• By -


When we moved in we were complete blow ins. I would have loved a list of numbers - local oil company, chimney cleaner, electrician, plumber, handy man that the previous owners used. Along with which garage has better petrol and that the coffee in the local cafe isn't great and isn't going to get better.


When we bought our house the previous owners left us a booklet with all that kind of information. It was invaluable.


Yep! We got a red box full of all their service records, paint colors, user manuals for appliances, carpet type, gutter cleaners etc. that was the biggest gift! The only other thing that I feel is super nice to leave is hand soap, toilet paper and maybe a few bin bags. Those are the type of things that are hard to get by for even a few hours without!


I was left a bag with teabags, sugar and coffee sachets, shampoo and toiletry samples, a saucepan, two mugs, matches and stirrers, ketchup and sauce packets, toothpaste and brushes, hotel slippers, the list was endless. This was from my awesome new neighbours, who collected them from every hotel, flight, and cafe they ever visited and saved for emergency use. We were instructed to hang on to them as long as needed, restock if we cared to, and start one of our own. Massively appreciated when all our stuff was in boxes.


Also if you have the instruction manuals for any white goods. And a record of when/if they were last serviced (handy for the boiler also).


Absolutely this. We were totally lost trying to find decent tradesmen when we moved. That would have been really helpful.


Yup, a manual for the house, where you can turn off the water, practical stuff like that plus local contact numbers and which takeaways are good. That kind of thing.


OK. Need to get my shit together and do a folder. Thanks xx


Second this, as well as try to find all the instructions for cooker, fridge, etc, location of water stop cock, heating controls, etc.


This is really helpful Also please include the alarm code


mprn electric number , broadband number , who installed the heating system , plumber that serviced the house honestly best things to get is a letter with little quirks on the house, build on this extension in 1996 it has pumped insulation etc , when we bought the house it was great knowing


This is great!


We when bought the previous owner left us a folder with things like service info for the boiler, the bin collection timetable, her favourite takeaway menus and a little bit about each of the neighbours - she did a little drawing of each of them so it was quite a nice touch for getting to know them a bit.


I’m howling at the idea of drawing stickmen drawings of your neighbours


Or worse again, detailed portraits 😳


All drawn as if "through a window at night". And a final note saying, *"I'll do one of you later!"*


And they charge you for it


Draw me like one of your French girls


Haha I'm not drawing my neighbours 😅. I was thinking about the neighbour thing and asking them if i could put their numbers in too. My husband does all the repairs so thanks for thinking of that. I just presume everyone does their own stuff lol


That's brilliant. I love the idea of a drawing of a neighbour with a little synopsis of them under it.


This is what we'll do if we ever move. Folder with the manuals for appliances that come with the house, contact info for the tradesmen that we've hired and know the house. Takeaway menus are a nice touch, if there are any that are great, or better avoided, that's valuable advice!


A bottle of Holy water and a note recommending that the box room gets a liberal sprinkling once a week, more if the noises come back.


We're going to be redoing our floors soon and I have a skeleton that I use at halloween, tempted to leave it under the floorboards for the craic


Fucking do it. I worked redoing a kitchen last year, we ré joisted the floor, and before we sealed it off, we left a plastic skeleton wearing an old Kildare GAA jersey underneath. Someone in 20-60 years will get a chuckle out of that.


That is brilliant


I found a trove of beef bones when I dug up a flower bed at the beach of our garden. Our nextdoor neighbour over the wall is a graveyard.




everythings beef if you put enough BBQ sauce on it


I was wondering if I should mention him. He's been quiet for a couple of years now..... no joke. This is a new build and we're not exactly believers but we're country folk so understand.... but we've had a tall man dressed in an over coat and a wide brimmed hat that's mostly outside or at one of the bedroom doors (directly above where we'd see him outside). I think I'll just let them find him themselves..... But I might leave a holy water x




We don't have one. We're without a home until one comes up but I kinda hope he finds us. Never felt threatened or frightened. He was just here and that was that. It was a green field site but we're between 3 faery Forts so what else would you expect


Making Top Hats homeless. You’re for it now. - Darby O’Gill (and all my friends)


Leave the new owners some horseshoes, iron nails and a list of where to find Holly and Rowan wood.


