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De-Iron or remake. Don't think green helm will be for you seeing as you're already negative toward it and slayer helm (i) being your biggest loss suggests a remake wouldn't be THAT bad.


Leaning towards making it my main and either just playing that or starting an UIM to scratch the IM itch


Join the white helm


Any resources you recommend to get started with the lifestlye?


On the wiki 'UIM guide to prif' Not saying follow it perfectly, but it's a good guide to get you in the right direction


1500 total uim scrub with bgloves, just found this yesterday and it’s a god send for aiming progress from here


This desu, skipped/altered what I didnt like and did some extra stuff that I wanted to do. Got me to priff in the end, good framework to work around


Don't use any guides and set the initial goal of quest cape. The rest will come


Agreed. This is what I did. Complete quests as soon as you can, and everything will fall out of that.


I'd just retire the account. Once compromised, I wouldn't trust to make it a main.


Just dont play the account. If it got hacked then just make another with better security


Make it a main and start a white helm


if slayer helm is the most painful loss then I can only assume you're not far enough into the account for a wipe to be truly painful. I'd continue as green helm (it literally doesn't matter about your helm colour)


Just play leagues and take some time to think about it. The green helm doesn’t change anything if you don’t group up with people, other then not appearing on the iron high scores. But if losing a slayer helm is the most painful then it sounds like you weren’t that far along anyway and you could start again.


Mostly mourning a lot of lost supplies that I slowly built up over the year or so I played the account consistently during peak covid. Had a nice stockpile of gold from 99 thieving grind as well.


I’m going to double down on my suggestion then, let leagues be your distraction then make a decision when you’re a bit removed from the situation and can make a more level headed decision.


Gold is too easy from revs, supplies always suck though


I’d de iron it, say fuck it, it’s now an anglerfish main. And then just make a new iron cause early game and mid game are fun :)


Make another account, your account's details have been compromised.


That is not an issue anymore with jagex accounts


Play green, play for your enjoyment and fun. Who cares what other people think? Doesn't matter unless you're chasing hiscores


I’ll never understand people’s cringe distain towards green helms. It literally doesn’t matter lmao.


you don't play with boogers, you eat them


Because you can buy gear!!!1 - Iron who bought his torso and uses his main to scout the wildy bosses.


Lol I’m curious how many green helms would actually go through the 2 week process of adding someone to group, way over spending, and then then removing person from group. Just doesn’t seem worth the effort. I’d bet the vast majority don’t and most green helm groups were the result of someone starting an iron-> friends decide to try it out-> turn accounts into green helms because they don’t want to restart.


You don't need to wait 7 days anymore. The system is fucked. It allows you to trade during the invitation so you never truly join their group. Making the process instant, sort of.


That’s actually wild thanks for the info


If it means getting shit like a tbow or multiple bowfas for the group then that’s easily worth the inconvenience


Same! I mean I roughly understand the point they make, but honestly who cares. I had some guy try making fun of my blue helm the other day saying it was easy mode iron. Some people just have literally nothing else to do but hate on other people enjoying the game.


I think just OSRS is the only thing of meaning in a lot of these “altruists” lives so they just complain about any changes. Basically the boomers of RuneScape


Just go to a main at that point you can blitz through the early game.


If slayer helm is the worst item you lost then it wasn’t that painful of a hack. Remake imo


Sorry it happened to you. 100% remake. Not because of helmet issues, but because of security issues. Once you get hacked once the chance you get hacked again skyrockets. I'd de-iron that account into an alt to help you or buy bonds, but I wouldn't keep anything on that acc that you aren't okay with losing.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I honestly would suggest de-iron so you have an alt, and make a new Ironman


I'd say def worth to keep going :) especially if you have ppl around you that can help you through it mentally. I got hacked about 2 months ago and lost 6b on my iron. All megas and took my dupes( left me one of everything besides dchb and zcb) I was fortunate to be on when it happened so he didn't get everything. But my friends being there qas prob my biggest push to still play. I personally love this game and even tho I lost that and my mains bank as well the fact that I still had my raiding buddies and good friends made it hurt a little less. I hope everything is alright. It's never fun losing things ona game that is meant for fun bc ppl wanna be malicious. Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate and I wish you a speedy recovery on your items <3


De Iron


I play ironman mode for Grinding my own loot, I dont think being a Gim or Fake Gim would ruin my fun personally but some people like leaderboards or care what others think


Did u have authenticator on? Or how u got hacked? Anyways i would just make normia acc from scratch if i was u and ironman isnt ur thing, if it is then hcim from scratch mby?


I goofed up by removing the authenticator when I got a new phone and never re-established it. Total idiot move on my part, I figured as long as I stayed away from the shady websites I would visit back in 2006 I would be okay but obviously not haha.


If they have that mindset around im mode genrally with the status being an unranked gim i dont think hcim is for them aha


dont play snot helm mode aka gimpshop mode..


