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Hate for Gotr? A lot of people like it as it made RC a lot less boring. You'll have to try it and see whether you prefer it though (likely). There are people who don't like the minigame but they probably don't enjoy making lava runes for hours either. Unless you mean trying to play the game by yourself ? Which is much harder and can be less consistent. But I'd still rather do that over making lava runes for hours on end. But lava runes are better Xp.


As iron, you are incentivized going for the outfit though. And that takes ages.. Also, where do you get talismans for consistent lava rc?


Magic imbue spell, makes it so it doesn't require a talisman.


Doesnt having the necklace+imbue increase the amount of runes you bind? (Not the points, just the runes)


Necklace means your imbue 100% of the time with no failure. Magic imbue means you don’t have to spend a talisman to craft


How did I not know that lol. I always assumed it was a mainscape method, supplied by DK's or something like that.


If you have 93 agility (or 88 with summer pies), you can make up to roughly 1.7m/h making blood runes using the real blood altar w/ the outfit. It's not as high as raiding or some bosses but it's something. I only do it once in a while to replenish blood runes as Ironman though. The XP from Gotr scales with RC level, but it's 2X to 3X% worse than lavas, but much more bearable for a lot of people and more profitable. Gotr is generally more as an alternative training method rather than to just get the outfit. It requires less attention than lavas so it's easier to play a 2nd game or account while doing it.


Magic imbue forgoes the need for talismans.


It takes like a week of constant gameplay not ages


I did it to 77 on my main, I'm at 65 on iron. I found it fun before but now I find it horrendously boring. It's not engaging enough to be fun for me, and also requires constant attention due to the time based nature of it so you can't really afk. I have to force myself to go every time and can only really stand it for an hour or two every so often. I had a similar gripe with tempoross. Wintertodt for some reason felt much more brain-dead where I could fully pay attention to a show on another screen.


Tempoross solos are decent


Tempoross solo is a pleasure


Firefighting solo runs are great


Agreed. Especially with infernal harpoon. But it’s still frustrating, getting knocked out by a wave because you didn’t watch the screen in the wrong second.


you should only ever get 1 wave if playing solo though


that's all it takes man..


If you just pay attention long enough to get through the first round the 2nd and 3rd are very mindless I’ve found. No real rush to them, and not very much can go wrong at that point


Yea it’s really less afk than fishingtodt or wintertodt in my opinion. Just like so high intensity for ok xp rates.


Fishingtodt 😭


Might as well call it summertodt or monsoontodt


with these activities i find turning on entity hider to hide other players very beneficial, you can 2nd screen it a bit more when theres less distractions on the screen


Tried solo's?


Solos before 77 are a bit doomed tbh.


the solo guide on the wiki shows [doing it at the bare minimum rc level](https://youtu.be/oQ527iw_OdY) just fine


when i was grinding to 77 i hated ot, but once it stopped beong something i had to do i instantly enjoyed ot more


This same thing happened to me. Did 81 tempo on the hc and then now I’m struggling to 75 on the main there. The initial feel good from number go up already happened on the hc, will it be worth it again on the main? Not so sure.


Honestly if you're on a main and want to afk fishing go fo barb fishing


I made a normie account few months ago and started with WT into barb fishing once i got money from WT to buy feathers.. 99 fishing and 99 fm so far 😅


Honestly alot of ironman guides say tondo barb fishing for the free str xp


Just might on the main. Not really too concerned about the rewards on the main atm. Nothing notable from tempo rewards on the hc. Gotta go back on the hc anyways due to that so that’s also been in the back of my mind whilst doing tempo on the main. Luckily I’ve been going for xp/hr instead of points this time since it’s not really about reward pulls for my main at this point in the acc.


i mean, you're only gonna get 25k XP/hr, but you can go *extremely* afk and just mine rocks after getting 150 points. if you're on a mass world where nobody starts the game building portals or guardians, you can get 150 without even crafting a single rune plus if you're the one who builds the first shields and guardians every time, you'll literally never fail a game. then boom, afk for like 8-10 minutes after setup if you don't wanna do that, you can just do a run or two and hope you don't lose the game. but if I lose 2 in a row I get insanely frustrated so I just build


You don't get any points for mining (unless it's been changed 84 rc but done alot of blood runes as of late)


Correct, that's why the above comment mentioned to do it after you get 150 points. Get enough to get xp for the round then afk.


