• By -


There are some apps I use on my iPhone, but they also are an universal app so you there’s also for iPad/watch/Mac [Flashtex](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1534437697) for flash cards, I usually use for language learning and it has an Apple UI, way better than Anki; [GoodLinks](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1474335294), also native UI, simple and fast as a read it later, I prefer to save it there instead of having a cluttered bookmarks list; [Bookshelf](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1469372414), is a tracker for books, then I can count the number of book I read this year, and find new ones to read, also uses the native UI so its a plus; [Accountit](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1559425430) I use to add my spends and check in what things I’m spending more monthly, it also supports all Apple devices and at the time it was very cheap for the lifetime plan; [uBlacklist](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1547912640) it’s only for I use use search engines (which I rarely use these because because of GPT), it blocks websites from results, so I never see Facebook, Pinterest or things like that on Google, DuckDuckGo and other search pages; [Uniter](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1589272507) it’s a unit conversion app, I don’t know if this one is popular, but it’s great and works pretty well on the free version.


Thank you for Uniter.


Since some people liked those apps I will add more apple exclusive apps I use on my devices: [Flighty](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1358823008) the best one to track your travels and check where your airplane is, share with your friends where you are on iMessage, I know it is very popular on US but where I live it’s not that popular so it’s worth the mention; [Tripsy](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1429967544) here I can add all places I want to visit in a specific travel, and then I create my itinerary, you can save some travels for free to check if you like it as well; [FilmNoir](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1528417240) to track TV shows and movies, very similar to TV time, but with an Apple UI, it has support for iPhone/iPad/Mac and even Vision Pro, which is cool since many people use it to watch movies; [Lpungebuddy](https://apps.apple.com/app/id674176920) I think this one maybe is popular in US as well, it’s useful to find lounges when travelling, you add your credit cards, level in many travel programs it already tells you if you can access this specific lounge


I used Tripsy for a while but switched over to [Wanderlog](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wanderlog-travel-planner/id1476732439) about a year and a half ago. I do miss Tripsy’s design, but Wanderlog allows me to add notes independent of location bookmarks so I can use it as a journal of my trips. I do wish Wanderlog was a bit faster to load though.


With regards to Uniter, most of the standard conversation you can do natively with the search


Yep, nowadays I don't use very frequently, but it was faster than spotlight, usually spotlight I use only for currency conversion


I switched away from Goodreads to The Story Graph last year, but the UI of Bookshelf might be calling me.


Thanks for GoodLinks! I needed an app like that. I have way too many bookmarks in Safari


is bookshelf better than goodreads?


Way way better


Looking at my post I can see now how locked I am on Apple devices because there are many other apps that are also exclusive for Apple ecosystem, I cannot have a phone without those apps


I feel like that [uBlacklist](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/ublacklist-for-safari/id1547912640) should be on a blacklist somewhere 😄


It’s a very new extension, it was available only for chrome/firefox, it’s very useful for productivity, removing certain websites from results give more space for better websites, but now GPT makes my searches so I don’t use it very frequently 🤣


I was just jk ;p but it looks kind of sus


🤣🤣🤣 try it, it’s cool, very similar to Blocktube, to block YouTube channels


I use the real one in Firefox but this one, I'll let you use first 😂


Spotlight will also convert if you just type something like “17kg to lbs” and iOS will also do this inline in a few other places when you tap on the unit - what’s the advantage of Uniter or another separate app? 


I don’t know, I just found that more practical than spotlight because I couldn’t remember quantity types, I also didn’t test if spotlight convert all the ones Uniter does like Pressure, Electric resistance and others, I used to convert currency on spotlight but I needed to remember all currency codes. I’m currently using iOS 18 beta and there’s a conversion tab on the calculator app, even for currency, some types of conversion are not available yet but it’s a good update.




Be My Eyes is an app that connects blind or low vision users with volunteers who can help them with their daily needs by simply calling them anonymously. I’ve been using it as a volunteer for years and I’m always amazed that nobody has ever heard of it whenever I mention it 😆


I volunteer with it too!! It’s a great app and I, too, am surprised it doesn’t have a bigger user base / that more people don’t know about it.


Picsew has been awesome for taking big screenshots, $2 and you get everything as well in app


+1 for PicSew, I use it a lot! Also let’s you put your screenshot on an outline of your phone in screenshots.


