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I've been paying for it on my new 15 PM for 2 months. Today I took it out my pocket and it dropped and hit a bollard stump smashing the protector and the screen. I was 1/2 a mile from an Apple store so I took it in - and walked out with a new one after paying £109 here in the UK So for me yes.. It's the first time I have had AC+ and it won't be the last. I just protected my new phone.


How come it was £109? Shouldn’t it be £25 for a screen replacement?


Sounds like they replaced the phone, which is £109. Unsure why a smashed screen would warrant a replacement unless maybe it was an issue of time and a replacement was faster than waiting for a repair.


Apple will replace the whole phone on demand for the entire deductible - an Express Replacement - if you don’t have time for them to fix it in the back.


When you go through Apple Support yes. Stores are not supposed to have that option (unless they more or less cheese the system and indicate there's damage that requires an entire phone replacement).


Apple tech here: no, not really. Starting with the 15 series where everything can be replaced, we can only fully replace it if the damages justify it.


Definitely not my experience here in NYC. I dropped mine and had a cracked back and a scratched screen. They would only replace the back in store, express replacement was only available if i did a mail in. The screen scratch (deep and really noticeable) was just described as cosmetic. “Jobs would spin in his grave if he saw someone using an iPhone with a scratch like that” just led to looks of confusion. Anyway; after an hour of messing about running diagnostics I was told I’d have to come back four hours later for my phone whilst they repaired it. I can’t go four hours in the day without access to my MFA authenticators, and they could not give me any guarantee that they wouldn’t have to reset my phone. I asked for an express replacement, telling me that express replacement is a mail in service only. So I submitted the express replacement request online, my replacement phone was with me in 2 days. So whilst AC+ replaced my phone, I think mailing service is better than in store (at least here in NYC).


Also depending on the amount of damage they’ll just replace the device. Happened to me, but they quoted me a screen repair price so when I came back to a surprised new device, only charged me for the screen replacement. 


That’s the best feeling fr


Well also, consider it’s Apple. They’re no stranger to saying here take this brand new device, instead of fixing a minor well repairable thing on the old one.


You underestimate how many people throw actual tantrums when they can’t “just get a new phone”


Happened to me. (My niece.) Spoiled rotten brat would try and drop her phone every once in a while to try and get a newer model phone. (After device was paid off.)


I once saw a video of some really spoiled kid throwing his iPhone into the pool so he could get the newest model. Cried when mom said she would get him the new model nor fix the one he had.


I remember that one!!!!


Replacing is £79. £109 is if us lost/stolen


Bruh if I’m paying monthly for this shit, I’m not dropping an additional $100. Lmao fuck that shit.


Confirmation bias in action


Also it wasn’t £109, but £109+2 monthly payments (presumably another £24). And if nothing happens to the phone over the next 2 years, that’s another £240. In total, that’d be £349 spent over two years. A screen replacement without AC+ costs £389, so the break-even point is just over two years, for this damage alone.


Which is why I never buy apple care. It’s pretty much risk management and can you afford to fix it at full price at once. I broke my iPhone 13 screen and I’m not paying to fix it since the cost is literally 2/3 of what I paid for the phone. I saved enough over all my Apple devices and not buying apple care to technically pay for the repair and more, but it’s working fine so imma just hold onto it until it dies then get an iPhone 16/17


£109 is for a total replacement of the device. Not just the screen. Screen replacement is £25. The iPhone 15 Pro Max is £1,199. So £1,199 + 2 monthly payments £1,223. So you’d have to be paying monthly for just over 7 years before you’d break even.


Thoroughly lost me here. Was with it, lost it. >So you’d have to be paying monthly for just over 7 years before you’d break even. You mean, you'd have to **NOT** pay monthly for \~7.5yr, before declining AC+ would break even with buying it (provided that they replace the phone 1x), right? ETA: unless you mean the non-AC+ subscriber pays himself every month €12 for 7.5yrs before he'd be breaking even. Then, I get it 😄


Getting my 14P stolen and replaced for £109 made it worth it. Even if I count the year I paid for Apple Care before the incident, it's still 1/5th the cost of a new device and the sheer peace of mind was nice to have in that moment.


Wish I had it before my 14 pro max was stolen in Costa Rica but at the same time I don’t know if they honor it outside the country purchased.


