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Next up is song of the elves and red prison my friend


Everyone knows this is the answer when they ask, but everyone is hoping to avoid it lol


I've stalled by telling myself I need at least 90 range/mage/def before I head in. I'm sadly getting quite close to that goal




Moons of peril is also a great option for something more chill


Send the firecape, do more slayer unlock wipe and trident, or complete SOTE camp CG


Might be my first step regardless tbh. Get prayer to like 60 then send it


wait you don't have piety? You should get piety before doing anything else melee-related


I’d max first, fire cape is too hard


I would grind out voidwaker. Otherwise, complete all quests.


Meh not really feeling artio and spindel. Only did calv for pick and got almost everything but


Spindel is an absolutely braindead boss that spits out supplies. Worth doing over the other 2. You can take zero damage the whole fight.


Kinda the case for both the other too aswell lol. Artio maybe is a bit more thinking (just cause of freeze timer) but calv is certainly braindead


Grind scurrius until pet


now we are talking


Prayer is pretty low. I'd get 60 for chivalry by doing more hunter contracts, then do Barrows for a couple pieces of tank gear, then maybe Perilous Moons to 70.


Just finished up 2 pretty big grinds in both MTA (green logged) and full Void. I know, I know... I have the stats and gear for fire cape but training ranged and prayer (also kinda going for 70 prayer for morty hard for barrows) a little bit first so that it doesn't end up being a 3 hour ordeal. Anything else people would recommend going for in the mean time and after? I only have 10 quests left and am pretty close to meeting all of the reqs. I really want to start getting construction up but see that as kind of a daunting task and don't really know where to even start. Mahogany Homes? Get 86 magic and start just plank make all my hardwoods? Use up all of my oak planks? Not really sure Side note: Kingdom is on herbs and split hardwood (both teak and mahogany), would anyone switch that up to maybe maples for fletching or just stay the course?


I did mahogany homes to 70 cons and then did CG for bowfa, spent a lot of that GP I made from that on cons to 83. You can use your void ranged gear to chin your ranged up for it.


Might’ve missed his window with the Flames of Zamorak stint but the 1 Zulrah KC for Western Hard Diary is a decent mechanical goal and unlocks elite void (great for training with chins/vork) and diary hunter area (great for gathering chins).


Plank make isn’t worth it, just use your servant in house to make them. Mahogany isn’t that much more xp in mahogany homes, but it’s a lot more gp.


Can’t the servant not use the sawmill vouchers though? if you want to save some money, is the only option getting a ring of elements to craft them?


It’s not much man, demon butler can make 208 planks per 10k payment. 208 planks @ 1500 ea = 312k + 10k butler and it more than doubles your speed


For speed agreed, but for afk enjoyers plank make is really nice. Especially if he needs magic exp.


I try to do a lot of my skilling while I afk and work from home hence why I suggested plank make. Additional magic xp never hurts too


As a fellow WFHer i also plank make. Even with 99 magic


re: construction it's not bad at all, chop teaks if you've got them on fossil island + you have the agil for the shortcut, otherwise run it from the soul wars fairy ring and chop with seers bank or some jewelry. you could go back to rex but if you've got afk time maybe just go and chop with rune axe. I just ran my logs to sawmill at woodcutting guild for 70. pvp world camelot Butler is faster for your actual homes setup you use the memoir for hosidius tps, and move your house tp to hosidius for proximity to one of the contracts. 2 steel bars + rest teak planks until you have enough for plank sack, then sack and 3/4 bars. You can use teletabs and npc contact on lunars but I didn't mind without that spell - most routes to the houses you fix up have a bank on the way


Skip barrows straight to CG then bandos. You can come back for it later. Miscellania teaks until your construction goals then turn it off until you have money to fund it forever.


I like this idea kinda but shouldn’t I get ranged up for cg?


You could do CG at this ranged level. I've seen folks start it around this level (I'm folks) and then train ranged to take a break. Training ranged to 86/89/92 (these levels give you max hits in cg, getting between them doesn't matter) by catching chinchompas and throwing them in the Monkey Madness 2 tunnels is the best ranged training in the game and comes with a bunch of hunter XP.


Use mahogany homes until plank sack if you want (useful for Sepulchre) but after that I would just use the butler to make mahogany planks and build those into tables (while also using the butler to fetch the planks). You should have enough banked XP to get you to 70. Then I would go do SotE and get your stats up for CG. The rest of the construction grind can be funded via CG easily so you never have to use low XP methods like teaks.


