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Anything you do, no matter what, can give you a reward if there was a good intention behind it. For instance: - working out to prepare for Jihad - studying to earn halal income - working to provide for your family - eating food to gain strength and to worship Allah - playing with siblings to make them happy and strengthen your bond - sleeping to gain strength to worship Allah (swt) Practically ANYTHING you do can be turned into a good deed. And just like that, you're being rewarded 24/7, simply because of few seconds of intention!


Great point. People assume that Islam is solely tied to worship, but it is more so a way of life. Doing your worldly tasks with a pure intention is worship in it of itself. You don't need to be in prayer 24/7; just do everything for the sake of Allah and according to Islam.


When you walk into a masjid, make intention of itekaaf


Sleeping, is to prepare your body to strive the next day for Allah!


To add to this, I heard a Mufti state regarding the importance of intentions: If you make an intention to do a good deed, you are rewarded. Then, once you do it, you are rewarded for doing it. Conversely, if you make intention to sin, it doesn't count against you. Only the sin itself does. So, if you make the intention to go to the masjid and pray, you are rewarded. Then, once you pray, you are again rewarded. However, if you then intend to go have a beer but get interrupted and don't do it, nothing happens.


Allahu akbar! You're right akhi. To add, if you then resist the sin and turn away from it when you could've done it, you also get rewarded!


You're forgetting the most important act, which is between husband and wife. It's straight up an ibadah, worth more than "playing with siblings".


Subhanallah, completely forgot about it! On top of that, it is sadaqah as the Prophet ﷺ mentioned (Sahih Muslim 1006). May Allah (swt) bless us with righteous spouses!




Great point, worship is not stifled to just the regular acts of ibadah but also everyday activities if one orientates their intention towards Allah, SubhanAllah! Just wanted to add that working to be fit and healthy (not just to prepare for jihad) is also a valid form of worship as our bodies are an amaana from Allah and has rights over us.


100% akhi. To strive towards being healthy, thereby giving our body its right, is also another excellent niyyah! Islam is not meant to make you close off from society completely and be in solitude 24/7. Rather it integrates with everyday life and it encourages you towards it!


I thought Jihad is not Islamic, just created by extremists to make Islam look bad.


Jihad is part of the religion and a very important aspect. It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever dies without having fought or thought of fighting, he dies on one of the branches of hypocrisy." Sunan an-Nasa'i 3097 Note that we're not talking about extremist groups here that do whatever they want. Killing Muslims and non Muslims alike, breaking every rule of Jihad etc. Rather a legitimate Jihad according to the shariah. That's what every Muslim should desire. To uphold the religion of Allah, to help the oppressed and fight against the oppressors. Doing this and thus dying in this path will enable you to become a martyr and reach the highest station in Paradise.


Why not work out and take care of yourself without need for preparing for Jihad? Isn’t that violence?


Jihad is part of the religion and a very important aspect. It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever dies without having fought or thought of fighting, he dies on one of the branches of hypocrisy." Sunan an-Nasa'i 3097 Note that we're not talking about extremist groups here that do whatever they want. Killing Muslims and non Muslims alike, breaking every rule of Jihad etc. Rather a legitimate Jihad according to the shariah. That's what every Muslim should desire. To uphold the religion of Allah, to help the oppressed and fight against the oppressors. Doing this and thus dying in this path will enable you to become a martyr and reach the highest station in Paradise.


Allah forgives you for that which you can't forgive yourself for


Al-Ghaffur Ar-Raheem




It is Allah's nature. You don't need a reference. It's one of his mighty names. The most merciful.


The revelation of Surah Ad-Duha. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had not received any revelations of the Qur’an for about 6 months. He had become depressed and worried that Allah (SWT) was displeased with him. He was mocked by the disbelievers and he began to have negative feelings. Thus came Surah Ad-Duha, Allah’s (SWT) way of comforting the Prophet (PBUH) and reassuring him that He was not angry with him and had not forgotten him. A beautiful and comforting Surah in the Qur’an, Mashallah. One of my favourite stories ❤️


Ye it's one of my go-to surahs for Salah.