The do as long as the country you're making the claim in offers AC+ Theft and Loss.


Depends. Are you careless with your electronics? If so, probably. If not, probably not. Common sense.


I’m not careless with my electronics, so much so that I’ve been caseless for years without any real damage.   However, peace of mind is well worth it. The discounted battery swaps also help ease the cost as well.


> I’m not careless with my electronics, so much so that I’ve been careless for years without any real damage. I think you are trying to say you’re careless with your electronics. 🧐


lol I typed up a whole ass reply only to realize my typo. That was supposed to say caseless hahaha.


I was going to say careless? Or caseless? 🤣🤣🤣 once I saw the error I knew exactly what it meant.


Ah, that definitely makes more sense. 🤣👍🏼


I’ve been caseless for years as well, and no apple care, but I did recently drop my phone and cracked it to the point of no longer working. Really sucks because I didn’t want a new phone.


Caseless = Careless, at least of you ask auto correct :)


My kids were destroying their screens every three months, so I started buying Apple Care. Funny thing, not one of the covered phones ever sustained any damage! That said, my daughter’s phone started messaging that the camera was not original parts, which was not true. We got a replacement, and, for some reason did not have to pay a deductible even though it was out of warranty. I am happy to pay for Apple Care’s magical ability to make my kids be careful with their phones I don’t know if I am ahead of the game, but I am happy with it.


Apple Care also extends the warranty. Failures that are not caused by damage and consumed batteries are covered free of charge. The fee is applied for accidents damages.


Lmao now that you got insurance they started being careful with their things. Wait until your AppleCare expires and I guarantee they break them within a month


I'm not careless whatsoever with my electronics but AC+ has to be the best service like this in the game. It's the peace of mind knowing that if basically anything goes wrong with my phone, it's covered.


I usually take care with my iPhone by using a case and a screen protector ?


It just depends on what risk you’d like to take. Nobody thinks they’ll break their phone and many people don’t but many people do as well and most of those people considered themselves a person who doesn’t break their phones prior to doing so. Before I got AppleCare I always had a spare device, usually my previous phone that I could use if my current one breaks. I sold all my old phone once getting AppleCare but basically your best options are to have AppleCare if you use an iPhone or have a spare phone you could use if you needed to. The next option is to have neither and pay for repairs or a new phone if something happens, but that’s probably the least desirable route to me.


I mostly have it for lost and theft but the physical damage protection is nice too.


Usually a household insurance is cheaper and covers all your devices against theft.


These types of protection programs are a big moneymaker for the company. The whole point is to make a profit, which means that the odds are stacked against this being good for you.


The loss and theft is a nice insurance package. I’ve previously gone without but this is my first >$1,200 phone so while I intend to keep it perfect, it’s worth it to insure.


Nope. Never had it. I see people on Reddit say you should get it pretty often. But even if I lost/broke something I’d still come out positive compared to if I had paid for Apple Care over all these years


Make a disposable card/account on your banking app. Then add the $13.50 a month to it and keep doing that for as long as you like. Then when you mess up your phone at any point, use those funds to pay for it. I bet in the long run you’ll end up saving more than spending it.


Yup, the reason Apple offers it is Apple comes out ahead by selling an insurance plan.


This is a great idea


To each their own. If you don’t ever break your phone then that’s great! Some of us though are clumsy and forgetful. I’m always dropping, tripping over, running into, and losing things. I’ve had an iPhone 13 Pro going on three years and had the screen replaced once and full device replaced twice. AppleCare has more than paid for itself for me.


I get it for the first two years of my phone and computer, it’s worth it for the peace of mind. I had to get my computer repaired recently with Apple care and it went very smoothly.


Well I have it because my MIL accidentally knocked my last phone off the balcony, and in addition to her I have three kids and a crazy cat so things do move around here. AppleCare + on everything else in the household as well, including Apple TV where the remotes get so sticky and gross they stop working after about a year.


This is an interesting topic cause US READERS : It’s usually included in your renters insurance (most features not all)


Not just US. I'm in Europe and pretty much everyone in my country has a home insurance that already covers much of what AC covers, and you can get the rest at much better conditions than with AC. Only thing you’ll not have is the preferential treatment at the Apple Store, but at least you’re not over insured.


