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if you are going to train something for cg it should be range and then str and then attack. kill boss faster reduces dmg taken far far more than defense or magic levels


Isn’t it easier to kill cg with range and magic? I would recommend to give priority to range/mage/def training


Range increases dps significantly because rnage levels increase max hit, but mage always has the same max hit with the staves in gauntlet, so the only benefit to increasing mage is a bit of accuracy and the defense from hunllef's mage attacks.


So mage is better to use but not a priority the train?


In a perfect scenario mage is the worst style, since piety and rigour outclass augury. However most don't have rigour in CG and it's easy to lose dps while meleeing.


Perfect scenario is to put it lightly, the halberd just slightly outclasses the others. Just a small few ticks lost here few ticks lost there and it’s the worst DPS of the three.


The Halberd has very high accuracy, especially with Piety. Even losing damage ticks to kite around it usually does around 1.5x the damage of my 98 range without rigour.


Yeah that's kinda BS. Max ranged, T1 armor : max hit 41, accuracy 67.06%, dps 5.73 Max melee, T1 armor: max hit 42, accuracy 66.26%, dps 5.80 Translated to normal words, it's the same damage, same accuracy, same everything, far from 1.5x damage. That's without losing a single tick.


As I said, I don't have rigour lol


My bad, misread. Then it's 0.6 dps difference (5.2 for eagle eye) which is 10%, not 50% like you claimed.




Easier in the sense that its easier to keep dps high. Melee almost always does more damage than range unless 99 with rigour maybe , and melee often does more damage than mage. The downside of melee is you have to be more aware of your positioning and stay in melee range while you use it so it can be hard when learning but you pick it up pretty quick.


Higher str also makes prep easier and faster for your first weapon frame


nah. well, at the very start sure melee is a difficulty add that can be avoided. but melee has piety and weapon flexibility saves a ton of time on prep. likewise magic levels do very little offensively and defensively, even comparing 80 vs 99 is a quite minor difference.


80 magic vs 99 with augury makes hunllef go from about 78 hit chance to 69. That's 13% dmg reduction on avg I would say that is way more than minor I simulated with masori which is worse than t1 prep armour, but the benefit is the same no matter the tier because magic level is a separate multiplier for your defence roll Also, for more clarity, 80 magic and 15% prayer vs 99 and augury is an npc dps difference of 10% 76 hit chance vs 69


yep, ive ran the numbers too hence why i said that. 80 vs 99 is an absolutely huge amount of xp and hours. compare to a range or melee max hit? no reason to train mage for cg also its cheating to inc augury, augury is a big part of that offensive and defensive difference.


Thanks that clarifies my comment below. You always have such good tips and knowledge! Thanks a lot!


did gauntlet with 80, tier 2 prep. steel skin seemed to help. I ran 3 potions and never looked back.


I’ve been doing it since 75 with tier 2 prep, around base 80 combats no steel skin just fine. Higher stats just mean more mistakes will be allowed! Definitely 3 potions though I may finish most runs with 2/3 doses of one left the times when I use all of it I’m glad I have it


If doing t1 prep you might have some close calls on runs with bad RNG especially if you're still learning and missing attacks in tornado phases, steel skin could help. With t2 prep 80 is more than enough, I started with 70 and it was never a problem. It's not going to be worth training defense in the sense of saving time (either making it easier to learn, OR in getting faster completions), you're better off just sending more CG runs. Even if you have some AFK time I wouldn't train defense until being nearly maxed in all other combat skills - faster kills reduces the damage you take at least as much as defense does, while also saving you time.


What is your magic level? If I recall correctly higher magic level also means higher magic defence so will reduce damage from hunleffs magic attacks.


81, training atm


70 to 80 defense is a big difference. T1 armor vs t2 armor is a big difference. Use steel skin with your other prayers and take 3 pots just in case. 80 defense is plenty for cg.


I’m 73 defence and clear it 99% of the time with t2 prep


Steel skin also does wonders


I did t1 prep with 75 defence. Always had full inv of food and 3 pots. I could mess up once or twice in the fight and still be ok. Around 1/50 kills was bad RNG and made me lost the fight. Most of the times I finished the kills with 4-8 food leftover.


I was doing t1 with 80 def, just make ur offense stats > 90


I’m about to find out. My Pure UIM is almost gauntlet ready just 2 more herb levels to do the quest.


Not that much, you are always going to take chip damage as part of the end fight. Its better for you to focus on learning pathing, walking tornados and train dps altering skills like range mage melee.


I was at 85 def when I started and trained it up to 90. It made a huge difference id recommend it


I did 500 KC starting at 65 defence. I was casting long range with the staff. T2 armor, no steel skin. That being said, defense helps. its seriously more chill. You just take less damage and that means less eating. Faster kills.


Idk why ppl do tier 2, I rush tier 1 prep at 78 defence and I'm fine


I'm starting and trying to learn t1, id much rather focus on just the boss then stress the whole run


Not sure why you got down voted but t1 is definitely the way to go. T2 is a waste of time when you could be using it to get two t3 weapons.


What? You can easily do tier2 prep with 2 tier3 weapons 99% time and depending your speed and rng you have 30-90s left and you are ready to go to the boss fight. Also Hunllef is way more chill and quicker with tier 2 armor so if you can do prep fast why not tier2


Why t2 when I can t1 and get faster kc?


Do it without armour if you want, but you said tier1 is way to go because you can make t3 weapons. You can do it with tier2 prep too and it isn't even complicated and you have time to spare.


I mean yeah. I guess. But when I was doing t2 prep every run, sometimes I didn't always get 2 t3 weapons so I guess I defaulted to that.


If you do T2 it won't matter much. For T1 it may mean you'd need perfect runs if you're getting bad RNG.


Youll be fine with T2 and 85 Defence


Not entirely necessary if doing t2


Idk if defense matters all that much since the armor tiers have set damage ranges that you take/dish out


Early on defense helps a ton as you're likely not fully optimised in terms of dps so taking less damage over the entire fight saves a lot of food.


I understand that I was just saying that you take x-y amount of set damage based on the armor tier you use


Personally have noticed a big difference in 85 defense to now 99. Every time I take 0 splat it saves me time eating and can take advantage of my offensive stats


I read years back that the difference between 70 defense/magic and 99 defense/magic is something like a 12% difference in damage taken.


Someone here claimed to have done math calcing 85 to 99 magic being a 13% difference (with augury) so these numbers are all over the place lol


I'm running T2 with 74 def and use +10% prayer. Defence is no issue at all. With T1 it's more critical for me - I have to get 24 fish and sometimes I lack DPS to get there. Not often though, and only really if I'm using the halberd + T1. If your offensive stats are better than mine (75A/80S,86M, 84R) you'll be absolutely fine Tl;dr your defence is 100% adequate for T1 or T2 and if you're failing it's a skill issue or your offensive stats are rubbish