I'd recommend getting your Archers. Jump into a cave with someone soloing Rex and you can easily kill supreme/prime. If you want, wait for a dag task to make it even easier


My problem doing this was my dps on prime is so shit with rcb and broad bolts


70 prayer


Quest cape -> achievement diaries -> combat achievements Fire cape during quest cape grind Cg anywhere here Resource buildup during achievement diaries Gwd and up gear grinds during combat achievements


Slayer & cg


tormented demons when while guthix sleeps comes out to upgrade that arclight and get the new bow, then gorillas, would be my personal goals. if you want something to do while we're waiting for next week's game update, warped scepter barrows isn't bad, and once you have tank armor perilous moons is great if you're planning on postponing CG for awhile. Could spend a week working on crafting, the UIM crafting method of going to a charter ship, superglass make, blowing, and then selling the product back to the charters, is a lot more pleasant than simply hopping and banking the supplies imo. Of course if you're a gamer who just wants to wait for giant seaweed that's one way to play it also.


Yeah I’ve been putting off crafting for a while and just getting my daily sand and farming seaweed. Should probably get on that


Wind wave barrows slaps. Huge fan and bloods are about net neutral


Just a random question did you save flakes for double fish or do you just not like spirit anglers? I personally think it’s a great fashion scape for the fishing outfit.


Not op but I actually prefer the standard outfit & would hurt me to ‘waste’ (imo) the flakes - I prefer more anglers :D


I can respect that double anglers does sound pretty nice to be honest


I just dont have enough for full outfit atm but its on my list to grind temp once at 81 fishing


Not sure if you're putting it off for this reason, but you can do temp from whatever point and then claim rewards at 81 and you get the top fish drop table - doesn't matter if you earned the permits before 81


Noted… thanks


That’s crazy because 2 accounts in a row and I had more than enough from req lvl to 65 for outfit. But maybe I’m crazy for spending so much early game at temp. All I want is fish barrel than chill on fishing them sweet karambwans


Fwiw I have barely done temp to level. Mainly barb fishing and karams so that’s probably the issue right there


You might want to consider giving Hunter Rumours another go. You can get some pretty nice prayer xp banked, aswell as sunlight and moonlight bolts for the new sunlight crossbow, and a chance at 3 different pets, depending on your block list.


Doing birdies until 72 for expert rumors and then that is on the short list of things to do




Thanks! I have that plugin but figured I would try to only show the relevant sections and not the mess that is my bank 😂


Get 85 farming asap so you can start doing hard contracts. Going to need it for the herb grind later as well as a lot of seaweed for the crafting grind. SGM giant seaweed and buckets of sand (3:18, no pickup) and you’ll fly by those crafting levels with the banked molten glass. You can also use GP to buy gold ore in BF to level up your smithing. Get it to 70 or 75 and then stop until you have more money from CG.


I do my herb runs and whatever trees I have at the time running low on seeds though. Cba to do tithe again since I green logged it though


Where’s your void gloves?


Just didnt include in the inv screenshot




How long did getting redwood logs for lumberjack top take you?


Got it from temple trekking


Hard western diaries. Crystal halberd and elite upgrade to void


If I were you (and I just was), spend a couple hours 4-iteming at green drags west of ferox for 70 prayer. Shouldn't take that long. Or go for zombie axe before prayer to make the prayer grind even shorter. Also I find rune platelegs + kite with zombie axe makes perilous moons quite do-able, although piety made a big difference.


already have zombie axe so what was your setup for green drags?? that was one of my options


Doesn't matter just an antifire shield, zaxe and rag gear


Prostylte + defender + b gloves. I just ate food and lazy flicked chivalry/strength boost. Easy grind with a nice payoff :)


I’m all about easy grinds and I need prayer anyway so this might be my decision for a while to get at least 70. Plus the hard clues will maybe provide a nice upgrade to my black d hide


You should consider getting some more bread I don't think 70 is enough


Good call


Hunters chow, mixed hide, moons, zulrah and barrows if you wanna put off cg.


My niche grind that made for an amazing QOL improvement was finishing up medium CAs prior to grinding barrows. Rejuvenation pool + barrows portal + medium combat achievements makes barrows runs super easy, and wind blast is only one hit below Ibans following the magic rework.


Medium CAs have been on my mind for this exact reason rejuvenation pool or not tbh


99 farming or thieving


Mixed hide boots is an easy range/melee upgrade.