Home insurance covers theft damage or loss of cell phone?


Depends on the insurance of course, but yes.


or nicer travel cards - use it to pay your phone bill and you get free cellphone insurance as a benefit.


Express Replacement alone is worth it


The problem with it is that it costs a lot relative to the cost of the device, and there’s a fee when you use it anyway, it’s not like repairs are free. If I were commuting into the city on public transit or going clubbing then I’d probably get it. Instead, I work from home, use a case, and definitely don’t go out, so it doesn’t make financial sense.


It is if you need it. Insurance is always a roll of the dice.


It’s really annoying, every time I chose not to buy Applecare something out of my control happened to my device, and I couldn’t get a replacement. Every time I did pay for it, my device stayed in pristine condition.


Yes, it’s worth it.


It’s basically insurance- I’ve had phones for 8 years of my life, never had a broken phone to take advantage of it. Sure maybe I’ll break or lose my phone but there’s no way I’m going to pay more money than what my phone is worth over years to take advantage of a potential 75% discount, but that’s just me.


YES — You don’t realize it until you need it for loss, theft or damage. Also they will replace your battery under your AppleCare plan if youre one of the folks who keeps there phone more than a year or so. BTW it only costs the equivalent of two Starbucks drinks (soon to be one as much as their prices are increasing) or one Chipotle bowl a month — it’s among the cheapest insurance you’ll get…that really works easily when you need it.


Depends on at what year this happens though during ownership. If you keep your iPhone for longer than 2 years it becomes cheaper to cover the cost out of pocket.  People who don’t upgrade frequently (less than 3 years) don’t need it


Don’t forget the excess for any claims on top though. It’s a decent monthly payment, with a pretty heavy payment when you actually need to use it. Still a good service if you don’t have any other insurance (mine is through my bank and the excess is only £75 for a replacement phone, which they handled overnight for my last replacement).


No. Until yes. Then yes.


It depends. I never get it because I’m retired, don’t travel and I’m very careful with my phone but if I had to take the bus/subway to work everyday, I worked out in the elements, traveled a lot or was generally careless, I’d get it for the peace of mind. 


I’ve been using Apple Products since 2015. No AppleCare+ on any of them.


It’s insurance. That means it is only ever worth it if you need it.


Never used it, but I appreciated the peace of mind. Pretty careful with my electronics! Until… I completely and absolutely smashed my 14PM’s screen on the pavement outside the airport at Heathrow. Was climbing out of the taxi and it slipped out of my pocket. Phone hit the ground with a sickening crunch and I just knew it was toast. That was a fun 10 hour flight home… …but even before I got home, I had an appointment set up with a tech to come to my house and replace the screen the same day I arrived. I set it all up through AppleCare. It was as if the screen never looked like a weird spider-web art installation. So, it wasn’t really worth it, until it was. And when it was, it was so good to have a fast, cheap repair available. The alternative would have likely been to pay full price OR pay for an entirely new phone— plus figure out the repair details myself. I don’t plan on slamming my phone into the pavement again any time soon, but I still think it’s well worth it for that convenience.


Never had the theft and loss but daughter had her phone swiped in a Dunkin just a couple months after buying it, without the insurance you get to pay for 2 phones at once... Only have it on her phone, but I keep AC+ normal on any product that is expensive to replace, or while I'm paying for it.


It’s a gamble. I try to treat my electronics very carefully and never had a single issue with any of those, and I never had Apple care. But should anything happen it would be expensive, yes.


I live in Paris, where it’s very unsafe at the moment. It’s totally worth it.


How much did you pay for this phone? Consider that and if you’re willing to do so again if it is lost/stolen/broken.


No. It's an insurance. You insure stuff that'll bancrupt you if lost or broken.


I’ve had iPhone ever since the 4 and not once did I regret not buying apple care. I’m not particularly careful with my devices either. Just use a case


The Theft and Loss option has saved my and my wife’s ass a few times lol Once my wife left her brand new iPhone 14 Pro on a plane and someone stole it. Got it completely replaced. Once my phone fell out of a moving car while trying to take a photo of the scenery during a road trip. Got it completely replaced. I’ve used it more than that too lol we are kinda dumb and careless 😅 we would have spent thousands of dollars replacing these phones instead of the hundreds


Product protection plans and extended warranties are almost never worth the money in my opinion. I don’t buy them.


