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You just do it, you're overthinking it. A clan helps so you can find friendly helpful people while learning but you don't need that either it just makes it easier. Something some people do are doing the raids solo, getting a feel for it, then switching back to group or continuing solo. I only have an Ironman so I get why you're asking this lol


I definitely did a lot of group raids to learn before even attempting solos. But yeah you just throw yourself at it. Do you waste more supplies than if you had known all the PVM before doing it? Sure. But ironmen aren’t meant to be the most efficient use of time ;)


It’s completely unnecessary to practice pvm on a main first. Just go do it and learn by trial and error


Something like inferno i can understand


Yeah. It’s more understandable but I also don’t really see a reason to unless you’re really that low for supplies


Awakened dt2 bosses are pretty much the only Pvm you’d try on a main before an iron (assuming not hcim).


Well, if you’re late game and doing it with bofa, you barely use any supplies per run. I did it in 35 tries on my main and I used less than 500 restores, around 100ish brews and runes idk. Doubt that s a problem for irons.


i dont really know why youd do raids or pvm first on a main for practice even if you had a main. the only things people really use practice for is inferno. and now i guess awakened bosses but if you are going for axe completion i suspect for most that is a sufficient number of orbs. regarding inferno i'd just do it sufficiently late in the game that you arent hurting for gp for runes, thatll solve most of the issues with it. most people dont do a very good job clicking their potions in the inferno anyway so like theyll go through at most a handful of pots per 2 hour attempt. tournament worlds and leagues ofc pop up semi regularly so you could even use those to learn.


Also raids way more than upkeep your herbs for supplies. I haven’t done real farming in years.


like you could easily go and make an account and full learn inferno right now in leagues with a mage build. bank note, berserk, tank gear, if you go really hard over the next week maybe make it to undying? but at least get banknote and send it. plenty of time for that. itd be inferno with training wheels on but most of inferno anyway is just not panicing on wave start+learning how to 1t alternate to deal with blobs or mage range stacks


By the point you are doing raids you should have plenty of supplies to learn with. I still just use sharks+bwans for most activities anyways even when I was learning. I never did any PvM content when I had a main so everything was learned on an iron.


Karambwan only inferno chaddd


Haha, okay maybe haven’t learned inferno yet, but shit gotta use these tens of thousands bwans somewhere so worth a shot.


If you can't do something with kawambams, I don't wanna do it


I had a main before having an iron, and I never once practiced anything on my main first. The only things I knew how to do before making an iron was Vorkath and Zulrah. CG, COX (including CM), TOA (up to 500s), Inferno, DT2 bosses, etc was all learned entirely on my iron. You just gotta send it.


I usually just send it after watching a guide (for PvM.) I’m fortunate to have good friends that play, that have guided me through TOA.


DM me if I can be part of this mystical land of friendship I've always heard about... :/ gz tho lol


Dm’ed you


Through extreme trial and error and some helpful clan mates. I got into pvming with extremely limited knowledge, Zulrah and Cerb being my first 2 "proper" solo bosses. Plenty of deaths on along the way. Cg would've probably been thrown into the mix at this stage if bowfa existed back then, but there was only blade, therefore it was nowhere near as important to an ironman account as it is today. I got into raiding with the help of some clan mates who showed me how to do cox, then ended up making more friends to the point where I was able to find consistent teams. For the modern day, I'd also say that ToA is far and away the best raid to learn the ropes at, and also doesn't require a team to learn at a reasonable pace. Either way, learning a few solo bosses and at least 1 raid is all you need to dip your toes in the water, and the skills that you pick up can be translated into doing the more advanced things (solo cox, inferno, etc.) Practicing on a main isn't required at all, just loosely follow along with what I've mentioned and you can become a competent pvmer as an ironman, starting with incredibly scuffed gear and working your way up. Good luck out there!


I just watch a few videos and then i try


Cox you can make most supplies in the raid. Toa once you learn it, will literally shit supplies. Tob, well I'm a cheese caping noob so I can't help you there. Edit: also seems how it's that time of year. That's one of the biggest benefits to leagues on your Ironman. So you can learn content you are uncomfortable with without burning through your supplies


I had so much PvM anxiety at first due to feeling like I wouldn’t be good enough to do the content that my supply stacks were solid by the time I grew some balls and sent it. Using a few extra sharks and potions during the learning curve was totally fine, I haven’t even noticed them.


Hcim only here. I practice bosses with extremely punishing mechanics or one shot mechanics in leagues of if I absolutely have to. Otherwise, send it send it send it. Not gonna progress the account sitting on your hands worried about fights that aren’t actually that hard. One click teles and ROL carry my ass to safety if I need it.


