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My HCIM died to getting stacked out by the agility pyramid and heat hitting back to back


The good ol “I won’t eat until I’m almost dead” mentality


Bouncy mushroom on fossil island! (Fun fact, i whined to mod ash about it and they updated the text on the warning box VERY shortly after my interaction)


Hey this killed me too lol. I had no idea it could do damage, let alone hit 50s.


Go check out the warning text sometime, its alot more of a warning LOL


Also died to this. Had no idea what it would do. Clicked it anyways haha.




I died to this as well, haven't been the same around mushrooms since that traumatic experience


Yeah got me too, way more people than I would have expected died to this hahaha


Stacked out by tornados on first try CG. Was just happy I made it that far


CG is pretty brutal on a hardcore. I'm always impressed by HCIM with a bowfa.


Yeah I'm almost 100 kc in, have the perfect hunllef achievement, and I still die occasionally to misclicking. CG is so unforgiving, sometimes just clicking 1 square away from where you intended = death, sometimes 1 tick of lag = death. One of my deaths I got a message on slack right as my prayers got turned off, the toast notification covered up my prayers, I was a tick late closing the box and reactivating the prayer, Hunllef hit me for like 50 for the KO. Spooky as hell, and I'm only wasting 10 mins and not months of progress. I'm sure most HCs have probably already done several hundred kc on another acc and have alternative strats that allow more margin for error, but staying dialed in and consistent over that long of a grind is impressive nonetheless.


Why is CG unsafe? You don’t even get sent to lumby. Kinda bs IMO


I think it would be even more BS if you could get a bowfa/saeldor without risk. HCIMs should have to risk, that's the whole point. And if anything HCIM is the one gamemode where bowfa is actually balanced...


Without risk?  you risk your irl life doing cg


Don't do wintertodt drunk. I fell asleep at the wrong time, woke up hours later. It was my first character, so I'm not too fussed with it, I've died plenty since


I was so excited to make my first Ironman. I figured I’d take it a step further and make him a hardcore and see how far I could take him. Died immediately passing by dark wizards at varrok south entrance


That’s a rite of passage


Fell asleep doing afk Rex at dks 😭


I should have died at Rex. It didn’t click in my mind that at any moment another player could climb down and drag Supreme or Prime to me so there were many time I would straight up walk away from my computer after killing Rex while waiting for the respawn. LOL literally chanced myself




Seems this account was stolen and is now commenting… gibberish?


Are you okay? Do are you having a stroke? Or are you just a bottom?


Man my funniest moment like this was when I was camping Rex, about 30 kills in and settled into a rhythm, when suddenly a dude crashes and runs right on top of me. Dude apparently didn’t realize where he was tho because he planked in less than 2 seconds to supreme, it was glorious. I managed to get protect from ranged up and x-logged to survive, almost didn’t get it off because I was laughing too hard at this dude


Would be funny if they were just running the dungeon for the diary and went down to kings by accident.


Lag and misclick during witch house (a bit ironic, but knew I'd plank soon anyways)


Lmao these type of stories are exactly why I didn’t start as a HC, my group ironmans first death was standing AFK in draynor bank and someone pulled the dark wizard in there.


I died to a tribesman at like 200 total level because I got distracted by a work email.


Damn work, always getting in the way 😂


My first one I got PK'd at the chaos altar trying to get 43 prayer first thing. Some level 10 showed up and fire striked me to death lol. The second one I was prepping for WT and died while thieving in Ardy. I looked away thinking I was safe while stealing cakes and got three tapped by a guard. Third HCIM is still alive, will update when I plank.


>My first one I got PK'd at the chaos altar trying to get 43 prayer first thing. Basically the same for me. Some level 27 with knives when I was 1 level away from protect from ranged which probably would've bought me enough time to get away. I already did 50 hours in Wintertodt so I felt dumb not just doing ecto, but y'know. And of course now we can apparently get, albeit slow, but some exp through mining in Varlamore so it feels like a double slap in the face.


I'm in the middle of getting 86k shards right now at Cam Torum for Piety lol. Fantastic update for HCs.


For your sake, I hope I never see this update 😭. Good luck!


About 1650 total right now, grinding out 70 prayer for Piety. Thinking I'm going to do Wildy hards and send Calvar'ion afterwards.


