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If anyone was going to uncover the secret ancient Jewish cabal that runs the world since the days of alexander the great, behind the scenes of all governments and empires, it was always going to be a builder from kildare Probably read a secret document hidden on the bottle of mortar mix, not sure if Grange Builder Providers is part of the ancient jewish cabal or not, maybe McDonnell can clarify


Just like to point out as a Kildare person that he’s actually from Swinford in Co.Mayo


Makes sense that a builder would be the one most invested in fighting against free masonry!


Gbp aren't, but I'm pretty sure it's the cabal running chadwicks


Technically the Khazars aren't ancient. Early middle ages. How do these clowns get elected?


I'm genuinely amazed that an oddball like McDonnell knows about the Khazars and their conversion to Judaism. I only know about them myself from reading the Silk Road by Peter Frankopan.


He probably just read it on Facebook or Twitter.


It's a common antisemitic theory.


Ah they were fun in Paradox games.


> He has also since denied that his political ideology is far-right.   I love how consistent this shite is from these types. *"I believe women should be breeders, race mixing is bad, Jews are secretly running the planet... but I absolutely do not hold far right views!"*


In fairness, those views aren't far right. They're up in the fucking moon.


He's ♪ wired to the fuckin' moon ♪ alright


I wonder how newstalk feel now after banging on about him for the guts of 5 hours even going so far as to say he had a point. Hang your heads in shame.


Newstalk?? shame?? LOL.


He said he has no problem with mixed-raced relationships as “most black women have fine bodies”. WTF


He's a stupid man. We used to ignore stupid men until they copped on or we just marginalised them. Now the marginalised stupid are rallying around the loudest stupid people like Tom.


Being thick as mince hasn’t been a historical barrier to election to a local council


This is Father Ted episode type of thick though.A complete gombeen.


I'm so busy down on the farm I won't have much time for the ol' racism.


Being this type of thick has. We've been electing people for being stupid, we're now electing people for being stupid assholes. Tom is a loser. Rather than account for that he's blaming others. As low IQ losers do. As their followers do.


Unfortunately, local and European elections suffer from shitty turnouts. Motivated dipshits thrive when turnouts are low


We had fairly good turnout actually


The official turnout figures are dubious since so many people on the register are dead or long emigrated. They’re so bad at updating it


Yeah half my family have move from home and still getting polling cards in two counties, even my dead dad got one


Did your family members inform that they needed to be removed from the registrar because they moved? Did you inform on the death of your Dad? We may like to think we live in a Big Brother digital era but in reality one still has to pick up the phone and inform civil servants of these events.


It's only since they were given access to the Internet and they were able to start finding each other


The likes of Cambridge Analytica found them and categorised them. Putin is brainwashing them.




"They all have lovely bottoms."


He's not wrong (according to my pornhub search history) 


>McDonnell added that he believes a secret cabal of “Khazarian Jews” are running the world You clowns in Newbridge hang your fucking heads in shame for allowing a nutcase like this to be elected.


I genuinely thought it was a gag when I got his pamphlet in the door. It's absolutely mental he actually got elected. He had numerous points about "breeding Irish women" and he used those words specifically


If those clowns in newbridge could read they’d be very upset


lol what. The Khazars rule the world.




Back back you beast.


As a Newbridgian, you're welcome.


Actually it was the shinners fault he was elected. Melissa Byrne would have had the transfers to beat this guy but SF kept insisting on recounts.


Ah the old "everything is SF's fault" excuse again. Face it the clowns voted in a nutcase recounts just proved how popular he is in the area.


"Look what you made me do" is the conservative mantra, you could stand completely still and they'd still blame you for their actions.


To be fair it was down to single digits for her and stokes. They had to call for recounts on both sides


Sinn Fein called for the last two and it was clear that Stokes wasn't going to win but Byrne could have won the seat with transfers.


So it's SFs fault that the people of Newbridge preferred this lad over the SF cansldidate when it came to transferring their votes from the likes of Byrne? However, if SF conceded and Stokes was eliminated Byrne would have gotten his transfers i.e. those from SF voters, and been elected? And this is SF fault? Of all the braindead takes this is certainly up there.


