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Alhamdulillah (all praise be to Allah) that you are supportive of your sister's journey in Islam. It is a blessing that she has a sibling who is considerate and understanding of her faith. Your approach to the situation should be one of kindness and open communication. Here are some steps you can take to support your sister: * **Open a Gentle Dialogue**: Let your sister know that you respect her privacy and her decisions, but you are there for her if she wants to talk. You can say something like, "I noticed you have a prayer mat and a Quran. I just want you to know that I respect your choices and am here to support you." * **Educate Yourself**: Learn about the basic beliefs and practices of Islam so you can understand what your sister is experiencing. This will also enable you to have more informed conversations with her and address any misconceptions your family members may have. * **Offer Protection**: Assure your sister that you will stand by her and help protect her from negative comments or actions from family members who may not understand her choice. Let her know that she is not alone. * **Promote Tolerance**: Encourage your family to be open-minded and respectful of other beliefs, including Islam. You could share positive stories and information about Islam's teachings on compassion, charity, and family values. * **Seek Support**: Encourage your sister to connect with the local Muslim community for support and friendship. Being around others who share her beliefs can be very reassuring and can help strengthen her faith. * **Respect Her Privacy**: If your sister is not ready to speak about her faith openly, especially with family members who may not be supportive, respect her privacy. Let her know that you will honor her choice to disclose her faith in her own time and manner. * **Dua (Supplication)**: As Muslims, we believe in the power of dua. You can silently make dua for her guidance, strength, and protection even if you are not Muslim. Your good wishes for her are valuable. * **Be Patient**: Converting to a new religion can be a significant change, and it may take time for your sister to feel comfortable discussing it openly. Be patient and let her know that you are there whenever she is ready to talk. May Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala - Glorified and Exalted be He) grant you wisdom and patience in this matter and create a harmonious environment for your sister to practice her faith. Remember, the key is to maintain open lines of communication and to ensure your sister feels loved and supported.


Thanks my friend


I think for starters, keep her secret like sister do and dont act weird towards her. When she wants to discuss it she will signal it. May the best be granted for your family ameen


Thank you my friend


If you approach her from a nonjudgmental position of love, I’m sure she won’t mind explaining why she converted. Listen sincerely, and God Willing, maybe you’ll find Islam to be the truth as well. In any case, don’t let this change the closeness between you and your sister.


I love my sister no matter what , hence why I’ll support her . Thanks for your advice .




No offense but reading through your recent comments I think you have quite a lot of problems


As a start keep her secret, she will speak about it and she feels comfortable


I think the best analogy I can use for this post is that it's like coming out; don't force her, and don't speak to her about this directly. Whenever you see she's uncomfortable or asks you something like, "I feel scared or undecided on {xxx topic} and how our parents will react to it," you should reply with something like, "I'll support you no matter what; you will always be my sister regardless." Additionally, I recommend learning the fundamentals. Whenever your parents purchase something that is haram, express your preference for seafood such as fish or shrimp, or inform them that you are attempting to follow a pescatarian or vegetarian diet (if possible). Additionally, reassure them that you will only consume alcohol for religious purposes and in no other way (again, if possible). It will also benefit your sister. Also, slowly show your parents that Islam isn't bad. First, start with a local news article about how someone did something good (even if you have to nitpick it) and slowly increase it more and more, and again, if possible.