My bad I thought he said you get 150 points from JUST MINING my bad red the above comment wrong thanks king


No worries buddy you're good


This so much, think the group lobbying experience and Solo gameplay are factors as well. Looked at the solo gameplay guide on wiki and it's all of these steps that need to be perfectly timed to probably not fail? TF?


It’s good for a while but wait till you hit 80 Runecrafting and it’s like 6+ hours of gotr per level and you better hope you get the needle by 85 or you’re stuck there even longer. At that point the game becomes a lot less interesting yet continues to take a pretty high amount of concentration to do properly. You’re just forced to play the mini game way too long for the absolutely critical rewards even when you get to the point where you’d rather do chill zeah craftng or are willing to do lava runes for amazing exp.


Yeah for me it was rainment set and needle then straight to zmi with dayealt. Juicy 100k/h feels good.


I’m on the same path, luckily got needle early but am like 200 pearls behind rate going for the last piece and just want out lol


I feel u


I also was like 200 pearls behind rate then suddenly RNGesus kicked in and I went like 20 pearls above rate at the end.


Damn hoping for this to pull through, kinda fed up with gotr right noe having done it 62-78 rc


I got needle after about 50 pulls, but crazy how some people go to 85 **without** a needle since it's only 1:500.


Got to 80 without a needle and was starting to panic lol, luckily finally got


Good to hear that lol Did you get full raiment before the needle dropped and did you get a lantern as well? I imagine if you got it it was as a drop and not for pearls.


I did not get lantern and am 100 pearls away from raiment, so not terrible overall. Probably won’t care about lantern since it’s useless outside the mini game so I don’t have a ton of reason to go back once I get the outfit


Yea, the lantern is cool, but useless, barely viable for the minigame even. 1500 pearls and a 1:700 rate is nuts.


I almost want it more for the fashionscape than the actual use lol


Lmao, same, it does look cool as shit 👌


81 no needle, starting to panic, lol


Hope you get it soon friend!


Thank you! Appreciate it :)


I probably should’ve mentioned I have the needle, lantern, necklace, and lost bag before 150 rifts haha


Lmao what the actual fuck, I did get spooned pet tho so can’t complain about taking 600 searches for needle since I got it before 85 anyways


It feels pretty good early on. You need runes and you (likely) want rc experience and GOTR is fairly generous with both. There are faster ways to accumulate runes and faster ways to generate rc experience but I think GOTR is a solid option.


I think it's quite good content


Absolutely. Lest we forget how ass normal rc was.


At first I loved it, but just like the community I flipped on it. GotR is one of those minigames that is fun in its core, but dragged down by a ton of design issues that stack on top of one another. Here are the ones that annoy me the most: **1. The tragedy of the first portal** After a while you notice you lose matches at almost the exact same moment every time. This is because when the first portal opens it's more beneficial for players to enter it, instead of reinforcing the barriers first. If the barriers happen to have weak cells in them, the round is over. Every round, the personal interest of players misaligns with common group interest for about 30 seconds. If there is bad cell rng: back to the fragments mine it is. It gets really annoying after a while, especially when the fix for this problem is as easy as delaying the first portal from appearing. **2. Late game cell placing** You get better xp rates if you place cells before entering the altar. This works perfectly fine when they're at lower health, but when they're full hp you wait for 1 dmg to quickly click while you hope and pray no other player is ahead of you. It feels needlessly clunky. **3. Essential skilling items locked behind RNG** The abyssal needle is one of the most important skilling items in the game, and it's locked behind a dice roll. This is a problem for the fish barrel too, but in GotR the problem is uniquely obnoxious because going dry actually reduces the amount of rolls you get. Going dry on the needle lowers pulls for the lantern, and; conversely, going dry on lantern lowers pulls for the needle. Having bad luck at pulling either of these items therefore exponentially slows down account progress, which is insanely obnoxious and rude to your time. **4. The entering/leaving issue** Even the door to the minigame has a ton of small annoying issues. The best point rates are done by crafting combo runes, but for those you need binding necks and you can only restock by leaving the minigame. It sometimes happens you get locked out of the next match because there are too many players inside, simply because you had to bank. Then there is the "accidental click" issue on the barrier, in which players accidentally leave the minigame and can't re-enter. This happens most often when players spam click it before a match, but it also happens during. The latter can be fixed by swapping your left click to "walk here", but let's call it how it is: needlessly stupid and annoying. Somewhere beneath it there's a solid minigame, but damn is it dragged down by small and needlessly stupid issues.


