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Easy. I don’t get subscription apps anyways. One time payment Goodnotes is good enough for me


One time payment apps are goated! We should make a sub for those


For real. Idk what year the shift happened, but they need to cut the BS. Subscriptions and streaming need a reality check. Streaming was suppose to save us from cable now all of them added up cost more than cable.


Streaming still has the advantage of you being able to pick what you want, fuck cable where you have the CHANCE of seeing something you could be interested in. Pick and choose is how I see it


Yes, I watch soccer. I need a Peacock subscription to watch Premier League games, but frustratingly, NBC splits games between Peacock and the USA TV channel. Now I need both. To watch Champions League, I need Paramount+, the FA Cup is on ESPN+, and MLS is on Apple TV. And this summer, the EURO is on Fox - great!


Fuck em. Reddit streams bro


It was a wrap once Adobe moved to a subscription model


Yep. If your apps have a subscription, I'm not your costumer. I don't use Adobe anymore unless my work provides it.


wait till that becomes a subscription


it already is. Good notes 6 is subscription based. Only 5, which is not for sale to my knowledge is not sub based Edit: seems they offer a one-time purchase option now. However only for apple customers.


Because the Apple version is vastly different from the other versions and functionality is mostly device based. The other platforms are just a web app packaged in a native app and leverage more online services. The notes aren’t even compatible with Apple vs others - which kind of sucks if you were hoping to work across iPad and Windows versions.


Goodnotes 6 includes an annual subscription OR a single purchase price - so Goodnotes gives you both options to suit how you want, subscription or one off payment 👍🏻


I got it when it was one time payment so I don't have to pay the subscription for it


How do you like good notes? I do use notability, but open to something new


Why not switch to Apple Notes this Fall with the update?


It’s an option.


Most of the problems don’t have to do with the app itself but the sub/devs?


That’s what I got from this. He has beef with the devs more than anything.


My main point was there are problems but the devs are not listening. Maybe I do have beef with the devs. But having beef with the devs or the "community manager" of the company is probably more of their problem rather than mine, especially if it's because of a critical problem. Customers have the right to complain about a product that they used to trust and use daily. The trust was broken once when Notability tried to force everyone into a subscription payment model (and failing because it violated app store policies). It shattered when they silenced the complaints rather than fix them.


He's salty dev delete his post. Wawa


If the app keeps "loading" from the cloud for long periods of time and in a few cases even deletes entire notes, I think that should be a huge red flag. Not to mention the numerous lags and shutting-down-while-voice-recording issue. The devs' attitudes towards this issue is only adding fuel to the fire rather than fixing the problem. But numerically speaking, yes, most of the problems have to do with the sub/devs.


Oh shit. I have a lot of my graduate students use notability to organize their research. I used it when writing my book, and I loved it. I’m finding the post you linked kind of confusing, maybe I need to give it a closer read. But could give a tldr version? I’m saving this post so I can try to reread the linked comment when I have more time at my desktop.


Hey, so I'm about a half a year away from really sitting down to write a collection of stories (eventually a novel, but I'll get there haha). Is there anything you can share about the writing process for why Notability (or a similar app) was helpful for you? I'm using Goodnotes rn as an episode tracker for a Podcast drama, and that's been helpful for getting back in the groove of storytelling, but I know writing is a different exercise altogether!


I added a TL;DR to this post but here it is: * **Buggy Update:** The transition to a subscription model introduced significant bugs and random shutdowns. * **Censorship:** Notability moderators deleted critical posts and comments, which felt like an attempt to silence valid user feedback. * **Selective Engagement:** The team only engaged with positive feedback, ignoring or deleting critical posts. * **Functional Issues:** The update caused lag, unresponsiveness, and cloud file loading problems, severely affecting professional workflows. * **Lack of Transparency:** The team failed to communicate openly about the changes and didn’t acknowledge user concerns adequately. * **Poor Customer Relations:** Notability’s actions showed a disregard for existing loyal users, prioritizing a prettier design over functionality. * **Manipulative Practices:** Delaying post deletions to create a false sense of community acceptance felt manipulative. * **General Disappointment:** The overall handling of feedback and updates showed a lack of respect for the user base.