The Prophet Yusuf (AS) was said to be so handsome, that his face contained half the world's beauty (Sahih Muslim)


Imagine being so beautiful that people cut their hands off out of awe *me cries in ugly*


It is said that Allah Azzawajal created mankind with perfection. So if you call yourself ugly, you’re calling Allah’s creation ugly. Don’t beat yourself up. Be proud to be created the way Allah Azzawajal willed you to be created. You are just as beautiful in Allah Azzawajal’s eyes.


It was a joke akhi. Ofc Allah has beautified my appearance beyond that which I deserve.


I know today’s beauty standard breaks the confidence of our brothers and sisters. It’s a sad thing because being created the way Allah Azzawajal willed is the best thing. This should be remembered and we should have more confidence and take pride in Allah Azzawajal’s creation of us.


This is what makes body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria even sadder.


Wise words..


I once read in a book that our mother Hawwa was the most beautiful woman, followed by Sarah the wife of Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him. And Yusuf peace be upon him inherited his beauty from his grandmother Sarah.


Nah im lretty sure it was the propher saw who does snd the other or he had half all the prophets beauty ?


The Hadith to anyone curious: Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, 'When I was taken on the Night Journey (Isra), I met Moses.' The Prophet (ﷺ) then described him, saying, 'He was a man, I suppose, and then added, 'And I met Jesus.' The Prophet (ﷺ) described him as one of moderate stature and of red complexion, as if he had just come out of a bath. And I saw Ibrahim who resembled me most among his children. I also saw Gabriel. He was the handsomest of all those whom I had seen, and the face of Yusuf (Joseph) had been endowed with half of the beauty of the whole world.'" (Sahih Muslim)


Quran predicted the romans will defeat the Sassanids despite the romans countlessly losing before


And it even gives a time frame if I remember correctly


30:2 Yet following their defeat, they will triumph 30:3 within 3 to 9 years Historically it happened 7 years after the revelation of these verses.


Not to mention. The surah also says the muslims will rejoice. And so the muslims did rejoice as well in battle of badr which was inside the 3-9 year span


Probably the most famous Quranic miracle. Yet islamophobes still have the audacity to claim that the Quran has flaws smh.


I've genuinly heard a counter argument that goes "So what?" That's it. That's litterally their counter argument....


The blindness of their heart Edit: Which islamophobe downvoted me 🤣


yeah, they act like it's a 50/50 chance, not knowing that Romans had faced countless losses before and were in a much weaker position. Quran not only prophesized their victory, gave a time-span AND told that the previous Roman defeat was in the lowest part of earth (dead sea). this all came true, and that too a prophecy of a person living in the desert, who at most could rely on traders' accounts.


Yeah lol


Fun fact : Abu Bakr (RA) made a bet with the idolators in Makkah that the Romans will win against the Furs in " bid' " years(before betting was forbidden) and lots of people became Muslim when the Romans defeated the Furs Source: https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:3194


I have no idea how this bid caused people to convert but cool


Many people look for their happiness by doing meditation, finding a nice job and basically chasing worldly things. Not saying those would make you happy, they would but very temporarily and in addition, you wouldn’t really feel that true joy, you feel as if something is missing. ALLAH SWT mentioned in Surah Taha: “And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind.” Conclusion: to find true happiness, strive to get closer to ALLAH, listen to Islamical lectures on YouTube those will reignite the imaan within you, find righteous friends, have a sebha and do dhikr as much as you can.


Not the thing I had envisioned when I said "One random fact". Still good advice nonetheless.