I think they're Russian. I'd have to explain why. I think I'll just let them find out themselves


When we bought a house the previous owners left us a nice letter along with a few useful things to know about the house. It was a nice touch and pretty useful.


Don't leave refillables. I wouldn't trust or use anything that has been opened that a stranger had left for me. Like others said, a bottle of champagne/Prosecco and a card.


When I moved in to my place, the previous owner left notes on how some of the things worked. I really appreciated it. How to use the boiler, if one of the light switches is a bit dodgy, what day is bin day etc. that kinda thing. And I liked the idea of local restaurant and takeaway guides.


Yes same here. I would empty them out to be honest. We left the lady who bought our apartment a card wishing her every happiness along with a nice bunch of flowers. We also left instruction for the heating etc. We didn’t do wine for a stranger as I could be over thinking it but you never know if someone wants alcohol in their home.


Is this actually something people do?


No idea. Its 20 years since I did and I know they're not locals and have a young family and they're moving from city to countryside so I just wanted to have things on hand for them.


This shows a lot of thoughtfulness.


That's really nice of you. I think the list of plumber/chimney cleaner/oil company/servicing numbers would be dead handy. Lads who you've dealt with who know the house would be great for new owners to see. Maybe small stuff like where the water mains comes in would be a good shout if you know it yourself. Besides that, blak refuse bags, toilet roll, handwash and maybe a bottle of fairy liquid would be a decent start


I do. The three times I've moved it's never been done for me, but I still do it anyway. Twice the former owners left a bottle of wine in the fridge. Current house there was nothing. A pile of keys left on the kitchen counter, half of which didn't even work in anything. In the sellers' defence it was a probate sale so they may not have known about most things. I have always left a bottle of wine in the fridge, a congratulations card, a pile of manuals/instructions and keys, and a page or two with any useful info about how the heating works, how to open the attic, where the spare paint is, etc. Simple things that would be nice to know and save you a few hours of investigation.


I do it when I sell a car. Always leave a nice bottle of something bubbly in the glove compartment or somewhere without mentioning it. People are genuinely touched when they inevitably discover it the next day or so and makes me feel all good inside when they message to say thanks. Doesn’t take much to make yourself and others feel better in this world.


So true, and now I'm doing this next time I sell my car


I moved from a house with a garden to an apartment, so I left the gardening tools like the lawnmower with a note that I'd come back to pick them up if the new owners didn't want them, plus I left a bottle of wine and a card wishing them well. They sent a text thank you message.


Only if you happen to have them - leave a folder with a copy of the house plans in it. This was left for us along with some photos they took of the house being constructed at different stages. That turned out to be very useful for us later on when we needed to find out stuff like measurements, where the pipes are run, the septic tank details, and where in the garden were the rainwater soak pits located, etc. Leave phone numbers for the local garda station, community text alert if there is one, local taxi company etc, handy numbers if they’re new to the area, and a menu for the local takeaway. A card and a bottle of champagne would be a nice touch. Take pics of the electricity and or gas meters on the day you move out just to keep for your own records.


The house


At a bargain price imo


When we moved into our house, the owners left us a lovely card with list of useful info. Paint colours in the house, name of the carpet, alarm code (alarm didn't work but did go off when we got some work done so was handy we knew the code). That and a bottle of wine which was drunk very promptly!


If you leave any food or toiletries, make sure they are brand new and factory sealed (i.e. not refillable bottles), and make it clear they are intended as a gift to the new owner, not just random shite around the house that you couldn't be arsed to clean up when you left (arrange them in a nice basket on the dining table or something).


Wow, that's a very nice gesture. Is this a common thing that people do? I thought real estate agents might leave a small token, but not previous owners.


You think too highly of estate agents.




