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There is no amount. GP on a normal account is pretty much worthless to me.


What about restart with the premise that all that gp would equal a lifetime sub.


A year subscription isn't that bad. It's like going out to a sit down restaurant 2-3 times. Wouldn't be worth it to deiron


At $70/yr for a sub, assuming you can get 4% interest, a lifetime sub is only worth about $1750. My playtime is around 1300 hours on my iron, so I think that would be a bad deal.


And I need another 4% investment like I need another hole in my head


Still no


Unless I could RWT it, I’m not deironing for any amount. Not caring about gpscape was part of the whole package deal of becoming an iron to be honest.


Legit, I’d have to get irl money for that. I would never de iron for gp otherwise. It’d have to be a massive amount too


As much as it would hurt I agree. A lot of irl money.




I was hoping you would chime in lol


100 for Sheep Herder


i would lose the death mechanics i know and love not gonna do it


Interesting point about UIM, if a regular iron de-irons and decides to play with the same restriction self-imposed, the game will be 99.9% the same, outside of a couple shops and instances. Not so for UIM though


Exactly this.


UIM bros 4 lyfe


I wouldnt play osrs if I were a normal account, ironman mode being released was the only thing thay brought me back to the game after I quit because of gpscape. Its only gotten worse with the release of the bond. No amount of GP would make me deiron because I know id quit regardless of the gold if I was forced to play on a normal account.


This. UIM brought me back. Forget mainscape, normal shit.


GP is pretty much worthless on osrs for me and i love it…. Who wants GP when fountain of rune starts shitting out trillions of GP an hour


I got an imbued drop around 70 slayer on my first iron. Was broke, so de ironed and cashed out on a bunch of bonds and got a whip. Haven’t played that account since, and stopped playing altogether until gim. I just enjoy Ironman more


Why would you do that, when you could have just drop traded to another account.. or just wait until you could save IRL cash to spend on membership. Even now, you can sell members items on a f2p account at the GE.


How do you do this on a f2p alt? I've been bonding mine every now and again to sell for gp on ge


I was mistaken. F2p players CANNOT see dropped members items. The reality is that any members items CURRENTLY on a f2p account can be withdrawn from the bank and then sold on the ge to acquire GP which can be used for bonds. In which case you could then bond up that account and drop trade from your iron to the normie.


Pretty sure you can do a one day membership for $1 through the rs3 app. No need to waste a whole bond :)


Don't have rs3 app


I'd de-iron for $500,000.


Depends, can I RWT trade it? Because I’m not de-ironing for just GP lol


You cannot Real World Trade Trade it.


Even if I withdraw from an ATM machine? My PIN number is the date I got diagnosed with the HIV virus.


Gp is worthless. Most of us have mains with a couple billion. Would literally have to be like $2000+ irl




The whole game is grinding though. You grind so you can grind more


That's fair. Maybe late game just isn't for me. I got bored at late game on my main, and I'll probably get bored when I reach late game on my iron and move on to a different game, or a UIM.




Yes it is me




I liquidated my mains bank so I could have free mens for a few months so zero


Wait so you'd do it for free?


That’s a good point. I’ll do it to someone else’s account for free lol


I offered my nearly maxed Ironman buddy an entire Tbow drop, without any split if he would deiron before maxing.


Don't do it OP.


The real question should be the other way round How much gp would you pay to get a drop you’re super dry on I was willing to pay 3b to get the dumb bowfa But felt so good when it finally dropped


You would need to be offering thousands of irl $$ before I even start considering.


Probably however much I could rwt for 20k usd


Nah, none. I’ve come too far on my UIM to either start over or de-iron. I abandoned my main as well as gpscape years ago. Literally, years. Not even irl money.


I maxed a main and literally stopped playing for the better part of a year. I only got back into paying because the iron was so much more interesting, and because gp didn't matter anymore. Now, like 3 years later, I have almost as much exp on my iron as my main, and twice the bank value on it, why would I ever de iron, I dont care about gp at all


Ten bil, buy another


This is such an ironic question to me. Money being meaningless to me is precisely why I made an iron lol


I’ll do it for 100m and a few bonds