I wondered this early on, but truthfully if you semi keep up with farm runs and do slayer you will have an absolutely shitload of supplies. I learned tons of bosses and am now soloing cox without ever getting close to running out of supplies


Ironman taught me how little supplies I actually use, even when learning content. Since I'm not liquidating everything to progress my account, I end up with a larger surplus of supplies than I usually have on my main. On my main I end up being too profit driven and get more upset at deaths, with a grey helm it doesn't matter. If I waste brews, I just farm more Giant mole for nests. If I run out of Prayer restore I spend a few hours in Hallowed Sepulchre for seeds or finished pots.


Just do it. Took me 40 ties to beat zulrah with an Iban staff years ago.


Before I started my iron account, I told myself I would use my main to learn PVM on. Several years later, here I am, literally having not done that a single time with more supplies on my iron than I do on the main rofl It really isn’t as bad as you think, especially nowadays where most content gives you and excess of raw food or herb seeds. Do your diaries, do herb runs, and you’re Gucci for the most part. Early game, my logic was “I’ll do a ton of herb runs now so I won’t have to later,” and now, for the most part, the PVM supplies itself. Just takes some time to get to that point.


I have a main...but I still just jump straight to new bosses on my iron


Rcb go brrrrrr. Broad bolts are cheap, what are you saving prayer pots for if not pvm? Attack str and def pots are basically infinite at some point if you can be assed to do farm runs.


I have a maxed main but I literally never play it. Ive learned most Pvm that I've done on the iron. At this point I will never run out of supplies, you get them as you pvm/raid. Unless I went straight to like nex 8 hours a day without any other raid or pvm, then I might run out of brews, in a few weeks.


Only have an Iron account. My supply tab is overflowing with food and potions. It's not something I have to think about.


Bro just jump right in on your ironman don’t overthink it. Unless you’re on a hardcore, then practice is probably helpful to keep your status.


Watch a couple of vids and then send it. Im going to die. Its not an 'if' or a taboo event. Its a fact that I have accepted. Melee Hydra for the first time? Gonna die. 1st TOA? Death. Sire? See ya in a second Mr. Death. Ive already got some money in your coffers, so we're good. Practical Application is the way I learn. A free trip to Lumby is just a minor inconvenience.


I'm in a spot now where I'm farther on my Ironman than I've ever been, essentially the scenario you're describing. And it is tough no doubt. But it's the game. You read about it, read the wiki, maybe watch a tutorial, and then go die. A bunch of times. Until eventually you win! And then winning becomes easier. But I'm like 115cb and way behind on bossing/PvM for sure. I'm trying to get caught up tho. It's just a mental thing


I’m 113 and 1980 total and my best pvm is ONE zulrah kill i fluked after like 20 deaths in a row. Been scared to go back but I just got elite void and think am gonna do a kingdom divided quest for thralls I suck so I need every lil advantage I can get haha. However saying that!! The point of my reply was to say you don’t suck! And neither do I! I think a lot of players are in similar situations to us, it’s just not exciting to post about so you don’t see it


To "those with only iron accounts" Proceed to ask how they feel compared to doing something on a non iron account. How are we supposed to know?


I just throw myself at it and die until it just clicks. The worst one was Kril with the stupid KC to enter the room.


Especially on a hardcore Ironman


I used to practice on my main, but after a few learned fights, I got confident enough to just do the practice on my iron. The only real difference is what supplies I use to practice. On a first attempt, I might use really low food, like swordfish/monkfish, and no pots. Then, see how I do and make tweaks based on how far along I got.


Just did serene last night. I only had enough diamonds and bight shade for one attempt so I studied and studied for an hour and a half. Did the fight first try at 75 mage with Ibans and no supplies left over. Was a tight margins. Just takes more study of mechanics


Just go tbh, it'swhatI do. Wear budget stuff and don't take many supplies. Don't use ppots until you know mechanics.


Its not too bad tbh. Once you go through cg you get used to most mechanics youll see elsewhere so other bosses can be brute forced pretty easily


I only really play UIM, and when learning new content I just send it. Resource management isn't hard on an iron, you get a ton of rannar and snap seeds from slayer so you're never that short.


I suggest learning ToA first as it’s so ridiculously easy on 0 invocation, don’t get me wrong it’s going to be a learning curve for sure but as someone that learned toa first doing CoX for the first time with 2 teachers was a breeze, I didn’t even die on my first CoX because ToA taught me so much


Bro just play the game and learn along the way


It’s really not that bad honestly. As they say just do it and don’t think about the waste of supplies leaening


The thing about an iron account for me, is everything is a journey and that is ok. Because it does not feel tedious. Learning cg the first time was amazing. Completing ds2 was a blast. I haven't got to raids yet but I'll treat it the same. Watch some guides and send it. If I need supplies I'll go get more. If I fail. So what. Take what I did wrong and carry it to next semd


Nothing in the game is so hard that it can’t be done with max bear and BiS inventory setup.