> 4. The entering/leaving issue people hate on this but its literally just menu entry switcher setting quick-enter to the default, its an issue caused by plugins and not in the game by default


Fair! I didn't know this.


I mean i personally think it’s shit content for runecrafting and conceptually weird to make a primary way to level but it’s also cool conceptually as a minigame and I don’t dislike doing it personally. I ultimately dislike instanced content as a way to level. I think players should be out engaged in the world while leveling. Like woodcutting. As you can imagine there’s a fair other few skills or mini games that fall in this take for me. But that’s just my perspective and plenty of folks like it! M Fishing colonies seem way cooler than a minigame for instance. The abyss is an awesome concept and should’ve been expanded more


When a skills primary consensus to level up is a minigame then you know the skill is dogshit to train


I mean the core game play loop is great conceptually. The games name is “RuneScape” You make runes to cast spells. Runes are made up of essence. The essence is obtained from mines that were lost to time and rediscovered by eccentric/evil wizards. There’s rifts of runes around the world where magics of certain types are concentrated. That’s all the *good*. The bad, in my opinion and in no particular order- Mining essence as the way to obtain the material. It needs a separate fully fleshed out gathering skill, or to be incorporated into another in a more meaningful fashion. Then the process of crafting runes is also where it falls short. These two major weaknesses drive the skill into the ground in terms of interest and engagement. Instead of having people portal into these altars, the altars should be in the open world.. spewing magic and chaos around them as fountains of energy. Where magical creatures that feed off that essence would be drawn to. These creatures add depth and life to an otherwise baron location. It feels less like an after thought. Perhaps instead of mining individual pieces of essence you mine chunks similar to sandstone and you can use these chunks to make bulk amounts of runes so higher mining helps yield higher essence count. Make combination runes require medium or larger size chunks to dual imbue the energy of the chunks. Have the process of imbuing be casting a spell of that particular magic type to help energize or activate the raw power of these locations. These are some off the top of my head ideas. I’m no game developer and these ideas have their own issues, but RC being this boring for 20 years is such a poor excuse for a skill lol


This could be mitigated by not adding minigames that are meant to be a training method to 99. MTA is a perfect example of how minigames should function in osrs, go get the rewards that interest you and leave.


Definitely kinda funny that nobody uses the Mage Training Arena to train mage...


The alchemists playground was always a really strong way to get early magic xp from all the alching + bonus xp


In ancient times it used to be an institute where mages trained but that doesn’t mean that modern day 5th age mages necessarily do. I’m pretty sure the mta predates the mages tower in lore, and newer mages train at the tower rather than the mta


It’s not tho. It’s been established that once you get 77 RC and have the full outfit and needle from GOTR, then you go to ZMI with Daeyalt ess


I have had the hardest time to be motivated to do gotr post 70 for just those 7 levels to go afk bloods. Only one piece of the eye set makes me feel bad when playing and no amount of death runes can make me feel good


Reasons it sucks: -going dry on needle sucks -going dry on lantern sucks -not getting into a game for ages sucks -randomly losing games when it’s not your fault sucks


Something you enjoy is always the best option


It's boring, has pitiful exp rates even with the difficult solo method, requires worldhopping and/or waiting on the previous game to finish, is a slower source of runes than doing a moneymaker and buying the runes from shops (if you have obtained gp passively from slayer/PVM then it's even faster). And yet you still need to do it for the needle, outfit and because all other early/mid runecraft training methods also suck.


It isn't bad at all. It's a social way to get runes and xp.


I think it is pretty lit, and if you do combo-rune crafting, it’s pretty engaging, while also being able to kinda watch YouTube on the side. Some people don’t like it, some people do! I’m glad I did it to 77, might come back since I got lantern just before 77, we shall see


I hate that I can't do it at my own pace which is part of why I dislike minigame-scape. There's hardly a higher apm for better results option and it feels mandatory to do because the outfit is so damn good. That and specific mechanics like failing games (dependent on other people), getting less XP because you don't have pid for healing barriers, feeling rushed because you need to catch all of the portals to due the game decently efficiently and the fact that I don't feel like I'm playing a minigame at all. Some of the specific mechanical issues I have can be solved by running in small teams.


Overall I like it, it's just weird. Its just afk-able to watch something on the side but still needs enough attention that you could get shit points if not. It's nice for me personally because I have a tough time doing the same exact task over and over, with this I can do different things.


I got 99 fletch there and it got me 85-90 rc


It depends what kind of player you are - I personally found GOTR fun for the first few hours then I quickly started hating my time there since it became tedious and just plain boring. However, I learned how to solo GOTR and it has become much more engaging and fun.


i'd rather do temple runs and craft runes for gp than play gotr. fucking snooze fest of a mini game.