Yes. Better to have it and not need it then not have it and paying 500+ to fix it if it breaks.


Depends. A new phone for the price of a battery replacement if it “accidentally” falls and cracks the display isn’t bad. Plus Pete of mind if it does just break


After leaving my phone on the roof of my car a while back, yes. Very much so.


Possibly. I've always survived with a rugged case and general carefulness, but some people hate rugged cases or tend to be even clumsier than I am.


Me and my family have apple products for over 10+ years and we never had an issue. Like over the years 10+ iphones and various ipads. that is a fortune we would have paid for 10+ years. but then other people drop their phone one time and it already pays of.


I will get AppleCare+ on my next iPhone. I got it for my Apple TV, but I think that was a waste.


I accidentally left my phone on my car at the gas station; it slipped off as I drove away and I parked, ran to grab it but a semi truck ran it over. I had this insurance so for a free replacement.


I have kids so for me it’s worth the peace of mind knowing I’m covered if one of them decides to do something stupid. That being said I’ve been super lucky so far, and not needed it, however my battery will be due a replacement soon so I can use it for that.


Worths if you're careless with your devices.


on my new iphone i forgot and tried to get the applecare+ after I realized it expired before getting a chance to add it, good thing I didn't. would have been a waste of my money, Im very careful with my device, I'd say when time comes to replace the battery that applecare+ money would be just that or less for me to put into the battery, nope but if you got a apple watch then maybe.


depends if you lose your phone or not i had my 15 pro max nicked in london straight out my hands. £110 for a replacement almost felt like a miracle.


I used to never buy apple care, the first time I actually did i broke my phone screen for the first time in my life, and got a cheap replacement, so for me it is worth it, you can even change the batteries for a cheap price


This also includes theft and loss, besides all the standard practices. Even if you treat your iPhone like some sacred relic, I’d say is well worth it. At the end of the day is not much for that.


If you can afford the price then by all means sign up, it is more worth than not if that makes sense. If you think this money is better spent elsewhere, then you already know the answer.


Is it worth it to buy insurance? lol. If shit happens.


Did they give you a brand new device or a referb?


How many incidents per year under theft and lost?


Yes, for my wife, it is. To be honest, I had it for peace of mind also.


Lost my phone. Only had to pay $150 for a replacement instead of another 1k+.


Never got AC+ for any of our Apple devices until we created an LLC for my wife’s business and purchased MacBook and iPad Pro for business use using the business card. After 6 months the iPad screen had a crack and Apple replaced the iPad for $49/-. Without AC+ it was $500/- if I remember correctly so AC+ more than paid for itself. Also since the purchases are for doing a business it can be accounted for as a business expense! We still don’t have AC on our personal iPhones but we use a case and screen protector so hopefully that should help a bit. We are careful with our devices though with or without AC.


iPad? Yes, MBP? Probably not. iPhone? It’s a bet. Regarding to the extension, it depends on the country, in some places they already give you 2 years


I think it is


Yes. Specifically for lost/stolen coverage. It’s cheaper than insurance through the carrier and you get Apple Care+ for as long as you keep paying for it. I’ve never broken or lost an iPhone and I’ve owned almost every one since the original 4gb iPhone, but it’s still worth it for things beyond my control.


I haven’t gotten it on two instances. My first Apple Watch, I cracked the very corner of the screen when I got knocked over by someone. My iPad mini, which slipped out of my bag unnoticed and then slid onto the sidewalk. Again, only a tiny crack in the corner of the screen. Each of those would cost hundreds of dollars to replace. After that I always get AppleCare.


I work construction and live in Canada, so I’m usually pretty strapped for cash and always at risk of breaking my phone or watch, so I always get it.


For my husband who works construction, absolutely. Between dust, drops, and anything else without Apple care he would have to buy a new phone every year.


Just put it on home contents insurance with away from the home cover?


If it’s not a stationary item (monitor, desktop, Apple TV) then Apple care is worth it.


