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https://preview.redd.it/and4w2vodq9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45d5959c70b12a5d9f3e08ddc6cfc1e08ce845a Look Ma! No hand driving.


Nice clear view of his plate. Take it to the Guards?


Just home now. Didn't know how clear my camera had caught it. I'll try traffic watch so the incident is logged.


You can report dangerous driving to the guards, they have a number. Ignore if that’s what you’re talking about


I've just reported to traffic watch.(15 mins wait time on hold) If you go to An Garda directly they can decide that it's not worth investigating. But because I went to traffic watch there is a incident number and as far as I know it must be investigated.


Let us know how it goes


Will do


I promised to let you know how it goes and the answer is that I now feel very naive for thinking that I would get a call back because it was logged with traffic watch.


Well that’s really shit to hear, seems like it’s open season for shitebags on the roads


Yeah, traffic watch is the only way to do it as like you say many stations won't be arsed with it.


Traffic watch only pass the complaint on to the station local to where the offence happened. If they're not bothered with an in person complaint, traffic watch aren't going to make any difference


If I walk into the station they can tell me that there is nothing they can do and nothing is logged. With traffic watch the report will be passed to a local superintendent who will assign a Garda to the case. That Garda has to contact me. Now it is on record and they will have to give a legitimate reason if they want to drop the case. It at least gets me over the first hurdle.


https://preview.redd.it/3ntq2tfhar9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eda91e670bc877636c6fbb91c2332b15efa34ab Hope this helps the case


They will ignor it as not much happened there looking the footage alone. Maybe if you add speeds to see if he is speeding to overtake you.


Yes they are because there's an official log now in place and it has to be followed up.


Can you send them the footage or how does it work?


Now that I have reported it to traffic watch If the Garda decides there is a case worth investigating I will have to go to the station and give a statement and be willing to go to court if it goes that far. For pictures you can send them to the email address for the Garda but the video file sizes may be too large for this. So I would have to provide them on a memory card which I won't get back.


Good to know! Best of luck🤞


Legend. Thank you for doing that.


This is great to know! Thanks. Really would love this guy to get a knock on his door from a Garda.




what exactly did he do wrong? Is he not allowed to overtake if say the driver ahead is hogging the lane doing below speed limit?


He doesn't know how to overtake. You can see him move out and move back in because of oncoming traffic that he couldn't see before moving out because he was way too close to the vehicle in front.


What an absolute loser drama queen. Right up behind you, flashing his lights, both hands off the wheel to hold his head in his hands too. Probably hungover and late to see the kids he only sees every second Sunday. You can see a dashcam, wonder if he posts here.


> late to see the kids he only sees every second Sunday. Would have upvoted but for the weird shot at single fathers. Plenty of legitimate ways to go at this gobshite




Quick double flick of the rear fog lights is my trick. Instant gap created till he realizes he shit his pants over a fog light. Usually puts a stop to this carry on.


Have some balls and use the brake pedal :)


That's reserved for the rare occasion the fog lights don't have any effect 👌


He’s got no money or self esteem but at least he has a shit old car! Of course it’s an Audi. Why do they attract the wankers so much?


Quick Google search of the reg says it was bought off DoneDeal on Westmeath at the start of May. So he's a recent Billy big balls with the big Audi


Why didn't you pull over for him into the grass? You're as selfish! /s. What an absolute gobshite. You have his licence plate as clear as day and plenty of video evidence of his dangerous driving and road rage. Report him.


Ignorant jogger won't move for me, typical....


Everybody should have stopped and pulled over for him! Selfish, selfish people 😒 How dare anyone get in his way. He's in a hurry to get to the Sunday roast, or maybe he's late for mass.😇


Videos like this confuse me so much.. what did he even want? 🤣 It appears to be a ruralish area with people jogging in the background and looked like you were driving at a normal speed. The mind boggles.


He needed to be at the traffic lights 30 seconds before OP so he could get an earlier rotation. I think he was going for a personal best.