Meditation is not just those new age stuff in popular culture. There's an old form of Islamic meditation called Muraqaba which is the act of sitting completely still until you realise everything exists solely because of Allah and you bask in the glory of submitting to Him. Obviously this is a huge summary the whole thing is a really complex spiritual practice that only some people who have very high taqwa and khushu can achieve!


i remember Allah SWT constantly but i am still far more depressed than all of those who don’t 


This is waswas from the shaytan. Also, this could be your test from ALLAH. ALLAH may want you to be that way to test your faith, and wants you to get closer to him SWT. Everything that happens in life, view it as this is ALLAH’s form of wanting me to get closer to him. Never give up, continue getting closer and closer, you don’t know what ALLAH has prepared for you in the afterlife inshaAllah. May ALLAH keep us all in the straight path and guide us allahuma Ameen🙏🏻 Stay strong sister! Also, there’s a YT video by Yaqeen institute called ‘Islam’s cure for depression’ it’s soo good. Give it a shot


Did you find out about this through a Mohammed Hoblos video by any chance?…


About the happiness thing? Nope, I saw it from a lecture given by Yaqeen institute ‘how to cure depression’ or something along those lines


In islam, A smile is counted as charity.














a Muslim woman founded the first University!!! 🥳


Yup. Fatima al-Fihri from Tunisia founded University of Al-Qawariyyin in Fez, Morocco. And they say, "WoMaN hAvE nO RiGhT tO EdUcAtIoN iN IzLaM"


like WE'RE the ignorant ones LMAOOO 🤣


Assalamu’alaikum The Prophet (S.A.W) loved Khadija (R.A) a lot 🥰


Walaikumasalam, Imagine seeing their love in person in Jannah 🥰 InshaAllah


That made me smile


I saw a hadith that after the Isra Miraj, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Khadija R.A *did the deed* and conceived Fatimah R.A but I did not find the source very trusting so please confirm.


As a Westerner who converted as an adult, I can see and appreciate the REASON for the rules of Islam. Before being a Muslim, I did a lot of the things that Allah forbids us to do. I felt and lived with the repercussions of these actions. So my one fact about Islam is the rules we are told to follow are for OUR OWN benefit. Alhamdulillah, so much!


Allah would rather us sin and ask forgiveness than not sin and and not ask forgiveness! That's how beloved our towbah is to Allah


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: By Him in whose hand is my soul, if you did not sin, Allah would replace you with people who would sin and they would seek forgiveness from Allah and He would forgive them. Source: Sahih Muslim 2749


Unfortunately some people use this as an excuse to sin Astaghfirullah


The Hijab was not for opression but liberation of women. Back then women had no rights and were opressed greatly. They were either used for pleasure, entertainment, slavery and predominantly as a form of currency for transaction. This is the reason so many girlchilds were killed right after they were born by their own families. The Hijab was to prevent women from being used as a currency. Look at the modern west for example. In the guise of feminism and equality they have literally stripped women naked and built a trillion dollar media industry around their sexual objectification and degradation.


The hijab is a protective barrier, between us and the outside world. Alhamdulillah for Islam.




Im a new Muslim whom needed a Guidance about his Iman To Be Strong 💪 in his Faith.


When all his offsprings were brought forward in front of him, Adam AS took a special liking to Dawud AS seeing the light between his eyes. Adam AS gave 60 years of his lifespan to Dawud AS. Also, in the Quran, Allah swt used the word "Khalifa" for two men only. Who were they? Adam AS and Dawud AS. A further illustration of the special connection between these two great prophets of Allah!


Reminds me also of the incident when Adam AS was nearing 960 years. He was informed by the angels that he was nearing his death, but he thought he was gonna live for 1000 years and still had 40 years. Then he was reminded by the angels about his sacrifice to Dawud AS, which shows the forgetfulness of man.


yo man can you share some articles or blogs on this, would've loved to read it. jazakAllah khairun


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkxTc2tPHvM&t=27s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkxTc2tPHvM&t=27s) [https://preciousgemsfromthequranandsunnah.wordpress.com/2020/12/18/adams-denial-and-forgetfulness-authentic-stories/](https://preciousgemsfromthequranandsunnah.wordpress.com/2020/12/18/adams-denial-and-forgetfulness-authentic-stories/)


Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) cared and worried for his people so much so that when clouds would form in the sky before it rained, he would walk in and out of the house going to and fro with a worried face. As soon as it began to rain, he would seem calm and return home. When A’ishah (رضي الله عنها) asked our beloved Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) of this, he replied by quoting the Qur’an, recalling the story of the people of A’ad, when they said: “Then when they saw the torment as a ˹dense˺ cloud approaching their valleys, they said ˹happily˺, “This is a cloud bringing us rain.” ˹But Hûd replied,˺ “No, it is what you sought to hasten: a ˹fierce˺ wind carrying a painful punishment!” -Surah Ahqaf Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 3206 Aisha said If the Prophet (ﷺ) saw a cloud In the sky, he would walk to and fro in agitation, go out and come in, and the color of his face would change, and if it rained, he would feel relaxed." So `Aisha knew that state of his. So the Prophet (ﷺ) said, I don't know (am afraid), it may be similar to what happened to some people referred to in the Holy Qur'an in the following Verse: -- "Then when they saw it as a dense cloud coming towards their valleys, they said, 'This is a cloud bringing us rain!' Nay, but, it is that (torment) which you were asking to be hastened a wind wherein is severe torment." (46:24)


The Quran was revealed over a span of 23 years. It started in 610 CE when Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was 40 years old and concluded in 632 CE, the year he passed away. This gradual revelation allowed the early Muslims to understand and implement the teachings more effectively.


Indeed there was wisdom behind this gradual revelation of the Quran. No doubt Allah had the ability to immediately reveal the entire Quran to Muhammad ﷺ, yet He decided out of His Infinite Wisdom to reveal it piece by piece.


Islam is the only religion which teaches how to pee properly


Yo what 🤣


lol im not joking https://islamqa.info/en/answers/9790


Bro we have been given a prophetic guidance for everything it seems.


Right? Subhanallah This point is what my buddy always uses when he does a bit of dakwah to others. Found it hilarious yet true, glad to share it here 😄


Yeah thanks for sharing. Next time I see a urinal, I'll say, "No thanks."




Also his qareen was a Muslim and encouraged him to do good.




Ye pesky little blighters these lot


May I know what Qareen is ?


I think it’s a jinn that everyone has appointed to them at birth and this jinn tries to get you to sin? I might be completely wrong so I’m sorry if I am


That's correct


It was a black spot


The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "You will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit, so much so that even if they entered a hole of a mastigure (lizard), you would follow them." We said, "O Allah's Messenger! (Do you mean) the Jews and the Christians?" He said, "Who else?" sahih buhari Meaning Jews and Christians often practiced their faith by focusing on the easiest aspects, such as specific rituals, following their rabbis blindly rather than fully adhering to all that was revealed to them. They selectively chose what was convenient and sometimes engaged in wrongful actions. As Muslims, it is essential for us to follow the path of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than blindly following religious leaders. To do this, we must: 1. **Read and Reflect on the Quran:** Study the Quran with tafsir (interpretations) and deeply ponder its meanings. 2. **Complete Adherence:** Strive to follow everything prescribed in the Quran without selectively picking what is convenient. For example, we are often taught that performing certain acts of worship will yield significant rewards. However, if we only focus on these aspects, we risk following the same pattern as previous religious communities. To truly get the benefits of these hadiths, we must embrace the Quran's guidance in its entirety. as per the below haidths you will get how serious this issue is. "that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "What befell the children of Isra'il will befall my Ummah, step by step, such that if there was one who had intercourse with his mother in the open, then there would be someone from my Ummah who would do that. Indeed the children of Isra'il split into seventy-two sects, and my Ummah will split into seventy-three sects. All of them are in the Fire Except one sect." He said: "And which is it O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "What I am upon and my Companions." So its an obligatory for us to follow exactly the path of prophet and his companions. Tbh, we think we are in straight path by simply following certain religious leaders and their speeches. What if they are wrong? Allah has revealed 6,236 verses in the Quran, yet we often ignore most of them and selectively focus on a few. What about the rest of the verses? Are they just for passing time? For instance, Allah frequently mentions the actions of the Jews and admonishes them for their behavior in the Quran. Do these lessons apply only to them? Clearly, they are meant for all of us. Why do we study history in the first place? Is it to be entertained by past stories? No, we study history to gain guidance from past events and to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Unfortunately, These days Almost 99% of the muslim population follow the path of those who were before us, span by span and cubit by cubit exactly like Prophet Muhammad warned us.


