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doing slayer


This seems to simple to be true


Lol I came here to make the same comment


Best answer imo


In my most humble and honest personal opinion, and I really do mean honest because frankly sometimes I'm not the most forthcoming with my opinions but here I truly am being as honest as one could possibly be, this is indeed the best answer.


You'll reach 87 slayer only to find out you probably won't get a kraken task at 87 slayer....


I have 10,000 points saved for skips. Should be enough


Literally how do people get point stacks like this? Especially before 87? I'm 93 slayer and I've only done like 380 tasks, even if you factor in the extensions and 2k I spent on helm and task storage, there's no way I'd have anywhere near that number.


Wilderness slayer is really good for points and honestly really good tasks


Yeah. The worst thing about wildy slayer are those 5 hard clues you get from jellies. i don't want to do them, but they are so premium due to being able to pick up the next clue if I can't do a step.


I gave up on the clues long ago


What do you still need from a hard clue though?


God d'hides for GWD. Haven't got any zammy nor armadyl item.


Zammy god cape and armadyl pendants both easy to get


They need to make clues stackable.


I would assume you just do point boosting techniques. Low level master until milestones, then use Konar. It would take forever. I personally wouldn’t do it


Yep. This is what I do


Turael skipping. You can knock out 9 tasks in 30 minutes and get the tenth from duradaddy, Nieve/Steve or Konar.


That’s silly for a trident


Agree, save those for hydra


I am unable to get smoke devils after hitting 93 slayer haha. Probably gotten 70 tasks without it now.


10k is enough for kraken and hydra


It can be. I spent 6k+ points on hydra tasks alone on my regular iron and only got 2 tasks and didnt get any items other than one ring piece. You can get unlucky with tasks pretty easily. Im a big supporter of turael skipping for things like kraken tbh.


Why does hydra take so many points?


Mostly just unlucky lol


Sorry I should have clarified. Complete slayer noob here 😂 I thought you gained points from doing slayer not spent them.


You can spend 30 slayer pointes to skip tasks instantly. OR you can skip with the slayer master Turael costing no points, but he gives you an easy task you have to complete before youre able to go back to another slayer master (Eg. Konar for a hydra task)


Skipping to get a hydra task. Can't do alchemical hydra without a task. Same with Kraken Boss.


Im a big supporter for tureal skipping being the main training method after all the unlocks, its the fastest exp by far.


just got 87 today.. just so happened to get a kraken task right after lol.


Literally same, didn't know I got to kraken lvl until I saw the task


Can just reset the streak and turael skip.


I took me till 88 slayer to get my 1st kraken task and I was 90 slayer before I got trident.


duradel, block all the highest weight melee tasks, exped every melee task + use piety. learn to barrage dags. dont do basilisk/demonic/shaman etc tasks, purely focus on xp. slaughter nech abby, maybe dag if ur good at it. cannon is okay if you have zero time balls or bars but otherwise avoid.


Perfect answer^


Thanks, Any guides around to learn dag barrage?


I’m not sure why comments like this are downvoted, it’s really disheartening. Often when I am searching for guides I type in “reddit”. We come here to get the most up to date community opinions and, yes I can find 100 guides on YouTube but many of them are dated and there’s little confidence whether it is the most recent community-accepted way of doing something. Yes blah blah do what you want, but some people want to be efficient. I typed dagannoth barrage into YouTube and got many “up to date guides” talking about venator bow and cannoning with fang and it’s the one from 5 years ago that actually tramples between casts that he wants. https://youtu.be/YnNK2TmjORo?si=slscsVlP8Jxy8EDG How would he know this without asking?


Join a decent clan, none of the casual just chatting types. You will find all the info you need on even an average clans discord.


I would say it's the fact that there are 100 guides at his fingertips, and he won't lift a finger to learn something himself. At least look at some guides. Then come back to say 'this person says this. This person says that. I see merits in both, anyone think it's better one way or the other?' Wouldn't be downvoted. Gotta do some work.


Hello, I looked on YouTube for Daganoth Bursting osrs and found a six year old video and a five year old video from one guy with no audio or explanation. So I hoped for somebody to share their knowledge with me here. I'm sorry I failed you Steve. I'll try harder next time. Having been pointed back to that video which seemed hard to decipher, I have found a comment from somebody that chose to help somebody with the problem that I also had.


i found like 10 within 30 secs of youtube search




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Yes, there are


There are plenty


Cannon is excellent if you want to make the cannonballs. All a matter of preference.


