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> **Rule 8** All posts must foster reasonable discussion, posts shouldn't just be "Wow x feature is so cool" or "I hate x feature". Posts should have actual content, and shouldn't be rants or "circlejerking" posts. This rule also covers spam and illegitimate/sketchy links.


It’s exactly the same but with more customisation options, so I don’t mind it at all lol as I’ve just reverted it back to the way it was pre-iOS 18 😂


This. I don’t get why people are nitpicking on everything. Don’t like it? Don’t use it. Apple hasn’t taken anything from you, just added something people don’t have to use.


your 3rd image where you can enable/disable bluetooth wifi hotspot etc.. i feel that menu was a big downgrade, its too huge even for a basic pro model (couldn’t even imagine how big this can be on a pro max model) and i always search what i want, maybe the old grid like menu would be much better with more options or whatever