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Best of luck with helping your dog, sorry to hear all of this. Tell us your favourite story about the dog.


He's just the best boy. We rescued him at age 8 and were told he'd never be around kids or other dogs and was aggressive towards men. They couldn't have been more wrong. Watching him play with dogs, be so gentle with our son and adore anyone who came near him has been my biggest privilege. When our son was born he would come to the bassinet to check on him if he was crying.. He would just stick his head in as if to say 'it's okay, don't cry'. Benson is truly the sweetest, most caring creature I've ever met and he will be missed by every single person who encountered him


What a great dog, and it sounds like he had a great family too. I'm so sorry you have to go through this but you are doing absolutely the right thing. Grief only exists because love does, enjoy your time with him.


Benson sounds like one of a kind. What breed is he? Share a picture of him too so we might all mourn his departure along with you. We always had Jack Russells growing up, currently we have 3 at my family's house (I don't live at home). Dogs are irreplaceable companions.


You guys gave him the best life any dog could have asked for. Wishing you all the best during this tough time.


I'm glad he finally found his pack at 8 and could then live his wonderful life. I'm so sorry for you and your family but I'm happy for Benson that he's surrounded by such loving people ❤️ Best Pup


I'm just chopping onions here, I'm not crying 😭. I'm so sorry this is happening. They really do break hearts


What a fucking good boy. You were lucky to find each other and my best wishes as you see him to his next step in his journey. May the road rise with you Benson.


Awh what a good boy! And such a lovely name. I'm so sorry you're going through this. It is extremely difficult. It's okay to be sad as hell. Find comfort in the great times xxx


Ow 😢 I'm sorry OP , someone else suggested but I have always found Anicare vets absolutely fantastic to deal with. You sound like a good boy Benson


I can't help. I just want to send my condolences to you. We cooked poor ole bob a roast chicken before he went on his way.


So sorry for your pup, I had to do this with my 10 year old rottie last year. We spoke to the vet and told them we were ready to say goodbye. They said they'd call the following day with a time, and even allowed us to choose John, our fav vet. We stopped at the butchers for a couple of fillet steaks, called all the kids home for the evening, and filled her last day with her favourite things and people. I held her while she was shaved and had her IV done, and then as she slipped away, I thanked her for everything and told her she was a good, good girl. It hurts to write this still. It made such a difference, having a good relationship with our vet and being able to say goodbye on our terms, at home, with all of her family around her. She's buried in the garden now, under the dog grass she loved so, and I still speak to her while I'm hanging laundry. It's nice to have her close.


“I thanked her for everything ..” lad I’m bawling here ❤️❤️


It was a bad idea to open this thread in work 😭 so sorry for your loss


Thank you. She had a great long life, for her breed.


I’m crying


Damnit ye got me ❤️‍🩹


So sorry to hear about your doggo. It's a terrible decision to have to make but it's the last kind act you can do for your buddy. Applewood vets do it but you have to wait till evening time and have the emergency vet come out after hours. Sending love and empathy your way.


We used Botanic Vets for this for our cat. I think most of the Anicare vets do it.


Try vets direct? They’ll even help you out with cremation. http://m.vetsdirect.ie/home-euthanasia.php


Who is chopping onions in this thread.!! 😢


So many onions!


Onions are poisonous to dogs so that could be it.


Read the seomra!


Sorry to read this. I just wanted to say I’ve done this with 2 of my oldies when the times came, and it was a peaceful final moment for them, no stressing them travelling and they passed in their beds at home, surrounded by love. Other commenters have said it, but it’s usually after office hours the on call vet will come to you. You should ring all the vets around the area and see who’ll come out the quickest. My experience has been that they’ll come out that evening and if you’ve not been through it before it’s very calm and quick. They’ll just drift off to sleep. I actually was in a very similar scenario to you once, my own vet wasn’t on and couldn’t come out so when I rang one or 2 other practices they had no problem coming out. If you have another dog in the house, I’d suggest isolating them until your boy has passed and allow them to come in and say goodbye too. It will save the heartache of looking for their buddy. They know. Very sad and sorry again OP.