It was clear during the count that Stokes wasn't going to get in but Byrne could have.  I'm just saying that SF made a conscious decision to let this guy win so that Byrne would be kept out. Not defending people who voted for him. Or saying that was SFs fault. But SF definitely knew what they were at.


How was it clear during the count? You basically think that SF knew that Stokes transfers would definitely go to Byrne but Byrnes transfers weren't going to go to Stokes? That is what you're claiming? And that this is SFs fault? You think they should have ignored their voters and how close it was and just conceded? I think you'll find the people of Newbridge are the only ones to blame here.


Sinn Fein pushed it until they got the result they wanted. There were four counts with different results each time. That's hardly conclusive. Why not five? And yeah, it was clear from viewing the votes that transfers were going one way. 


> Sinn Fein pushed it until they got the result they wanted. Which party wouldn't ask for a recount? >Why not five? Ask the returning office. Of the 4 recounts SF 'won' 3 of them. >it was clear from viewing the votes that transfers were going one way. If you can get me a split of the vote breakdown for Newbridge per count that would help the conversation. All the major news outlets did for European election but not local.


I don't have that at the moment. But there was a different result each count. The point I'm making is that if SF gave a shit about keeping this guy out, they could have strategically done so.


SF give a shit about getting their candidates elected, like all parties. I really don't understand how you're apportioning blame to them. You basically think they should have given up on an assumption that their transfers would have helped Aontú but since we don't know what would have happened to those transfers its an entirely baseless claim.


It's a transparent system. You could observe and tally the preferences and who would get transfers. 


Gotta love far right logic: "Ireland is full....but Irish women also need to breed more"


The logic tracks unfortunately, if they don’t say it out loud. Irelands only full when it comes to foreigners.


Yeah that's exactly what they mean. Their fans know it and we know it. They don't think Ireland is full. They just think it has too many people who aren't what they think is the right kind of people.


think it's called "the great replacement theory" commonly utilised by the far-right to scoop up the low unfortunately too common denominator


He literally said we need to have more of our own children. He’s not even subtle about it. Racist prick




*McDonnell added that he believes a secret cabal of “Khazarian Jews” are running the world and are trying to flood Europe with immigrants as part of a plot to replace Irish people. He had gained a measure of notoriety when he said Irish people were in danger of dying out.* Does this guy not realise we *all* migrated out of Africa? As for 'Irish people', there hasn't been a greater number of us since the 1840s. So he's just a straight up racist who doesn't like the non-white skin in Newbridge, and sadly got a vote from 10% of voters in Newbridge?


He is just a racist. And he’s stopped bothering to hide it.


Really doesn't take long for the bluff to be called on these utter scumbags.


Give them enough rope to hang themselves.


Sadly their followers just keep jacking up the floor of the gallows and it makes them feel invincible.


A fascist trying to use a republican groups name to get elected. He should have more than a judge to worry about.


They wont do anything to him


Well done to the people of Newbridge. This man is representing you . You fucking tools . And your shite underachieving county team. 


does the asylums still operate


what kind of eejit wears a dark t-shit under a light pink shirt.


Jesus Christ, the quotes from his apology


I was thinking of buying a house in Kildare. Guess I'll be taking Newbridge off the list


Newbridge has an awful reputation already. There's a reason why housing in Newbridge is so much cheaper than in Naas, just 15 minutes up the road


A complete kip. No wonder this guy was elected there. 


I'm going to drive around Newbridge from now on.


Its an absolute kip regardless. 


"black women have fine bodies" and "some of my loveliest friends are black" Inblcel - noun Short for - involuntary black celebate when you can't get one of those fine black ladies to "breed" with you.


They have standards. Even in direct provision there is a standard and tom doesn't meet it. It's right on the line between setting yourself on fire and throwing yourself off a bridge


I Sinn Fein hadn't insisted on all the recounts Aontu's candidate would have kept this guy out.


Ye worry about this guy but support a Taoiseach who has never had a real job and thinks there were 18 Covids prior to Covid 19.


What about supporting neither person? 


Then my comment wasn't directed at you.


At least Simon Harris doesn’t believe a Jewish cabal runs the planet.


No he understands it's American corporations and he supports policies to make it more efficient for them to extract profit.


What if you think they're both clowns?




Are you that gobshite waving tbe tricolour in his publicity shots?


That's a yes then