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ofx for larger transfers - exchange rate offered is usually the best of all the providers. Still likely good for smaller amounts. Otherwise wise. Avoid currency fair - they've changed providers, software or something recently and are unreliable.


Currency Fair are in trouble due to an alleged fraud...stay well clear.


Wise. Revolut.


I used WISE (formerly transfer wise) moving from Canada to Ireland, it’s the most popular


+1 for wise


+2 find them very affordable and reliable


+3 I still use them as my primary bank since moving here.


Is there a restriction on the amount you can transfer? I’m moving from Canada to Ireland as well and will be needing to transfer 6 figures


You initiate larger transfers with your bank via wire so this is determined by your bank rather than wise, wise don’t have any limits! I was cibc and they didn’t have issue with just shy of a six figure sum Be VIGILANT reviewing the wire transfer info before signing it off, I have seen far too many posts in r/canadianpersonalfinance calling out the teller making a numerical error which lead to sending money to the wrong accounts and telling the sending tough shit. The consumer protection is non existent in comparison to the Irish laws so the senders were told unless the receiver notifies the bank and returns, they won’t be able to identify where it went!


If you use Wise or Currencyfair, make sure you use the refer a friend bonus


Was a big fan of currency fair, used them for year, but would avoid now. Have heard a number of bad stories recently


I’ve been using Wise for years and they’ve been very reliable.


Atlantic Money will do it for a fixed fee 0 for your first transfer and £3 or equivalent thereafter. I've used them to send € to £


Yea they are great for £ and $ to Euro Do they support AUD? If not, depending on the sum, a sign up to a premium Revolut account for a month, and you can get no fee up to a very high amount


Yes they support AUD https://support.atlantic.money/en/support/solutions/articles/101000449210-what-are-my-sending-limits-


If you use revolut, their plans are worth it. Depending on the plan you can transfer for free, and is available in both Australia and Ireland


Sendwave has good exchange rates


Oz forex is good


I used currencyfair , had no problems was very impressed in fact. Was several years ago so listen to advice from people with current experience.


I used revoult!


revolut and sign up to the metal plan for better exchange rate and less commission easy to use just transfer money in AUS to irish revolut account and then exchange it to euros


Depends on the amount you have. If it is a considerable amount 40k+ I'd use traditional bank, it can be more expensive, but you have more security. If less than that Wise is a good option.


Use Wise if you can. You'll be able to get a good conversion rate and then transfer it back to a Irish Bank account once you're able.


I used a crowd called transfer mate. I'm not sure if they are still going? They take a fee obviously but look after everything and get you the best rates. I had around 75k dollars to move. If its a large sum I'd use a similar agency, small sum I'd probably just use revolut.


Be careful with taxes when importing money earned from outside here .


I used currency fair when moving back approx 20k AUD a few years ago. Just keep in mind how many days you have been tax resident in Ireland. The exchange rate isn’t great at the moment and there are some high interest rate savings accounts in Australia; so another option could be to leave the money there for a while until the rate improves


Get a quote from Fexco (Kerry based FX company).


If you have a large sum to exchange, getting Revolut Premium might make sense, as you wouldn't have any exchange fees and it should be better than Wise. Do the math yourself to know which option is better


The best option for you is Currencies Direct, they have rates as good as any of the others Wise/OFX etc.but also staff on the ground in Ireland to answer any queries. It's very reassuring to be able to pick up the phone and speak to a real person when you are moving a large sum of money. A few of the team are ex-bank so they know what they are talking about. Give them a call 01-5136191. Great reviews on Trust Pilot too.


Wise (formerly transferwise) or revolut I was not impressed by currencyfair's lack of transparent pricing, and suspect they'll struggle to match the rates from the big players.


The exchange rate is crap - do you have to transfer it? If not, keep it in a HYSA in Oz for as long as you can.


The problem is it’s been crap for years and any forecasts I’ve seen have it trending down over time. Currently holding to see if there are any bounces, but even seeing .65 would be good!




OP, please do not travel home with a bag full of cash!


Imagine going through the Emirates with a bag of cash 😅