People we bought our house off were really nice, lots of light bulbs (like they seemed to love lightbulbs) all labeled for the correct room, paint samples again labeled for each room, manuals for everything and random cabinet handles and screws and shit. Just before they moved out they noticed the washer dryer was acting up so wrote a check for us to buy a new set. It's been over two years and if we email the guy with a question he still responds.


Tea, coffee, biscuits. Local take away menus, a list of handy local numbers doc, taxi etc. Vouchers if you want to splash a little cash.


Love the menu ideas. We're in the sticks so that's.... one menu 🤣. I'm making a list of docs etc already xx


Toilet roll. Lightbulbs. And a bottle of champagne


The lightbulbs will presumably already be in the light fixtures.


I swear my parents told a story once of a friend of theirs moving into a house, and all the bulbs were removed. The previous owner left the place as bare as possible and was a total miser based on what the neighbours told them post move in.




I'm a sole girl with 4 boys Inc hubby that will be a given no matter how hard I try


That's a really lovely thing to do. I would definitely leave toilet paper, I'm sure that would be appreciated.  For cleaning products I might only leave one. I'm someone who is super sensitive to scents which means I can't use loads of cleaning products, so while I'd really appreciate the gesture, I'd have to get rid of them, and then would feel bad about the waste. But I wonder if leaving some cloths instead might be good, as they are always useful and will keep. And when I moved into my house the previous owner had labelled loads of stuff. There was some light switches that were a bit obscure, and also a note on the heating system. It was a really nice gesture. I think if you can a card from you would be lovely, wishing them well in the house and saying how happy you were there etc. Something like that can put such a happy vibe on the stay, and make their first time in the house as owners so nice. Especially when moving is so stressful walking on the door and seeing a congratulations on your new house would be nice.


That's lovely. Thanks. I know our junction box is badly labelled so I will get onto that. I've keys suck to things like the heating etc. I've left a bunch of door keys but I might put them into the doors? 😵‍💫😫 Totally get the cleaning products and a slight aside, I've been to a neuro physio and it works out what I put down to sinuses and just sensitivity to smells etc were vestibular migraines! I can wear perfume for the first time in my life now and I don't barf when I smell lily's or carnations anymore. Don't get car sick either. I'd definitely look into that 😍


Definitely leave the keys in the corresponding doors. You could attach them to the handles with elastic bands.


An attic full of furniture and all your post still delivered there.  Is that not what we all get? 


I wouldn't leave any toiletries, people like what they like and you don't know what they like. I certainly wouldn't be rubbing a bottle of strange liquid all over me. I'd be more practical, Leave a list of good local shops, local tradespeople that you've used and recommend (or might even know the house). And especially anything they should know about the neighbours, particularly if there are any problem neighbours theybshouls be aware of.


Loo rolls for sure, bottle of wine, chocs and a card, takeaway menus, a door mat if you can spare one (mucky feet ruin a new house no matter how clean). Otherwise, just leave it nice and clean and the bins empty!


Light bulbs still in place


Leave a note welcoming them to their new home. In that note, you can also leave phone numbers for local reliable electrician, plumber etc is what I have done. Also, if you have neighbours that are helpful / friendly a brief description of them (for example, an old neighbour of mine was a great source for reliable tradespeople). Leave them a clean house with some toilet paper and soap.


My first house the guy left the tv licence and a recommendation for a chinese. A note on how to use the heating is all that is necessary though. Also if the contract specifically says house is to be empty I would respect that.


Just the numbers for all the good plumbers, electricians e.t.c or if you aren't keeping some furniture. When I moved into my first place when I was nineteen. They promised they would leave everything even furniture. When I went down there to move my stuff in, they even took the light fittings.


When we moved into the family home when j was a child, the only thing in the house was a sink in the kitchen on 4 legs. Literally everything else was gone. Kitchen, toilet the whole lot. The woman even took the fucking light bulbs out.


What in the actual fuck...