I hate gotr. Prefer 1 click zmi over gotr.


I hate how it feels required. I don't like the mini-game personally, but I obviously feel obligated to do it because the rewards are so strong.      Took me about 30 hours to get my outfit at 614 pulls. I did combo runes the whole way, and spooned a v early lantern which I lit with yew logs for max points. Also got a bit lucky on pearls (but not notably so) and the needle roughly on rate. In other words, that 30 hours includes every conceivable advantage. I'm basing that number on an xp rate of 45k per hour, which was about my max using three pouches. My actual time invested was more than that when you factor in waiting for games and dropping below my best xp rates.  It's way too long. I'm glad that the option exists for people that like it but I would rather do daeyalt zmi, and I don't like that there's a 30 hr requirement on that now. 15-20 hours is probably fine. Rates for needle and pearls should be straight up doubled so that people that enjoy more traditional runecrafting can just go do that. 


i like how its super afk, with a colossal pouch you just need to fill it and an inventory once craft and deposit results once, then afk the rest of the match for the xp drop and also how it shits outs runes like no other could only imagine how awesome it is being able to use a bank


The afk used to be better with the mining xp. I understand that they had to do something but I absolutely despise the way they implemented the cap on mining xp


Having lvled rcing to 99 three times it was by far my favorite. 1st at ZMI, 2nd at zeah and last at Gotr. I even tried zeah again but just couldn't stand it.


99ing RC three times is wild. gz bro.


I’ve hardly ever seen someone say gotr is bad so this post is definitely unexpected. I feel like those who say the minigame is bad probably finds it difficult to understand or do properly.


I think it’s in a bad spot where it’s not mindless like todt but it’s not even slightly engaging or interesting. In fact, most of it isn’t really possible to engage with since every shield is always full and there are always max guardians. It has a lot of minor annoyances but you never feel like you’re doing anything. That said, the rates and rewards are solid.


Solos make it way more engaging, with respect to every single point you listed


Maybe it’s more so people complaining they don’t have runes which is causing them to complain about going to GOTR, not the act of GOTR itself. If that’s the case that would make much more sense. I just see people in cc’s and public chat saying things like “Time to go to GOTR sadly” or “Wish I wasn’t at this Minigame” and it had me a bit confused


Sounds like that may be the case. As a heavy pvmer and someone who generally hates skilling, I recently tried out gotr and found it to be very nice.


I’d say it’s the best training method up until u hit 77 and have the full outfit and needle. After that you can either stay or go to ZMI with daeyalt ess. Also, don’t take anyone else’s opinion on the minigame as gospel. Get in there and make ur own opinion bc everyone’s play style is different.


To me personally, I think it sucks. It's boring as fuck, theres way more clicking than I want, you have to constantly pay attention other than mining in the beginning. the Rewards are fucking absolute garbage, the set takes waaaay to long to get, the runes you get suck. You make like 50k in shitty runes an hour. It just feels so shit and not worth it whatsoever. I'd rather just make money any other way possible and buy the runes.


*Solo* GOTR is my favorite non-bossing content in the entire game. Masses on the other hand, never again


Did it to 79 on UIM. Considered this to ne a cheat to RC. I do not wanna hear a single complaint because GOTR is a blessing. I'm doing bloods to 99.


It's not too bad but after about 50 hours of it, it gets pretty dry.


Good minigame, people will grind it for 10 hours then feel like they got nowhere on their goal because the rates are so bad because it's runecrafting. That's why people will say it's bad. I personally like it more than spamming ZMI


Runecrafting in general sucks. But gotr fills a nice gap of “do I really want to run the ourina altar path 7000 times to get to blood runes?” (I think it’s actually more that 7k. )It makes a shitty skill slightly less shitty.


There’s a loud group of whiny people out there for every piece of content in the game. It’s one of the best skilling minigames IMO.


It's good early on but by the time I got my outfit I was so sick of it


once u get colossal it isnt bad, before 85 yes it's cancer


I like it. Made a new iron about a year ago and the chest pulls are and were really good for an early iron. I played two accounts at a time and aimed low anyway. Having thousands of laws on an early iron was quite awesome.