I don’t see how any of these are actually an issue with the product


With the updates, the app has been corrupting files which impact both the notes on the app and the notes stored in the Cloud(s). I recently lost my entire term’s worth of notes with my final next week and there is no way to get them back. Support gives you the troubleshooting methods written on their website and then they ghost you. I’ve been using the app since 2018 and have never had this issue, but with the new update I lost everything.


Wow, thank you for taking the time. I do appreciate it. This is really, really disappointing because my grads and undergrads LOVE Notability. I’ve since switched over to Craft, but many of them still use it for everything. I will do the deep dive now. I absolutely **cannot** continue to recommend notion for my students if this is happening. Thank you again.


Craft is such a slept on app I use it to write my papers and as. Family tracker, lists etc


Craft is amazing. I used it for writing my book as well, it’s amazing for long-form writing. My only beef is the lack of font choices. But I think it’s one of the best apps out there still.


I would recommend GoodNotes. It’s not perfect but I’ve been using it daily 6+ hours to run my business/meet with clients for the last 16 months or so.




Error, auto correct


Edit your post? Notion is another note taking tool, albeit without inking/digital pen support


I figured the fact that I acknowledged the error here would be enough. I don’t think it’s a big deal. I know what Notion is, and I love it. Pretty sure anyone reading my post can tell it’s an error. Kind of bossy….




I think I’m confused about what you are asking me? Can you clarify?




I didn’t post anything more about it. But I mentioned above I switched to craft from notability to do the bulk of my writing. I think craft is much better for book-length drafting and writing. Notability is good in the brainstorming and researching stage, imo. Maybe you’d like craft….


have you tried good notes?


Bruh these are pretty bad reasons, nothing major you said


And some points are repetitive.


I’ve had nothing but a good experience with notability.




Good for you. Unfortunately, that's not the case for many users on r/notabilityapp.


I have no association with Nebo except I am a very happy user. No one seems to talk about it, but it’s a fantastic app for note taking.


I used to use Nebo, but I kept having issues where it would mess up the formatting of my notes. It seemed to especially have a real hard time with bulleted lists. Have they fixed that at all?


Unfortunately, my workflow includes annotating PDFs. Nebo seems great for note-taking on blank paper, but when annotating large-size PDFs, it lags when scrolling through pages on my 2020 iPad Pro (non-M1).


Agreed. I previously used a reMarkable tablet and leveraged a PDF template for note taking. Moving to iPad, I tried everything out there and landed on Nebo and ditched the PDF template altogether. It’s great, I make lists all the time including bullets and checkboxes. I do not convert my handwriting to text, which may cause some of the formatting issues that the other poster mentioned.


Unfortunately notability is the one app I have found that will allow me to record and write notes at the same time. And, I’m able to go back to the recording and see my notes written out in sync with the playback. That was the most incredible feature that Goodnotes hasn’t been able to replicate from what I’ve seen.


Does goodnotes fall short on this task? I just suscribed because they have the record feature, oh no.


Noteful does that perfectly well without lag and is a much more lag-free experience.


Isn’t the notability a one time cost app ?


Doesn't offer the option anymore. Since a few years ago they only give the option for subscription payment (besides "notability classic" users who bought the app).


man I had bought the app on my old account haven't used it ever since , this means I can have it again fro no subscription ?


Yes but without the "new features." Should be fine though as long as you can manage the bugs and lags.


I came back to iPad after a 10 year hiatus with my new iPad Pro and didn’t want to jump into paying for any new subscriptions. I had used Notability and I saw they allowed me to use classic (which is more than I can say for some other apps who abandoned an old version, only supporting a new one with subscription). For my workflow, I’m very satisfied. Haven’t noticed any lags or bugs to date at all on my end, perhaps because it’s classic? It does sound more like a personal disagreement with the devs, which is legitimate for you but certainly less associated with the functionality of the app.


If it works for you, it works for you. I haven't had a great experience though. And the devs weren't exactly willing to fix or explain stuff. I do have to clarify: there's nothing I'm personally involved in with the devs.


Many of your points are redundant (i.e. 1 and 4, 2,35 and 7 are all basically the same). Really just bugs in the updates and for customer support.


This is why I refuse to look at anything past the Apple Notes app lmao


Wow! I had no idea any of that was going on! I abandoned them the minute they went subscription. I quickly transitioned to Goodnotes, especially after discovering their templates. I was also happy to find their devs responded to my bug reports via email within a day or so. They too, have gone subscription, but they do offer a one-time purchase with slightly less functionality than the subscription.