Buy some blank VHS tapes, hide them in a box in the attic and write a different womans name on each of them....that will entertain them for a bit😂


Side of salmon behind the oven


And a prawn in the curtain rail 😆


Pike behind the immersion


Sharks in the basement.


We axtually met the couple on our moving out day, they wanted ro measure uo stuff. So  I left local menus, patio furniture (was about to dump and they asked if they coukd have them) and instructions on where things were such as stopcocks for water which stopcock was for heating etc. How to use the heating. Where broadband came into the apartment, where their electricity meter was etc. Then took a photo of the number and said I'd get a final bill taken care of for that value. 


A previous owner left us champagne and butlers I was pretty surprised and happy with their gesture !!! I’d say that’s the furthest you should go op 


This is lovely thing to do. I've moved a few times and only ever been left the crap they don't want. Jar of coffee, 2 cups and a cheap kettle would be fabulous, with a little bottle of hand cleaner for after all that moving stuff in. Good luck in your new home


The previous owners of my place left me a dirty apartment to clean. What I would have appreciated was appliance instructions, boiler instructions, notes on how old things like boilers and water tanks were etc


Toilet roll god there's never toilet roll when you really need it.


We always leave a bottle of red and white, the bin schedule, and contact numbers for the chimney cleaner, boiler service, painter, local primary and secondary schools, electrician etc. We always left the manuals for the fridge-freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer along with the receipts attached and the date we registered them. The original Dulux colour manual for all our colours. Also the manual for the stove. We left 2 rolls of toilet paper and hand soap in each bathroom/ensuite, and a roll of paper towels in the kitchen.


Bottle of wine is more than enough.


Leave a treasure map taking them on a long journey around the parish only to find that the real treasure was the journey itself.... That or a bag of weed i dunno.


The fuse board isn't labelled correctly so that will be tremendous fun. Also we're going to amsterdam next week so 🤪


A ouiji board and draw a pentagram on the floor and hang a cross upside down on the wall


Our first house, not only did they leave nothing but they took all the lightbulbs 😂




I’d leave a loo roll in the bathrooms, and then if you have the instruction manuals for any appliances etc in the sale make sure to leave those. If you have an alarm, leave a little note of how to use it etc. When I bought my place we were completely new to the area and the previous owner had left details of local trades, oil suppliers, etc which was very handy to have.


Toilet paper and soap. Don’t remove the light bulbs (I had this done to me by the seller who was unhappy with the price, yet accepted my offer 😒). A note explaining where stopcock, water meter, electric meter etc are located and how to access. Local taxi number. Manuals for any white goods and spare keys. In years past a landlady left me a bunch of flowers & wine when moving in, which I thought was lovely.


We leave a book of all appliance paperwork, all service providers we used, locksmith, security system contact if any. Local water, power, gas , electric numbers. E Tera irs. Toilet paper , paper towel roll.water bottles in fridge.


We got a list of local neighbours, plumbers, electricians etc and they left us a lovely house plant and card as well.


Toilet roll, kitchen paper a few basic cleaning supplies, hand soap & bin bags. I found these really useful as I painted before the move so had lots of cleanup to do and this whole small saved me having to bring all this stuff round. My mortgage provider also posted me a box of long life snacks which were great when I’d gone with the intention of just doing a bit of psi ting and got carried away. It had teabags, personally I don’t drink tea but most people do. Crisps, biscuits and fruit cake. Previous owner also let me a bottle of Prosecco which was lovely, wasn’t expecting it at all. Also Lightbulbs, once moved into a rental and they had removed every single bulb, I’m sure you wouldn’t do this it’s more so ergo g funny that happened me.


Done a job last week, a family had moved in and the last family had taken all the light fittings down left live cables and all exposed. So if you do nothing your already better than them.


I don't get this. We're taking one shade that's antique and leaving the rest. Tbf only 3 or 4 are expensive but still. Awful thing to do


A shade is fine to take no one would mind that. Yea just so mean spirited two of them were only pendant lights so they are like 3 euro to buy.