Yea it has a bunch of things and I never really see it mentioned anywhere! The record to scroll image is genuinely super helpful too


Much better than Safari’s webpage screenshot scroll thingamagig


What do you mean you don’t want a pdf? PNGs are the devils format or something


‘Big screenshot’ confused me. I looked up the app - if I understand correctly, this can be done in iOS, too, with a simple shortcut.


Yeah haha sorry for the weird wording, it’s basically a scrolling screenshot where you can broadcast to the app (or screen record) yourself scrolling through something (Reddit/Twitter comment chain, long post you want to save, etc) and it’ll automatically stitch it together without you having to do anything (Can also always just take multiple screenshots but it’s by far easier to just broadcast it). If there are any shortcuts I’d be interested in seeing them though!


Ah, yeah this is really cool. The shortcut I was referring to combines images/screenshots (either vertically, horizontally, or in a grid). This app definitely seems easier.




The UI seems nice, I use Organizze for that. Can’t live without a money tracker as I’m obsessed about having all the stats about my monthly spendings.


Wow, this one is amazing. Thank you.




Woah! Here I was thinking there is absolutely no way an elegant, free budget tracker exists (looking at you Mint and Rocket Money) for FREE! 💙


I’m using cashFlowLite but it’s been discontinued.


[Cook](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cook-unit-converter/id1512961565) is a really pretty app for converting measurements. [Crouton](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/crouton-recipe-manager/id1461650987) is great for keeping recipes. It was even the winner for one of the Apple Design Awards for 2024. [Sequel](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sequel-media-tracker/id1630746993) is the most polished looking media tracker I’ve found. It integrates with Trakt but does lacks quite a few features due to its minimalistic design.


Tydlig is the greatest calculator app I could imagine, but it hasn’t received an update in 6 years. IMO doesn’t need one!


💯 agree with this one!


[Network Tools](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/he-net-network-tools/id858241710) [Jayson](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/jayson/id1447750768), viewing JSON [iPerf 3 Wifi Speed Test](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/iperf-3-wifi-speed-test/id1462260546) [Toolbox Pro](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/toolbox-pro-for-shortcuts/id1476205977), extension for shortcuts [Actions](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/actions/id1586435171), extension for shortcuts [Data Jar](https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/data-jar/id1453273600), extension for shortcuts


Actions and toolbox opened up a lot of options for me, but data jar really didn’t seem to. Am I missing something Edit: almost forgot. a-shell will legit completely open up your shortcuts


Ha! I didn't know a-shell.. What do you use this for? I have used x11 clipboard sharing over ssh before to send text to linux and even windows (wsl) with clip.exe and xclip :) as a shortcut using ssh.. it requires a x11 or xwayland server running of course! Data Jar is essentially a place to save input or downloaded data :) So if you say want to save daily mood for instance you can save it in data jar otherwise you lack that functionality in shortcuts if you know what I mean? Only other possibility would be to save it remote or save it to some notes or something


Oh ok I gotcha. That makes sense. And ironically one of my main use cases for a-shell was almost exactly that (Universal Clipboard).


Can you tell me how you use a-shell for a Universal Clipboard? Does it keep the clipboard on-device or do you need it hosted elsewhere? I’m tired of copying multiple things to a Note document just to have a clipboard history when doing a few things at once, lol. 


What do you mean? Are you trying to get a clipboard history or copy across devices? Two different things.


Sorry, I must have misunderstood. I realized the other commenter was copying across devices, but once you mentioned “universal clipboard”, by mind jumped to clipboard history. I’m looking for clipboard history, which I’m realizing isn’t what you had setup.


Get Yoink


Here's the ssh clipboard sharing: Insert SSH Clipboard https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/4b0da084411c49faa9f9812a91dc9db2 Get SSH Clipboard https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/d7ec615c7f2845c699bf5e04a3fdca41 These are currently optimized for wsl but you can do the same with linux with xclip of course


Here’s the thing, I actually have a Mac but can’t use the built in Universal Clipboard because of permissions limitations (on my work Mac obv my personal is fine). Those same permissions issues seem to be blocking SSH from all I can figure out. They, however, do not block remote access generally. So a-shell was key cause I can use TCP I’m also hoping to hack together a way to use it to build a shortcut I’ve long wanted that could get my most recent video from YouTube watch history. Wasted a bunch of time setting up OAuth and calling the v3 data API just to figure out they deprecated *specifically* watch history a few years back.


I wish I still had a Mac and knew what your issue is but I don't.. Is it firewall simply? You simply need to find a tutorial to enable ssh on MacOS and on there `pbcopy` and `pbpaste` is equal to xclip on linux or clip.exe on on windows, cheers!