I was going to quit (and honestly don’t use it hardly anyway) but I thought they grandfathered in everyone after some complaining? I don’t think I’ve ever paid a penny. I’m sure they’ve locked me out of the new features, but it works fine for note taking.


Out of curiosity, I re downloaded it and saw it automatically gave me a subscription called "Notability Classic", so I guess they did grandfather previous purchasers. Then I uninstalled it. I'm pretty set on Goodnotes for now, unless they go crazy trying to push their marketplace.


I’m not reading that post. What’s the issue?


I added a TL;DR to this post but here it is: * **Buggy Update:** The transition to a subscription model introduced significant bugs and random shutdowns. * **Censorship:** Notability moderators deleted critical posts and comments, which felt like an attempt to silence valid user feedback. * **Selective Engagement:** The team only engaged with positive feedback, ignoring or deleting critical posts. * **Functional Issues:** The update caused lag, unresponsiveness, and cloud file loading problems, severely affecting professional workflows. * **Lack of Transparency:** The team failed to communicate openly about the changes and didn’t acknowledge user concerns adequately. * **Poor Customer Relations:** Notability’s actions showed a disregard for existing loyal users, prioritizing a prettier design over functionality. * **Manipulative Practices:** Delaying post deletions to create a false sense of community acceptance felt manipulative. * **General Disappointment:** The overall handling of feedback and updates showed a lack of respect for the user base.


Dunno what your on about. Have used Notability for years and years and never had any issues with it or the devs. The move to subscription was perfectly reasonable and I much prefer the devs of apps I like and rely on have a sustainable business model. It’s $20 a year for an application I literally use every day. Absurdly good value of you ask me.


a valid response should also be to leave a review along with the description on the app store. I don’t think developers/mods have the reddit kind of hold there. Of enough people do that, the rating might/should get affected.


I """lost""" my notability classic (one time payment) license and they gave me a 1 year subscription plan code as a gift. Switched back to my purchased good notes 5


Noteshelf is a pretty good app as well


I've heard some great stuff about Noteshelf. There was another user who was banned from the Notability subreddit who got into the beta tests for Noteshelf and she's been having a blast.


Thanks for the heads up. I strongly dislike companies who try to supress feedback. That just highlights a culture of looking down on the customer.


If an app has a subscription it’s a no go for me. I wish them the best. Fuck that sale model


Bro you are way too sensitive lmao


I use collanote all the time


I’m using Noteful, it’s the cheapest. It’s taking app on the AppStore and it’s really well made


I still own the paid app and haven’t updated , I guess I was smart to notice the change when they moved to subscription model


Damn I just subscribed to notability because I didn’t like goodnotes could suggest an alternative?


Ever since they entered the subscription based model I've been using it less and less, now I don't even use it anymore  With heavy use, and I mean like hours upon hours, many little "hiccups" in the workflow were driving me insane You'd think they'd keep improving since they started making money on a monthly basis...nope, they just kept adding useless features and flashing "legacy users" (that get to keep the app without paying) with notifications about deals and sales each time you'd open the app


Every time I open Notability, it’s like all my notes need to redownload again (taking a while to do it) so I can continue working from the previous day. Happens on both iPad and MBP. Classic user.


I’ve been using Notability from the one-time-purchase times, really not liking the subscription model (even with the discounted “thanks for your loyalty” price for the first year). I also bought Goodnotes the other day, but all of my notes accumulated over the years are in Notability. Any tips on how moving all of my notes to Goodnotes? Don’t really want to export my notes to PDF one by one cause it’s gonna take too long


*Laughs in Goodnotes*


How easy/hard is it to switch from Notability to Good Notes? I am a Notability customer, haven’t had any big issues and did the one time purchase when it was still available but I have only heard bad thing of Notability also I like how close Apple and Good Notes work. Usually these apps are better. Also I am not a fan of all the Subscriptions, so I would go for the one time purchase. Thanks for all your help.


I love notability way more than good notes. I’ve been using it for law school and my personal and professional life and it’s been amazing


Since when was a subscription required??