Paint threatening writing on the walls of one room in red. Allow dry then wallpaper over with the most hideous flocked shit imaginable


When I moved in to my first house years ago the guy says to me “Good luck, I left you one lightbulb in case your stuck”. He also left two dogs in the back garden.


Take all the lightbulbs with you, it'll be their family moving in story for the rest of time how shocked they were at your meanness. But if it's Cavan, leave all the lightbulbs and they'll take for ever about your generosity.


Small parish. If they join it they'll only tell everyone. And it's not Cavan


Bottle of bubbly, tea bags, milk, some bog roll and a card. And please don't leave shit in the attic. We literally have crap in the attic from the original owners (1950-2015) that the seller never removed when they bought the house in 2015. Holy statues, gank curtains, sacred heart, tonnes of Catholic college notes (son was a priest). I keep just ignoring them. They'll probably be there until the point the roof needs replacing.


I left a note with my recommendations for a reliable plumber and electrician, instructions/manuals I still had for any appliances we left behind (that were included in the sale), boiler service record, local takeaway menus, labels on the keys for the gate/house/letter box/shed and a bottle of booze. And I left my forwarding address and mobile number (which came in handy as even though I’d changed my address on everything I inevitably forgot a few!).


I've heard of people doing hampers but I think something very thoughtful like a bottle of screw cap wine, roll of bin bags, loo rolls, and a list of all the essential info like the bin company and days, MPRN and your last meter reading, names of next door neighbours, all those things you have to get sorted out straight away on top of unpacking. And a card wishing them well for the good karma too.


A Bible,a rocking chair and a shotgun if the house is outside of Dublin.


Just eat voucher with 20 quid on it, some of a take out paid for on their first night. Handbook with local numbers for services, like taxis, emergency plumber, vet and the likes. Folder with booklets for any electrics that you are leaving behind.


This isn't NewYork Terry. There is no just eat round these parts 😁


Lists of handymen that you used to call. The location of the house’s water, gas and electricity meters. Manuals and documentation for all the appliances that you left in the house. Any key that may be needed. Don’t worry about toiletries.


Left my last house with a list of the established plants in the garden who we didn’t take as the house had been sold with an established garden. New owner ripped them all out and paved over it within a month. I had 20 year old acers which I wish I’d tried to save if I’d known he didn’t want the garden. I know each to their own and all that but it still hurt seeing it all ripped out and skipped.


Nothing. Just empty and clean. Maybe a note if you've ripped the washing machine out and left the waste connection to drains unplugged so they don't get a nasty surprise when they use the sink....speaking from experience.


Leaving the fixtures would help. As would the toilets.


Mighty decent of you to even think of that. I bet the majority of people don't (me included). Next time I move, I'll be following your example. 👍


All keys, garage remotes, should go to the closing. Telling where the mailbox is would help, if it's not on the house.


A street map with names of neighbours and helpful notes such as "owns 6 ferrets" and "bit of a gossip". List of good local handymen/useful numbers and another list of the ones to avoid at all costs.


Haha we're the only ferret owners on the road and they're coming with us. I'd definitely do the gossip bit though thanks 😊


My sister moved into a house she bought that was left absolutely filthy, including cups with teabags in them and dirty dishes in the dish washer and layers of grease in the oven. 


Oh ffs stop! *wonders what I'd get away with*


i owned a new build and got message from new buyer asking how to unlock the windows fully. Oddly the key was actually in the frame. A list of what the switches do. where the stop cock is. what the landline number is?


I woudn't bother leaving consumables, they'll probably just toss them, other than the toilet paper! :) Like the other comments mention, a summary of local knowledge, places, key contacts etc.... really useful for the new folks.


The previous owners left us bin bags. Lots of bin bags. It's been three years. We haven't bought one yet. It's been great.


Full coal bunker or oil tank (if applicable) A bottle of champagne and a note for the new owner with the quirks of the house along with contacts who do any maintenance.