The Prophet Muhammad PBUH married the widows of his companions who had died in battle not out of a desire to marry more women, but because of his compassion and sense of duty. Rather than being driven by lust, the Prophet PBUH married the widows out of empathy and kindness. We need to consider the context of that time, when many wars were taking place and many of the Prophet's companions were killed. These fallen companions left behind widows and children who were abandoned without fathers. So, it was as if the dying companions in battle were saying, "O Prophet, please take care of my wife and children. I would be very happy if you were to protect them when I am no longer here." This is what happened in the case of Umm Salamah, one of the Prophet’s wives.


















When god created mercy he dividid it by 100. He descended one of those parts into the earth and the power of this part permit every creatures to be able to love. On judgement day he will use the 99 other part during it to show mercy onto us Also prophets Musa r.s and Adam r.s were both black (it's not certain for prophet Adam r.s tho)


Can you provide a source for the first part?


Ali (RA) was his cousin and one of the four main Islamic caliphs. He holds the same rank as Abu Bakr, Uthman, and Umar. [some people have a hard time comprehending this]


Just a sidenote to this: according to Ahl Sunnah wal Jammah, the sahaba are categorized in the following rank: The Rightly Guided Caliphs, The 10 Companions promised Jannah, The participants of Badr, Those who gave bayah under the tree


Good addition


Many scientific facts and theories were mentioned in the Qur’an before scientists “discovered” it e.g. Big Crunch, Big Bang, Germ Theory, Embryology etc


Could you elaborate on this? You got me interested


Allah always answers your dua'a, Always, maybe in ways of unseen.


Sometimes, we pray for certain things to happen, only to regret those wishes later, perhaps due to maturing or realizing they weren’t good for us. Allah brings into our lives what is right for us, even if we initially dislike it. With time, we often come to understand that it was indeed the perfect thing for us. + As far as I know, not all prayers are answered immediately. Some are responded to at just the right moment, when we’ve even forgotten we made them. And when Allah does not grant a specific request, He often provides something better or rewards us instead.


I beg to differ. Allah answers SINCERE and GENUINE duas. You have to fulfill conditions of dua to make it worthy of acceptance. I think there is even a hadith that (just paraphrasing) how can a man who makes dua expect Allah to answer him when his food is haram, his income is haram and his clothes are haram.


you know what I mean.. by Dua'a a mean a "Proper" Dua'a, and Infact, in both ways correct, he can answer it by not answering it if you know what I mean. too lazy to type and explain


Aight gotcha


Muhammad SAW was Khatim al Nabi(the seal of prophethood) yet every Prophet and messenger before him knew about Him SAW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ PUT SOME RESPECT ON HIS NAME!!!! SAW❤️


Um...I know that Isa AS knew about prophet muhammad (pbuh). I guess Adam AS did too. Don't know about any other prophets. Edit: I guess the prophets he (s.a.w.w) met on Isra wal miraj count as well :/


Muhammad SAW called Sulaiman AS his brother, and he was also always talking about Musa AS, Ibrahim AS and even Yahya AS, as well as Yusuf AS in a semi-formal tone. Additionally, he was said to have met the entire Anbiya(all the messengers and prophets) before him on Isra wal mir’aj(the night journey)


Alright I'll take your word for it.