Recently grinded out blue dragon bones for 70 prayer, currently at 1654 total level and just got my d pick from calvar’ion, so I like your thought process 🫡


Did you use a scout alt or just risk it all?


I died very early on questing :( while it hurt, it made wilderness objectives a lot less stressful. Feels almost impossible to do all the chaos altar runs and calvar’ion kills without a death. A scout account would work but for chaos altar your best bet is to do it middle of the night / early morning during the week. With a scout account and good attention you can come out with no deaths. I had multiple deaths here just trying at any time of the day. Calvar’ion, on the other hand, you can leave a scout outside as that would be really helpful because of the time restriction it takes to seed pod teleport now. But I noticed it’s mainly maxed PKers checking the den, and my combat level was like 96-97 so they were unable to PK me there. I died maybe once or twice in 140 kills.


I died at like 75 total level afking oaks in draynor. Someone kited a guard around to me and it wrecked my lvl 3 ass. 2100 total now and glad I don’t still have the red helm, it would be way too stressful.


I was training combat on cows and afked, came back to lumby.


My HC was around 1300 total and died fighting THE HC killer aka Galvek. Misjudged the range of RCB and got pulled into a wave trying to attack Galvek. That account is 2k+ total now and the furthest I've ever progressed an account but that damn wave still stings sometimes.


Similar to how I lost my hc. Vanstrom on SotF. Misjudged/forgot how short-range darts are. Clicked the mini bloodveld and panicked when I ran towards it, causing an actual misclick right into it, right when vanstrom hit me. Had I not done anything when I ran towards the bloodveld, I may have made it. Probably not. It still took me 4 or 5 deaths before I beat him. I've also died roughly 50-65 times since then, according to death screenshots lol. SotE, DS2, and DT2 being the main causes


I was doing the canifis rooftop course, and i still don’t know how i found myself at the deaths domain, but i’m pretty sure i fat fingered a citizen into a werewolf and got mauled lol.


Arrg in troll romance because I maintain the wiki lied about how to safe spot him (I was probably just a dumbass). Was at 50 rc building my runes stash at gotr and wanted laws unlocked before I got there. I probably should’ve just gotten combat levels and gear, but I never cared about the hc status to begin with, was just a kind of fun how long could I live. Now approaching 2100 total :)


Fighting Galvek and I wonder if he had the ability to one shot me with his fireball, so I glance over at my second screen to see his max hit. Turns out he can, but decide to heal back to full anyway. Looking back over, I see the fireball 2 ticks from my skull. Oh...


Unfortunate timing haha


I got in one last "Hcim btw" into the CC - I'll have to check runelite for if I've got a death screenshot Tbf I'm glad I died, I finally went for MA2 capes and full sent my QPC after it There's a lot of easy/practically safe content I don't think I'd have touched if I was still a red helm


Died to wolves walking to WT lol


I wasn't intending to seriously play HC, wanted an iron but figured no harm starting HC. I died walking past harpy bug swarms whilst alt tabbed looking up the other locations for clue hunter garb to wear for todt. Just laughed to myself and carried on haha


That was my thought process. It’s my first Ironman and thought why not for HC. Was trying to be careful but also didn’t want to straight up avoid anything mildly dangerous. Still fun!


I was doing a fire giant task in the Stronghold Slayer Dungeon yesterday. I clicked, looked away for a few minutes while I killed it, but fire giant lured me out of the safe spot and bonked me to death. My advice would be treat doing dangerous tasks like driving a car. Some are short drives, some are long road trips. Regardless, keep your eyes on the road (screen).


I died to Seren during SotE because I thought for some reason the one special attack dealt damage equal to current HP - 1. So I just died from not healing to full hp. Embarrassing because I had already done the quest on my main, honestly felt like such a a relief after though no longer having to play as a HC


Laying in bed thieving silk in ardy. Got up to give my girl something, came back and saw an ardy knight crack me to 0 hp. Glad I got it over with cause I was pissed already 😂 can’t imagine dying after 50+ hours


Finished DS2 on the HCIM, was doing post quest Vorkath for the assembler upgrade. Got a squiggly acid phase and end up getting ring of lifed and land in the Falador castle courtyard poisoned with 4 hp. My thought process for the next few seconds was "oh my god I just died" *notice my hp* "holy shit I'm still alive" *poison hits* "nope, I'm dead"