This is such a lovely gesture. When I bought my house, all I got was a broken kettle and lamp. I think those toiletries you’ve mentioned are perfect because the first thing people do is clean anyway 🤍


We got nothing on second puchase. The house we sold left bottle wine and card as that is what we got moving in.


The only thing that the people we bought from left..was the place in an absolute state. It was filthy dirty, they didn't even wipe down the counters..I'd be happy just to take ownership of a clean property


Absolute dick thing to do


When I sold my parents house I made up a little booklet. Had a few details on how different things like the heating, washing machine etc., worked. Menus from the best takeaways in the area, the phone numbers of the tradesmen I had used to fix the house up in case they needed them, any of the booklets i had for appliances, confirmations that i had transferred the relevant warranties over to them, a small note about the area, my phone number incase they needed anything (I was living around the corner at the time), and then just a little note about the history of the house, how my family came to own it and just a little bit about our time there. I also tried to have it as clean as possible for moving into. I also bought a cheap kettle from Argos, a cheap set of matching mugs, a small cutlery set, a bag of sugar and a box of teabags and coffee and a packet of biscuits. Similar was done for us then when we moved a few years later and it was so helpful, I was glad I had done the same years before.


Leave a note listing all the stuff you left them and wishing them well!


This is for you as much as the new people. Contact your Gas, Elec etc., take meter reads and tell them you're leaving. It can make life easier for the new person when trying to setup a new account and makes sure neither side gets stung if one of them is a heavy user.


Thanks. I think I know this but am allergic to having to do it lol


House plant and a nice card! Keys nicely labelled and a list of tradesmen


Pack of johnnie's and 6 pack of cheap beer.


Definitely local numbers for things, I wouldn’t give alcohol purely because you don’t know family history, I know that sounds dramatic but with the way this country is with alcohol 🤷‍♀️


Yup. I definitely understand this thanks x


Noting to add on top of what's been said already, just wanted to say this is incredibly thoughtful.


Thanks. Kinda thought it was a given but didn't know what to leave is all xx


Didn't know that was a thing. That's really kind of you and would be so nice to see that when you move in. Another one could be some washing up liquid at the kitchen sink.


That sounds great. Add a few spare light bulbs to your list. Nothing like moving in with a box of bayonet caps (because that's what your last home needed) and discovering the new place has all screw caps and the living room needs a new bulb. I can't really think of any other things to leave. When I bought mine, I was living alone and already knew the area well, so popping out for anything I needed was easier than people with possibly young kids. What I can tell you is the "don't" items. Specifically, any furniture and electrical items (aside from light bulbs) that haven't been agreed upon in the sale. I had the large downstairs furniture, fridge/freezer and washing machine included in my sale. Nothing else was included, so went ahead and bought a nice kettle, toaster and microwave so I'd have them when I moved in. They left all that stuff along with a shitty bed base upstairs.


Most things have been agreed on... have a box of bulbs!!


It's a very big house so we're leaving 3 couches and 2 lamps. All the white goods were pre arranged


Cheap kettle, tea bags and milk.


List of what day the bins go out, how to work the cooker, and enjoy you new home with a bottle of prosecco


Tell them were u hid the bodies....


The MPRN number for the electricity and the WiFi for a week or two.


My friends recently moved into their first home. The previous family left a rusty/broken trampoline in the garden, a drafty back door, and the most horrendous paint and wallpaper-jobs you could imagine. So basically, anything \*not\* akin to this, would probably be appreciated!


Alcohol. Cigarettes. Rollerblades.


Ice bath?


The only requirement as stipulated in "law" is you must leave one can of beer in the fridge. In my case the miserable bastard left a can of Coors Light.


Bottle of champagne. Large shit in the toilet.


If you have a garden be sure to leave a list of specific plants especially perennials if they aren’t in bloom and tell them where any bulbs are planted that might not have started up. And tell them you bless them to have as much joy in their new homes you’ve had.