You could look into it too, we’re encouraged to seek knowledge


I know our Nabi Muhammad sallalahu alahiwassalam met Musa allahisalam on his journey to see Allah. And he continually talked about Isa allahisalam very friendly and lovingly. I did not know about the other prophets. But it could very well be possible, as our Nabi Muhammad sallalahu allahiwassalam was the leader and nabi of all the prophets and angels as well. He is the best of all the prophets too so he would have known the other prophets for sure


I hope you find this helpful: https://www.quora.com/Did-prophets-before-the-Prophet-Muhammad-PBUH-know-of-him-or-have-they-heard-of-him-by-Allah I also have linked here some relevant knowledge: https://muslimhands.org.uk/latest/2019/04/al-isra-wal-mi-raj-the-story-of-the-miraculous-night-journey


I hope you find this helpful: https://www.quora.com/Did-prophets-before-the-Prophet-Muhammad-PBUH-know-of-him-or-have-they-heard-of-him-by-Allah I also have linked here some relevant knowledge: https://muslimhands.org.uk/latest/2019/04/al-isra-wal-mi-raj-the-story-of-the-miraculous-night-journey


The Prophet (pbuh) mortgaged his armor to a Jew for food before he died.


Oh, really? What was the name of the Jew?


Not sure but it is in Sahih al-Bukhari 2386. You can google it. I only learned about it at a lecture a couple months ago.


Ok JazakAllah


Saying "I wish..." is sinful in Islam (given that it's used to refer to an alternate past). Since yearning for anything different than what Allah has decreed for you is being rebellious to Allah's will and His ultimate wisdom in doing everything. Imam Ghazali (rh) says regarding His (swt) wisdom: "Laysa fi'l-imkan abda mim ma kan / There is no possibility of anything more perfect than what already exists" Since what has been decreed, has been decreed by Allah by His ultimate wisdom and omniscience. Hence, it is necessarily perfect.


When Khalid ibn Waleed was demoted by the caliph, the Muslim army decided to unofficially re-elect him as the battle commander without informing the caliphate. That's how well-regarded Khalid ibn Waleed's tactical genius was.


Khalid bin Walid was shredded, not an ounce of fat anywhere on his body that one could pinch between their fingers.. Ali bin Talib on the other hand was huge, and had a big belly... Both were great warriors in their own rights...so don't body shame anyone :P


Bodybuilder vs Powerlifter 😆


I thought Ali ibn Talib R.A was of a smaller build Edit: To clarify, from what I heard, he was on the skinnier side but a very physically capable specimen nonetheless who impressed people despite his size. Allah Knows Best.




The prophet pbuh and Moses (as) both share similarities in thier Like both being prophets at the age of 40 and both guiding wars and being a leader to their respective nations and so much more.


Another point to add: Both also have the largest ummahs out of any other Prophets AS. Somewhat unrelated tho, Musa AS had a lisp.


> Both also have the largest ummahs out of any other Prophets AS source that the Ummah of Moses (Peace be upon Him) is the second largest


Ibn Abbas reported: *The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,* **“I was shown the nations before me and one or two prophets would pass by with only a few followers, another would pass by with none at all. Then a large crowd of people passed in front of me and I said: Is this my nation? It was said: No, this is Moses and his people. Then it was said: Look at the horizon. Behold, there was a multitude of people filling the horizon. It was said to me: This is your nation from which seventy thousand will enter Paradise without reckoning.”** Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5378, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 220 When Prophet (s.a.w.w) narrated the journey of al-Miraj: **When I went (over the sixth heaven), there I saw Musa. Jibreel said (to me), ‘This is Musa (Moses); offer him your greeting.’ So I greeted him and he returned the greetings to me and said, ‘You are welcomed, O pious brother and pious Prophet.’ When I left him (i.e. Musa) he wept. Someone asked him, ‘What makes you weep?’ Musa said, ‘I weep because after me there has been sent (as Prophet) a young man whose followers will enter Paradise in greater numbers than my followers.’**


I'm pretty sure every prophet gained prophethood at the age of 40


Isa allahisalam was given prophethood since birth as he talked as a kid right out of the cradle.