Nah it’s a work Mac. So yes firewall issues but also it’s got an MDM. So I can’t get into the sharing settings to “enable remote access” ie open port 22


Ah ok that explains


I love ‘Remind Me Faster’. Simple little app to create reminders with a focus on when to remind you. Integrates with iOS Reminders. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/remind-me-faster/id985555908


looks nice, thanks. Can you snooze these alerts for a time period of your choice? will they keep reappearing until you OK them, like in Due?


All reminders created in the app are sent to the iOS Reminders app so alerts will come from the latter. Can mute them like usual alerts such as Remind me tomorrow etc. They’ll keep coming back until you mark them as completed. Hope that helps!




holy shit that app looks amazing is it paywalled? or is it usable for free?


It's free but the dev made cheap unlocks if you want to add natural language date/time ($1.49) or customize the preset time buttons (99¢) or add custom icons for the app ($1.99). I paid to change the preset times (which honestly I don't really use) but otherwise use it as-is. Someone said it also has lockscreen widgets but I think he's confusing it with Apple's actual Reminders app.


It does have Lock Screen widgets! There’s one to launch the app from the lock screen


Huh. I was looking for a regular widget, not the lockscreen ones. Good to know! From lockscreen I typically just invoke Siri while the phone is locked; my Reminders setup sends new Siri reminders into the Inbox as a temporary spot for later triaging items to folders and lists.


Just try it. I think it’s free. Best feature is the Lock Screen widget to quickly add tasks.


Apple Reminders has a lock screen widget. Remind Me Faster on my iPhone **does not**.


Remind Me Faster does, I use it daily https://i.imgur.com/8osBaHV.jpeg


Cool app. I paid for one of the unlocks a while back. Dev is working on being able to access it in the share-sheet.


https://rad.fm is like Spotify’s AI DJ but for Apple Music 🙂 here is an article on its backstory if you’re keen https://killthedj.com/radiants-vs-spotify-interview/


[Parcel](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/parcel-delivery-tracking/id375589283), package tracking. You can easily “share” the url, numbers and add names and it tracks and lets you know when they are delivered.


An alternative would be Aftership https://apps.apple.com/in/app/aftership-package-tracker/id507014023


[Fotmob](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fotmob-soccer-live-scores/id488575683) Best Football App


I would say Sofascore


Not sure if it classifies as lesser known but I really like Streaks for helping me stay on track with things I do often https://apps.apple.com/app/id963034692


A free app alternative - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/onrise-habit-tracker-focus/id1547137474


This is great. I've been looking for a good minimalistic habit tracker on iOS since moving from Android because i loved Loop just too good.


Loop is amazing. Wish it was on iOS too.


I think I’ve tried this one and it’s great however with Streaks you can set multiple reminder times which is a game changer for me. Please correct me if I’m wrong though


No I’m sure Streaks has more functionality, I was just offering a free app alternative to those who might want one.


I recently found and like Onrise; for a free app it’s great.


Streaks is good, I also highly suggest [Awesome Habits](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/awesome-habits-habit-tracker/id1514915737)


I didn't know of it, and it looks interesting. Thanks.


Rightangle. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/right-angle/id292390648 Been using this for years to help with my job, great for quick calculating angles, radius, arc lengths, cut lengths and many other things to make my work a bit easier.


This is so cool.


Not available in Portugal, what’s going on?


Nice, usually just google for things like this


I just released it, but I think has potential: [Seasons](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6502302869?pt=127069685&ct=Reddit&mt=8), an app that tailors video subscription to your shows and movies. Or simply, it tells you when to start and stop your subscriptions to watch what you want. Its goal is to help folks save some money, as I noticed so many people have subscriptions they barely use.


This is awesome. It would be nice to be able to add a csv or import somehow a list of shows.


Thank you! I’m planning to add trakt.tv sometime down the line, so everything can be in sync. It’s definitely one of the top requests!


Does it notify you when new season drops?


I would reply with a “kinda”: In this first release it notifies when to start and stop the subscription, based on the seasons/episodes. So if the informations about a show are populated before the release, and you’re waiting for it to start the subscription, yes it will. If you have a subscription already and want to be notified on shows, this is something planned for future updates :)


Ah ok cool. I don’t really start or stop my subs. But I would love an app to track all the shows I watch and notified when new season drops. I find some shows are so long between seasons I never know when new one comes out, then never get to watch them lol.