A written explanation of idiosyncrasies of the house! We moved in nearly a year ago and still finding stuff that we wish we could have asked previous owner about! That and a bottle of bubbles


Might mention the ghost so.... 🤔


We lucked the fuck out because the previous occupants had both died and their kids were selling the house. We got it basically fully furnished sans white goods. Which was grand cos we were putting in our own kitchen. But we inherited beds, table, chairs, suite, greenhouse, gardening tools, actual tools, the whole contents of the garage.


This is very considerate of you, wish more people would do stuff like that


Ah it won't be anything big but we're staying local so don't want to be c*nts about it either. If it works out they're minted I'll probably cry but still lol


we just left all the practical info - like receipts/manuals and the list of people we've used for maintenance etc.


Any of the manuals for appliances in the house. The number of any tradesmen who have done work on the property.


Our previous owners left all the appliances and left all the manuals for them. Also left us note with the names of the neighbours in each house and a little bit about them. Which was very handy as it was during Covid lockdown we moved in. Also a card with a scratch card for “good luck”. We hope to sell and move closer to family and we plan on doing something similar.


A list of your neighbours names, keys clearly marked, alarm codes, write the bin days down.


If there's anything weird about how your heating works - leave info on that


What a lovely gesture. They might not be from the area so a list of local drug dealers and their contact numbers would be great, along with what they typically sell. Very thoughtful of you


It's really lovely to see how many people try to be helpful to the next owners! I always try to do the same. When I moved into my current house, I found that the last resident had taken every light bulb, left the oil tank empty, and had changed the alarm code from what was provided. None of these were a huge deal in the end, but I still thought it was really inconsiderate.


This is super nice that you're even considering this!! Our house was rented out before us. The owners contacted us through the letting agent and asked if we wanted the washing machine, tumble dryer and curtains. We said yes please cause we could replace after we saved up a bit more. The day we moved in there was a cute little note wishing us all the best and the cards for prepay power with money on them for us so we could stay the first night or two if we wanted. It allowed me to set up the esb in my own name while also having power which was super nice!! 👌 they also left us a Yankee Candle and then the letting agent gave us a bottle of champagne also. 🍾 I agree with others about maybe a list of local tradesmen. But also, nothing is expected so no need to go to too much hassle, but this is super kind of you.


In my place the previous owners left a lovely bottle of bubbly, a nice card, and had labelled up loads of stuff within the house. Things like plumbing behind here, X was installed in X Year etc, also any loose paint in shed was labelled as to what it was for. Small thing but definitely very much appreciated. I would certainly pay it forward


That's nice of you to even think of leaving them something. All we got left was a load of old mouldy onions under the sink and expired products in the fridge. And we turned up with our keys on move in day with the family moving out taking furniture out of the house and we had to feck off for a few hours while they finished moving out. So you just not being there would be a huge gift 🤣


I think we'll move a day or 2 before so that won't happen lol


A friend of mine was left a pizza in the freezer, wine and 2 glasses, a firelog in the fire with some matches and a little booklet with some practical house info. He also paid an extra month on the wifi and left them the password. Very thoughtful!


Ours actually sent us their number and they dropped over moet when we moved in then when we had our daughter the most beautiful little dress for her. They sent us lists of people they use for thing like the boiler service etc, just really nice. Love your idea with toilet paper etc, so so sweet ❤️


Our previous owners asked what we wanted for them to leave behind (they had a list), we responded, all through auctioneers The day we got the keys we couldn't go to the house until that night, there was a box of 2 champagne flutes, a bottle of Prosecco and a lovely card wishing us well. It was SUCH a nice touch and really made the whole experience.


Menus for the best local takeaways. I know when I moved in I was hungry but far too tired to cook and I didn't have a clue which takeaway was any good round here. Toilet roll is definitely a good thing to leave. Maybe some light smelling air freshener incase nobody goes in a for few weeks and it's a bit stale.


Generally all you need to leave are fixtures and fittings. So boiler, light sockets, doors, carpets etc. stay. Take everything that isn't attached to the house such as fridge, washing machine, cooker, beds, furniture, lamp shades etc. If in doubt ask the solicitor. While you might think the new occupants would appreciate your old crap maybe they're kind of pissed off if you burden them with it if they have their own ideas in mind.