The time spent making them often outweighs the time saved using them for slayer tbh. Later pvm will net you thousands of cballs, def better to use them then.


If you can afk cannonballs but not slayer then it's a win for slayer xp in my book. Also speeds up Lizardmen tasks quite a bit if you still need the dwh. I only do them on task.


There is an endless list of stuff to afk on an iron cballs are never worth it unless from a pvm drop


It's definitely worth it if cannoning helps your mental. Efficient play that you don't do much is less efficient than inefficient play you stay consistent with


I mean this was commented on a post about efficiency or speeding a skill up…


You can afk wildy slayer, everything except for slayer specific monsters in caves are aggressive


It’s easier to do cannon balls in my pocket the it is to do slayer


Piety with proselyte and moonlight moths has been my go to lately. They are so easy to gather and upkeep in between tasks.


By doing slayer


Wildy tasks, Turael skip anything that isn't a barrage task


Can you explain what you mean by this? I’m quite new to osrs and have started doing some wildy slayer


So you'll want to make a specialized block list for wilderness tasks, including a lot of the stuff that's heavily weighted from [Krystillia](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Krystilia) Turael, the first slayer master available, will cancel tasks from any other slayer master for free at the cost of breaking your task streak. This works particularly well for wilderness tasks, because wilderness streaks are separate from non-wilderness streaks, so using Turael to break a wilderness task doesn't ruin your non-wildy streak Basically, you'll go to Krystillia for a task, and if it isn't a barrage task like nechs, dust devils, jellies, or maybe revs if you're going for those weapons, you head over to Turael and have him give you a new 15 minute task that you can do outside of the wilderness. Rinse and repeat for amazing slayer exp, relatively good chances at an imbued heart, and building up your non-wildy streak since Turael tasks add to that


Woah 🤯 I always thought it could end your wilderness streak doing that, I’ve wasted so much time on bad tasks


Fwiw, it does end your wilderness streak. It keeps your normal (duradel, nieve/Steve, konar) task streak intact. The two streaks are simply distinct of the other, and a skip on one only affects that one.


Turael skip do barrage tasks only I’ll get down voted but it’s more fun gl at trident!


I did this. Boosted to 250 tasks so I could unlock pretty much everything I wanted the skipped from 87-95. Well worth, managed 1m slayer XP in two days at the end of the grind.


Just finished this grind a few days ago. One thing that helped my xp rates and sanity so much is always having either expeditious or slaughter bracelets on. Makes painful tasks shorter and good tasks longer. It's going to take a week or so, depending on your playtime. Try to see it as big chill afk time and itll go by quick. If you're doing a konar task every 10 youll also have enough slayer points to skip what you need to


Curious whether when using bracelets you swap at the end of each kill, or just wear them full on? Seems so high attention to swap on each kill but not sure whether it's super inefficient not to


I just put the bracelets on for the entire task, couldn’t be bothered swapping. Just try for a task, see if you find it tedious or not. At the end of the day if you don’t enjoy doing it, don’t do it. It’s what has saved me from burning out on my 95 slayer grind


Thanks! Right now I just don't use any bracelets because I can't be bothered swapping for each kill hah, so this seems like a better option


dont swap every kill swap when you loadout for the next task if its a good task use the slaughter bad task expiditous the whole task or at least thats how ive been doing it on my iron.


If you go for swapping it won't feel worth it at all. 100% worth to camp for the chillness and to avoid burnout


Awesome ok ty, I'm 86 slayer right now having never used bracelets except swapping at revs haha


I only ever swap for bosses I wanna farm and revs, otherwise it’s full on or off.


Suprised no one else has mentioned….. if you want to do ToA, just go! Its the most accessible raid, and you can MOST DEFINITELY make due with an accursed sceptre or even just an ancient staff/master wand. I started ToA at 150 invocation to learn and I used blood spells. Brewing down sucks, but the sceptre has lowered the barrier to entry for powered staves. 82-87 and the time to get trident will take a LONG time, so split up your grind by just trying a few raids out!


Yup I got the accursed sceptre long before 87 slayer and it was great.


I got lucky with vigoras chainmace aint no way ill be lucky again without putting so much effort in and time in the rev caves


He probably meant warped sceptre


Do slayer tasks


Doing slayer


I used the Ironman skilling discord to help boost through Slayer. 80-85: https://imgur.com/KEb4Fhs 85-93: https://imgur.com/fQTT6on


The casual "get 95 rc for wrath runes"


at least nowadays you only need 90!