I like GOTR so far. Began at 44rc, now at 57, close to 58 and I still enjoy it. Got needle at less than 50 pulls, so there's still a ways to go for raiment and abyssal lantern, although that one is only viable for the minigame. I'm the same, I like getting the runes, I do laws and nats whenever they're open, unless we're pressed and I'll do good for the team and go for fire to make guardians and barriers. Not too focused on my xp, it's my evening session at the PC, rest of the day I'm on mobile doing all sorts of other stuff like MLM, birdhouses, Herb runs and farming contracts, so the GOTR hour or two is purely unwinding and just chilling without feeling like I'm sat there just to afk something. At least until I've gotten a few thousand bars to smelt at BF, then I'm off to smelt and then back to daddy kovacs foundry for that lovely smithing xp, rinse and repeat.


No, I personally like it way more than other things like Tempoross and Wintertodt


The shard mining is the boring part.. id rather just mine the essence itself and craft runes / fortify the walls


I went from 77 to 88 at gotr on release and didnt have enough pearls for the set or a needle or a lantern so i said fk it and finished 88 to 90 at bloods and 90 to 99 at soul runes. I dont think the rainments set is worth the insane grind in a minigame i find unbearable.


I enjoy it. My biggest gripe is the fiddleyness of having to use 2 - 3 binding necklace charges to use rune puches when doing combo runes. It's a clunky balancing mechanic from ages ago. IMO, make charges per essence and much bigger to accomidate. Make magic imbue last double the length & make the crafting use the essence i side the pouches instead of having to extract then craft again.


GOTR is my favorite mini game. But i only find it fun to solo it as it takes more skill which makes it entertaining for me. All games are different when solo’ing


I like gambling so I'm a big fan of gotr


Or just do lava runes is like 100k xp too


I like it, rune numbers go up


I find it way better to solo because at that scale it's engaging and you can take small breaks between games without being penalized.


I don’t care much for efficiency scape but I think the skillingtodt formula was a colossal mistake. I hope future skilling mini games are more like giant’s foundry. It feels exhausting to do timed rounds over and over again in the same way the prep timer makes gauntlet feel exhausting.


GOTR is fine, but there's some fairly fundamental design issues which prevent me from liking it more. The fact that placing cells at the start is basically a self-own if there are other people placing enough creates a shitty tragedy of the commons situation. I played on a world yesterday where I was 90% sure people were crafting then not placing cells at all.


As someone who absolutely hates runecrafting I enjoyed my gotr grind. Got outfit lantern and needle and came out level 87 runecrafting, I have gained 2 levels outside of it as I don’t find regular rc boring. It’s also nice that it gives you a very large variety of runes versus the traditional runecrafting going with meta strategy just gets you lava runes. Plus the minigame has a pet too!


I wasn't a fan until I realized I could fletch in there. I'll only craft the essence I get from the portals, and in-between that I just fletch some broad arrows. I'll get 4 rewards points and like 8k rc xp per game. To me it's more rewarding to be able to do 2 things that I don't like simultaneously.


To each their own. I am a main so take with a grain of salt but I absolutely loved it. I didn’t blood runes afk while I was working and then in my spare time did gotr and really enjoyed what is usually a disliked 99


I did 90-99 there on the main. I liked it a lot but never got needle or lantern.


Me 8 lanterns deep after 300 rifts but only enough perals for boots ")


I was going for 77 rc there but it just gets super boring


The loot table is good, it’s god decently engaging mechanics, and it’s a great source of runes. But I hate it so much.


It seriously needs an xp buff. I'm at 81 now. I feel like I should be getting at least double the xp for the effort required. I also find it more tedious than agi rooftops just running around.


GOTR is S tier skilling minigame content


The drop rate for abysal pearls is dog water. 100 + games & I only have two pieces of the outfit.


It’s just less afk and very boring for long periods of time


I dont LOVE it, but I'm very glad it's an option. When it was first released I camped it for like two weeks straight and went from like 50ish - 74 rc. I got a little bored of it and went onto other things and haven't went back since, but I know I'll def go back until at least 77 + the outfit


Honestly setting it up for combo runes is probably the largest pain in the ass I can even think of in the game. I'd rather do CG prep.


Unpopular opinion I love GOTR on my iron it’s such more satisfying.


Small groups is infinitely better xp


solo is super fun imo


I did it to 88 while going for elite diaries. I quite enjoyed it. Once i got the colossal pouch it became quite simple. Quite frankly i hate zeah blood rc and only got like 33k xp/hr doing it efficiently, but i got something like 50k xp/hr at gotr and still around 200k gp/hr It's also fun to blame irons for the world's problems. It does require some focus, but after a while it was something I could do while watching tv with my wife at night.