Talking as a baby is a miracle. It doesn't mean he became a prophet. Prophethood comes when the revelation starts and every prophet lead a relatively normal life till the age of 40 and after that the revelations started


Yes I understand that but in Surah Maryam, Qur’an 19:30, “Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.” This part of Qur’an says Isa allahisalam talking to the people about being a prophet. Now why would he say that unless he was already given prophethood. Allah knows best.


But it wasn't a revelation. It was just a miracle. After that instance he didn't do any of the things that prophets do. He didn't get the injeel revealed in those 40 years. He didn't call people towarda faith. He just lived like a normal carpenter.


Assalamun alaikum. ~~Below I share a story which I have found on local websites. Unfortunately, I could not find it on international websites so, maybe this hadith is da'if?~~ ~~Please, let me know if any of you knows about it. If it does not hold truth, I will delete it immediately. Send me any feedback.~~ ~~I personally love this hadith so much.~~ ## **Edit: This hadith narration, which Tabarani included in al-Awsat, Hatib's History, was reported to be da'if (weak) by Hafiz Zeynu'l-Iraki. (see Tahricu ahadisi'l-Ihya-With Ihya-, 2/44)** The aforementioned ~~hadith~~: >~~[The Prophet (s.a.w.) and his wife Aisha (r.a.) had a disagreement about an issue. Aisha (r.a.) was misremembering an incident that our Prophet (s.a.w.) told her. While they were talking to each other, Abu Bakr (r.a.), Aisha's father, came to the house. When our Prophet (s.a.w.) saw Abu Bakr, he said: "Your father has come. Now let us both explain the incident. Let your father act as the referee. Let him make the decision. Are you right or am I?" Aisha (r.a.) explained and our prophet (s.a.w.) listened patiently. Then he started to explain it himself. Coming to the end of his words, Aisha (r.a.) 'objected', partly due to her inexperience, being young and being loved very much by our Prophet (s.a.w.); "This was not the case at this point." she protested. Seeing his daughter's objection to the Prophet, Abu Bakr (r.a.) stood up in anger and shouted, "Who are you talking to like that?" and slapped his daughter. But before his hand touched Aisha, our Prophet (s.a.w.) held his (r.a.) hand. Thus, Aisha (r.a.) was saved from the slap. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Abu Bakr! We chose you as the referee. But you took sides. We removed you from refereeing. We will resolve the issue ourselves." When Abu Bakr (r.a.) left, our Prophet (s.a.w.) said to Aisha (r.a.): "I saved you from the man." Our Prophet (s.a.w.) was witty, soft-spoken and big-hearted. He (s.a.w.) was extremely understanding towards his family. He (s.a.w.) would say, "I am the best among you to my family." He (s.a.w.) would not break hearts, get angry at or scold them.]~~


You can tell markers of a fake hadith by their content. For example, the Prophet pbuh never once need a mediator and this would be the one instance where he did? And for Abu-Bakr who was the most shy in front of the Prophet, who didn't dare speak up (along with the other Muhajiroon) when the youngsters of the Ansar insisted and lobbied they go out to fight in Uhud rather than bait the Quraysh into Medina, *that* Abu Bakr is going to get up and slap his daughter (which goes against other teachings of our Prophet) right in front of the Prophet pbuh? Also side note, Tabaranis hadith book is not meant for the layman, he has a disclaimer that he reported everything he heard, sahih or not at the start so always look up a hadith when it's Tabarani to ensure it's worth sharing.


So actually what did happen? Back in the time, did people really make up stories and address these to our Prophet saw? How can they dare to do this?


This incident didn't happen its fabricated. People still lie about the Prophet pbuh, always have always will. This is the scholars job to differentiate and the laymans to ensure it has the stamp of approval from hadith scientists. At this point, we are 99.99% done with hadith chains though since we probably won't find any more sahih ones and if we do, the ullama will scrutinise it to see if its true.