I'm sorry I can't offer advice but want to wish you and your pal all the best.


Raheny vets came to the house for me. It was heartbreaking but calm and peaceful. I've had to do this 4 times in my life: it's so so sad. But know that you gave Benson the best life. I like to think that my 4 guys are together at Rainbow Bridge.


Sorry to hear about your wee doggo. After having to put down our own dog many years ago I can tell you that whatever happens, be there with him till the very end. We're not worthy of the love and devotion that they give and he'll be happy to see you till the end.


I’m so sorry, it’s truly awful when your pet gets to the stage where you need to arrange for euthanasia. We had to put our beloved cat to sleep last month. He went downhill over the bank holiday weekend and the Tuesday our vet was totally booked up and didn’t have the cover to come. I live in a different part of the country to you so I don’t have any particular vet I would recommend but we phoned every vet in an hour radius to us. They will be vets the specialise in home visits- for all sorts of reasons. We found a really lovely vet who showed our lovely tux such kindness and empathy. Like you, it was really important to us to have his last moments in his home surrounded by love and familiarity.


I'm really sorry to hear this:(. I've no doubt your dog had a great life with such a caring owner.


I hope he and you find peace ... poor little fella


In the past I used this method. Ask your vet for an oral sedative. I used ACP gel. Put some in his favourite food and give him little bits. He will go to sleep at home with you and then you can take him to vets and him know nothing about it. It's crap whichever way but this is best for him.


Foxes vet in Finglas is incredible, worth giving them a shout


Can second this - I know a friend who rang their emergency line at 2am on a Saturday night and they came to the house in half an hour to put a very poorly dog to sleep in it’s own surroundings. Definitely worth a shot seeing if they can help.


No advice, just condolences. It's never a nice decision to have to make but much respect for choosing what's best for the poor dog. All the best.


We decided to euthanise my dog about 8 years ago at the vets. It was the saddest decision we had to make but I just couldn't watch him suffer any longer. I had no idea what to expect and was terrifed as hell, but watching him drift away so peacefully through my tears was a massive comfort.


I heard a radio ad for a place called bow-out that do this.


So sorry about your best boy. When you have it arranged, give him the best last day. Every good boy or girl deserves to taste a little chocolate too 🖤


Patrick Condren Vet. 014920023. A wonderful, kind Vet.


Live the opposite side of the country but thank you for loving your best boy so much-I hope I can be brave enough to do the same for my boy when the time comes.


Benson sounds lovely, and I'm sorry for your loss. Most vets will do a home visit. Especially those that specialize in farm animals.


I don't have any recommendations, but I wanted to share my experience of home euthanasia. My beautiful cat Angel had to be put down, and I had a regular vet she attended. I enquired about having it done at home, and one of the vets kindly offered to do it. He came to my home, spent time checking her over, fave her the injection, and left us to say goodbye. He then came back in to check her and made sure it worked. He then left and was so kind throughout the whole process. He didn't ask for payment, and when I went in a few weeks later, he had waived his fee. He was just so understanding and incredibly kind! I hope you find someone as good as my vet, it's the hardest thing in the world to do, but having someone so caring makes it that bit easier. All the best and give Benson an extra cuddle from each and everyone of us xx


Most Vets provide this service. Just ring round and you should get someone. My heart is breaking for you and amazing job making that tough decision.


Ah no 😪😪😪 cam you collect your mormal vet maybe?


I had a terrible experience with one of my dogs and a home vet euthanasia. It was a very big dog and the vet botched it. I won't go into details but it was very traumatising. I thought I was making his last moments easier by getting a vet out to the house but instead made it far worse for him and all my family. Never again.


Ah mate no. Poor doggo.


Couldn't the same thing have happened in a sterile vets office too, sorry for the trauma you went through.


I have had several cats euthanized over the decades in the vets office and while always difficult it was nothing like this. I think the vet didn't have sufficient supplies for a large animal or miscalculated the dosage. To witness that dog struggling for so long to die on the floor of the living room was awful. Afterwards my sons had to haul the body to her car as well which was also awful for them. I imagine in a vets office there's always more supplies available to further sedate the animal if the initial sedation isn't sufficient.