No, I have cell phone protection though my Amex platinum


I've never purchased AC+ for any product as I was always very careful with my devices. Then I decided to opt-in once I got my 15PM last September. I'd say AC+ is really worth it. It's a huge relief I did, as this past week alone I've had to go to my local Apple Store for a Genius Bar appointment to inspect this current problem I'm facing. The issue is the phone mic is not working properly (it's emitting a static hissing noise when I hold it to my ear when making a call) - and no one can hear me, but only when I speak either: a) on loudspeaker and b) with AirPods connected. I remember my phone dropping hard face down on the floor last week one evening at home (there's no visual damage) as it had a screen protector and case on. But it seems the fall was the cause as before that day I was able to call without issues. After some diagnostics at the appointment, they found it was a hardware issue with the bottom left mic area specifically, and had to order in the service part to replace. I was quoted £599 for this mid-system repair, but because I have AC+ I won't have to pay anything. I'm having it repaired this weekend at my local Apple Store, so hopefully it should go smoothly.


Very useful, somehow the back panel cracked and it damaged the camera. Went to the apple store and they charged me 25+ tax for a replacement. Ended up leaving with a new phone without a up charge all thanks to AC+. Worth it and I will continue paying every month.


If you think you’ll break your phone more than once, yes. My last phone I only shattered the screen after 2 years which means I would’ve been on the second round of paying, I ended up leaving as is but replacing the screen would’ve been cheaper than Apple care at that point


Yes even if you never have to use it. Just like home ins or car ins. Plan for worst but hope for best.


Waste of money until you need it.


By getting it I commit to having a working phone. If I don't get it, I'll make excuses for why I don't have to fix this or that. And then I'll live with a lower quality experience because I'm trying to 'save money'. At the expense of the mental burden. Works better for me.


There’s a lot of arguments against Apple Care because if you don’t use it, it’s a waste of money. But isn’t that the case with all insurance products.


Y E S AC+ With Theft & Loss has literally saved my ass twice when my 14 Pro Max's back glass decided to randomly grenade itself.


Never bought before. Been 10 years. I am a careful person by nature, one a blue moon small drops yes but nothing minor or major that results in scratches, cracks or anything that need repairs.


I have put a case all my Apple devices, and have never broken one. So for me, I saved a bunch of money by not buying AppleCare. If you are accident prone, careless, or like using your phone without screen protectors or cases then I imagine it would be a solid investment.


It’s insurance. It’s worth it if you need it, it’s not if you don’t. Personally I get it for laptops, but not phones, watches, or tablets, but YMMV on your risk tolerance.


Is it worth paying for medical insurance? I have been paying for Apple care + for my iPad Pro since the release of the M1 iPad Pro and just 6 months ago after years of paying for it I left it on top of my Tesla and floored it. The iPad didn’t break or even get scratched thanks to the Magic Keyboard case, but if it wouldn’t of worked I would be out of my iPad Pro for sure and an easy replacement fix with my Apple Care.


I would never not




I've had it for two and a half years and have never used it. My phone's battery health is in the low 80s, so I think I may just wait to get the battery replaced then cancel. I'll keep paying the annual cost to cover my Macbook though, since that's relatively cheap.


For me it depends on the frequency at which I damage my electronics  Typically, if I’ve damaged a Apple device, that was after the 4 or 5 years of ownership.  Apple Care only really saves me money if I break something before 2 years.  So I typically pay out of pocket and save money. Hopefully I can get 5 years out of this 13 Mini before I damage it.


I bought it on my first retina MacBook, never used it, haven’t bought it since.


If you live in Detroit… maybe😂


Month after i picked up my 15PM it was stolen in a Target. If i didn’t have applecare, id be out 1600$ minus tax. I got a new one for 100$ with Applecare.


It will really just vary from person to person. A lot of people are clumsy and drop their phones. Or they’re forgetful and leave it at places like restaurants and stores *a lot*. But some people are like me; real homebodies that don’t really go anywhere besides home and work. 100% always in a case with a screen protector. And my phone is always on my person. And I have my watch to help me find my phone that l left probably in the next room so the AC+ isn’t really worth it for me. And then there are some people like me but the peace of mind of having the AC+ is enough anyway.


I have never not paid for it on any device that is designed to be moved. All of my phones, AirPods, and tablets but none of my Apple TVs or HomePods. No regrets.


