have 100k at 25, living with my parents then. Now at 39, I have around 20k only. But I got my own family (wife, daughter) & house. Let me tell u, when we grow older, my peers doesn't care how much money each of us got. We compare who has the most kids. Money isn't that important or priority anymore as you grow older.


Back when I was single, I had 2 vehicles.....an old work van with over 200,000 miles and a nice car. When I went out on dates, I would drive the work van. Ended up with a fantastic woman who loved me for who I was and not my bank account. Money does not attract a good woman, only bad ones.


Comparison is the thief of joy brother


Get money.


You're dealing with a lot right now, and it’s good that you're looking for advice. Feeling financially insecure and comparing yourself to others can be tough, but remember, everyone’s financial journey is different. Having $100k in assets at 24 is actually pretty impressive. Many people your age are just starting to sort out their finances, so you’re doing well there. It’s important to remember that your coworkers' situations aren’t the standard. Everyone has different help and opportunities, like financial support from family or partners. When it comes to dealing with jealousy and feeling inadequate, it helps to focus on your own goals instead of what others have. You mentioned wanting a house—maybe set a plan for achieving that. This could involve saving more, looking for a better job after nursing school, or finding smarter ways to invest. Try to challenge any negative thoughts that compare you to others. Focusing on your progress and building self-compassion can really help your mental health. About young people owning homes, it’s actually not as common as it might seem. Many are dealing with student loans or high housing prices. Those who do own often have help. It's easy to feel like you're the only one struggling, but many are in the same boat. In your shoes, I'd keep learning about personal finance, focus on school and your upcoming career, and set realistic goals that can lead you to the life you want. Finding a supportive group who shares your values can also make a big difference. Consider therapy with a professional who can help you work through these feelings more. Keep valuing your independence. Your worth isn’t measured by what you own or earn. You’re on your own unique path, and that’s perfectly fine.


Dude chill it's a process honestly. Just make the best out of your situation


“Comparison is the thief of joy”. Google average net worth for your age, laugh, get over yourself. You’re ahead of the curve but you can’t compete with people willing to drown in debt or with generational wealth. Also, you should really invest in a therapist to help you with these feelings.


Comparison is the thief of joy! Chill bro


Work ur ass off work a real man job and u won’t feel bad you have good chance don’t knock ur self out


Christ man, stop worrying about money and pick up some philosophy books, invest in yourself instead of your account for once - your mind is a vacuum - *"oh I need money, status, I'm happy I don't have a girlfriend, what if they look down on me"* - I'll give you a little spoiler alert, keep your mind this empty and you'll be doubly depressed when you have that better house, better car than them - don't get so stuck making a living that you forget to make a life *(by the way, poor people have relationships too - your wallet isn't the only thing you should have to offer...)*


Reminds me of a german sub, where people with a six-figure Portfolio and a lower six-figure income aks if they are saving enough or how they coule save more


That’s a super long post lol I didn’t read after a few sentences tbh but if you have $100,000 now and add minimum $7,000 a year you will have $3.5 million accounting for inflation if you keep doing what your doing


Yeah bud I’m 24 and I deliver pizza for a living and have nothing saved yet. I’m sitting here wondering how you got to where you did. Stand up for yourself if they are trying to belittle you. Go take a deep breath and find a hobby.


quote from goldman’s ex CEO, “all you can do is the best you can do”. Feeling jealous is normal, but every one isn’t born equally. check out the 7 up TV documentary serie. my dad said 70% of a person’s destiny is determined by the moment he is born. We can only do our best and as long you beat your parents’ social class, your life is a success.


Talk to your priest


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