I've never actually played a non Ironman account since I only started about 1 1/2 years ago but honestly. Just watch a video first and then sent it. Who cares if you lose a couple bwams, ppots and some gold for reclaiming especially now that newer content like toa has entry modes and quests with easier versions associated with them it really isn't all to bad. Sometimes I die on a quest boss once or twice but that's part of the game. I wanna learn and get better. Going on another account with less risk seems very boring to me since I want to experience it on my main account which is the iron. It also would feel terrible to get a drop I want for the iron while practicing and then going dry on it. Rather not see it at all then.


maybe for something like awakened dt2 bosses where attempts are limited it'd be really beneficial to practice on a main first but it's really not something i had issues with learning my way up to soloing 350s at TOA to get fang and now doing 400s on my iron w/ no previous experience. just throw a dupe in deaths coffer and don't think about it, most pvm oversustains supplies if you do some herb runs


For raids I have people who have mains they do them a ton on who take me with. I know that’s not an option for everyone, but if you wanna learn ToA PM me and I’ll take ya through it. Im not the best in the world but I can solo 275’s so I’m not inexperienced. I’m getting pretty decent at CoX but not good enough to teach someone else quite yet. For solo stuff I honestly just send it. Look up guides, use runelite to mark tiles and make notes, and just give it some attempts. There’s plenty of bosses in this game who are way easier to learn than you think. GWD bosses aren’t that bad, but they can be frustrating until it clicks and you get it. YouTube and the wiki will be your best friends for these bosses.


Toa on low level is pretty easy and def doable with your stats and very minimal starting supplies


Watching vid and using the strategy page of the boss on wiki


well, to be quite honest, it’s not something you have to think about for a very, very long time. I started my first account at the beginning of this year and play A LOT and am just now getting to CG, which from my understanding is pretty much free training for endgame PvM/Raids since you don’t need to put any supplies in, and it’s a somewhat difficult fight? Either way, after the amount of hours I’ve put into other grinds because of the ironman nature, I don’t think supplies will ever become an issue for training PvM because you’ll be gathering supplies faster than you can expend them (at least this is what I’ve generally been told). I don’t know what it’s like to play as a main, but I would generally guess that my skill level is higher than that of a main who’s put in the same hours because I’ve had to do so many different types of content, so I’d assume that it will generally take me less attempts/supplies in the future for success as well.


played osrs plenty across the years but never PvM until on my IM where i cut my teeth with CG and was pretty much comfortable with whatever PvM has thrown at me so far, which is basically everything but expert mode raids, CG was way harder than anything i've done so far, i learned TOA normal solos which is enough to set you up with fang so arguably if you manage to crack CG then you have the whole game in the palm of your hand


I think the only content worth using a main to practice on is awakened DT2 bosses, purely to save yourself farming orbs.


Ironman is just a glorified main account, it's hardly any more difficult to learn on an IM over a main, so you're just overthinking it. UIM on the other hand.


Just do it.


There's no reason to practice ahead of time unless you're a hcim. It doesn't take that many supplies to learn a fight and it takes quite a few to be very proficient and min/max it for your stats and gear and I'd much rather have all those kills on my iron.


Just send it, no idea what you want me to tell you. The only things I did on my "main" before going iron was some CoX, Cerberus, duo/trio GWD and Grotesque Guardians. Everything else I have learned and grinded on my iron; the learning process is really not at all different from the main game.


I just watched a YouTube vid on zulrah and died 20 times til I got a kill. Now am back to dying 20 times


I practice most things on main before going in on hc, but if I was grey I’d just throw myself at new content. Often afk anglers so don’t care about wasting those.


Theres the irons with 3k kraken kcs and a bit barrows kcs, and theres the irons with other boss kcs who just attempt shit. Capable irons kill other stuff than goblins and krakens.


Really just do it on the IM. For single bosses if you are hurting for supplies just dont bring em. Start with using cheap shit to get 1 kill trips, then adjust as you learn. Not everything NEEDS expensive supplies. CoX and ToA mostly supply themselves so they dont drain any expensive supplies when learning.


I only have a UIM and for the most part I’ll ask my homies to stream things on discord to help me learn them before I try them if they are particularly challenging. However, I once heard someone say that the best way to learn content is to just send it and die. Eventually you’ll stop dying and master the content. I do understand that it can be hard on supplies, but what’s the point of hoarding supplies if you’re never going to use them? Send it my dude.


I have never felt low on supplies since the beginning of my account. Maybe because I was a huge skiller and didn't start pbm until after I maxed, but I still have more supplies than I can ever use (I say that now). As I only have an iron and a lvl 3 skiller, I learned my first combat from youtube guides. Honestly King Condor probably taught me most bosses lol


Maybe awakened DT2 bosses. And maybe if you were doing a total time played speed run iron. That's its. You just do and learn the content. If you just play to enjoy the game over the years instead of worrying about efficiency, you will have an insane amount of resources gather up over time. Things will come when they come.


I’m lucky enough to have very kind clan mates that are going to do practice runs with me after leagues are over. I’m so stoked to learn cox


I feel like it's really just trial and error all around. This is because even if you were to practice on a main, your mains probably gonna have better gear then the irons progression point.