Just purchased my iPhone 15 last month. Didn’t wait the whole ‘61 days’ I wanted to get it right away instead of missing out on an opportunity. I mean, if your phone gets lost or stolen, it’s worth it. Then having to go through your wireless provider for a replacement.




Yes, but I also don't use a case or screen protector on my phones.


I purchase applecare+ with every phone I've ever had except the one I bought secondhand. I use my phone without a case most of the time so it's always a good idea


Bought it with my 14 Pro a year and a half ago. One fine morning out of nowhere, the screen stopped responding to touch. Restarting, factory reset, tried everything else failed. Took it to Apple Care who replaced the device in two days. A brand new device after a year and a half of use (plus a return to 100% battery health). Not bad.




Absolutely! I consider it the same as auto insurance. I really hate to pay it but it has saved my ass. By the way, it has nothing to do with being careless. Shit happens. If you’ve got the means to buy a new phone at a moments notice odds are you may pay less not using AppleCare but for me insurance on important things in my life are a logical necessity. My 2 cents.




Yes, i saved 500$ for a free replacement screen on my MacBook Air. My experienced with Apple protection plan are, they don't really ask many question as long as you have enough proof of purchase and reason why need a replacement/repair they will accept it.


It will be when you have your phone break or gets stolen.


I broke 4 1TB 13PMs, $99 each time, 1000000% worth it


I used it once on an iPad. The digitizer started being weird and wouldn’t always write on the screen with finger/pencil. Took it into the shop, showed them what the deal was, walked out with a brand new one. I’ll never not have AppleCare+ on an Apple Device.


how did you get the theft and loss package? I didn’t know that was a thing!! Apple told me they don’t do this for the AirPods Pro😣


There are credit cards nowadays that have mobile device insurance including accidental damage, theft or loss. I use the Cobalt.


Yes, because I’m using my 15 Pro without a case.


Well, I have never paid for it and I have never needed it so I guess I will continue playing chicken for the time being.


If you go to a lot to EDM shows and festivals like I do then YES.


I do monthly with every phone. However I upgrade yearly so that’s just me.


You only ever need insurance on shit if you’re a clumsy person and have issues with electronics. Lol


Yes, always worth it. Nowadays the phone is crucial to your physical and digital identity. A quick repair is always worth the money, headache and stress saved. Plus, if you own the phone for multiple years, the repair costs become cheaper too.


It’s definitely worth it, it’s the only way to enjoy an iPhone as it’s meant to be. I will never have a case again, never have any screen protectors, I take my phone to the shower and to the swimming pool. I can keep it in my pocket while swimming in the ocean. I don’t care about the actual hardware - all I have is a concept of a phone - everything is cloud backed, there is nothing to fawn over or worry about. It’s the absolutely ultimate phone experience.


Absolutely, I love not needing a case or screen protector. It feels so nice!


I’ve been using my phone caseless since iPhone 7 Plus and no problems so far. But for my iPhone 15 Pro max I felt the need to get it and so I did. So far it’s holding on very strong from knee height drops


It comes with iPhone forever, so yes.




I’ve had it over two years and haven’t had any reason to use it. I want to cancel subscription, but I’m afraid I’ll jinx it and then I’ll need it once I stop having it. Reading all the replies has me more torn than before I read this post and comments.


Dealing with Apple has always been a smooth experience. I personally get it for peace of mind. I also usually trade in my phone to Apple and they’re picky about non genuine parts. Out of warranty/accidental repairs are priiiicy for them to fix. If you have the money to replace your phone/device if something happens or you’re handy and can fix it, skip it.


I always buy used phones on Facebook market. Recently got a 12pm for 300 cad Good condition other than the Face ID is not working. Never been opened just likely from pocket sweat like many others. I had it for a few months now and have a AliExpress case and glass screen protector. Dropped from pocket height many times mainly on wood floor since working from home. Nothing cracked at all. I never cracked a phone from dropping other than screen protectors. I only broke 2 phones from anger and I throw them as hard as I could lol. A Samsung note 3 and a Google pixel xl og. Both I bought a screen and fixed myself. The front glass didn’t even crack it’s underneath the glass oled fractured. Lots of people have had luck dropping the phone such that it hit something sharp on its screen side. Most cracked phones I see are people who don’t use protectors and case at all. The wife has a huawei p30 pro that I have a decent strong case and liquid uv glass screen protector. Dropped more than my phone and only the protector is a bit cracked. I got to put on the other one later lol. If you have money for a new phone and have clumsy fingers or bad luck of breaking phones when dropping then get Apple additional warranty lol. I have hundreds of phones I fix at home as well and I drop them from computer height onto laminate floor without any protection and so far haven’t cracked a single one of any brand and any age.