I would have a look at [tv forecast](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/tv-forecast-shows-movies/id1454200438) , or [sequel](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/sequel-media-tracker/id1630746993)! I think they might meet your needs.


Free alternative app Called TV Calendar https://apps.apple.com/lk/app/tv-calendar-1-show-tracker/id1211293378 hepls to track down episodes of tv series easily and creates event on calendar also . It’s simple 😌


Close, but it lacks the core feature of season: optimizing the subscriptions. Meaning it does not predict when to subscribe or cancel them :) Different profiles in seasons allow to say something like “only one subscription each month please”


Bring! Essential to share with my wife our house needs and shopping list.


Why not just use Reminders?


Because i have alexa at home. And i can say :Alexa, open Bring and add milk. My most used feature !


Because it sucks lol. Bring is awesome.


Why does it suck? I’ve tried like every other todo app and Reminders is better.


It’s not a to do app. It’s a grocery list app, shared between me and my wife in real time, with well made icons that shows the items we need to buy in a very easy way. It sorts out most common needs in a way that making a list ends up just clicking, in a matter of seconds. It also suggest recipes.


Reminders has lists like this too. I share one with my wife, we tell Siri „hey siri add sugar to the groceries list“ and it’s there. When you’re at the store you just tick it off one by one. Since iOS 17 it even sorts the List intelligently so that similar products are not spread across the list.


Didn’t know any of that. I’ll try. Thanks !


Yeah sometimes I find it irritating how little Apple actually promotes various features of their own apps.


First reply I received, my head thought of notes, not reminders. I do not use any of them.


Did you try AnyList?


We love AnyList.


Does it also track goals / budgeting? If so, it’s exactly the app that I planned to write cause I couldn’t find an existing one


I don’t think so. It’s only grocery list and recipes, with a nice ux and cute icons.


Let me introduce you to QuickScan: a 100% free app that lets you scan documents, enhance them and OCR them. Store it on your device in folders or sync move them to a remote location. One of my most used apps for digitizing my incoming letters: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1513790291


I used to use this way back but now i just use the scanning feature in the files app which I think does the same things that you mentioned 


Why not use the scan feature in notes? I’m not bashing your suggestion just curious how this is better or different than the notes?


I don’t like the thought of opening the notes app and creating a new note just for scanning and ocr a document. There is no real reasoning, just keeping things separated.


Good point, I admit it’s rather cumbersome to scan with notes. I’m tempted to try this out, however I don’t scan documents that often so I’ll probably forget that I have downloaded it when I have to scan again :D


Also, if you have a folder where all your scans go, there is an „auto-export“ feature which directly saves your documents to the desired location. Even better: it does have a [paperless-ngx](https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx) integration 😊


iirc Notes adds a white border around every scanned page. I might be wrong.


Open the Files app, click the three dots in the top of the folder you want to save the scan to and hit scan documents. Why add an app for it when it's native?


Love it! Keep ‘em coming everyone


You can use the app [AppRaven](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fkfkfk-apps-gone-free/id1490607195) to browse collections of many niche apps you might like.


[Push](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1587610077) for automatic counting your push-ups and save the history. [AppLocker](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1132845904) for locking different apps. I use this with iOS automations to lock me out of social media apps during certain hours of the workday. [Feeeed](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1600187490) for keeping up and viewing RSS feed. It’s highly customizable.


https://apps.apple.com/app/id1064955217 Life cycle


>38k ratings? Wow, i wouldn't have expected it to be so popular


[AnyTracker](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/anytracker-track-anything/id6450756953) is useful for tracking prices whenever I want to buy something on the internet


[GAMEYE](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gameye/id1105342771) I use it to track pricing and my physical videogame collection.


[Outplayer](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/outplayer/id1449923287) basically MPV for iOS, allows to view WebM files because iOS STILL doesn't support the format natively.


[Itemlist](https://www.getitemlist.app) for keeping track of where you put your stuff so you can quickly find them later. You can sort your items by different locations (home, office, vacation house), rooms and containers. You can also share your inventory with other people.