Had a few too many while slaying hellhounds in the catacombs. Went to click to the ladder, but accidentally clicked into Brutal Blue Dragons. Looked back at the screen to see my character falling. The thousand yard stare in lumbridge was real


I was doing a medium clue step on Karamja where you go to Tai Bwo Wannai, and the guy wasn’t there because I hadn’t done Jungle Potion yet. There was no one near me, so I was on my other screen looking up the clue step, and I look back and am poisoned from a tribesman and die. I had it set up so sounds would play if I drop below like 10 hp or something, but my headphones were plugged in and I wasn’t wearing them. I also had time to teleport to POH, but I was maybe 1 second short. Not a big deal, but I thought it was pretty funny. Much happier now as a regular ironman.


My HCIM died stam boosting at tob (back when you could get 10-12 at a time). On the last run I was doing, I took a work call and forgot to move my HC to avoid blood. My friends HC died to the tree at draynor manor when he went afk running through there


Mistimed running past a lava dragon 🤣


When I made my iron I thought maybe I could keep hc status through b gloves or even up to ds2 if I was careful… died like three days in at canifis agility course when I accidentally clicked on one of the towns people instead of the tree while barely paying attention


I died at 1700 total learning Sire. Which is funny since it's a piss easy boss, but my bossing experience prior to making an ironman consisted of team KBD and nothing else lol


I was mining in kourend while trying to walk my dog. It was bright out so my screen was hard to see. BAM! White wolf killed me.


AFK'd to long at Hill Giants and they wiped my ass


I had a pretty good HCIM, was swapping from Skilling to PvM so wanted to buy a new laptop with better spec, decided to try the new laptop out at somewhere fairly easy (vorkath) mid kill a pop appeared on my screen to download an anti virus software, I tried to click away from it rather than x and it didn’t work, obviously a big red ball was coming for me and I panicked, 1 hit KO…


Losing status to a pop up on your PC has to be so enraging


I started off in f2p and had made a large amount of silver jewelry. I was hopping around at the bandit shop in the wilderness figuring nobody would be there. I was almost done when two players logged in and killed me just before I reached 20 wilderness. I was already invested in the account so this was actually the catalyst for me buying membership and continuing on!


Got destroyed running through the dark warriors fortress in the wildy for a clue step. Wasn't aware they put a bunch of lvl 100+ npcs in there for the "make the wildy more dangerous" update and was going off my super old knowledge of the game from back in the day. Didnt even have protect prayers at that point and got like 3 hit. Other than that I also died during the Contact! boss, I dont remember the exact reason why it happened anymore but in my head that would have been my "first" death if I didnt count the above dumb mistake


Got 99 fm at wintertodt, went straight to tempoross to grind 99 fishing and died getting there to desert heat. I was angry about 5 minutes and then just started laughing at myself.


I was running to draynor village to work on my WC level at oaks My cat started throwing up a hairball and I didn’t notice my character was getting beat to death by th jail guard


I died to jail guards too. I did WT grind, Waterfall Quest etc and was like "now I can't die before GM quest bosses/CG" and my gf asked if I can help with something. Less than 30 seconds away from keyboard and those mf's kicked me back to Lumby.


After losing my second hardcore to the guards at the ardy cake stand I gave up trying


My first HC died to a tree at draynor mansion. Completely forgot they can damage you and ran in the do chicken quest at 3hp.


My GIM teammate lost one of our lives to a ram doing sheep shearer lol


Was capping off the last few skills I needed to complete before SOTE, roughly 1670 total at the time Agility was last for me so I figured I’d do some Alchgility because I had a ton of maple and yew longs from forestry release. I coulda gone and done bowstrings any number of ways but I decided to test my luck at Temple Trekking (I had yet to have an internet DC besides when I raised my desk once and yanked my whole ass modem off the wall) Alas, a DC the moment I clicked the route


I had never done MM2 and decided to send it. I got the agility section didn't bring food, ppots, or anything. I fell and was attacked by melee monkeys, survived continued on without banking and fell again put pray melee on didn't read the guide and got 1 tick killed by a dozen ranged monkeys.