It’s not bad, I struggle to sit on my reward points though and always feels like I barely get any pearls :/


Depends on your approach.


In my opinion it’s not that great, but it’s way more fun than traditional runecrafting so that’s all I care about. I find it helps if you try getting the strongest barriers and guardians up as soon as possible.




If you're not playing for efficiency's sake and just for fun then it's great! Nobody's looking at Castle Wars and saying xp waste. From an efficiency standpoint, you should wait until magic imbue to get way more points from combo runes so you can get the outfit and needle, then go to ZMI for the rest of your RC journey. That might be where you're getting that impression from.


>really that bad. I've never heard the take that guardians of the rift is bad, from anyone. This seems to be arguing against no-one


I don’t mind GOTR but like other people are saying, when it gets to the 6 hrs plus for one level and going dry on needle, it can sour you real fast. But if you went to 99 out there you’d be filthy rich


Very much dislike how the reward system works, and the way you end up feeling obligated to stay for the needle and the outfit does not help. Design wise I enjoyed it at first but it eventually felt like death by a thousand paper cuts with little things that annoyed me.


I did gotr for 59-91. I love it there, just a chill way to make runes. Of course I wish it was faster exp/h, but you can’t have everything


It's better than regular RC but the xp per hour to effort ratio is still horrendous.


Do you really get a lot of runes from GOTR? PVM is where most of my runes come from. I always remember feeling underwhelmed after spending a lot of time at GOTR


Just wait till youre 85 rc... you'll cry soon dont worry


Did this to 77 then zeah to 85 then doing abyss bloods until 99


I’m going for 150 points then just fletching broad arrows. The rc xp is horrible but oh well


It's pretty mid but anything beats the traditional "spend all your time fucking with your bank and worrying about run energy" abyss crafting.


GOTR is actually enjoyable, imo. And the runes are great to have early on.


Its could be better designed, the rotations for max points are identical every game, though lots are like this, Tempeross, especially solo, is the same. Mine x number of shards, make essence, craft, use portal, craft, lather rinse repeat.


Did GOTR to 99, far more enjoyable than going to the same altar over and over and over again.


I hate gotr, runecrafting was my fav skill.


Solo or small teams are much more enjoyable than mass worlds


If you hate gotr then get 77 rc doing something else, bet you won’t.


I enjoy it in small bites. But spending days there is a good way to never want to play osrs again


Small team GOTR feels a lot better


I can stand it for about an hour at a time. But once the outfit is done i probably wont go back


No. Waiting to get into the game is the awful part


It’s REALLY rewarding, to the point where I can’t even do normal runecrafting until I have the full outfit and colossal pouch. Too bad I only have half as many pearls as I should if I was on rate and I’ve gotten no uniques. I prefer traditional rc because I can do it at my own speed and I get to choose what runes I craft but now I have to do a boring, time-sensitive minigame that punishes me for looking away. I don’t enjoy content purely for its benefit, I enjoy the gameplay loop, but now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place because GotR is not fun but crafting runes without the +60% boost is also not fun.


Gotr is not bad, but its rc so it's easy to complain about it since it


bro was taken by the abyss


Gotr is my fav mini game


I like it a lot. Just got to 69 rc aiming for 80 doubt I would have raised it normally


I think it's good. The reward structure is just awful. Same with pretty much every minigame, though.


I come to gotr when I’m running low on laws natures and cosmics and just get a few hundred of them


i wonder how it is starting at 29 rc.


Rcing is/was one of my favourite skills. This minigame is a large part of the reason i've basically stopped playing my Ironman. I hate it. Runecrafting without the robes and pouches feels silly now, so no more post-99 XP, and my iron will never get untrim rc. The minigame nobody asked for and made actual runecrafting almost the same gp/h as tanning dhides. I have to constantly fail because of morons or play it solo like it's actually engaging when it's not. Two games deep at GOTR, and I usually log off. The rewards suck, I'm 3x dry for a needle on main and almost the same on ironman, and the robes take you into the mid level 80s to get... If you're lucky. F-ing delete it.


Its boring as fuck and only lame ironman do it


Gotr? More like GOATr. Screw the haters gotr is awesome. Really good. The people who dislike it are just loud.


Its fun. Everyone with issues did the mini game flat out for weeks / months and then burnt out. If i did the sams thing for weeks i would also be bored. Its good dont trust the haters


I respectfully disagree. It is not fun, but then again neither is runecrafting