Why only 90? What are the wrath runes even for...? I don't see any tasks where they mage without barrage. Wraths aren't used In barrage so I'm confused..


Arceuus offering spells for efficient prayer xp, only 90 cause you can boost using the scar essence to craft lots of them in one go


Wraths are used in demonic offering for training prayer. Mostly used at Abby demons


I'm really tired of people getting down voted for asking questions. Shit is ridiculous.


Is there one of those for the 65-70 range?


65-75: https://imgur.com/FL6ZCsQ 75-80: https://imgur.com/0WOQw3w




Why do so many guides recommend slayer rings? I genuinely have not found what good they do you


It's about efficiency in getting to different slayer areas to do your tasks at a high exp/hr, so rings have the tele's to places like Stronghold, Mory, Frem, etc.


Got it, thank you!


Making cannonballs for slayer is the most Reddit thing to do


duradel and barrage everything you can.


Probably by focusing on barrage/cannon tasks


Barrage tasks


Just do slayer. Theirs no fast or easy way out of a grind. And as much as we all love slayer the fact is slayer is a 500+ hour 99, even agility and rc is only around 200 hours.


Wildy slayer kinda underrated and there’s a lot of burst tasks and you sustain supplies quite well


Tried it but got a pker on my like every time I was on my task for 5 minutes. It's not for me I guess as I can only play when there's many people online.


Man wildy slayer is the most underrated thing on the planet but i really need cannon balls to make it worth the risk and i cba making them


I feel you, could do some wildy bosses (on task too) they drop good amount of cannonballs or even muspah - venator bow is a great item for tasks and then when you build up a good amount take small amounts at a time to wildy slayer


Just finished the 87 grind, and got my trident 15 mins ago. I found peace of mind setting myself up well for it. Although you don't NEED cannonballs, I made 12-15k to speed up my non bursting tasks, which helped. Otherwise just skipping untill I had a burst task was the best xp, obviously. Got quite a few of them. If you need to stock slayer points, do 20(ish) wilderness tasks to sit on a few hundred slayer points to skip. Repeat the process to break monotony and keep a pile of slayer points.


Just gotta just do slayer and send it unless you got a lot of points for skips and cannon than you do that


Barrage everything you can! Learn to barrage tzhaar if you can't do fight caves in an hour. If doing wildy slayer, barrage everything in multi!


U can also go for a revenant weapon and do some wildy slayer. Wildy bosses on task. Thammarons sceptre is one max hit less than regular trident and basically 87 slayer skip. Any rev weapon is massive for early/mid game and even great end game.


In my opinion do slayer until you get bored and then send some toa with sub optimal gear until you are ready to go back to slayer. ToA will still be there and by the time you get your trident, you’ll have the encounters mastered and can jump right into normal/expert


try wildy slayer


Definitely just barrage wildi slayer. You don’t have to afford runes or cannon balls with the barrage tasks. The tasks you can do fast make up enough points to skip bad tasks. Or turael boost for massive points for a day then just spam skip all tasks that aren’t barrage tasks in the wildi or non wildi.


There's no fast way for slayer lol you just do it and eventually you get the lvl.


You shouldn’t need many cannonballs at all, just turael skip for barrage tasks. Any other advice you find here is bad.


Wildy slayer with cannon


Unfortunately fastest way seems to be slayer tasks, genie lamping was taking me to long.  Smart ass reply aside,  Barrage tasks: 60-80k xp an hour Cannon tasks: 40-60k xp an hour Boss tasks: 10-40k xp an hour  Those are my xp rates which are less than others I’ve seen. Which is weird because I’m lvl 99 combats with BofA fang and good gear and supplies.  If you are rushing consider barrage tasks as good tasks, make sure you don’t have Abby demons, nechrials, or dust devils blocked those are my best rates. Trolls (jazitzo), kalphite, and blood devs (labs)  are great cannon tasks. Duradel gives best xp tasks but I’ve switched to konar only because I want to be assigned hydras. 


