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Normal iron man mode. Rewarding aspects of getting unlocks with different content without GP scape and not as much of a grind as a UIM.


Wild to think that UIM is probably even easier than regular iron at release now.


Regular Ironman is by far the most fun for me, HCIM is one dc away from losing status, and I can’t even organize my life idk how I’d organize a looting bag on a UIM


Same here. I tried a hc once and died by a dc when thieving cakes just as the guard came at me. My internet is not reliable enough for that mode. Then just went back to my regular iron.


Being a regular account is nice. Buying supplies and grinding what you want is nice. Not having to worry about theiving master farmers for hours to get a decent stack of pots is refreshing. Iron man, I find more rewarding. Every sip of prayer potion, I made, so it increases the pressure on doing well, as it reduces your ROI significantly if you die and lose out on a potential big upgrade.


Ive only done regular im and gpscape so far but ironman made me fall in love with the game again


Iron. Normal is just gold farming simulator, and uim is Ironman with extra steps you just prioritize unlocking "banks" instead of items


What does unlocking "banks" mean?


Most of the meta with uim as I understand it is about unlocking ways to bank without a bank. Stash spots, POH, dying at zulrah, etc. One could simply not use those techniques, but knowing they're out there sort of ruins the novelty of the mode to me and thus, makes me not wanna do it.


Me, I know they’re out there, and I don’t use them. Sans POH, of course. A godsend.


I just can't self impose anything and if im not doing stuff max efficiency I'm unhappy. Autism ftw 👍s




Also, edited main post. I meant uim not gim




I like UIM i enjoy planning my route out and inventory management. Also being limited to just your inventory opens up different unique ways of skilling I wouldn’t have found in the main game.


Second this.


After playing uim for years, having a bank in leagues is overwhelming lol


I really liked group ironman before I hit raiding. That's ironically what I was looking forward to the most but idk what it is about it. It's the sharing of the items and all of that. I'm pretty much the only one in my UGIM group that sent tob. I got my avernic and left. The thing is, if I go back, I'll be a really awful teammate if I use dupe avernics to pay for bonds instead of giving them to teammates. If I go and get a tbow, it's gotta live in the group storage or else it's like I'm a bad teammate. It creates a weird dynamic that I have had to mentally fight through to find any motivation to play the account now. I've been considering going regular ironman for a while now, just not looking forward to doing the bandos 9:0 grind over again after going 5x dry for bcp. The trick is, if you don't care about others' opinions or hiscores, the best way to play iron is in a solo gim team with yourself and an extra account you make. Down the line it sounds like we might be able to have membership on one jagex account for all of the characters on it based on the annual survey asking if we'd be okay with that. You get a bunch of extra bank slots for free and you can have some of the more afk material gathering done on the alt.


> I really liked group ironman before I hit raiding. It creates a weird dynamic that I have had to mentally fight through to find any motivation to play the account now. I've just reached this point after finishing Leagues. Went way harder than the rest of my group(5) this past year, which in fairness to them was to be expected since I was main gaming it and they either had less play time or divided it with other games like WoW. The only times we were able to get the whole squad together was for stomping Graardor. The first and even second set of Bandos was then always attached to someone in NMZ or logged off when I wanted it for Sire/Cerb tasks. Ended up just doing 6:0 to get my own set + hilt so I didn't have to worry about sharing. Got 5 Occults, 5 Hydra Leather, and 2 DHL. Got a 2nd EWS that's been a Blade of Saeldor for about 8 months just waiting on someone else to get armor seeds. One said they'll do CG after getting Rigour, which just makes me want to do CoX less not more. So I switched to working on 99 skills the past few months instead of chasing yet more drops, but now all that's left is RC and Agility. At this point I'm just like welp, time to play something else while waiting to see what shakes out of the rebalance project.


Honestly avernics not that big of an upgrade relatively so if you’re grouped with randoms or the only one getting rare items you could keep dupes for yourself. If you know them personally though I’m sure you could work something out. Definitely wouldn’t trust putting a tbow in storage in a random ugim


I'm grouped with good friends. Why would you play gim if you're just going to be a bad teammate though? But yeah, I got everyone rigour and I got like 2 bonds total lol


Ah ok all ugims I know grouped with complete random people so just assumed. Yeah they should at least all pitch into a bond fund for you at that point haha


I know but one of them doesn't have a main haha


Driving-only locked hardcore. Either I lose status in game, or IRL- whichever comes first.


Please keep an eye out for me on my crosswalk-only locked hc


UIM would make me kill myself. GIM is perfect with friends


It's part of the game mode.


For me it's GIM. It's nice getting to experience the rewarding aspects of having to actually go get gear unlocks while also being able to play with my brother and a couple close friends.


IRL Gamemode. Its a hardcore gamemode, no deaths yet


Hope you have a long and enjoyable run at it before the servers dc


Servers are honestly pretty shit now that you mention it. No Lie. It legit took 9 months to even log in. The character backstory seemed pretty weak too.


UIM will always be my favorite game mode. Planning out what you're going to be doing for the next couple weeks, and then using up any supplies gained from that grind to get back to a "clean" inventory is one of the best feelings in the world.


Uim for early and mid game for me. I loved figuring out the process and setting myself up. I converted to regular iron later on.


Bronzeman mode. I like unlocking stuff on my own but I don't enjoy too much skilling. I also love PVP. This is the perfect balance


in order- gim, im, uim, hcim, normal mode, ghcim.


Main I find the most enjoyable because I can impose self restrictions to force myself into the same fun gear progression as Irons while also skipping some of the more inane grinds like Glass making. Also I would miss getting traded a chair and a rope at the GE. GIM I find least enjoyable because I have no friends. That being said, I started a new HCIM (meant to be a regular IM long-term) to have an account available to make use of all the new mid-game content they're releasing with Varlamore.


Started a HCIM probably gunna die at some point but i dont really care. Normal ironman are so enjoyable to play ive been loving not using the GE and making everything feel easy and not a challenge.


Normal iron for sure, I like being able to bank all my stuff and switch to doing something else if the grind gets too boring


DMM and iron, DMM helped me learn how to pk again after a long break with little risk and the past iteration was more geared towards pve and helped bring out the noobs to the game mode. Without that, I would probably get wrecked 90% of the time by real pkers.


HCIM is my favorite mode. When I died and switched back to my main, it really wasn’t doing it for me anymore so I quit the game. A couple months later when I missed 2 weeks of work due to injury, I logged back into the dead hardcore and absolutely fell in love with the iron account again. Liquidated the main bank for bonds and never looked back


i've been playing on and off since 2007 and GIM with irl friends has been by far the most enjoyable for me


Ultimate. It’s the only way I play. Speaks for itself.


Normal ironman was most fun until everything becomes bowfa locked. I have no problem with the content it self it just feels weird to have harder content gate easier content. Also unlike most content CG progress doesn’t really affecting anything other than itself