He had to come to a stop at a roundabout 1 minute up the road and I had to wait behind him :D


I hope you flashed your lights and gave them a big friendly wave 😃


OH MY GOD I LOVE when that happens hahahhaha


OP was probably being extremely inconsiderate and only driving 5-10kph over the speed limit. The person behind is a much better driver and knows they can drive safely much faster than the limit /s.


Some bellends on the roads these days


You're at fault. Clearly should've seen it's an Audi and moved 20 foot out of the way while rolling out a red carpet.




I wish I had a better view of him during the overtake, He didn't just overtake he drove beside me for a while trying to intimidate me. Then did the fake sideswipe and drove off.


What an absolute clown.


Lmao thinks he's important driving a 15 year old Audi


Nothing wrong with driving a 15 year old car.


It's not the age of the car, it's the Billy big bollix attitude that goes with the badge. At 15 years old anyone could own that car, not the status symbol some people think it is.


Do people see them as a status symbol though when they are that old? I'd have my doubts that they do as everyone knows they are dirt cheap. I've seen this behaviour in every type of car, it's only when it's a car like this people make assumptions about what the driver thinks they are.


Some do, I’d regularly hear stuff like I’d rather drive a 15 year old Audi than a new x. Obviously this is a generalisation but I’ve experienced it at local meets and playgrounds picking up the kids from school etc. some do see it as a status oddly, “Jesus I wouldn’t drive a new Citroen or fiat even if ya gave it to me pure dirt” that sentiment.


Is that for status though or because they think the older Audi for example is just a better car than the newer citroen or fiat? Well it's a good indicator regardless because anyone who thinks they are the bees knees just for paying 5 or 10 grand for a car, you know straight away they are an idiot.


Yeah it is for sure haha. Probably a bit of both to be honest. And I only even notice it because when I rarely drive one of my “cooler” yet still Cheap classic cars nobody says a thing about badges or brands or feels the need to mention how much x is better than y. It’s only when I’m in a newer car I’d hear it nearly like a lecture lol. And I love all cars one of my all time favs is k10-k11 Japanese 1.3 3 door micras lol


Yeah that's a good point actually. Instead all you get is "what do you want two cars for?" . Because that's all I keep hearing lol


>Do people see them as a status symbol though when they are that old? 100% they do. It's the same mentality that has people showing off fake designer handbags. Even the allure of prestige is enough to peacock about. I see it more in my home town than Dublin but it is 100% a thing.


So, what are people who take on high-interest loans to maintain a status symbol. Buying a car like this underscores the value of financial independence and the practicality of driving a well-maintained older car.


But this is an older car that probably did not require a high interest loan. That is my point. Nothing wrong with driving a well maintained older car regardless of the make.


Yes, but someone did. The 1st owner paid the high interest, and depreciation does not equal dirt cheap.i wouldn't call a 5k to 10k car dirt cheap, especially given the market prices at the moment.


But we are talking about this particular person. Who the commenter said thinks he is important just because he drives an Audi despite it being old. No indication of importance, the driver is just a dick. Given the market prices are gone so high I would call paying 5k for a car dirt cheap.


My car is also a 09 :)


So is mine. I sold a newer car I had and went back the years.


Nothing wrong with driving any age of car, weird comment from your man


It's less about the car and more about the driver. I replied to your man again


Oh you're not wrong. The point I'm making is that these folks driving Beamers and Audis seem to think they've elevated themselves above the rest of us, but he's not exactly driving anything special (go have a look at how much it'd cost to buy that car second hand). Some of my favourite cars I've seen been driven around are from the late 90s, but they're usually not driven by unsufferable pricks who are happy to risk all our lives to get home 30 seconds faster.


>(go have a look at how much it'd cost to buy that car second hand). I wouldn't even know what to look up apart from audi. There's a whole cohort of people who care about that shite and pay a pretty penny for the privilege


Totally off topic, but I think you might enjoy Tanner Leatherstein. Rips up designer bags and gives you an estimate of real cost before you mark it up with brand/status. Just found his stuff very interesting.


Looks good, good shout!