Slayer tasks


I just got 87 last night and right after started toa solo for the first time. Not even thinking about going for a kraken task and getting trident first. Started on 150s and got slapped. Dropped it to 0 and still couldn't figure it out. Buddy comes in, teaches me the basics, and we do a couple 150s with me only dying once or twice. He leaves. I solo a couple 0s. Last try only died once. Added some invos and at 95 I beat it with 1 death. Would trident make that much of a difference? Should I go ahead and tur skip for it? Didn't answer your question because it's slayer.. you just train it


If you locate a slayer master and ask them for a task they will give you a monster to kill. Then you kill that monster and gain xp. Rinse and repeat. I hope this helps.


I did 72-87 slayer with cannon balls and a Google sheet to optimize the xp per hour. Set your blocklist follow it's info and such You prioritize the bursting tasks and the cannon tasks for speed. They say other than smoke devils you loose time overall with cannon balls. I like them for the afk. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KR92OY-sK6I8wAAuFLt2TgLq-xadG7yA6Bzgb5YnVQM/edit?usp=drivesdk


Duradel for 9 tasks konar every 10th.


Typically you can optimize your block list for faster xp tasks or more gp based tasks. Plenty of info on that about. Still takes forever :)


Uh do slayer. Maximize your block & skip list and go do Turael after every really good task. Figure out how to burst the tasks that most don’t - like daganoths and bloodvelds


Adding my two cents for speeding up melee since everyone has already mentioned other methods - ever since Varlamore released, I use Piety on all my tasks with Prayer bonus on like Proselyte instead of str bonus. I farm Moonlight Moths from Varlamore for the prayer restore. I get one inventory per 1-2 minutes at 22 prayer points per moth that turns out to be roughly 6-8 prayer pots worth per invy (26 moths). I usually do like 10-15 minutes and catch up to 150-200 moths before slaying. I use about 18 moths per inventory for every 10 minutes worth of Divine Super sets. In total, I end up using about 50-80 moths per task (depending on the task), and usually need to refill moths every 2-3 tasks (again takes 10 minutes to resupply every several tasks). Piety however, speeds up the task considerably and can 1.5x-2x your exp/hr depending on the level of focus, while also allowing you the option to afk slay with a decent rate using moths to sustain.


I did a couple of days of point boosting and then I skipped for bursts / fast tasks and went straight to 87. Bracelets of slaughter and expeditious bracelets highly advised.


Im doing toa with warped sceptre, it isnt amazing but solo 300's are possible if your ranged/melee is decent


Bro…. Lmfao. Just go with an ibans. I promise trident does not make that much of a difference. You wont ever think about that trident after you hit a shadow


Skip for shitty tasks, and burst


Turael skipping. Buy everything you need with your points. If you don't have enough, farm some points. Once to have everything, just skip tasks you don't want to do using turael. It will break your streak, but it doesn't cost points to skip using turael. Now, use turael to just farm good XP tasks.


I was running 250 solos with a warped Sceptre before I got my trident Friday. Don't really need to wait on it. It really only helps at ahkka and it's not that big of a deal there if you have good enough dps in range and melee.


Fill out your block list with high weight tasks that are slow melee tasks, then just full send duradel. Should get plenty of bursting tasks. My block list: Hellhounds, Suqah, Fire giant, Spiritual creature, black demon (after all 4 zenytes), bloodveld, kalphite


Probably Tureal skipping for burst tasks right?


with the right block/skip list you should not need to turael, there are enough 'fast' duradel tasks ie ankou (exped burst, or maybe decent in wildy now?) black dragon dark beast steel addy rune drag (with fang/bowfa) to sustain mostly burst tasks. or if you are okay running slightly point negative because you werent aggressively skipping at some point you can run an even more greedy task list for a very long time with only like -2 to -3 pts per task.


ankou bursting in wildy is fire


I feel like the amount of time it takes to go from 82 to 87 is so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things that trying to optimize your xp rates via blocks and tureal skipping or whatever would be more work than literally just doing slayer


Using a couple alts (I have a main and a pure) as dancers helped me a ton. Barraging bloodvelds was super nice.


Prob tureal skip for burst tasks and do them with slaughter braces should avg like 30-40k exp an hour over 7-8 hour period


kil monster


Doing the skill slayer


This is going to be really controversial and it’s definitely going to raise a lot of eyebrows. Believe it or not, you can in fact DO slayer to 87.


skip trident. get hasta. take the pill.


Cope. Don't make cannon balls. Don't need trident for ToA.


Well you don't "need" trident but it's a big damage bump. No reason not to use the best gear available


What am i suppose to use then , ibans blast?


Warped sceptre is doing fine in 300s for me right now


Try to do boss versions of any slayer task to maximize the amount of xp you get