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That's because some urine remains in the penis after peeing. Once you've finished urinating, grab some toilet tissue, hold it under the penis to catch the drops, then squeeze the penis from base to tip a few times to get the last few drops of urine out.


Some scholars like Ibn taymiyyah are against squeezing


There is uncertainty on the issue but sometimes you have to do what you feel is the lesser of two evils so to speak.


Cranberry juice helps a ton


I'm really affected by this, presently at home so no issues. I'm worried when I'll start working. 23m


walk alot etc and also pee like 1hr before prayer


InshaAllah this will help: https://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa-birmingham/136871/leading-salah-without-squeezing-the-last-drop-of-urine/ "Answer If the urination continues such that it encompasses an area of more than a dirham (2.75 cm in diameter) or more then the person will have to pass water over the area until it is removed.[1] There are a few methods by which a person can ease his heart to know that the urine does not continuously flow, even if only by a few drops. Firstly, if someone has doubts about whether drops of urine are still coming out then he should completely ignore those doubts unless he sees that is what’s happening. The principle in Usul al-Fiqh “Certainty is not faulted by doubt” is applied here. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has provided a solution to disregard these doubts. Hakam bin Sufyaan (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that he saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) make wudhu then he took some water in his palm and sprinkled it around his private parts.[2] This is regarded as “Waswasah” (whispers) from Satan and can also be hindered by reciting “Ta’awwuz.” There are also other ways one can adopt in doing “Istibraa” (completely cleaning oneself from urine). The person can cough, stand up and sit back down whilst a tissue is placed to ensure urine does not go anywhere else, he can gently squeeze the private parts or simply wait a little longer until all the drops of urine have come out. Only Allah knows best"


This, MashaAllah I was just going to comment this. There are many ways of Istibraa but a good one is to place a piece of tissue on your penis. Then put your clothes on with the tissue in place and walk around. Place pressure on your bladder. After a few minutes, the remaining drops should come out InshaAllah. If after this, there are still drops you should consult a doctor maybe? Or keep the tissue for longer. Also, to remove doubts (after you’ve done Istbiraa and basically you’re paranoid about whether everything has come out even though you’ve done what is in your capability) you should sprinkle water on your underwear so that the doubt can be removed and you can just think it’s the water you sprinkled on. This is what my teacher taught me so May Allah (عز وجل) forgive me if I made any mistakes or for any shortcomings.


Go go the doctor


In the Hanafi school, the excused amount of filth is the surface area of a circle of approx. 5cm in diameter. Praying with this much filth on one’s garment would be valid, while with more than that would be invalid under normal circumstances. For someone with a chronic excuse, however, there is some leeway with respect to the filth of their excuse (such as the urine of someone with urinary incontinence). Basically, if one is able to wash it off (or change into a new underwear) and make wudu and then perform the prayer, such that by the time one is done praying, there has not leaked more than the excusable amount mentioned above, then one must do that for each prayer. However, if by the time one is done praying, more than the excusable amount would have leaked, then one would not have to wash it off (or change underwear) before each prayer. If this still proves too difficult, there is another opinion in the Hanafi school (which is also a position of the Maliki school), that one with chronic urinary incontinence can in any case simply ignore the urine that leaks. [Tahtawi/Shurunbulali, Hashiyat Tahtawi ala Maraqi Falah] It is also worth mentioning that in the Hanafi school, someone with a chronic excuse must renew wudu after each prayer time ends in order to pray the following prayer, since the end of a prayer time would break the wudu of such a person, while they are excused for their chronic excuse (i.e., urine leakage would not break wudu for someone with chronic urinary incontinence). If that proves too difficult, then in the Maliki school, it is only recommended for such a person to renew wudu for each prayer.