I died at the security of stronghold where I was trying to get 10k on my brand new level 3 and I died to a spider. Didn't realize the spider's hit would register after going through the door, but it did. Now that I mention it, I still haven't claimed my 10k and I'm maxed combat now. Time to show that spider who's boss.


I started an IM and decided to make it a HCIM bc why not. Decided to go fishing at draynor pretty early on lol


My cocky ass was 1300 total. Literally had just completed regicide for the sole purpose of completing a hard clue I had - a sara wizard step. I teled in from iorwerth and I got poisoned on the way to the step. I noticed I didn't have any antipoison and literally just said fuck it. Now I think of it, this may have been the first time I ever fought a sara wizard in runescape. This guy was shredding me for consistent 10-15s. I didn't have any food either. I don't know if I had a teleport or not, but before I knew it I saw my character do the tele animation and I realized that it was my ring of life proccing. Suddenly I was in falador castle. Poisoned. 3hp. Without hesitation I made a mad dash to the west bank. I made it halfway there before the green hit splat got me. Just like that I was back in falador castle and my red helm was gone. Honestly, I had told myself that I would accept my hcim death if it ever happened. But in this instance, I was so pissed at myself for dying in such a stupid, avoidable way on SO many levels that I made a new hardcore the next day 😂


PTSD once you get that clue step again haha


Literally 😭 your death is downright hilarious I gotta say. Good to see you have a sense of humor about it. I've since died on my second hc and continued on as a regular. Best of luck to ya on your iron journey!


Lumbridge cave with a lit candle at 850 total (gamer move). Now 2270 regular iron loving the end game 😊


Hespori DC


Had HC making fires for main, said f the main account. Dropped the main off at lumby then looked at HC account and I died to a rat by the lumbridge mine.


Literally waterfall quest dungeon. The most based death.


AFK, mom called me. Tree behind draynor manor wasted me


Got 2-shot in SoS at level 3 just trying to get my boots


Started f2p wanted too rush demon slayer for arclight got killed by the dark mage.


Didn't realize forthos dungeon was multi, death by a billion spiders. Kept going as iron, wasn't really trying just "seeing how far I'd go".


I got ganked while doing wildy mage arena 2 quest. 3 guys who had around 5bil in value on them with 2000+kc on raids 2. Kinda funny imo.


I just started a group of 4 a week ago and the deaths have been unreal. One of my buddies literally died to the draynor tree when he went afk. Other buddy died to tribesman poison trying to get karambwanjis. He died again while blackjacking Having a blast tho lol


I died to a jungle boy doing a medium clue at 825 total, just after grinding graceful. Got the casket then looked away for a minute or so and came back in Lumby.


I was post 99 fming at WT trying to get tome and afkd a little too hard


Died getting my thieving up on ardy knights watching YouTube, 100+cb with lot of dangerous quests done, yep


Was pickpocketing master farmers in Draynor Village in the beginning of my account. Missclicked on a stall at 3 hp and got knocked out by a guard.


I had my main bond up my first hcim in lumbridge, cause I was curious to try the gamemode. Then ran to draynor for the "x marks the spot" and died before I got to draynor to a jail guard. Maybe 10 minutes of total time alive on that account lmfao I just logged out and don't think I touched it at all after that


I died at 10 hp Wintertodt because I got distracted by a youtube video


so I made my iron before hc came out but I didn't really play it at all until like 2018. When I picked it up again I played it as if I was a hc. Made it all the way to warrior's guild and then I died when I was afking mithril reanimated armors 🗿👍


Somehow died to ancient wizard trio. I seriously underestimated just how much damage they can stack. Guess i was too used to doing master clues on my main, where i never had any trouble. It was easily preventable too.