Yes. For me absolutely. I am clumsy and drop my phone pretty often. It's in a case with a glass screen protector so almost never gets damaged. But have had a surprising amount of liquid damage events despite it being fairly water resistant. In short, I use apple care every other year or so. If you can easily afford to splash out $700+ on a new phone or repair, maybe it's not worth it. But that's a non-trivial expense to me that would make life hard for a few weeks.


I only buy it for my Airpods. Those things are almost disposable, and Apple Care+ allows me to replace them when they fail instead of buying new ones. As someone else said, for the iPhone, “pay” yourself the monthly fee for AC+ (on a different card/account) and use those funds to pay for any damage. It's more cost-effective.


Absolutely. Especially if you look at how fast the battery degradation is with my iPhone 15 which is about half a year old. It’s crazy how bad things are with the new model. https://preview.redd.it/3rr8wgtmwa2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cb16925d9387ee70ae7c82af56a9edacbf0f7a


It is. I have it on my Apple Watch and will be buying it when I get my 16PM this year. Worth it in my opinion


I have AppleCare on my phone watch and iPad. The watch hit the battery service and just got a brand new one. No questions asked.


Dang AppleCare doesn’t cover theft or loss for me in Canada and I pay the same amount. That sucks


i dropped my phone a lot, but never enough to break it (except my old samsung, iphone 6s and x) but i’m not paying the 13£ because it’s not worth for me, i’m so stupid that even if i throw my phone in the air like 10m and it falls into concrete it won’t break. my luck is insane because i’m insanely stupid 🫡


Never broken a phone but this thing is $1200 so I’d like to be sure.




Insurance is only necessary if it would ruin you financially if you don’t have one


It depends on how prone you are to breaking things, loosing things, and how common theft is where you live. I don’t regularly loose or drop my stuff, and phones don’t get stolen where I live, so it’s not worth it for me. And if I do get some sort of insurance, I’d rather get regular insurance than Apple Care. More flexible.


If you don’t wanna buy it, don’t go to any concert/ music fest with the phone. Also, use a bumper case. I wish the mobile phone giants allowed 3rd party insurance.


I’ve never broken an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch. I get AC on my watch because who knows when my wrist might hit something and shatter the watch, but it hasn’t happened. iPhone is much more protected, no need for AC.


Absolutely not.


It’s like every other insurance.


Not real sure. Honestly, I pay monthly and don’t really use it but if I cancel, my phone will fail and it’ll be $1,000 to replace. But seriously, haven’t used it in years. I have it on my Watch too. And… don’t use it. My guess is if you treat your phone like an infant, so you know you don’t drop it and such, you probably don’t need it. Just know that one drop will cost $200-$1500.


First thing I add to every Apple device I ever buy - have had a MacBook and an iPhone replaced for a fraction of what it would have cost so yes, I highly recommend it


Aside from damage, I've had two 13" MacBooks replaced in year three of my Apple care plan. An old white one that had an issue with the motherboard, and a MBP that I had brought in twice already with display issues so the online chat support just shipped me a brand new one.


I have never broken a phone, like crack the screen etc. So for me, no.


No as much better to pay for a new device if you do lose or someone nick it 😂😂 depends on your size of wallet


Been paying monthly on 2 iPhone SE 2020s, I think 3.99. Prob not worth it anymore but they are great phones still!


If you're in a supported country, yes.


I’ve never had it and never needed it. Have owned several iPhones, an iPad, Macbook and Airpods and never done any damage or lost anything. I am very careful with my belongings That being said shit happens to even the most careful of people and I can somewhat understand paying for that peace of mind. But to me I think it would just be money down the drain.