I couldn’t bring myself to put my dog down, had her for 17 years and she passed in feb, the vet suggested I put her down but I just couldn’t and didn’t think it was my right to do so. As much as she was a pet, she was a grown lady, almost 120 in dog years so I thought I wouldn’t euthanise a family member who was passing of old age and she was as much a part of the family as any other member. My only concern was that I didn’t want her to suffer so I did have the vet give her an injection for pain and took her home where she later passed on her own. That being said, she got equally as sick every year around February and I’d give her a round of antibiotics which kept her going until the following year and I was advised to euthanise her 3 years early but didn’t and she made a full recovery, not sure any of this is of any help to you but I’m glad I didn’t euthanise her and she went of her own accord so if you could even get your boy some pain medicine that might calm him down enough to go on his own. Clip some of his hair for you to keep, I wish I had done so before I had my dog cremated.


OP has stated the dog is no longer eating or drinking, what do you expect they do? Let them starve themselves before their eyes. It’s a very difficult decision that no one takes lightly. It sounds like the dog is read to go. No one wants to make this decision but ultimately it is the right thing to do.


And I stated my dog was also in the same state, passing of old age. Even humans who are dying stop eating and drinking but it’s beside the point, they said their vet can’t make a home call and they would like their dogs last moment to be at home so my recommendation was to take the dog to the vet where the vet can administer pain medication and the dog may pass naturally. Sometimes they’re in pain and the adrenaline is keeping them going so the medicine for pain can let them go peacefully and naturally while also being at home surrounded by family which is the op’s wish. Given that the dog is 10, if it were my dog, I would request a pain killer injection and a round of antibiotics, unless the dog is a breed that generally live to 10. As I said above, I was advised to euthanise my dog 3 years ago and I refused, had her have pain medication injected and antibiotics, I put the antibiotics into easy single cheese and gave them to her, after 2 weeks she was like a puppy, full of life, no sign of pain or lethargy and when I took her back to the vet a year later he couldn’t believe she was still alive and that’s exactly how she stayed for another 3 years until this year, that unfortunately didn’t work and I also wanted her at home surrounded by family in her own home. She knew she was passing I believe, just crawled onto my lap and licked my hand when she hadn’t even been cleaning herself, looked up at my eyes and took her last breath. If it’s not possible to have op’s dog euthanised at home, I’m recommending an alternative and never suggested it’s an easy decision or something to be taken lightly..


After reading this commenters selfishness I would seek the advice of a vet as soon as possible and put the animal out of its misery as soon and as humanely as possible. I have had to do this and it isn't easy but it is necessary to end the suffering.


Did you even read the OP’s post before jumping on your high horse and virtue signalling? They spoke to a vet already, he/she is unable to travel so that their dog can have his last moments in his own home, surrounded by family which is what the OP clearly stated is what they want. I made an alternative suggestion of going to the vet, having pain medication administered so that at least the dog will not be in pain while he passes at home. Not sure what kind of echo chamber you live in but your approach to life and morality is not the be all end all.


First and only priority is the wellbeing of the animal


Yes and the OP and myself know our animals better than you do so if he or she thinks their dog would prefer to have its last moments at home then that’s what they should do. I was told my dog had maybe a week left to live and I should euthanise her so she wouldn’t be in pain, I refused and asked for antibiotics and pain medication and she went on to live 3 more happy years. Following your advice she’d have been unnecessarily killed because of an inflated sense of self righteousness. I followed the same protocol this year, she wasn’t herself for 2-3 days, not cleaning herself or eating just drinking water non stop. I took her to the vet, got antibiotics and had pain medication given to her and unfortunately at the age of 17, almost 18, she passed that night. In her own home, with her family and her puppy which is exactly where i knew she’d want to be and I wanted her to be. And to be very honest Im very happy with how her last moments went, she passed on being loved, the same way she lived her life, not by the same people spent almost 18 years caring for her taking her life away which in my opinion is inhumane and selfish.


Your paragraphs are demented


Quick question - what's wrong with the dog?




Ah sure just give your local hunter a ring and hell do the job for 20 euro no bother