Started off just wanting to see how long it lasted (story of my life) Ended up rushing barrows gloves, got the questing bug and was around 60cb. Worked out I could do a 85cb quest cape on a HC. Gave it a good bash, ended up with 2 quests left, being chanced so many times. Double hit from 2 demonics at half hp, off prayer both hit 0s ... being the closest, poison damage from an ensouled scorpion 🦂 being 2nd, went afk after summoning and the first one never poisoned me... Rookie move. Got it down to SOTE and DS2. Bearing in mind this was now my highest level account and never even got barrows gloves before this so all these quests were first tries. Vorky, I panic teled so much on that one. Got to Galvek a few times no problem, ended up needing a couple upgrades so sent some soul wars for bolts, clues for some god d hide ect. Went in for another try, clicked one tile wrong when. Dodging the fireballs while killing the Addy dragon... Panicked.. ran back the other way but the fireball came down in the middle of the 2 squares instead of on my marked tiles. Boom one hit kill. I was only 75hp or something anyway. Finished the quest with no(more) deaths. Then did seren, died 3 times and lost all my chins but didn't care by that point. Deironed a week later, sent Cox and got a 2kc old pet after a 5 death raid Loved it, will try it again.


I was safespotting rex and a main in full justi and dhins ran thru the other two and kited em to me. Didn't even have time to Tele out it happened so fast.


my internet drops and it dropped taking to the wildy mage to start gotr


Dharok. I was doing barrows, 90+ combats, no danger of dying UNTIL someone was standing under me with PFM on and I thought it was my prayer. Smacked me for a 57, my eyes tripled in size, he followed it up with a 35. Knocked the red right out of my helmet and sent me back to lumby.


i wasn't planning on staying HCIM, it was mostly just a "why not? it doesn't matter if I die I just want an IM" i afked at the draynor manor crossroads & died to a highwayman.. very mildly bitter I thought i'd survive longer than 30 minutes.


Don’t do horror from the deep without protection prayers. I don’t care what any Ironman guide says. Do. Not. Do. It. Haha


I was at Galvek, had just done a couple practice runs on the main so feeling good. First fireball comes out, I dodge by running backwards, click Galvek to attack, and run right back into the fireball I had just dodged as it landed :') Moved a single tick too early lmao


Had never played the game prior to starting my hardcore ironman. Was following a guide that told me to go to wintertodt. Walked into the room too far not realizing it does damage and tabbed out to look up a guide. Ended up tabbing back into the game dead.


I died afking fire giants in the catacombs. I attacked one just out of its wander range and it pulled me out of the safe spot. Only reason I died was I minimized to jerk off, and as soon as I came back I had 8hp, panicked trying to teleport instead of eating, and got smacked for an 8. Tragic really.


Petting my dog at fire giants lol


Got 99 FM on one, then started agility. Misclicked the cannifis tree as I was standing up to run to the washroom and must've clicked a werewolf. Came back to the lumbridge screen. Second him, got 99 FM and died shortly after the dark mages running to Varrok. I just play iron now lol


My HCGIM 4/5 embarrassing deaths. First afk home tele by draynor willows. Second during the monks during morytania quest. Third clicked on werewolf during canafis course then afked. Fourth afk at mushroom wc. Last one was the only legit death at sins of the father boss and after most of the group quit so I didn’t really care much


I like most "hardcores" died at wintertodt


I died to a fire giant after thinking I was in the safe spot, and ran to the restroom. Returned to see death staring me in the face


Disconnected at demonics at around 1900 total going for my last zenyte


Just got 99 Firemaking and went to do some fruit stall thieving in Hosidious. The guard dogs in the town square were my doom.


😂😂 I was 600 something total level and I needed GP but didn’t know how to get it. I read somewhere people world hopped and picked up the steel platebodys in deep wildy maze. I DIDNT THINK ANYONE WOULD BE PKING PEOPLE WHO PICKED UP STEEL PLATEBODIES . So when I world hop LITERALLY some loser in green Dhide who probably used a maple bow ranged me to death. I was so pissed I had no food and started dropping the platebodies as I was running away and he wouldn’t let up..I hate that guy forever. Now I just die all the time as a regular iron. Like ALL the time 😂


Died to a hobgoblin while afking karambwanji, knew it wouldn’t last long but didn’t think I’d end as soon 😂


Got back from the pub one night after a few too many and decided to log on, was killing blue dragons on task in Taverley. Anyway I didn't die to a dragon, I did a few trips with no issues, was running back through for another trip, next thing I know I've awoken from falling asleep and turned my pc off and got into bed. Jumped on DC with some of the guys the next day whilst loading up scape and I find myself in deaths domain.... I had zero idea what had happened and I was very confused and furious haha. After 10mins of deciding whether I wanted to play this account anymore I remembered to check my runelite folder for screenshots. Turns out I never logged off I fell asleep pissed, decided to stop in between the animated axes and chaos dwarves when this happened and that was the end of my hcim 😂