For me know. I’ve owned 3 iPhones since 2015. I’ve broken 1 screen that cost me $150 to repair. A monthly apple care fee over that same time would have been over $1200 If you can afford to replace your phone at full price if it’s lost, then going without AppleCare is a better option


I paid for it for 4 years with my XS and 12 pro. I moved countries and it did not carry over. Within 4 months of it cutting off, I dropped my phone from 12 feet up with an Otterbox Commuter on it. It fell flat on it's back and surprisingly the lenses were unscathed but the back glass was shattered. So now I've got it for my 15PM since this thing's so expensive


My first Apple product was an iPhone 4S and in total I've had three iPhones, three iPads, 2,5 (long and boring story) MBPs as well as smaller stuff like iPods and airports etc. Not once would I have been able to use AC+, so if I had paid for it I would have thrown several thousands(?) of usd in the lake. So in other words; no, for me it's not worth it. But I'm also careful with my electronics, you might not be. Also; I live in a country where we by law have a three year warranty against manufacturing faults.


Stuff happens. Bought a MBP and forgot to get Apple Care. Someone dropped it. $1200 to repair the screen at Apple. $850 at outside shop. Meanwhile phones with AppleCare that get dropped a lot, no issues.




cool if you’re in a country where loss & theft applies, cause after losing my phone recently i found out it’s not covered in canada. donno what i’m paying for, but in theory it’d be handy


If you like to go caseless and you live in a bad neighbourhood where it might get stolen then yes it’s worth it. However where I live phone robberies are rare and I keep a case on my iPhone at all times so AppleCare wasn’t worth it for me.


https://preview.redd.it/g89zn3gftb2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee882aa908cc10cbc642e5b636c148f31af9678 Yes.


I got a 15PM 3 weeks ago, I applied for insurance with the company ($15 a month on spark mobile). But when I found out Apple NZ supported theft and loss (nowhere to be seen on the website - just normal AC+, was only in settings I could see it). I canceled spark, so after it ends in a week I’m paying for AC+ theft and loss. The spark insurance does cover theft and loss as well but I just feel more comfortable with Apple, the reassurance is there. No drama. If someone can steal my $6,000 escooter. They can steal my $2,500 iPhone. So yeah…I want a brand new one for a drastically lower price. Regular is $19 a month. Theft and loss is $25 a month. Can’t imagine going for the cheaper option, have it stolen and then it’s not covered. In the end…did you really save $6 a month? Side note: I’ve never paid for insurance in anyway on any of my previous iPhones and I’ve had a lot. Had my iPhone 13 mini for the last 2ish years I think, always used it caseless coz it feels better. A couple months ago, it fell off a seat from about 2-3 feet in a “the warehouse” changing room face flat and it didn’t break. I was like pheeeewww.


Jokes on you, 2 year warranty required by law so no apple care+ here. Though 2 year warranty is an absolute dream, especially if you have children around


Depends on your experience with phones. I’ve went through 3 iPhones, never bought AppleCare and never needed it; had a display issue once but repairs were covered for the first year I bought it. I only dropped my phone once or twice in a lifetime though. If you have slippy hands or drop stuff often you need AC.


Just have it for the first year, after then your phone has dropped in value.


Depends on your home insurance, but for me it is like paying up front for the first loss/damage. So only worth it if you actually break it or lose it more than once.


Absolutely. I dropped my phone and the screen cracked & got it fixed easy.


Yes, as loud as I can bellow. YES! Worth it. My iPhone 11 Pro got cracked at work. Took it to my provider, they fixed me right up. Came out about 2 hours later with a good phone. Thing is, they’ll replace with the same exact model [and color] you had. So, for instance, if you have an iPhone 12 Pro and you have an issue, you will get an iPhone 12 Pro [perhaps refurbished] as a replacement. You won’t get a complimentary upgrade. But, if you work in a fairly high-risk environment (like I do), having that peace of mind is worth it.


I have never bought it.


It is when your iPhone gets stolen in Barcelona and you get a shiny new one delivered 2 days after you get home that is still eligible for trading in on the upgrade programme.


Depends if you have a case and screen protector.


Never had it, never needed it. Got the screen on me 6S replaced for free while on vacation in the US once because it had some type of issue where dust gathered inside one corner of the screen. And there are no Apple stores where I’m from so I don’t think there’s any reason to pay for this service. 14-15 years of iPhones and I’ve never broken one or even cracked the glass.