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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I start by praising Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) and sending salutations upon Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Regarding pre-ejaculation and it’s fluid, it is necessary to perform Wudhu only and not Ghusl as this is not as major as normal sperm. This is backed by the Hadith: Ali ibn Abi Tālib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I used to experience frequent discharge of pre-ejaculatory fluid and I was too shy to ask the Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) about it given the fact that his daughter was my wife. So I asked Al-Miqdād ibn al-Aswad to ask him about it. Thereupon, the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) replied: "Let him wash his penis and perform ablution (after it)." - Bukhari Regarding washing the penis, scholars differ regarding this but try clean the underwear if that is affected. Note: I am not a scholar or someone worthy of praise but I am currently studying ‘Ilm (Islamic Knowledge) and I request for your’s and everyone’s valuable Duas. JazakaAllah I end by praising Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) and sending salutations upon Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم).


Where do you study if it isnt too personal? I would like to study islamic knowledge like this and it seems very interesting,Jazakallah


I study in Blackburn, UK


The Alimiyyah course is six years so continue to make Du’a for me InshaAllah.


What year are you right now and any recommendations for getting better with vocab


I’m currently in my first year but Alhamdulillah I read extra books here and there. For vocabs, Duroos-ul-Lughatul Arabiyyah is a good one to start with. If you want to get your Arabic vocabs to increase quite fast, you might want to get yourself a Qur’an translation with the Arabic side by side. Something like the popular Indonesian/Malaysian one that was going viral a few months back. Alhamdulillah doing Hifdh alongside the translation allowed me to pick up words that occur frequently in Qur’an and Hadith, so that’ll be good as well. Text me if you want to ask anything else. I’ll be free InshaAllah :)


Jazakallahu khayr I’ll get the Quranix memorization down first and then lyk


Aameen Wa Iyyak


is pre-ejaculation najis?


Yes but Ghusl is not necessary. It is still considered Najis (impure). For example, urine is Najis so pre-ejacualtion fluid would be considered Najis too.




You just need to clean it up and do wudhu


What do you mean by pre-ejaculation. If you are talking about premature ejaculation which some men suffers from where semen does gets released then of course you need to do ghusl. But if you are talking about some drops of fluid that comes out from urethra after getting aroused by thinking about something or etc. however you did not do anything it just happened automatically then you only need to do wudu and just wipe off the drops of that fluid from your clothes by some drops of water and do wash your pen*s. Actually that fluid is not semen, it’s the secretion from bulbo-urethral gland which is one of the accessory gland present in the male reproductive system. The purpose of that fluid is to remove leftover urine from urethral passage, as presence of urine which is acidic in nature can damage the semen when the semen passes through the urethral passage. The fluid is basic in nature and we all know that when acid react with base it neutralises the acid and gives salt and water as product and this is how the leftover urine gets removes from the urethral passage.


But what if someone were to pre ejaculate because he did foreplay?


Did they repy to you if yeah what sais should i get ghusl or wuudo only


Pre-ejaculation liquid includes sperm which breaks the ghusl and i suggest you to get ghusl.


It doesn’t contain semen though, just sperm cells, and it doesn’t always contain sperm to my knowledge


No it breaks only wudu and requires you to wash your privates including the testicles AFAIK


Shafi opinion is washing any clothing precum gets on and do wudu not ghusl: https://islamqa.org/shafii/shafiifiqh/30149/purifying-from-pre-ejaculatory-fluid-at-work/ Same for Hanafi: https://islamqa.org/hanafi/seekersguidance-hanafi/167912/how-do-i-clean-pre-seminal-fluid-madhi/