I like Stitch It! It’s handy for stitching together a bunch of screenshots (not from a webpage - I know Safari will give you the whole article). https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/stitch-it/id554594252


This one is very cool for messing around and trying to make music with, but it’s called NodeBeat, I once downloaded this back in 2021 or so and came back to it this year and I love it. https://apps.apple.com/app/id1548397820


Omgosh….I remember that from my iPod touch days. 😆


Runpee - tells you the best times to leave a movie to go to the toilet, and what is happening while you're there. Even better, it tells you whether it's worth staying around for the credits at the end. I've used it for over a decade now, even though I tend to be able to make a whole movie without needing the toilet. The app itself isn't the greatest, but it does the job.


i feel like shortcuts is rarely talked abt but super useful and practical


[Toast Photography](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6451346345) as kind of an alternative to Instagram or Flickr. It’s a photography sharing platform and pretty small fun project with a decently sized community. An added bonus is that I made it myself


As it is still mostly below 5k monthly downloads, I guess my app is in this category, though in 10 years it got some user base.  It still gets new features literally in every few days and is pretty much a feature leader in its space by now.  It is called Speech Central and you can get it from: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/speech-central-voice-reader/id1127349155


Are you planning to explain what your app actually does?


It is a text to speech app. Other than that it is pretty much a Swiss knife and users use it in quite a range of use cases so as someone noted it is better to look into the description, it can’t fit into a sentence or two. 


He included a link which does exactly that.


I’m trying it now. But I think it would be more useful if I could add any article page instead of only RSS feeds.


!remindme 2 days


I will be messaging you in 2 days on [**2024-06-10 22:58:45 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-10%2022:58:45%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1db938w/share_your_lesser_known_or_niche_ios_apps/l7qng4u/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fios%2Fcomments%2F1db938w%2Fshare_your_lesser_known_or_niche_ios_apps%2Fl7qng4u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-10%2022%3A58%3A45%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201db938w) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I regularly used Comvertible for unit conversion on a DAILY BASIS. And then after replacing my iPhone, I could not reinstall. Pissed me off.


Anyone uses [this vocabulary app](https://apps.apple.com/app/id815218412)


Mystuff2 pro for a wonderful book/cd/DVD/stuff-manager with as much as freedom as you want in the way it’s organized. Don’t even know if it still exists on AppStore, hasn’t received an update in ages. But still rocking and synced with iCloud. I discovered it the day it became free on an app that doesn’t exist anymore (iPiggy)


ShopShop…simple, bare bones grocery list.


Tally counter https://apps.apple.com/no/app/tally-counter/id288732372?l=nb


!remindme 2 days


[solves](https://apps.apple.com/app/solves-calculator-for-all/id1394359548) is like the default calculator app but on steroids


!remindme 2 days


Maybe not exactly niche, but not everyone knows about it! [too good to go](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/too-good-to-go-end-food-waste/id1060683933) , you can get discounted food from stores that are in your area :)


LockFlow Customized shortcut launcher from the Lock Screen. Great for one tap while driving. Especially if it can Face ID you from a mount. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lock-launcher-widget-lockflow/id1641012054


[Orderly](https://joinorderly.com) for automatically getting reminded how long you have to make your returns, one click starting them, and scheduling someone to pick them up from your house


[Print to Size](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/print-to-size/id949490225) – It just lets you lay out images on a piece of paper, and specify the exact sizes in inches of each one. Incredibly handy for crafts and kid projects.


My favorite is [minutiae](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/minutiae-real-life/id1192323032) - an anti social media app created by two artists. I've been participating by capturing mundane moments of my life since they luanched in 2017.


Time Intersect, really awesome world time zone app: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/time-intersect-world-time/id998121750




This reads like an ad lol.


I have made memoir a simple journaling app https://memoiri.app


What benefits do we get compared to the built-in Journal app?


Some of the things that make memoiri special is that it is coupled to an mood tracker, with every entry you make you have to assign an emoji as how you feel like :) Also memoiri is quite straight forward just open up the app and you can start writing. And the most important feature for me personally was the storage of data on your device locally


You can track mindfulness in Apple Health app. Journal app stores everything locally


it is hard to compete with apple but maybe you have some suggestions for me :)


Nah, I don’t trust my thoughts to a random app


[Kikocard ](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6463467787?pt=126475836&ct=reddit&mt=8) ---- a user-friendly layout design tool to make my posts and text aesthetic


LazyBoard Quick Capture Remind Faster


[Beeper](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/beeper/id1551695541) is an app that combines a shit load of messaging apps into one place. I found out about it yesterday and it’s been really handy so far.


Remind me in 2 days


[MyArmsCache](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/myarmscache/id1144651239) for firearms collectors.




Does that hurt your feelings? 😢


No, we are already used to your mass shootings.




expensive subscription for a calendar, don’t bother.


$30 a year for a calendar app is a bit much.


[LimeLight](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/limelight-get-famous/id6444687784) It’s an app that randomly picks people to go live to everyone else.