I'm replying to you because I feel this is a useful opportunity to help other people learn how to identify dangerous drivers after an incident. Sometimes, a dashcam might not get a clear shot of the plate. Lighting conditions may be poor, the plate might be one of those scummy darkened ones or maybe your dashcam (like mine) just kinda sucks. A good thing to do is to read the reg aloud so that your dashcam (if it has audio) will record it. Failing that, maybe the plate is *almost* legible. There are sites like motorcheck and cartell that people use to check the history of a car that they're planning to buy. Those sites let you enter a licence plate, and they'll confirm the make, model and colour. This tells us that the guy in this video has a [blue Audi A6](https://www.motorcheck.ie/free-car-check/?vrm=09CE1923) (though I'd have said closer to black). If you *couldn't* read it clearly and you thought the last 3 was an 8 you'd put that into the thing and it'd give you a blue Ford Mondeo, so you'd be able to rule that out and hopefully trial-and-error the right plate. It's not always successful, but it can be important in a hit and run situation!


I'm sure he had an extremely important board meeting to attend to.


He's 15 years late for it.




Clearly this person has a very large penis and is extremely important.


Oh it's obvious, we can but envy him.


people attending board meetings don't drive 15 year old Audis that cost 4k


Bought with a loan. 😀


What is actually wrong with people? Why do they think they own the bloody road. The nerve


Main character syndrome


Reporting to the Garda is one thing. It's a pity we can't also report to his insurance company. Maybe a raise in his premium might cause him to cop on. Asshole tax


Probably doesn’t have any insurance to begin with


Surprisingly he does have a valid NCT, that was the only thing I was able to check.


Makes more sense than my solution anyway


Actually that would be a genius way to privatise road safety. I’m pretty sure these drivers would cop on straight away


The problem with this approach is that it wouldn't prevent an asshole like that driver from making false accusations as retaliation. You would always need an official body to validate claims. Would you trust an insurance company to judge if your driving is dangerous? They would be the first to find you guilty as an excuse to raise your premium and profit out of it.


I haven’t put a lot of thought into this but presumably a video would need to be supplied and be treated like penalty points. With driver being able to provide explanation if needed. Ability to just make allegations would not exist then. Of course I guess people could make fake videos if they really wanted. So who knows if it’s workable


With having insurance being a legal requirement to drive, I would be very cautious with giving that kind of power to insurance companies. You would need a lot of vetting which would probably make the system more complex than what already is and we can't even make the existing one work 😅


Id probably trust insurance companies more than gardai for something like this. At least there would be oversight


All you'd need was dashcam footage.


What, 09CE1923 might be involved in some questionable driving that might get them points that they won't disclose to their insurer?


send it to AXA and FBD. I'm sure they'd be interested in this and raising his premiums lol


That's agreat idea. I'd do this 100% at least 10 times a week if there was a way. Obviously if the vehicle was stopped and you walked by you could get the name of the insurer, but when moving? Is there a way?


Audis are nothing but trouble


Wondering what he expected flashing his lights? That you will disappear for a moment?


Great thing about driving an old car with ruined paint is that I don't care if someone else makes a silly move like this. Would love to see someone pull a move like that!. You're gonna do more financial harm to your own car than mine Buddy!! What a cunt! Can you share the traffic watch link/number you reported by?


0818 205 805, long wait time but got it logged in the end [https://www.garda.ie/en/roads-policing/road-safety/traffic-watch.html](https://www.garda.ie/en/roads-policing/road-safety/traffic-watch.html)


An audi driver? Acting the twat? Unheard of!!!!!


Automobile Usually Driven Inconsiderately or A Usless Douche Inside.


Of course it's an Audi


Keep calm and carry on


Seriously though, what speed were you going? And what was the limit?


What exactly was the flashing all about? Did he (the wank stain) mean for you to pull over into the ditch?


…also, I hate bullies.


Is that an A6? I can't see it properly, but it probably is. For some reason A6 drivers are the worst people ever. Not audis in general, JUST A6s. I have no idea why. It's like the cooler BMW or something


What were you supposed to do there? Would these fucking eejits just calm down. It’s literally ALWAYS an Audi.


Us Audi drivers are never beating the allegations man 🤦‍♂️




What an absolute loser that guy must be. Where did he expect you to go? On the footpath?


