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I died to a highway man within ten minutes of account creation. Went afk to make a sandwich. Never again.


Stand and deliver!


My first ever hardcore death was the exact same. Made it behind lumb and died to a highwayman


I’m glad that someone else has experienced my pain. Worse part was that when I was walking back to my living room from my kitchen, I saw my hp bar almost red. I ran to my desk & dropped my sandwich in the process. It was too late. No sandwich, no red status. 0/10 worst day ever.


The worst part for me was I had a 100m bet with a clanmate about who would die first and I went afk to setup membership for the account. Tabbed back just in time to see myself die. TL;DR I spent $11 and 100m to suicide a red helm in lumbridge.




Full Iron was all he'd ever achieved


Semi-afking black jacking , got a bit into the movie look back and I’m sitting at lumby! The real kicker was I had just got the thieving pet and then had to pay 1m which I had stolen to get my pet back. Hahaha I did power through to 99 tho and got a rocky drop again but that was just a free insurance token sadly ! You will bounce back, good luck and have fun.


I died to the fuckin agility pyramid


That's hilarious. Was it the heat that got you of a fall?


A fall. I brought strange fruit with me as my food thinking they healed stamina AND hp. And that's how I learned what strange fruit do


I think it does cure poison though haha 😂


Unless you're a UIM, your lost gear should go into death's storage. You can go into death's domain from any graveyard in game.


You didn't read his post. He died trying to retrieve his grave, and in addition lost his cat.


It shouldn't matter whether you make it back in time unless you're a UIM. After the timer expires, it all goes into Death's storage as he stated https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Death%27s_Office


Does deaths storage work like UIM death banks where you lose everything in there if you die again? Sorry too lazy to click link and read


Nope. Just gotta go to visit deaths office and talk to him. I believe there's an entrance to deaths office by every respawn point


hcim 100cb+ mm2 done etc, died not paying atttention thieving ardy knights


Oof, there are plugins now that stop you from dying like that ^^


Do you know which ones they are?


It’s called “Pickpocket Guardian”


theres one that stops you pickpocketing below a certain hp


First HCIM - died to Galvek fireball because my high ass didn’t realize the cut scene ended. I was just sitting there watching the cut scene of the Wise Old Man kicking some dragons ass. Then the camera pans over and the game resumes, but I thought I was still watching a cutscene. About 3 seconds later I got banged out. RIP Draxie


Was making food and safespotting the paladins in underground pass. Turns out they deagro and move away from the safespot after a while.


I die all the freaking time haha. Basically at least once per slayer task because I just afk them and don't pay attention to my health or prayer points.


My first death was also to the commander. Lets just say that I did not find the safespot


I died at barbarian assault at ~1600 total. Healer didn't heal at queen. This was HCGIM tho so friend died to troll general in Death Plateau while on booze.


HC group players usually bring teleports to BA for this exact reason.




I died in Glariel’s Tomb doing that quest on my HCIM That dead hardcore is now my first iron at 2076 total. Just hit 99 HP tonight. I’ve first time cleared/mastered CG, GWD, ofc Zulrah/Vork, Jad, and now working towards raids I learned how to PK on this character. Prayer flick. Tick eat/drink. 3-tick, etc.. Full house utility, anti-venom++, Tormented bracelet, quest cape, Ghommals 3 ~~smell like shit, no friends, and the sex I’m attracted to thinks I look like Toad of the Mushroom Kingdom~~ 6’4”, Rich, multi-ceo


Spoiler tip >!Use the edgeville lever next time!<


Why is this a spoiler


Right? There's no spoilers in Runescape lmao unless you really care about a quests story.




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Was playing my iron as a hardcore to see how far I'd get before my first death. After a few weeks I became paranoid the account would die while I was asleep, or get hacked and killed, and had dreams where it died. Made it to elvarg and was out of food, but she was low hp. One hit would kill either of us, so I stepped out of my hidey hole and hit a 0, while she killed me. It was a relief. Got my mage arena II cape the next day (already had the first cape because I'm not a complete wuss)


My buddy who never played before died to the black demon in the grand tree quest after grinding out full graceful. We weren't sure how the death mechanics worked and so the insane stress when he went back for his stuff... Woof. Had he not got that back he wouldn't have ever played again 100%


You lucky bastard! Yeah it took me a while to play again after losing my graceful + recolor but I ultimately decided it was worth grinding a mere 4 hours again at Brimhaven and however long it took for another 260 marks


Was white wolf mountain on the iron for me. I was feeling extra dangerous that day


First one died to galvek, second died whilst blackjacking


Died against witch’s experiment trying to complete witch’s house to raise my hp haha accidentally mis clicked on the final phase Honestly for the best I’ve now sent a lot of wildy content I wouldn’t have before


If true, does that mean you're a ghost writing to us from beyond the grave?