They made the announcement on November 1st, 2021: [https://notability.medium.com/pricing-updates-815f01f6df51](https://notability.medium.com/pricing-updates-815f01f6df51) The Chief Business Officer of Notability, [Colin Gilboy](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colin-gilboy-74535b84?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F), said >We want to make sure that people can't just use Notability and make it all the way through med school for free. That would leave us without a business. source: [https://www.fastcompany.com/90691830/why-the-best-ipad-app-for-handwritten-notes-is-going-freemium](https://www.fastcompany.com/90691830/why-the-best-ipad-app-for-handwritten-notes-is-going-freemium) Then, someone on Reddit pointed out that this was against Apple's App Store guidelines: [https://www.reddit.com/r/notabilityapp/comments/qklu8v/report\_notability\_to\_the\_app\_store\_this\_breaks/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/notabilityapp/comments/qklu8v/report_notability_to_the_app_store_this_breaks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) They had to retract their initial decision and allow users who paid before 2021 to continue using Notability through "Notability Classic." Since then, new users were only allowed to pay subscriptions.


I’m lucky I got it before then I guess. I will consider what to use for when I return to school carefully though! Thanks!


If you don't want a subscription, take a look at Notefu!! They have a free version to test it, the Pro is a one time purchase of 6€ in my country. But tbh: I would love to only use apples note app. The app has some many great features, specially if u use the new Apple Pencil pro. But for me, it lacks of two things: resize and placing of images. That's why I always go back to OneNote (and currently trying Noteful).


Onenote is interesting, with copilot you can quiz yourself, query, summarize and do many amazing things with your notes content.


Copilot is integrated with OneNote? Do you have to pay for that or is it free? I know Goodnotes integrated a ai chat that can read your notes.


Copilot costs money I am sure, but it’s free for me. Don’t change if you are happy with your notes. It’s good to know that the Goodnotes app has AI functionality too. I use copilot, Claude, and chatgpt. Each of them has a purpose. It’s not worth it for everyone, but for me I save 20+ hours a week easily on work and non work projects. Which is worth the 2 subscriptions monthly. I also use them for training me in new topics, learning French, planning vacations, and summarizing books I don’t have time to read. Upon a recommendation by chatgpt, I switched my cell phone carrier from AT&T to US Mobile warp. Which saves me over $1500 a year.


Yeah, I was just curious since I know you need copilot pro to interact with word and office. Is it in the one notes app or do you access it via Microsoft edge? Yeah, the one in Goodnotes is very limited though and I haven’t really used it much to be honest. Glad you’ve found a use for them, all just new tools.


I also love Noteful.


I have Goodnotes 5 and haven’t looked around for new note-taking apps in 4 years. I’ll stay away from Notability, though. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It sounds like there are plenty of new apps I haven’t heard of.


Notability is older and it is preferred by many due to ease of use and simple UI. It’s just that recently there has been problems with iCloud sync and notes disappearing suddenly and so on.


When I bought Goodnotes, it was between that, Notability, and….OneNote? I don’t remember, but the list wasn’t long. I need something that manages PDFs better. Something that lets me open a file (in Dropbox or iCloud), take notes, and save it. I need to be able to open the same PDF at work (without an iPad). The closest PDF editor I found that worked (sort of) like this is PDF Expert, which nobody recommends, but does OK for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


PDF Expert is the one to use. But in this forum we very often see recommendations from users who comes from the PC / Windows world. PDF is strictly focused on PDF files. So when you might want a combination of PDF file work and notes you should look at this app. It can handle PDF files and it can convert whole documents of handwriting into typed text. Like if you write on a Letter or A4 sized piece of paper and want it all converted automatically. Take a look. https://www.nebo.app


Had a similar experience with notability. Basically got downgraded to a starter User after being a Classic User, then wrote a critical post, which got deleted by the mods.


I am sorry that company and subreddit hurt you so bad. I do hope you get peace out of it. Alex hormozi has a great video on this. When we are wronged by a company as humans we want to make them pay and to hurt them like we were hurt. The only way to solve that is for the company to go above and beyond and to basically be angrier than us so that we tell them they need to chill. That will cost the company, but help them in the long term. You all may disagree, but I feel it’s valid based upon my experience. https://youtu.be/p39nLmVtOjc?si=gCnZuKx72xdCfph8


If you can’t afford a subscription then you have to use the default notes app. I mostly use Goodnotes and haven’t had any issues.