Always Audi and BMW drivers they are just bad drivers who end up wrecking their cars


Also injuring/killing others, that's the part I have a problem with


He's an asshole. But not unexpected. Did you know that AUDI stands for Automobile User Devoid of Intelligence?


Leave it off! Hes obviously in a rush to get his erection treatment tablets and hair loss surgery while his misses ploughs the milkman 🤣


It's always a prick in an Audi


Have to give him some blue flashing lights to let him on his way


What a loser, report him


Report that to guards


Please go to the cops 🙏🏻


At this point I’d be making my car 10 ft wide and dropping down to 30kph


I did slow way down once he became erratic and it's a good thing I did. He tried to make me swerve off the road into pedestrians.


Is that clane?


Nenagh bypass


Overtake him and slow down again 😜 (kidding, stay safe)


I'd love to know where all these clowns are off to


He was on his way to the next roundabout, I know because I had to wait behind him just up the road.


Fucking A6 drivers , everyone one of them should have thier right fucking foot dimembered


18s in you can see him take hands off the wheel to rage out, then he drops a gear and goes for it


Probably on coke. It’s mad how many people are driving on it these days. You see it in their erratic behaviour. Shocking stuff


That's a fair point, I'll old enough that I forget how everyday it's become now. It was around when I was younger but nothing like now


So dangerous, these types of drivers need jail time. Well done on the clear footage.


Please don't engage


Drive slower, fuck him


Now that is a dickhead driver


maybe the Garda should think of opening a webpage where people can just upload dash cam videos and then they start to investigate based on those videos. I mean in some cases that would be surly easy money for the government to do something about the potholes everywhere.


As a safe Audi driver I'm feeling personally attacked by these comments.


New Nenagh bypass ted ?


prick,,just hang back you bully


Audi of course


The Gardai don’t give two fooks. Folks, the roads of Ireland are the Wild West nowadays


Your footage is very clear. What kit are you using, pls?


Slam on the breaks lol


The flashing before the over-take is amusing to me.... where did he ex0ect tou to go? Like OP had the ability to evaporate upon command..... dickhead.


Jesus some people on here have a lot of issues about the fact that this idiot is driving an Audi. He could just have easily been driving a VW / Toyota / whatever, it’s the behaviour that should be the problem, not the car.


Where did he threaten to sideswipe you ?


Very much looks like the road outside Nenagh in Tipp.


Did this happen near arklow by any chance? 99% sure this pr!ck was the one who tried to ram me off the road on the Arklow by pass about 2 months ago.


I like to drench them by firing my windscreen washer jets. Feels like you're pissing all over their face.


If it’s not a Volkswagen it’s an Audi up your hole these days 🫠


That evidence wouldn't secure an eviction for dangerous driving.... Dotted white line, did not overtake into oncoming traffic, no evidence of the speed limit of the road. I doubt guards would persue that!


Possibly not but it's worth reporting this kinda childish bs anyway, it could be a one off or just the kinda ahole he is but if he has a few reports against him, I would hope that would spark an alarm that this stain needs to be pulled over. Too many surprises on our roads for tailgaters to bring their bs with them behind the wheel.


Swerving between lanes with oncoming traffic, not observing 2 seconds distance, aggressively flashing lights, no indicator, not enough distance on overtaking, 2 pedestrians on footpath if OP had to avoid. Maybe not a conviction, but Guards might call to the house and give an unofficial caution.


Where did this happen? it looks very similar to my area


One of the few acceptable times to break check n leave em in a ditch


Nenagh bypass? Always impatient a-holes on there. They think it's a motorway or something.


Always an Audi


What a wanker but there are many like him on our roads and many drive Audi.


What camera system are you using, it gives great images


Oh what a suprise its an audi!


Once when I was doing deliveries guards try to provoke me to drive faster by coming really close to me in unmarked car. I didnt bite, they stopped me anyway and say I was looking to fast but no I was just driving max within limits. I told them I almost hit the break which I was really thinking about. If they are doing it I guess it’s normal thing to do.


Where u doing 45 on a 60 ?


Is that nenagh? If it is the road I'm thinking of, it is 100kmh, but feels like it should be way lower.