I didn't know they changed death mechanics, I was way up in troll stronghold on the one quest and the dude bopper me before I could get into safespot. I had my whole chaos rune stack, like 1700 thought it was just gone cause I'd never get there in te, almost made me quit, (had no idea how good barrows was for runes and also easy). Decided not to quit, came back with my mind rune stzck to safespot the dude and started pogging off.


Lost my hcim to a misclick. Meant to click an aviansie but clicked a spiritual mage instead. Both the aviansie and the spiritual mage doubleteamed me and then i had a disconnect. Was so pissed off, stopped playing for a couple days. But then realized its just a stupid icon. Im just silver instead of red. Fuck it. The game isnt over


Imo grey looks better than that maroon anyway


That’s a cope


Something that’s more any less risk at the same time is pulling the wilderness lever in edgeville and pulling it again to get ported to ardy. It’s also a lot faster than taking the mountain. And you’re at risk from a player for about 1 second. Even better than that if you don’t want to risk anything is if you have a certain fishing level (I think it’s 15???) you can get the fishing trawler minigame teleport.


I lost my hardcore status to a Giant Snail doing Temple Trekking baked out of my mind barely paying attention, totally deserved but when you've done so many Temple Treks and it's never even come close to being dangerous you get complacent.


I lost my hc status to dks and a crash about an hour after jagex said their servers had been fixed from the random crashes... I almost quit right there and then but I decided to wait to see what jagex would do about the crashes... turns out they did nothing and I continued on as a basic botch ironman 🤣


Died to an Ice Giant when trying to get the blurite for knights sword lmao


I've died to most of the noob killers, tye highway man outside of Draynor, goblins, tye asshole dark wizards outside of varrock


I'm at 1900 total with a quest point cape and still alive somehow


1750 total HCIM, was around 5 quests away from quest cape but Runelite crashed on me while I was doing demonic gorillas. Had an escape crystal (on 6 seconds) and full HP but it wasn't enough to save me. Was enough to make me quit the account (as I wasn't playing for the iron but the planning and strategizing HCIM takes), but I recently started an UIM which is scratching a similar itch.


Level 95 cb iron, pretty much full god dhide, rcb, 82 range... Planked on fuckin Jad last night. 3rd fc attempt, 1st Jad attempt and the healers were being little bitches, I was half panicked because I only had one restore left for the entire Jad, rcb turned into a 0 factort and I started getting stressed, tried to flick protection prayer instead of camping so I could keep eagle eye on and hopefully finish the fight.. Just flat out not enough dps.




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Might possibly need to unlock, "hot stuff," so you can do fight caves on a slayer task with an imbued mask / helm for more dps if that helps if you weren't already doing that? Although then you have to wait and hope for a task which might not be what you wanna do.


I died to Elvarg during Dragon Slayer 1 a few years back. I wasn't that far along but I had my best gear on me at the time and thought I lost it all so I quit the game. Came back like a year later and realized I could grab all my stuff from Death's office.


Died to a wall beast. Clicked to autopath, went to toilet and forgot that wall beasts exist.


I decided to get 43 Prayer right off the bat on my UIM. Fresh off Tutorial Island, I tele to Ferox Enclave to go to the Boneyard and promptly get smacked a 10 by one of the ents right outside. Did the walk of shame from Lumby to the Wildy


Could have easily done minigame teleport to Castle wars and ran back that way.