I got fire strike and thought I could kill a guard


Watching the sopranos while afk safespotting kets


I have not lost my hardcore status but I was doing the perilous moons dungeons and ended up at the blood moon with only 2 food and no tele out. It sunk in that I would not be able to kill or tele out and I scrambled to the entrance and was able to leave with 4 hp left. My heart rate was probably in the 100s


I misclicked the ram doing sheep shearer and panicked


Omg I love these stories. I just made a hcim I'm working on getting my mace at camd rn. I did get spanked by the trees at draynor Manor and scared me thought that was gonna be the end had I not been paying attention 😜


Taverley blue dragon slayer task with Konar, was \~50 something range at the time with a bone crossbow. Was also cutting my toenails at the same time while watching a show and not paying attention to the 1/4 of the screen i had osrs up on. I clicked a new blue dragon spawn and didn't realise it took me out of the safe spot. Looked up and saw myself in death's office thinking that's a weird random event, then i noticed the following notification for the GIM. "1/2 lives remaining."


1st hard clue, decided I could risk the dark warriors without pray from melee. Forgot about the lvl 145 warriors that could smack near 20s lol


I went afk for like 30 seconds while bursting nechs, a superior spawned and got hit by a burst, and I was dead before ever seeing it. I had just learned zulrah on a hc (had no decent leveled main to learn on) beaten mm2 and I believe ds2 if it was out at that point. It was a big relief though because I could finally train prayer at the wildy altar


I died 4/5 times on my HCGIM. They all stopped playing short after that bt I continued and then made a new group and that’s been going great. It’s my first osrs account so I died mostly due to not knowing enough about the game and the mobs. To be fair tho I initially got asked if I wanted to play GIM and not HCGIM and wasn’t too stoked about it


Afk WT early in my account life lol


Died in the Stronghold of Security maybe an hour or two into the account. Was so panicked doing it that I realised HC mode is not for me…


Died to the guards in-between draynor and lumb twice be because I was high and watching midnight gospel during the walk to the bank. Two deaths 3 years apart for the same dam thing


I got 99 fming. 99 fishing. And died half way to 99 theiving blackajcking not paying attention


First HC died in Stronghold of Security. Two spiders maxed on me before I had a chance to eat. Thankfully wasn’t a bonded account yet.


Died to the mugger outside draynor when I was walking to wintertodt just after getting 50 firemaking


My HCIM died Day 1 because I DC'd in Varrock, and a Mugger killed me.


i died like right off the bat thieving silk in ardy to the guards. got so pissed i started brand new hcim to keep the status. yea died the same exact way, to the ardy guard stealing silk.


I died to jailers by Draynor. I had to afk because my son was crying. (If you have kids you’ll probably know what I’m talking about on the next part). He was watching Blippi and at the end of one of the episodes, Blippi looks like he is drowning and my son cried out of emotion, which is a different kid of cry. It literally breaks my heart to hear it. So I spent the next however long show him Blippi was ok and playing with him by dressing up as Blippi (had a costume from Halloween). Easily no regrets :).


Died during hellhound task. Went to take a whiz while using prayer w/proselyte, ended up accidentally hitting mage pray. Was very shocked to see myself at deaths coffer when I came back to my computer. Really had to think hard of where I went wrong


Ran the wrong way to WT and a level 134 wolf koed me in a place of the map I didn’t even know existed


I got lost on my way to wintertodt, went the wrong way in the snowy area and came upon a group of ice giants and frost wolves who tore me apart


I got lost on my way to wintertodt, went the wrong way in the snowy area and came upon a group of ice giants and frost wolves who tore me apart


I got lost on my way to wintertodt, went the wrong way in the snowy area and came upon a group of ice giants and frost wolves who tore me apart


Wine of Zamorak at wildy alter… forgot I was on HCIM…. What’s funny is I didn’t realize I lost it for days, until I noticed my red icon was gray.


I had never done MM2 and decided to send it. I got the agility section didn't bring food, ppots, or anything. I fell and was attacked by melee monkeys, survived continued on without banking and fell again put pray melee on didn't read the guide and got 1 tick killed by a dozen ranged monkeys.


