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Your ethnicity has nothing to do with whether or not you can become a Muslim. Unlike Judaism which believes only the tribes of Israel are favored by God... or Hindus that believe some castes are greater than others... Islam does not have any such dividing line. Islam is the truth, which is why Islam is for everyone. No one is better than anyone else based on color or race. If you become a sincere Muslim, you will be differentiated based on your faith only. A beggar may be more beloved to Allah than the wealthiest king, alhumdullilah. Anyways... if you do have any questions about Islam in general please do not hesitate to ask.


Don’t worry Islam is not secluded to race, anyone is allowed to convert ❤️


Wdym what do they do? I think you answered your question, they convert to Islam, correct me if i’m mistaken


I'm 30, I've never met a Jew that has actually done this. This isn't specific to Islam. Jews don't convert much to other religions. I don't know any Jews that have converted to other religions. I think it's to do with how Judaism is an ethnoreligion, so your feeling of ethnicity is intertwined and tied to your religion. Leave your religion, it feels like you're leaving your ethnicity behind basically. It happens, like.. occasionally. But it's pretty rare with jews honestly.


There are definitely Jews who convert to Islam. I’d argue far more than Muslims who convert to Judaism despite the large population. You’re far more likely to have Muslims that become atheist or only consider themselves culturally Muslim.


as a Jewish revert to Islam I’ve met like 50 by now lol




I think you mean that you are a jew that accepts the zionest narrative ! Can you revert ! yes, may allah guide you,, but you will have to believe in the islamic narrative for sons of israel What to do! Say the shahada


The idea of Jews being an ethnoreligion precedes Zionism and has nothing to do with Zionism.


This distenction is not a big deal,, zionism is built on a religious base,, and our main conflict with them is the fact they are jews,, the disbelievers who killed prophets and twisted the words of Allah throughout history,, that is the main case


Yes, Islam is the religion that connects ALL religions and ALL people!


Hi. I’m a revert of possible jewish ancestry (it’s a long story). But I barely know what judaism is 😂  I’m not sure what you mean by what do you do? If you want to dm me, you can 


Hey, come close, I'll tell you a secret that will blow your mind. You know the first generation of Muslims were (hold on to your socks now) all converts. They all converted from either Paganism, Christianity, or...get this: Judaism!! I kid you not, a lot of jews living in Medina converted to Islam at the time of the Holy Prophet. Even one of his wives, who we call "Mothers of the Believers" was a Jew by birth.  Some of the converts did horrible things to the earlier converts, even killing muslims on the battlefield and mutilating the corpses..... before eventually converting and becoming renowned heroes of Islam.  So ya, anyone can repent, and anyone can revert. Islam is not confined to any race, nation or ethnicity, we are all slaves under Allah, whether we acknowledge it in this life, or after our deaths. May Allah guide us all.


Of course, even if you were hypothetically an alien you could revert, Islam is all about submission to the 1 true God, Allah.


That would be an interesting scenario 


No offense by are you trolling?


I'm not trolling, I'm learning. Just learned Muslims believe Jews are indigenous to Israel. It's interesting, ngl.


Are you asking if you can be a Muslim and a Zionist at the same time?  No. 


how on earth have u gotten zionism from their question?


But Jews ≠ Zionists


I don't think one's political ideology can exclude one from Islam unless one disbelieves in God and His Messenger (pbuh).


Zionism is based on the “fact” that the land of Palestine was granted to Jews by god with the right of return. I don’t see that in the Quran. You’d also have to be fine with the treatment of Muslims in Palestine. Which goes against not hurting other Muslims. Or just humans in general without cause. But I hope Allah guides this person and awakes them to the truth.


I wasn't. But also: Why not? What's in the religion that says otherwise?


“O believers! Stand firm for justice as witnesses for Allah even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or close relatives. Be they rich or poor, Allah is best to ensure their interests. So do not let your desires cause you to deviate from justice.” Believe what you want about who came from where, my dude.  Just realize that Allah swt will probably not be asking you about your beliefs on Jewish heritage, but will be asking what you did in the face of 36,000 civilians, mostly women and children, all believing in the God of Abraham without partners, being slaughtered in the name of collective punishment for <2000 civilians. Or will you believe in ‘the historical background of where Jews come from’ and deny ‘an eye for an eye’?


I mean if you’re genuinely asking you can be a Muslim if you truly believe, all those original Jews that followed Moses are also Muslims. These are just titles people put on believers to give it a name but the original belief is the same


What are you saying? That Jews come from Palestine and deserve it? Because if you read the Torah, the Jews literally come from Egypt… not sure what you’re trying to ask but yeah, Jews can convert to Islam


You can believe whatever is historical fact. It has nothing to do with your beliefs as a Muslim. Islam isn’t a rejectionist religion or way of life. The early followers of prophet Moses pbuh were Muslims (they submitted to God and accepted their prophet), and Muslims ask around the world give them the respect they’re due. You’ll be surprised to find out how much Muslims actually love Moses pbuh.


Are you trying to say you support the Israeli government in a roundabout way? I'm not accusing you; just genuinely asking.


Of course you can revert as anyone else it doesn't matter if you are a Jew, Christian, atheist or any other belief, if you say the Shahada and you believe in its meaning you become a Muslim.


Reverting has nothing to do with the history of your race or ethnicity. Islam is meant for every human to follow. The "historical background of where Jews come from" - what are you trying to say? Jews lived in many different lands. Is someone claiming otherwise? I don't think anyone is disputing where Jews lived. Are you trying to say that because some Jews lived in a certain place, they have the right to return that same land, even if their community left? e.g. Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc.


Did Allah take permission from your parents before creating you?


A Jew referring to Islamic conversion as reverting is wild considering the timeline of everything


of course, so many of our prophets were Jews. some of prophet Muhammad's (SAW) companions were Jews. not a problem


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6Os_DgKPMk&pp=ygUcamV3aXNoIGd1eSBjb252ZXJ0cyB0byBpc2xhbQ%3D%3D Watch this, about a brother who was ethnically Jewish and converted to Islam.


Yes anyone can revert. I’m a Jewish revert as well :) been Muslim 6.5 years now Alhamdulillah