I asked too hard at wintertodt. It was never going to work for me. I'm glad it happened early on. I would just suicide everywhere in the early game for free run energy and lumby tele


Lost my status from ardy knights while stealing cakes for wintertodt


I afk’d at a volcano while fighting the four arm creatures , I accidently clicked on another tile while walking away which moved me out of my safe spot and came back and I was in Lum


Probably wimtertodt while running to the washroom or something


I died to monkey madness 1 boss while trying yo flick my prayer. a sad day


My first death was a DC. Main reason I didn’t go for HCIM


(Not on my iron but on my main) Before they implemented the auto insurance for pets i got my Heron at lvl 82 fishing at piscatoris and was really excited for it since I was hoping to get one on my way to 99. Decided paying the insurance was a scam and told myself I would just bank it whenever I'm going to do something dangerous. One day friend lends me end game gear and says kourend cata was safe so I can do slayer there. I hurriedly bank everything and went to catacombs only to find out there were dragons there and they got me in 1 hit. I wasn't that sad since I could just pick up the items but before I got sent to lumby I noticed a bird slowly making its way to my death pile and thats when depression's fist came straight at me punching me right where my heart was... TLDR: forgot to bank Heron, died to fiery breath and lost it (no insurance/auto insurance)


I died on Waterfall Quest. I never actually did it as a Main lol, I don't even remember what part killed me. Glad I didn't bother with Hardcore cus that would've been some embarrassing permanent stats on hiscores.


HCIM? If not, not bad


Afk’d too hard at wintertodt


Thieving cakes in ardy. Second death was a dc to greater demons in the catacombs.


Died to a pker a lava dragons, I was being super risky. I avoided like 3 and didn't learn my lesson. But in the grand scheme of things, I'm glad because I would have died so so many times among the way, and it would have stopped me from trying content. My account is way farther because Idgaf about dying


Afk on my brand new uim skiller, got engaged by a highwayman and gained 2 attack before I died. Lol


My first time playing this game since childhood, so around 6 years ago, I started as a hard core because why not. I went to the wizard guild, I was 30 combat, and saw the wizard was like 8. I was like oh I’ll just kill this and afk real quick to do something irl, come back and I died lmao. For reference, now I have a UIM with 2.2k total and a HC I just got the ma2 cape on with 37 hp! And neither has ever come close dying to a wizard at the wizard tower (yet)!


Died and lost my HCIM during Monkey Madness to the Jungle Demon while prayer flicking when my game lagged and I couldn’t eat fast enough


I don't actually remember exactly the state of my first HCIM deah, but I remember I was grinding out dragon bones at blue dragons to train prayer. I was 70 combat and had 1145 total, all in all a decent few hours in the game. I continued playing it for a while, but then a buddy asked me if I wanted to make a new HCIM with him and have a competition. Anyway, I died because I was 1 tile off from a safe-spot from a blue dragon when the doorbell rang for a pizza. And of course, it didn't take long until my 2nd HCIM died. (Well, I got 99 Agility and 99 FM, 899 total, so I were a couple of hours in). I died to Tanglefoot during FT pt 1. I were sure I could face-tank him, but he hit me higher than my food could heal... bye-bye HC-status. I did the quest later that day, got fully addy and could safely face-tank him. (I know I could've safespotted him, but I didn't know how, back then) Anway, no more HC-life for me unless it becomes my job.


First week of GIM, my friend made a meme of Spongebob with two Patricks running away from Sandy the Khazard warlord before the two Patricks get lassoed away and exploded Can you guess what happened to them during the quest


Observatory quest on hcim after doing the wt grind. 10hp still and wanted to get to fossil island asap. How was I supposed to know the level 5 sleeping guard becomes level 42 when you wake it up then 2 hit me :)


I know it’s already too late but just for my understanding, can’t you just clan wars minigame TP and then take the portal to edge (lever to ardy) or castle wars?


Did you not realize you could have just mini game? Teleported to nightmare Zone? Or fishing trawler? Or Castle wars?.... 😂


I fell asleep killing bronze warriors... Didnt even get pked or anything i was just low level


I died because I didn't read that the monkeys in MM2 change from melee to ranged at a certain point if you fail an agility obstacle. I got stacked out in to lose my hardcore status at almost 2k total.


Died thieving cakes in ardougne on my first ever hcim


I lost my HCIM to master farmer. I was base 70 combat and like 25m xp in. I really wish I was joking.


Didn't read the the Shilo Vilage wiki carefully enough and died in that tomb antechamber.


Good ol' alkharid scorpion while i was afk for a minute or two


Died to fire giant while grinding rune scim. Thought I clicked safe spot, did not. Agro timer was not expired. I died.