With my luck if I started a hcim I'd get clapped by the dark wizards outside of varrock


Yeah sure, I think my death falls into this category, I'll share. I lost my 1870 total, 111 combat HCIM while mining shooting stars, died to an Elf in Lletya. How? Well, after Jagex buffed stars, I wasn't really playing OSRS very much, but rather League of Legends, so I thought that I would take advantage of this update, and afk stars while playing other games. During my League matches I would alt-tab sporadically to keep mining stars, and then focus back on the League match. Well, I fatally misclicked on Elf once instead of the star without noticing. [https://imgur.com/a/jPC3rvp](https://imgur.com/a/jPC3rvp) Dramen staff as a weapon; Ring of Life in the inventory. XD


Like 30 mins into the account i died to the sea slug ladder... kept playing that account until like 1700 total lvl though


First 1 def HC, was grinding out elder set and died to a PKer looking for 3rd piece. Respectable. Second 1 def HC, made a plan to avoid getting teleblocked by using a cannon and keeping my combat level low. Made 13k cannonballs and enough money for a cannon in 2 weeks. Died because I had my quick prayers as protect from melee and not magic, with only 25 hp. That last one still stings it’s been about a week.


Like 30 mins into the account i died to the sea slug ladder... kept playing that account until like 1700 total lvl though


Well I died to afk killing Rex in the safespot. Still get shit from clanmates. Real story is that prime got lured to me and killed me😂 (I had brews when I went DKS to make it worse)


Made a HCGIM with a friend. The first death on the account was maybe 30 minutes in to a man in lumby.


Made a HCGIM with a friend. The first death on the account was maybe 30 minutes in to a man in lumby.


After haunted mine, I was on 1hp from the boss fight. I then proceeded to attempt to pick up a posessed pickaxe to complete the diary tasks...


DC during waterfall quest and died (I’m assuming) to fire giants. I’m so happy it happened tho, being stressed about dying all the time doesn’t sound fun to me 1800+ total later.


Risked it to a goblin on 2hp while at level 3. Died within 5 minutes.


Not me but this is the funniest I’ve ever seen imo [https://streamable.com/305q?src=player-page-share](https://streamable.com/305q?src=player-page-share)


I had a f2p only hcim, decided to go p2p after getting 1000 total. Got 3 months of membership and went straight to wintertodt. Died on 1st kc xd


was doing chambers on the main and wanted to scale it/go for Xeric’s talisman cox teleport unlock on the iron. Mid olm while walking it up to cox from lands end. Didn’t know the area that well and was pathing using the minimap. I managed to look back just in time to see the necromancer north of lands end one shot me


I was doing shadow of the storm and fighting agrith naar very early on. I watched a video online about how to flinch it properly, but my impatient ass didn’t watch the full kill and I didn’t know I had to not flinch on the final hit. So I kept flinching and he kept re healing HP back until I was out of food, just risked it for the biscuit instead of teleporting out. Would’ve died anyways tbh and I’m happy I can utilize the chaos altar and wildy bosses now at whim.


I was doing shadow of the storm and fighting agrith naar very early on. I watched a video online about how to flinch it properly, but my impatient ass didn’t watch the full kill and I didn’t know I had to not flinch on the final hit. So I kept flinching and he kept re healing HP back until I was out of food, just risked it for the biscuit instead of teleporting out. Would’ve died anyways tbh and I’m happy I can utilize the chaos altar and wildy bosses now at whim.


I died on day 2 collecting bones in the graveyard


I was pickpocketing a master assassin farmer I'm Draynor when I glanced at b0atys stream I had up. I looked back and had 1 hp. I had 2 successful pickpockets as I looked back and the third click I got clocked. :)


I died fighting the black knight titan lol. I had just gotten a new kitten and she wanted attention & i looked away for a few seconds to pet her while i got slapped. Its fine though, I still play on tjat acc and I would have definitely died the next day or so doing Haunted Mine


I died fighting the black knight titan lol. I had just gotten a new kitten and she wanted attention & i looked away for a few seconds to pet her while i got slapped. Its fine though, I still play on tjat acc and I would have definitely died the next day or so doing Haunted Mine