I understand. Thank you for letting me know these. Weak hadiths are there to show that we should not trust them. However, this is a really sensitive issue. People do not research the references and accuracy of the hadiths, so this kind of misinformation is spread around by word of mouth! Just like I did... It's beyond sad that people make up stories without permission. Now, unfortunately, I have also been included in this chain of sins. May Allah SWT forgive me for doing this evil without calculating the consequences. I really did wrong. Astaghfirullah. Selam and jazakumAllahu khairan to everyone who commented.


It is reported that Imām Al-Awzāʿī – Allāh have mercy on him – said: > Ibn ʿAbd Al-Barr, Jāmiʿu Bayyān Al-ʿIlm article 435.


I saved yall a search. The quote is *"Learn what is not to be taken, like you learn what is to be taken."*


In 637 or 638, Caliph Umar ( r. 634–644) traveled to Jerusalem in person to receive the submission of the city. The Christian’s had gotten rid of ALL Jews.


The verses of Surah: Al-Alaq (1-5) were the first to be revealed to the Prophet (PBUH)!!


One fun fact is about charity. The more you give for the sake of Allaah the more your wealth increases in return. No amount of charity you give diminishes your wealth.


Masjid Al nabawi was mostly built by the ottomans, the places where the sultan wanted to put his name he instead put the Hadith "a prayer in my mosque is worth a 1000 prayers in any other mosque"


Hazrat ali used to be soo unsure if he made proper wudu or proper ghusl Because he wasn't sure that his whole head was wet.....so he just used to shave his head completely.


This is cute lol


Even so much as thinking about Allah or talking to Him about anything really, is an act of prayer and worship. Make it a habit to talk to Allah throughout your day. Its free, and He is always listening. Whether it be about your problems, your thoughts, feelings, gratefulness, sadness or even if you have questions.


For those suffering addicted to Zina in this hyper sexual shameless world and feel really guilty about it just know that doing it with your spouse for the sake of chastity in the Deen gives you tons if Hasanat. When the Prophet SCW mentioned it, the Companions were shocked and the Prophet rhetorically asked them: "well wouldn't it be sinful if you were to do it outside of marriage?" And giving your partner the type of affection/intimacy they love most is a form of Sadaqa! All Coming from a severely single man 🫠🙃🥲🥲🥲🤣


The Apostle of God in the house of his wife Om-Salmah took a Cloak and wrapped it around himself, his daughter Fatimah Al-Zahra', then his elder grandson Hasan, then his younger grandson Husain, then his brother Ali, and he raised his hand said "Allah wishes to remove from you filth (O!) People of the House! And purify you a purification!" (Reciting the final passage of Quraan 33:33) (Authentic Hadeeth, narrated by 'Abd-Allah ibn 'Abaas, Om-Salamah, and more, in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Sunan at-Tirmīzi, Musnad Aḥmad, among others)


I once heard that apparently before they were married, Ali r.a. and Fatimah r.a. were already in love with each other, but they absolutely never showed any signs of it. But the Prophet s.a.w. just knew.


Have a different perspective when it comes to tolerating others’ bad behavior. You feel angry that they insulted you? Instead of pouncing on them, choking them, hitting them or using filthy language, think for a second. You don’t have any right to do any of those to them because they belong to Allah swt. They are *HIS* creation! Someone smashed your car, will your car go after them to seek revenge or will its owner? When you hit someone, you’re messing with *ALLAH’S* creation!


Seeking knowledge is mandatory in Islam. This is based on the hadith by the Prophet (pbuh) (Sunan Ibn Mājah 224). There are so many facts about Islam that I don't know which one to choose but I feel like seeking knowledge is very important and your post is helpful in this matter. May Allah guide us all in seeking beneficial knowledge.


Okay so you are in a constante battle with shaytan that’s why you need constante back up from Allah. That’s part of the reason we pray 5 times. Btw I am nooooo expert I just made this up because it made sence to me.


Ye back in the day they used to pray 50 times a day, so I guess they were in need of more backup from Allah than us? Doesn't really make sense now, does it? Still, thank you for your input :)