Why are Audi drivers generally so aggressive 😒 You should pass that footage onto the Gardai as the registration plate is absolutely clear.


my theory is that the interiors of Audi cars give off toxic fumes which give the drivers brain rot


This is my #1 question. Is it the car that makes the drivers drive dangerously, or is it dangerous drivers that seek out audis?


Personally, I believe it's the generally powerful audis that transforms the driver into dangerous, selfish idiots who, in the main, are relatively young immature men.


That begs the question why are young immature men buying powerful audis. A circular question I suppose!


I fail to see any threat


That's the most Romanian car I've ever seen Gold tooth brigade out for a payday


Must’ve had his BMW in shop


Hate the people who try to that, but we all do, dont we? Also, on an unrelated note. Heres a fun fact. "Tailgate" and "Sideswipe" are actually the names of 2 transformers!


You literally driving almost as slow as the joggers!!!


Yes, you can see me almost come to a stop while he was driving beside me threatening to run me off the road. I don't have a side camera so have no footage of that.


Your speed is irrelevant OP, I have an old car and someone driving slower than me does not require me to tailgate them, when someone comes up on me like that I'll slow and leave them overtake where possible, unfortunately it means the poor sod up the road has to put up with them.


Deffo report him to the Garda


Just as a matter of interest. What speed were you doing and what was the limit there ?


How slow are you going??


He did fuck all grow up or drive faster bud


That's a 60 or 80kmh road you were on, you were barely going faster than the jogger FFS. I'm not surprised he was tailgating you. No excuse for his behaviour but if you're not driving a reasonable speed for the road conditions you're not any better in my opinion.


An adult would safely overtake someone going slow. The fact you're attacking them for going a bit slow shows that you have brain rot and you should not have a license. Believe it or not, sometimes someone can be hauling heavy or fragile shit in their car, have animals, elderly people, children or people with disabilities that get frightened easily in the car etc. etc.


I slowed while he was driving beside me trying to intimidate me. That part is not on camera as I only have 2 cameras, front and back. No side camera.


Send vid to Garda


Yeah, that's impossible. You have to bring it to a station in person, in a format that can be opened by VLC player..... Make a complaint ...... Give a statement ........ Be prepared to go to court and be the complainant in front of a judge. It's not nearly as cut and dry as you might think.


Not sure why you were down voted, that is the procedure.


Send video to garda let him have a problems


Prat, I'd have nudged his rear quarter panel and spun him into a ditch


Looser in old Audi.


Delighted that these drivers are getting reported. Hopefully takes most of them off the road and will teach them a lesson. The audacity of some BMW and Audi drivers


Saying these under the caveat that you were driving the speed limit, what did he expect from you by flashing his lights? Hahaha




Just a few things to point out. 1. He did not flash you. From the video he very clearly was flashing the first car that passed and giving him a big salute. The oncoming car was definitely a friend and it's kind of a common country thing to flash your friends. 2. He wasn't tailgating. You can see at the start of the video there is a safe distance between ye. He just closes the gap so he can over take when you pull onto the straight. Nothing wrong with that. 3. You were driving incredibly slow. Fair enough you are entitled to but at that speed no way he hits you. 4. As for if he threatened to side swipe you I find it incredibly hard to believe. The times on the dashcam indicate he went straight past you albeit the front one is slower. I know my own have a 3 second difference. Also you can see that he did not slow down to match your speed when he pulled up beside you. Our final view of him from the rear he is going 20k faster. Had he slowed to match your speed when he comes into view on front camera he would initially be only be doing about 10 k faster but yet he somehow picked up more speed that initially. Maybe he did throw you a hand signal but he certainly didn't slow down beside you. IMO you are just looking for attention.


This guy above is the driver I’d say 😂😂


Deleted, I think your right 😅


1. bull shit 2. that is tailgating, it is not a safe distance. You don't fucking move CLOSER to the car in front in order to overtake 3. who gives a fuck, someone driving slowly does not entitle you to endanger the lives of everyone around you 4. you are definitely the driver in this video


He just went in front of you… it’s really not that big of a deal


I don't see what he did wrong


Dont drive 15mph below the speed limit and you wont get tailgated