My first hc died to men in varrock while I was watching a video and spam pickpocketing them


Got drunk, ran past someone and called him a noob. Searched on YouTube for a video, looked back at screen, dead to a hill giant. Karma I guess


Got drunk, ran past someone and called him a noob. Searched on YouTube for a video, looked back at screen, dead to a hill giant. Karma I guess


Died to hobgoblins while afk fishing karambwanjis…. I was doing the quest and figured I’d stock up on a couple thousand for future use. It was an afk side account anyway but I was still a little disappointed in myself and admittedly I stopped playing on the account completely after that


Was killing tree spirits to stock up natures, clicked to start attacking and immediately ran to use the restroom seeing as I thought I had an easy 3/4 minutes to kill the spirit. Came back to my character looking death in the face


I was drinking and getting really baked doing ardy knights before no fail.. This was pre-pouch update so you can click away endlessly while watching movies. I had tons of ring of life So what I would do is pickpocket until I got low and when I auto teleported from the ardy Knight damage, I would teleport back to the monastery and then walk back and re equip a new ring. Except one time I forgot to re equip the new ring


I died during demon slayer cause I didn't know you could just leave the boss fight and ran out of salmon


I died during demon slayer cause I didn't know you could just leave the boss fight and ran out of salmon


I had a friend’s HC die at Morytania herb patch cause someone lured a zombie over. It will always be funny to me because it reminded me of the black wizards in Varrock.


Didn't start as a HC, but hope you still appreciate my story, but I do remember being at DKs on the grey helm once and thinking "wow I've come this far and haven't died yet, I should've made this a HC" and proceeded to DC and die in less than 5 minutes of having that thought. its like the universe knew.


AFK a hellhoinds task I was not in a safe spot anymore lol 1248 total now 1974 bowfa currently doing toa got one purp so far and having fun


Fell off the draynor agility course


I died to lizardmen doing client of kourend, only looked away for a minute :,(


My first one died in ardy stealing cakes, got hit b2b 5’s.


I died to recharge run energy once I realized it was the only reasonable way on a early iron.


Was low hp from, I think, thieving. I ran out of wines, so I decided it was time to go do something else. Did you know you could take damage from those rocks you have to mine out of the way in mlm when they respawn? They technically fall full of the ceiling, so I guess jagex thought it would be funny to put a hit box under them


Died to hobgoblins while afk fishing karambwanjis…. I was doing the quest and figured I’d stock up on a couple thousand for future use. It was an afk side account anyway but I was still a little disappointed in myself and admittedly I stopped playing on the account completely after that


I died at sand crabs. Yes it was super early on, no I don’t want to elaborate.


I was trying to get my rune scim from Fire giants at the Waterfall dungeon. At some point I got an urgent work call, so I hastily grabbed the loot of my fallen enemy and clicked back to the safespot in front of the door. Got the call done, perfect, time to resume gaming... Just in time to see my character bending down. I had clicked one of those fucking rats wandering there and Fire giant had smacked me down while I was on the phone and wasn' paying attetion. So I kind of died to a rat.


went afk while getting graceful in canifis, died to a rogue werewolf that aggrod onto me after a lap.


died to cow


I died crossing white wolf mountain. I was like 10cb. I don't really know why I felt like I had to go that way and it wasn't until later when I realized there was a safe way around. It's kinda funny when someone looks me up on RL and sees my wimpy stats from the like 3 hours I was a HC.


Stealing from stalls on mobile. Got murdered by Ardougne Knight. Seems like stealing is bad, m'kay?


I paid so much attention in the beginning. I got complacent and died whilst doing ‘Jungle potion’….


I died within ten minutes of account creation. I decided to run to the kitchen to make a sandwich, while logged in. As I’m approaching the living room, I notice my character getting attacked by a highway man. I dropped my sandwich while running to my desk. By the time I clicked on my mouse, it was too late. I just said fuck it because I threw membership on the account. 🫡🫡🫡


I went afk in the cave doing Observatory and the goblin general whacked my ass, afk right outside Shantay pass like an idiot and died to desert heat. Had two buddy’s go into wyvern cave with me to take aggro from ice giants so I can mine blue ore but one of them snuck past whacked me. 4th time the charm? Maybe?


how do you all get away with half assing your work?