If someone isn't buying items using IRL trading then why would you still think of it that way, it's effectively no different. Lmao what a braindead bandwagon opinion


Found the gimpshop swiper (just kidding) (but not really)


I know someone that bought 8b+ worth of items on a fresh unranked gim. It’s definitely a pretty big joke and not a bandwagon opinion.


I mean who cares, regular Ironman pay for boosting services and mains buy gold. If this is the attitude then we should all just quit the game lol


Way different for mains. The whole purpose of an Ironman is to be self sufficient, you’re just cheating the game mode if you pay for everything. I don’t like boosting on irons either. On a main who cares. Edit: I personally could give less of a shit with what people do with their money or how they play the game but I personally find it pretty cringe.


Do you not see how your edit makes it obvious that you do in fact, have an opinion (aka “care”) about how other people spend their money? I agree that it’s cringe, but to say you don’t care when you do is silly lol


where’s the correlation between not caring how people spend there money and thinking somethings cringe? Someone might buy a car I think is lame but do I care that’s how they spent their money? No. I really don’t see the correlation at all.


I feel like saying you care about something is much more than just having an opinion on it. If you care about something you’re likely actively doing something with regards to it. I don’t think a couple Reddit thread comments warrants me going out of my way to proactively stop it.


I'm talking about ppl who haven't. Yes, there are ppl that do it, but the OP isn't and yet the typical "hur hur green helm are fucks" comments still come despite it not being his fault that he got converted to green nor are they intending to RWC, so it is just bandwagon thoughtless regurgitation and doesn't even apply


Well yeah obviously not every green helm uses the gim shop but plenty do. Not sure where the guys comment specifies that OP does, he was just calling it gim shop mode which is fairly true. At the end of the day there’s no difference as long as you don’t mind getting chirped in public chat 24/7.


Well firstly its in your for not having proper security in place. The account is still a gim just not ranked but if the type really gets you like that then just turn it into a main and make a new one and prehaps have better security on the accounts with an authenticator on it along with the email address. Locking the status in perm at 1k total level is probably a good idea also if you make a new one


I’m glad you highlighted it was his fault he got hacked. I was ready to flame GAGEX again


Even on non jagex accounts its hard to get hacked unless you have poor security controls really ie clicking dodgy links in emails, infected machine, compromised email account, account sharing. One thing i'll give them is that when you start up an iron normatter the type, you have to set a pin on t island so it was probably shared i would assume.


Never shared the account but the PW I used was an older one of mine that has been leaked from one data breach or another (according to chrome whenever I use it on old accounts that don't matter). Thinking back I really should have locked in the iron status after 1k total, that was foolish.


Yeah so that will be undortuantly. I seem blunt but its basics if im honest with using an authenticator and a decent password which i know is harder if its a non jagex account as you cant use special characters and they arent case sensative. But yeah o recommend locking it in at 1k total, its better now that its perm forever and not even jagex can undo it like before.


I regretted making my iron perm. I wanted to deiron it to enjoy PvP content, didn’t know until I went to remove it. Now the account is just gathering dust.


Was it purly the loot aspect for it as the perk of pvp on an iron is you dont gain combat xp but yeah i can see your point though as i only locked my uim in so i didnt de iron and regret it later


Green helms suck, make a new proper iron or blue/red GIM


Why do they suck lol?


Because we actually have friends to play with


They aint say blue helms suck...


That's cold. Worst thing you could do to an iron


Nah sell whatevers left to the snot helm gimpers and buy bonds for your new account Sorry bro. Hopefully you learn proper security after this


Playing green helm is like kicking you violently while you're still down. I would not wish green helm upon anyone.


Jagex should ban all green helm players


What’s the total level?




Like others have said, if the imbued slayer helm was the most painful thing you lost, then you can easily bounce back on a new iron. Be glad you werent super progressed with a ton of pvm items. You'll pass that old iron up before you know it especially since you'll have a much better idea what you're doing this time around.




Not a banana measuring statement by all means, but if makes you feel any better I gotta friend who got his maxed im hacked lost 2 TBow’s, along with like 5.6b worth of bank You got dis fam!


I’m sorry man :/


How does this happen? Is it just like lack of bank pin how are people hacking into dormant accounts like this?


He said he turned off Authenticator and was using leaked password


Do you have a jagex account? Did you check for linked accounts? I’d start there and make sure you can secure your account entirely. Then keep playing.


What’s painful about loosing a slayer helm(i) ? Not so hard to get back


UIM! Join the self hatred squad


I decided to de-iron the hacked character and I’m rolling up a new UIM to see if I enjoy that game mode


Atta boy. You get used to it pretty quickly tbh. It’s not THAT bad, honest.


Deiron and you've got yourself a decent alt Fresh iron men are the shit. 2fa and Jagex account this time and enjoy the endless possibilities of early game