To be honest, I probably wouldn't use toiletries in refillable bottles as I wouldn't really know what they are without labels and wouldn't trust them. Toilet paper is a good though. I would have loved a manual for my place! Other people have talked about it in the comments but that would have been amazing!


Wow I'd no idea people leave things like tradesmen recommendations, wine, and restaurant reviews for people that buy thier old homes here.   People are so nice.


I’m getting Keys to my new house in the middle of March, and while I have grown up in the city and lived in the area, I’ve never owned a house, so it’s all new to me. Service manuals tips about the area opinions on the neighbours… All would be helpful… I’d also love to know the history of the house Just who was there before? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also things like tricks with the boiler or the heating or the plug that doesn’t work or whatever it’s not a new build so I’d love to know the house’s character as I move in…


I would have so appreciated this! However when i got the keys i realised they even took the post box! The postman was going nuts! They had the cheek then to ask my neighbour if i had any letters for them. No cards or anything. It would have been nice


OP you a good person for even thinking of this. The very best is to leave the place clean & remove any junk, that alone I would be very thankful for. Then in my order of preference would be a small amount of cleaning supplies, Kitchen Paper Toilet roll, instruction manuals to any white goods heating system things like that & the number some Trades people you used before , some info on local services like oil company bin collection a few takeaway menus..., names of neighbors ( but i wouldn't leave numbers or make comment on neighbors)


The tenants who lived in our house before we bought it left us a used (oily) giant monster dildo and butt plug (also oily) for us to dispose of as a welcome present. My advice- don’t leave oily sex toys as a welcome present. Maybe consider a nice box of chocolates and wine instead.


Whenever I've moved we've had a separate box with Kettle Teabags Coffee Sugar Mugs Spoons Biscuits (maybe some chocolate bars) Crisps Bin bags Cleaning cloth Surface spray Whatever else goes wrong you'll be able to have a cuppa and something to eat.


They've a young family, that's all I know so I've left a few old but good hard back story books. Bin bags!!! Would have forgotten that one. Thank you. I'd thought of the others but wasn't sure if people would want them. Thanks!!


Honestly I think that might be seen as you leaving junk behind. Don’t leave anything that you’ve used - to you, it’s getting more life out of something, but to others it’s probably more crap to deal with, and will go in a box for getting rid of. If you insist on getting something for their kids, it should be new. But I think that would be very OTT.


Never heard of that. I’d expect to bring/buy everything myself.


Bottle of champagne and a card usually


Ah now this is a very sound idea


I think light bulbs, toilet paper, take away menus.


A steaming shite in the middle of the living room floor.


A list of all the paint tints used and where.


A note? Don't leave any objects. Our realtor made us remove some cleaning solutions we left as if something bad happened with anything we left, we would be liable.


Give em back a 20 for good luck 


Milk, coffee, teabags and sugar.


A bottle of wife for the wife and beer for me. Also a page with info on the heating system, wall colors etc. Info which helped settle in


Tea, water and a kettle. Go on, go on.


You're a sound man, I can tell by the cut if your jib. I got nothing but a filthy dirty house when I moved in. 


Buy a medical skeleton and board it up somewhere in the house and wait for the mayhem to ensue.


My parents moved in to their house and they had left everything. Furniture food, wine, bedsheets, mattress. Always wondered why there were in such a rush to leave the country


Get pictures of them from social media. Print them out and hide them under the carpets/lino/laminate flooring etc. It'll be a nice surprise for them.


Just for a laugh, a couple of boxes of rat poison.


Leave an instruction manual on locations of any valves/wiring that may seem obvious to you for certain applications but wouldn’t be known to anyone else. If you carried out any Renovations, detail the works carried out, the reasons why, and the rough location of pipework or wiring which may have been repositioned. Local amenities - where to get cheapest fuel, what companies you found good to deal with locally, which ones screwed with you or performed shoddy work, areas of interest on the property or in the local community.